Kelembagaan masyarakat adat Waropen secara legal berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan belum t... more Kelembagaan masyarakat adat Waropen secara legal berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan belum terbentuk di Provinsi Papua Barat. Untuk itu, kegiatan ini menjadi urgensi yang harus dilakukan dalam rangka penguatan dan penataan kelembagaan adat. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk (1) membangun kesadaran dan solidaritas sosial; (2) mendorong kohesivitas sosial yang harmoni; (3) membentuk organisasi modern berbasis adat; (4) membangun organisasi sebagai benteng penerus nilai dan tradisi luhur; dan (5) ikut berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan. Luarannya adalah diharapkan berkontribusi dalam (1) memahami wilayah dan karateristik budaya Waropen yang sama dan berbeda pada setiap kampung, keret dan rumah; dan (2) menyusun kelengkapan organisasi lembaga adat dan kemasyarakatan dalam mendukung pelestarian adat dan budaya Waropen. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah (1) Pemerintah Provinsi Papua Barat, (2) Pemerintah Kabupaten Waropen, (3) Pemerintah Kabupaten Manokwari, dan (4) Dewan Adat Daerah Suku...
This article aims to uncover the use of theological language in the Dou Sandik tradition of Biak ... more This article aims to uncover the use of theological language in the Dou Sandik tradition of Biak Numfor speech community. Grammatical theology is a theory that is able to show a human life in relation to God, and the uses of language and its set of game rules. This study uses two approaches, namely (1) a theoretical approach and (2) a methodological approach. The theoretical approach is an exploration of linguistic (grammatical) theological theory, while the methodological approach is a descriptive approach with an explanatory dimension. From the perspective of linguistic (grammatical) theology, this study seeks to apply scientific principles to linguistic data, as well as to adapt the steps of scientific studies in other fields of science. This study follows the procedures (1) the stage of providing data, (2) the stage of data analysis, and (3) the stage of presenting the results of data analysis. This study focuses on the efforts to reveal the "Function of Language in the Dou...
The empirical problem in assisting the preparation of Academic Papers and the Draft of Special Re... more The empirical problem in assisting the preparation of Academic Papers and the Draft of Special Regional Regulations for the Province of West Papua is that there is no synchronization between previous and current legislation regarding sustainable development. Specifically, in West Papua Province, sustainable development is based on the view that natural resources have a limited capacity to accept the impact of human activities. The objectives of this mentoring activity are (1) to develop a framework for academic texts as the main umbrella for the draft of special regional regulations; (2) to draft a special regional regulation on Sustainable Development in the Province of West Papua; (3) evaluate the implementation of Perdasus No. 10 of 2019 concerning Sustainable Development in West Papua Province; and (4) propose new articles (inserts) as a form of an amendment to the existing special regional regulations. The output of this strengthening activity is expected to contribute to harmo...
This article aims to describe the codification of the language of indigenous Papuans in the provi... more This article aims to describe the codification of the language of indigenous Papuans in the province of West Papua. Starting from the idea that the extinction of a language causes the loss of various forms of cultural heritage, especially traditional heritage and spoken expressions of the speaking community. Native Papuan are native speakers of regional languages in West Papua Province who come from the Melanesian race family who have their own culture, history, customs and language. Regional languages in Indonesia have a very large number, but in their management, there are differences in language data on the validity of the number of regional languages in the archipelago. The findings in this article illustrate that the languages of West Papua Province can be grouped into four language groups, namely (1) Austronesian phylum groups; (2) West Papua phylum group; (3) Papuan Bird Head phylum group; and (4) the Trans West Papua Phylum Group. The codification of language in West Papua is based on: (1) the ecological typology of language (phylum), (2) the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) data base, and (3) the database of the Indonesian Language Development and Development Agency
The environment around Junior High School Negeri 22 Satu Atap Mubri can be a medium of learning i... more The environment around Junior High School Negeri 22 Satu Atap Mubri can be a medium of learning in the teaching and learning process. The use of the environment as a learning medium has a positive impact on increasing student interest in learning. This is because when students study outside the classroom, students are faced with the real situation so that students tend to be active and do not get bored quickly in the learning process. From the surrounding environment, there is also much that can be taught, introduction to ecosystems such as plants and animals. This research uses quantitative and qualitative. The research location at SMP Negeri 22 Satu Atap Mubri North Manokwari District is a case study in that school. The research used the method of field observations, interviews and student ability tests on 28 students who sat in class VIII SMP Negeri 22 Mubri. The results of the pre-test and the final test show an interesting comparison, namely the number of students who scored Ve...
