Baptist History
Recent papers in Baptist History
A strong link between religion and national identity has been particularly important in the study of Eastern and Southeastern Europe during the 20th century. The study of religion and its changes came into the focus of anthropological and... more
In rightly framing Thomas Jefferson as the champion of Baptists, scholars have tended to frame Baptists as Jeffersonians due to their mutual defense of the First Amendment. However, this telling of Baptist and American history is... more
This paper examines the influence of Rev Sinclair Thomson, founder of the Baptist movement in the Shetland Islands.
[From the back cover:] "As [Edmund S.] Morgan re-creates the evolution of [Roger] Williams's thoughts on the nature of the church and the state, he captures the institutions that informed Williams's worldview, from the Protestant Church... more
In this paper, I argue that the Baptists viewed the American Revolution with a special incentive in mind: religious freedom. In addition to primary source material, I have utilized a fairly extensive amount of secondary sources.
A biographical paper on Martha Gifford, a 20th century American Baptist missionary doctor to Moulmein, Burma and India. v1.0
Numerous difficulties hinder reseatch into the life and famil1' of Elder Henrv Hait . Henry's family lived on the botder of two states with different record-keeping practices, and left ap^per trail in both. He was raised by his paternal... more
Baptist leaders in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries promoted the use of confessions of faith as summaries of essential Biblical beliefs, expressions of unity, and protection from error. Confessions of faith summarized the... more
This paper offers a biographical work of Henry P. Silbor (1938-2010), a fine portrait of a Filipino Southern Baptist pastor. Silbor was one of the driving forces towards the "Filipinization" of the Southern Baptist denomination-both... more
The paper deals with the history of the Church of Evangelical Christian-Baptists and the “initiative movement” focusing on the Schism of the Evangelicals at the beginning of the sixties in the twentieth century.
Who were the Waldenses? It has been claimed that the Waldenses were independent and therefore varied in their beliefs similar to that of current day Independent Baptists. However to make claims concerning Waldenses as a group (hence... more
Prin intermediul acestei articol abordăm un subiect interesant, acela al interacțiunii dintre baptiști și comunism în România secolului XX. Avem în vedere modul în care baptiști își definesc identitatea, dar și modul în care aceasta a... more
This is a peer-reviewed journal article published in 2009. The paper examines various Southern Baptist writings on the doctrine of the Lord's Supper to determine if restricting communion from non-baptized believers is a necessary... more
While the Baptists and Churches of Christ--Restoration Movement churches--Seem very different, at one time they were in close association. In fact, the Restoration Movement churches owe the Baptists for their own Believers' Baptism.
В пятом выпуске Альманаха по истории русского баптизма помещены материалы, опубликованные в изданиях начала два- дцатого века, в 1910-х — 1912-х годах (журналы «Баптист», «Гость» и др.), которые повествуют о зарождении и развитии... more
Often included in assessments of this confession is the social, political and ecclesiastical context. However, frequently overlooked or undervalued is the experiential context. They believed a saving and experiential knowledge of God was... more
An examination of how Spurgeon used and highlighted the benefits of lament psalms in congregational worship in the book, Finding Lost Words: The Church’s Right to Lament. Edited by G. G. Harper and K. Barker. Australian College of... more
This essay argues that Bunyan, especially through the narratives of his encounters in Restoration courts and imprisonment within a church-state system, provided a concrete, tangible model for political resistance that inspired American... more
Understanding a theological college and its affiliated denomination at depth involves multifaceted inquiry. Nonetheless one of the more pivotal factors is historically that of the ministry and influence of the college principal. In the... more
In Baptist histories, English preacher Matthew Caffyn (1628-1714), thanks to his unorthodox Christology, is regularly identified as a theological deviant, and one working under the influence of ‘eighteenth-century rationalism’ or other... more
This research titled “Emergence and Development of Baptist Work in South Sudan from 2001 to 2018” aimed at tracing the work of Baptist in South Sudan from inception to 2018. The scarcity or unavailability of records on the work of Baptist... more
The development of calvinist separatists to Baptist convictions
Pascal Denault
The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist
Birmingham, Alabama USA, Solid Ground Christian Books, 2013, 167.
The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist
Birmingham, Alabama USA, Solid Ground Christian Books, 2013, 167.
"An historical examination into the theological motives behind the Baptist insistence on total immersion will demonstrate that symbolism was the primary stimulus for its resurgence. More than a study of the Greek New Testament or ancient... more
Glen Stassen in his book, A Thicker Jesus, identifies a number of people as ‘Incarnational Disciples’. These are people who have proven faithful in times of trial. This faithfulness can be attributed at least in part to their holding a... more
A look at the life of Baptist leader John Newton Brown (1803-1868) from his first pastorate to his death.
A dated (2003) unpublished paper from seminary that presents a reading of the Particular Baptist 1644 and '1689' London Confessions of Faith. Close attention is paid to the relationships between these Baptist Confessions of Faith and the... more
The definition of "theocracy" has perplexed scholars for many centuries. Some argue that theocracy exists only when religious leaders are also the actual, official political leaders and, as such, impose their particular theological views... more
Regenerate church membership has long been a distinctive of Baptist ecclesiology. However, the precise meaning and implications of the Baptist view of church membership can be obscure to non-Baptists. This paper undertakes a brief... more
This is a rather long paper on the life and teaching of Elhanan Winchester—an evangelical, Baptist, revivalist, universalist preacher. It is a (very long) version of a lecture I gave at the Centre for Baptist History and Heritage at... more
William Carey's biographical sketch and greatest contributions as a Baptist
The oral history of the Mattaponi people and the documentary record of the Mattaponi Indian Reservation identify multiple historically significant heritage properties that reflect broad patterns of Native American history within the... more
This is a compilation of the pictures of the past (and the two present) apex leaders of the Nigerian Baptist Convention - from S. G. Pinnock (the convener of the first annual gathering of NBC) and Mojola Agbebi (the first elected leader... more
Building upon the work that Robert D. Linder and Richard V. Pierard started in Civil Religion and the Presidency, this book begins with examinations of how Lyndon Johnson, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton employed civil religion during... more
Marvin Jones (ed.), Investigating the Magisterial Reformation and Its Radical Contenders. Contemporary Evangelicals on Reformation Research: from Lutheranism and Zwinglianism to Anabaptism and Baptism [Celebrating 500 Years since the... more
"The purpose of this article is to examine the extrabiblical evidence from the ancient church to answer which mode of baptism was most common and whether that mode was of any consequence to the early church....The initial section of this... more
Historians have long debated John Gill’s theological identity. Some contend he was a hyper-Calvinist who denied the free offer of the Gospel and the duty of all people to receive it. Others seek to defend him from this charge. Defences of... more
The CORNILESCU versions were received in varied ways following their publication (1920-1926). This was the case for Romanians, in general, but also for Baptists, in particular. Regarding the Baptists, it is often assumed that they... more