Masalah kejahatan bahasa akhir-akhir ini menjadi masalah serius yang sedang dihadapi oleh ahli ba... more Masalah kejahatan bahasa akhir-akhir ini menjadi masalah serius yang sedang dihadapi oleh ahli bahasa dan aparat penegak hukum. Masalah kejahatan bahasa ini mencakup: aspek interdisipliner antara dunia bahasa, hukum, dan kejahatan. Fakta saat ini membuktikan bahwa dalam menganalisis Berita Acara Pemeriksaan (BAP) tentang investigasi atas sebuah kasus hukum di wilayah hukum Papua Barat, dijumpai bahwa hasil penyidikan maupun penyelidikan memerlukan ahli bahasa. Untuk itu, kajian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan cabang linguistik forensik yang hadir menjembatani fakta bahasa dan fakta hukum sebagai salah satu aspek pendukung dalam memberikan pembuktian sebuah perkara di pengadilan. Kajian ini menggunakan dua pendekatan, yakni (1) pendekatan teoretis dan (2) pendekatan metodologis. Pendekatan teoretis adalah eksplorasi teori Linguistik Forensik, sedangkan pendekatan metodologi adalah pendekatan deskriptif dengan dimensi eksplanatif. Kajian ini menggunakan teori linguistik forensik sebagai payung utama dalam mengeksplorasi fakta-fakta bahasa yang mengandung unsur/makna kejahatan bahasa. Kajian ini dieksplorasi melalui perspektif linguistik forensik dengan mengacu pada fenomena hasil penyidikan dan penyelidikan kasus di wilayah hukum Papua Barat. Objek dalam kajian ini terdiri atas tiga kasus, yakni (1) Pencemaran Nama Baik, (2) Penghinaan, dan (3) Penipuan. Hasil analisis menggambarkan bahwa linguistik forensik menjadi alat bukti kuat dalam keputusan-keputusan yang berdampak hukum dengan pertimbangan fitur linguistik dan kesesuaiannya dengan fakta hukum dalam mengurai jenis kejahatan pada teks dan konteks serta interaksi antara dua pihak atau lebih dalam tindak kejahatan bahasa.
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pendampingan yang dilaksanakan bersama Biro ... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pendampingan yang dilaksanakan bersama Biro Adminsitrasi Pelaksanaan Otonomi Khusus Papua pada Pemerintah Provinsi Papua Barat berkaitan dengan rencana perubahan atas Undang-Undang No. 21 Tahun 2001 tentang Otonomi Khusus Papua. Target dari kegiatan pendampingan ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui posisi terakhir RUU Perubahan Otsus Papua dalam Program Prioritas Legislasi Nasional 2020; (2) untuk mengetahui permasalahan yang terjadi pada level kebijakan pusat dan daerah; dan (3) untuk mengidentifikasi dinamika dan perkembangan rencana perubahan Undang-Undang Otonomi Khusus Papua. Luaran yang didapatkan dari kegiatan pendampingan ini adalah (1) merumuskan pokok-pokok pikiran yang bersumber dari pemerintah dan masyarakat di Provinsi Papua Barat; dan (2) menetapkan rekomendasi perubahan RUU Otsus Papua bagi Provinsi Papua Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pendampingan ini adalah (1) Konsultasi Publik, (2) Rapat Dengar Pendapat,...
Religion should not be used as a legitimacy tool, particularly just as a justification for achiev... more Religion should not be used as a legitimacy tool, particularly just as a justification for achieving goals that are full of the nuances of power politics, and the like. This study aims to reveal a tradition of Papuan Muslims in their attempts to create tolerance and harmony in the lives of religious people, which have been practiced and inherited for a long time, from generation to generation. This tradition is practiced by the Papuan Muslims in the Fakfak Regency, known as the “One Furnace, Three Stones” metaphor. This metaphor is used by the community in Fakfak as a moral consensus in the process of integration and social balance. The two approaches applied in this study are a theoretical approach and a methodological approach. The theoretical approach is an exploration of anthropolinguistic and metaphor theory; while the methodological approach is a descriptive approach with an explanative dimension. Based on the perspective of anthropolinguistic and metaphor, this study seeks to...
Bahasa Melayu Ambon merupakan salah satu sub varian bahasa Melayu di Indonesia yang telah lama di... more Bahasa Melayu Ambon merupakan salah satu sub varian bahasa Melayu di Indonesia yang telah lama digunakan oleh penutur bahasa yang ada di Maluku. Secara geografi politik, bahasa Melayu termasuk bahasa Melayu Ambon kini menjadi alat perekat dan pemersatu anak bangsa. Kajian ini bertujuan mengungkap tentang pantun kelautan bahasa Melayu Ambon dari perspektif ekolinguistik. Data pantun yang digunakan dalam kajian ini terdiri atas 40 (empat puluh) buah, dengan dua pendekatan, yakni (1) pendekatan teoretis dan (2) pendekatan metodologis. Pendekatan teoretis adalah eksplorasi teori ekolinguistik, sedangkan pendekatan metodologi adalah pendekatan deskriptif dengan dimensi eksplanatif. Kajian ini mengikuti prosedur (1) tahapan penyediaan data, (2) tahapan analisis data, dan (3) tahapan penyajian hasil analisis data. Hasil analisis pantun kelautan bahasa Melayu Ambon mencakup: (1) trilogi ekolinguistik, yakni (a) dimensi ideologi, (b) dimensi psikologi, dan (c) dimensi sosiologi; dan (2) para...
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences
This article aims to reveal the characteristics, fertility, and mortality of the population in Te... more This article aims to reveal the characteristics, fertility, and mortality of the population in Teluk Bintuni Regency, West Papua Province. This study applies two approaches, namely (1) a theoretical approach and (2) a methodological approach. The theoretical approach is an exploration of the sociological theory of fertility (Davis and Blake, 1974) and the economic theory of fertility (Becker, 1976), while the methodological approach is a descriptive approach with an explanative dimension. Based on a demographic perspective, this research applies scientific principles to population data, as well as adapts the steps of scientific studies in other fields of science. This study follows the procedures of (1) providing data, (2) analyzing data, and (3) presenting the results of data analysis. The data used in this study are derived from primary data and secondary data. Primary data are in the form of data derived from the results of the Census of Indigenous Papuans (OAP) of Teluk Bintuni ...
This study aims to uncover the principles of grammar called the iriformation structure and focus ... more This study aims to uncover the principles of grammar called the iriformation structure and focus parameters of meaning in the sentence Biak language. As the Austronesian group, Biak language structure contains iriformation that the proportion of category included: presuppositions, protrusion, openness and activation. In addition, the focus of the sentence containing that aims to explain the role of prominence in the rules and opponents of pragmatic presupposition. This study is based on the theory of RRG with communicative cognitive perspective. In its disclosure, this study uses descriptive qualitative method in order to explore a variety of data through the data Biak language spoken and written include a clause or sentence structure simple or complex. Exploration of this study consists of two parts, namely (a) the information structure, and (2) the meaning of the sentence focus parameters Biak language.
This article aims to describe the codification of the language of indigenous Papuans in the provi... more This article aims to describe the codification of the language of indigenous Papuans in the province of West Papua. Starting from the idea that the extinction of a language causes the loss of various forms of cultural heritage, especially traditional heritage and spoken expressions of the speaking community. Native Papuan are native speakers of regional languages in West Papua Province who come from the Melanesian race family who have their own culture, history, customs and language. Regional languages in Indonesia have a very large number, but in their management, there are differences in language data on the validity of the number of regional languages in the archipelago. The findings in this article illustrate that the languages of West Papua Province can be grouped into four language groups, namely (1) Austronesian phylum groups; (2) West Papua phylum group; (3) Papuan Bird Head phylum group; and (4) the Trans West Papua Phylum Group. The codification of language in West Papua i...
The environment is a global issue that must be addressed in a variety of ways, including educatio... more The environment is a global issue that must be addressed in a variety of ways, including education. Environmental topics will be included into mathematics, which is allowed to boost students' awareness of environmental concerns. This is a qualitative study conducted in a qualitative technique. The objectives of this study were to (1) describe students' mathematical abilities in solving problems related to environmental issues and (2) determine students' knowledge and responses to the environment. The research was performed on 26 students in class VIII at Villanova Catholic Middle School in Manokwari, West Papua, during the even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. The results indicated that students were classified into four categories based on their ability to solve mathematical problems relating to environmental issues. Students who are capable of solving mathematical problems while also being environmentally conscious. Students that are capable of solving mathemat...
Cakrawala Kajian Bahasa-bahasa Nusantara ii JURNAL TUTUR Jurnal Tutur adalah terbitan berkala ilm... more Cakrawala Kajian Bahasa-bahasa Nusantara ii JURNAL TUTUR Jurnal Tutur adalah terbitan berkala ilmiah yang memuat artikel-artikel yang mengkaji as-pek-aspek kebahasaan. Naskah yang masuk ke redaksi Jurnal Tutur diperlakukan sebagai naskah hasil karya penulis dan naskah tersebut menjadi milik Jurnal Tutur sehingga tidak diperkenankan untuk memublikasi naskah tersebut, baik sebagian maupun keseluruhan tan-pa seizin pengelola Jurnal Tutur. KETUA DEWAN REDAKSI Aron Meko Mbete WAKIL KETUA DEWAN REDAKSI I Made Budiarsa PENYUNTING AHLI Ketut Artawa I Nengah Sudipa
Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap hakikat ilmu pengetahuan yang bersumber dari filsafat pendidikan... more Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap hakikat ilmu pengetahuan yang bersumber dari filsafat pendidikan melalui perspektif ontologi bahasa dan budaya. Sejatinya bahwa bahasa itu sendiri bagian dari budaya, budaya dan bahasa sebagai dua sistem yang berdiri sendiri dalam memperoleh kebenaran-kebenaran ilmiah. Fakta saat ini menggambarkan bahwa rasa ingin tahu dalam perspektif filsafat pendidikan mendorong manusia untuk kagum akan segala sesuatu yang ada di alam, dan bahkan dirinya sendiri menggiring pada alam filsafat itu sendiri. Filsafat itu tumbuh, jika manusia mulai dengan bertanya-tanya disertai rasa kagum dan rasa heran, sehingga berfilsafat mulai dengan keinginan bertanya. Bahasa dalam gerbang filsafat pendidikan dapat memposisikan bahasa dan budaya melalui perspektif ontologi sebagai bagian vital yang dihadapi manusia sepanjang hidupnya. Manusia selalu melakukan aksi dan reaksi sehingga manusia itu dinamis serta membentuk keberadaannya. Bahasa dalam gerbang filsafat pendidikan dapat dieksplorasi melalui perspektif ontologi, yakni (1) ranah filsafat bahasa, (2) ranah filsafat pendidikan, dan (3) bahasa dan budaya dalam kajian ontologi.
Wacana APEC dalam kajian ini akan dieskplorasi melalui paradigma kritis untuk melakukan konstruks... more Wacana APEC dalam kajian ini akan dieskplorasi melalui paradigma kritis untuk melakukan konstruksi refleksif terhadap pengalaman wacana-wacana pariwisata yang tumbuh dan berkembang pada masyarakat pelaku pariwisata di Bali. Fokus kajian pada wacana APEC ini mencakup (1) legitimasi dan (2) signifikasi konstruksi wacana yang berdampak langsung pada perekonomian Bali melalui perspektif critical discourse analysis (CDA). Perspektif ini memberikan penekanan pada determinasi pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif, yakni segala sesuatu yang sedang, akan, dan nanti terjadi melalui wacana APEC, dan berdampak langsung pada kekuatan-kekuatan ekonomi. Legitimasi akan membantu membuat objektivasi yang sudah dilembagakan menjadi tersedia secara objektif dan masuk akal secara subjektif. Sedangkan signifikasi merupakan salah satu struktur wacana yang mengacu pada sistem, mengharuskan adanya relasi yang tidak dapat dipisahkan antara sebuah tanda dan realitas yang menjadi rujukannya serta bersifat ikonis. AP...
This article aims to illustrate that the politics of language marked power relations framed by a ... more This article aims to illustrate that the politics of language marked power relations framed by a form of power between the dominating and the dominated in the Act Regulating Matters Pertaining to Specific Autonomy for Papua (hereinafter called UU Otsus Papua). The politics of language involves a high degree of knowledge and power that is marked by the symbolic interactions in the ethnic diversity of the archipelago UU Otsus Papua is a form of political discourse and the medium of language diplomacy containing an authority and political competence of the central government over the people of Papua; including a number of authorities and policies, as well as to explore the power of language in the language politics networks through the system of government of the Republic of Indonesia. Politics of language in this article will be disclosed through the paradigm of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). This article will focus on the efforts of uncovering: "Language Politics in UU Otsus Papua", by projecting the problems including: (i) the form of the politics of language, and (ii) the political function of language in the UU Otsus Papua.
The authority and capability in the financial resources to dig them fairly wide open now through ... more The authority and capability in the financial resources to dig them fairly wide open now through the implementation of Law No. 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy. Therefore, local governments have the opportunity to explore the potential of the regions, in collaboration with public and private sectors in efforts to optimize revenue (PAD), through the tourism services sector. In line with the mandate of the special autonomy, the local community through the tourism sector need to be empowered through the principle of partnership to community groups marginalized, oppressed and those in the lower layers of the social structure in accordance with the spirit and values of the basic law. On the other hand, it is expected the distribution of the tourism sector to be the starting point of the process of change, which changes the state of the oppressed who have been neglected status and dignity for the better and more empowered. In addition, there appeared a general trend to escape or emancipation from the domination of a social group for another social group becomes a serious threat in the development of the tourism sector in Papua. Keywords: Tourism, and Special Autonomy
Kelembagaan masyarakat adat Waropen secara legal berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan belum t... more Kelembagaan masyarakat adat Waropen secara legal berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan belum terbentuk di Provinsi Papua Barat. Untuk itu, kegiatan ini menjadi urgensi yang harus dilakukan dalam rangka penguatan dan penataan kelembagaan adat. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk (1) membangun kesadaran dan solidaritas sosial; (2) mendorong kohesivitas sosial yang harmoni; (3) membentuk organisasi modern berbasis adat; (4) membangun organisasi sebagai benteng penerus nilai dan tradisi luhur; dan (5) ikut berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan. Luarannya adalah diharapkan berkontribusi dalam (1) memahami wilayah dan karateristik budaya Waropen yang sama dan berbeda pada setiap kampung, keret dan rumah; dan (2) menyusun kelengkapan organisasi lembaga adat dan kemasyarakatan dalam mendukung pelestarian adat dan budaya Waropen. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah (1) Pemerintah Provinsi Papua Barat, (2) Pemerintah Kabupaten Waropen, (3) Pemerintah Kabupaten Manokwari, dan (4) Dewan Adat Daerah Suku...
This article aims to uncover the use of theological language in the Dou Sandik tradition of Biak ... more This article aims to uncover the use of theological language in the Dou Sandik tradition of Biak Numfor speech community. Grammatical theology is a theory that is able to show a human life in relation to God, and the uses of language and its set of game rules. This study uses two approaches, namely (1) a theoretical approach and (2) a methodological approach. The theoretical approach is an exploration of linguistic (grammatical) theological theory, while the methodological approach is a descriptive approach with an explanatory dimension. From the perspective of linguistic (grammatical) theology, this study seeks to apply scientific principles to linguistic data, as well as to adapt the steps of scientific studies in other fields of science. This study follows the procedures (1) the stage of providing data, (2) the stage of data analysis, and (3) the stage of presenting the results of data analysis. This study focuses on the efforts to reveal the "Function of Language in the Dou...
The empirical problem in assisting the preparation of Academic Papers and the Draft of Special Re... more The empirical problem in assisting the preparation of Academic Papers and the Draft of Special Regional Regulations for the Province of West Papua is that there is no synchronization between previous and current legislation regarding sustainable development. Specifically, in West Papua Province, sustainable development is based on the view that natural resources have a limited capacity to accept the impact of human activities. The objectives of this mentoring activity are (1) to develop a framework for academic texts as the main umbrella for the draft of special regional regulations; (2) to draft a special regional regulation on Sustainable Development in the Province of West Papua; (3) evaluate the implementation of Perdasus No. 10 of 2019 concerning Sustainable Development in West Papua Province; and (4) propose new articles (inserts) as a form of an amendment to the existing special regional regulations. The output of this strengthening activity is expected to contribute to harmo...
This article aims to describe the codification of the language of indigenous Papuans in the provi... more This article aims to describe the codification of the language of indigenous Papuans in the province of West Papua. Starting from the idea that the extinction of a language causes the loss of various forms of cultural heritage, especially traditional heritage and spoken expressions of the speaking community. Native Papuan are native speakers of regional languages in West Papua Province who come from the Melanesian race family who have their own culture, history, customs and language. Regional languages in Indonesia have a very large number, but in their management, there are differences in language data on the validity of the number of regional languages in the archipelago. The findings in this article illustrate that the languages of West Papua Province can be grouped into four language groups, namely (1) Austronesian phylum groups; (2) West Papua phylum group; (3) Papuan Bird Head phylum group; and (4) the Trans West Papua Phylum Group. The codification of language in West Papua is based on: (1) the ecological typology of language (phylum), (2) the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) data base, and (3) the database of the Indonesian Language Development and Development Agency
The environment around Junior High School Negeri 22 Satu Atap Mubri can be a medium of learning i... more The environment around Junior High School Negeri 22 Satu Atap Mubri can be a medium of learning in the teaching and learning process. The use of the environment as a learning medium has a positive impact on increasing student interest in learning. This is because when students study outside the classroom, students are faced with the real situation so that students tend to be active and do not get bored quickly in the learning process. From the surrounding environment, there is also much that can be taught, introduction to ecosystems such as plants and animals. This research uses quantitative and qualitative. The research location at SMP Negeri 22 Satu Atap Mubri North Manokwari District is a case study in that school. The research used the method of field observations, interviews and student ability tests on 28 students who sat in class VIII SMP Negeri 22 Mubri. The results of the pre-test and the final test show an interesting comparison, namely the number of students who scored Ve...
Masalah kejahatan bahasa akhir-akhir ini menjadi masalah serius yang sedang dihadapi oleh ahli ba... more Masalah kejahatan bahasa akhir-akhir ini menjadi masalah serius yang sedang dihadapi oleh ahli bahasa dan aparat penegak hukum. Masalah kejahatan bahasa ini mencakup: aspek interdisipliner antara dunia bahasa, hukum, dan kejahatan. Fakta saat ini membuktikan bahwa dalam menganalisis Berita Acara Pemeriksaan (BAP) tentang investigasi atas sebuah kasus hukum di wilayah hukum Papua Barat, dijumpai bahwa hasil penyidikan maupun penyelidikan memerlukan ahli bahasa. Untuk itu, kajian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan cabang linguistik forensik yang hadir menjembatani fakta bahasa dan fakta hukum sebagai salah satu aspek pendukung dalam memberikan pembuktian sebuah perkara di pengadilan. Kajian ini menggunakan dua pendekatan, yakni (1) pendekatan teoretis dan (2) pendekatan metodologis. Pendekatan teoretis adalah eksplorasi teori Linguistik Forensik, sedangkan pendekatan metodologi adalah pendekatan deskriptif dengan dimensi eksplanatif. Kajian ini menggunakan teori linguistik forensik sebagai payung utama dalam mengeksplorasi fakta-fakta bahasa yang mengandung unsur/makna kejahatan bahasa. Kajian ini dieksplorasi melalui perspektif linguistik forensik dengan mengacu pada fenomena hasil penyidikan dan penyelidikan kasus di wilayah hukum Papua Barat. Objek dalam kajian ini terdiri atas tiga kasus, yakni (1) Pencemaran Nama Baik, (2) Penghinaan, dan (3) Penipuan. Hasil analisis menggambarkan bahwa linguistik forensik menjadi alat bukti kuat dalam keputusan-keputusan yang berdampak hukum dengan pertimbangan fitur linguistik dan kesesuaiannya dengan fakta hukum dalam mengurai jenis kejahatan pada teks dan konteks serta interaksi antara dua pihak atau lebih dalam tindak kejahatan bahasa.
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pendampingan yang dilaksanakan bersama Biro ... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pendampingan yang dilaksanakan bersama Biro Adminsitrasi Pelaksanaan Otonomi Khusus Papua pada Pemerintah Provinsi Papua Barat berkaitan dengan rencana perubahan atas Undang-Undang No. 21 Tahun 2001 tentang Otonomi Khusus Papua. Target dari kegiatan pendampingan ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui posisi terakhir RUU Perubahan Otsus Papua dalam Program Prioritas Legislasi Nasional 2020; (2) untuk mengetahui permasalahan yang terjadi pada level kebijakan pusat dan daerah; dan (3) untuk mengidentifikasi dinamika dan perkembangan rencana perubahan Undang-Undang Otonomi Khusus Papua. Luaran yang didapatkan dari kegiatan pendampingan ini adalah (1) merumuskan pokok-pokok pikiran yang bersumber dari pemerintah dan masyarakat di Provinsi Papua Barat; dan (2) menetapkan rekomendasi perubahan RUU Otsus Papua bagi Provinsi Papua Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pendampingan ini adalah (1) Konsultasi Publik, (2) Rapat Dengar Pendapat,...
Religion should not be used as a legitimacy tool, particularly just as a justification for achiev... more Religion should not be used as a legitimacy tool, particularly just as a justification for achieving goals that are full of the nuances of power politics, and the like. This study aims to reveal a tradition of Papuan Muslims in their attempts to create tolerance and harmony in the lives of religious people, which have been practiced and inherited for a long time, from generation to generation. This tradition is practiced by the Papuan Muslims in the Fakfak Regency, known as the “One Furnace, Three Stones” metaphor. This metaphor is used by the community in Fakfak as a moral consensus in the process of integration and social balance. The two approaches applied in this study are a theoretical approach and a methodological approach. The theoretical approach is an exploration of anthropolinguistic and metaphor theory; while the methodological approach is a descriptive approach with an explanative dimension. Based on the perspective of anthropolinguistic and metaphor, this study seeks to...
Bahasa Melayu Ambon merupakan salah satu sub varian bahasa Melayu di Indonesia yang telah lama di... more Bahasa Melayu Ambon merupakan salah satu sub varian bahasa Melayu di Indonesia yang telah lama digunakan oleh penutur bahasa yang ada di Maluku. Secara geografi politik, bahasa Melayu termasuk bahasa Melayu Ambon kini menjadi alat perekat dan pemersatu anak bangsa. Kajian ini bertujuan mengungkap tentang pantun kelautan bahasa Melayu Ambon dari perspektif ekolinguistik. Data pantun yang digunakan dalam kajian ini terdiri atas 40 (empat puluh) buah, dengan dua pendekatan, yakni (1) pendekatan teoretis dan (2) pendekatan metodologis. Pendekatan teoretis adalah eksplorasi teori ekolinguistik, sedangkan pendekatan metodologi adalah pendekatan deskriptif dengan dimensi eksplanatif. Kajian ini mengikuti prosedur (1) tahapan penyediaan data, (2) tahapan analisis data, dan (3) tahapan penyajian hasil analisis data. Hasil analisis pantun kelautan bahasa Melayu Ambon mencakup: (1) trilogi ekolinguistik, yakni (a) dimensi ideologi, (b) dimensi psikologi, dan (c) dimensi sosiologi; dan (2) para...
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences
This article aims to reveal the characteristics, fertility, and mortality of the population in Te... more This article aims to reveal the characteristics, fertility, and mortality of the population in Teluk Bintuni Regency, West Papua Province. This study applies two approaches, namely (1) a theoretical approach and (2) a methodological approach. The theoretical approach is an exploration of the sociological theory of fertility (Davis and Blake, 1974) and the economic theory of fertility (Becker, 1976), while the methodological approach is a descriptive approach with an explanative dimension. Based on a demographic perspective, this research applies scientific principles to population data, as well as adapts the steps of scientific studies in other fields of science. This study follows the procedures of (1) providing data, (2) analyzing data, and (3) presenting the results of data analysis. The data used in this study are derived from primary data and secondary data. Primary data are in the form of data derived from the results of the Census of Indigenous Papuans (OAP) of Teluk Bintuni ...
This study aims to uncover the principles of grammar called the iriformation structure and focus ... more This study aims to uncover the principles of grammar called the iriformation structure and focus parameters of meaning in the sentence Biak language. As the Austronesian group, Biak language structure contains iriformation that the proportion of category included: presuppositions, protrusion, openness and activation. In addition, the focus of the sentence containing that aims to explain the role of prominence in the rules and opponents of pragmatic presupposition. This study is based on the theory of RRG with communicative cognitive perspective. In its disclosure, this study uses descriptive qualitative method in order to explore a variety of data through the data Biak language spoken and written include a clause or sentence structure simple or complex. Exploration of this study consists of two parts, namely (a) the information structure, and (2) the meaning of the sentence focus parameters Biak language.
This article aims to describe the codification of the language of indigenous Papuans in the provi... more This article aims to describe the codification of the language of indigenous Papuans in the province of West Papua. Starting from the idea that the extinction of a language causes the loss of various forms of cultural heritage, especially traditional heritage and spoken expressions of the speaking community. Native Papuan are native speakers of regional languages in West Papua Province who come from the Melanesian race family who have their own culture, history, customs and language. Regional languages in Indonesia have a very large number, but in their management, there are differences in language data on the validity of the number of regional languages in the archipelago. The findings in this article illustrate that the languages of West Papua Province can be grouped into four language groups, namely (1) Austronesian phylum groups; (2) West Papua phylum group; (3) Papuan Bird Head phylum group; and (4) the Trans West Papua Phylum Group. The codification of language in West Papua i...
The environment is a global issue that must be addressed in a variety of ways, including educatio... more The environment is a global issue that must be addressed in a variety of ways, including education. Environmental topics will be included into mathematics, which is allowed to boost students' awareness of environmental concerns. This is a qualitative study conducted in a qualitative technique. The objectives of this study were to (1) describe students' mathematical abilities in solving problems related to environmental issues and (2) determine students' knowledge and responses to the environment. The research was performed on 26 students in class VIII at Villanova Catholic Middle School in Manokwari, West Papua, during the even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. The results indicated that students were classified into four categories based on their ability to solve mathematical problems relating to environmental issues. Students who are capable of solving mathematical problems while also being environmentally conscious. Students that are capable of solving mathemat...
Cakrawala Kajian Bahasa-bahasa Nusantara ii JURNAL TUTUR Jurnal Tutur adalah terbitan berkala ilm... more Cakrawala Kajian Bahasa-bahasa Nusantara ii JURNAL TUTUR Jurnal Tutur adalah terbitan berkala ilmiah yang memuat artikel-artikel yang mengkaji as-pek-aspek kebahasaan. Naskah yang masuk ke redaksi Jurnal Tutur diperlakukan sebagai naskah hasil karya penulis dan naskah tersebut menjadi milik Jurnal Tutur sehingga tidak diperkenankan untuk memublikasi naskah tersebut, baik sebagian maupun keseluruhan tan-pa seizin pengelola Jurnal Tutur. KETUA DEWAN REDAKSI Aron Meko Mbete WAKIL KETUA DEWAN REDAKSI I Made Budiarsa PENYUNTING AHLI Ketut Artawa I Nengah Sudipa
Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap hakikat ilmu pengetahuan yang bersumber dari filsafat pendidikan... more Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap hakikat ilmu pengetahuan yang bersumber dari filsafat pendidikan melalui perspektif ontologi bahasa dan budaya. Sejatinya bahwa bahasa itu sendiri bagian dari budaya, budaya dan bahasa sebagai dua sistem yang berdiri sendiri dalam memperoleh kebenaran-kebenaran ilmiah. Fakta saat ini menggambarkan bahwa rasa ingin tahu dalam perspektif filsafat pendidikan mendorong manusia untuk kagum akan segala sesuatu yang ada di alam, dan bahkan dirinya sendiri menggiring pada alam filsafat itu sendiri. Filsafat itu tumbuh, jika manusia mulai dengan bertanya-tanya disertai rasa kagum dan rasa heran, sehingga berfilsafat mulai dengan keinginan bertanya. Bahasa dalam gerbang filsafat pendidikan dapat memposisikan bahasa dan budaya melalui perspektif ontologi sebagai bagian vital yang dihadapi manusia sepanjang hidupnya. Manusia selalu melakukan aksi dan reaksi sehingga manusia itu dinamis serta membentuk keberadaannya. Bahasa dalam gerbang filsafat pendidikan dapat dieksplorasi melalui perspektif ontologi, yakni (1) ranah filsafat bahasa, (2) ranah filsafat pendidikan, dan (3) bahasa dan budaya dalam kajian ontologi.
Wacana APEC dalam kajian ini akan dieskplorasi melalui paradigma kritis untuk melakukan konstruks... more Wacana APEC dalam kajian ini akan dieskplorasi melalui paradigma kritis untuk melakukan konstruksi refleksif terhadap pengalaman wacana-wacana pariwisata yang tumbuh dan berkembang pada masyarakat pelaku pariwisata di Bali. Fokus kajian pada wacana APEC ini mencakup (1) legitimasi dan (2) signifikasi konstruksi wacana yang berdampak langsung pada perekonomian Bali melalui perspektif critical discourse analysis (CDA). Perspektif ini memberikan penekanan pada determinasi pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif, yakni segala sesuatu yang sedang, akan, dan nanti terjadi melalui wacana APEC, dan berdampak langsung pada kekuatan-kekuatan ekonomi. Legitimasi akan membantu membuat objektivasi yang sudah dilembagakan menjadi tersedia secara objektif dan masuk akal secara subjektif. Sedangkan signifikasi merupakan salah satu struktur wacana yang mengacu pada sistem, mengharuskan adanya relasi yang tidak dapat dipisahkan antara sebuah tanda dan realitas yang menjadi rujukannya serta bersifat ikonis. AP...
This article aims to illustrate that the politics of language marked power relations framed by a ... more This article aims to illustrate that the politics of language marked power relations framed by a form of power between the dominating and the dominated in the Act Regulating Matters Pertaining to Specific Autonomy for Papua (hereinafter called UU Otsus Papua). The politics of language involves a high degree of knowledge and power that is marked by the symbolic interactions in the ethnic diversity of the archipelago UU Otsus Papua is a form of political discourse and the medium of language diplomacy containing an authority and political competence of the central government over the people of Papua; including a number of authorities and policies, as well as to explore the power of language in the language politics networks through the system of government of the Republic of Indonesia. Politics of language in this article will be disclosed through the paradigm of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). This article will focus on the efforts of uncovering: "Language Politics in UU Otsus Papua", by projecting the problems including: (i) the form of the politics of language, and (ii) the political function of language in the UU Otsus Papua.
The authority and capability in the financial resources to dig them fairly wide open now through ... more The authority and capability in the financial resources to dig them fairly wide open now through the implementation of Law No. 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy. Therefore, local governments have the opportunity to explore the potential of the regions, in collaboration with public and private sectors in efforts to optimize revenue (PAD), through the tourism services sector. In line with the mandate of the special autonomy, the local community through the tourism sector need to be empowered through the principle of partnership to community groups marginalized, oppressed and those in the lower layers of the social structure in accordance with the spirit and values of the basic law. On the other hand, it is expected the distribution of the tourism sector to be the starting point of the process of change, which changes the state of the oppressed who have been neglected status and dignity for the better and more empowered. In addition, there appeared a general trend to escape or emancipation from the domination of a social group for another social group becomes a serious threat in the development of the tourism sector in Papua. Keywords: Tourism, and Special Autonomy
Papers by Hugo Warami