Papers by Igor Kuzmanoski
During the archaeological investigations in the area of the southeastern necropolis at Scupi in t... more During the archaeological investigations in the area of the southeastern necropolis at Scupi in the period between 2008 and 2012, a large number of objects were discovered greatly enriching our understanding of the material culture of this Roman colony. At the same time, they have provided new insights into the burial practice of its population. Among a larger group of objects that can be more broadly classified within the category of amulets, the finds of Roman bullae stand out. These are the type of objects that are paradigmatic in defining the Roman presence or in general the acceptance of Roman culture in a certain place.
Wearing a bulla was correlated with the object’s apotropaic power and its ability to ward off evil. In the Late Republican and Early Imperial periods, the bulla was given only to freeborn male children. Apart from its protective role, it also served as a status symbol that was usually worn until reaching adulthood, when the amulet was left on the altar dedicated to the household deities.
In the burials from the southeastern necropolis at Scupi, which span from the beginning of the 1st to the end of the 4th century AD, we shall reveal the direct context in which this type of objects were discovered, as well as the basic types represented in this necropolis. In addition to a general
overview of the meaning and function of the bulla in the Roman world through the use of this object in the burial arrangement of the necropolis at Scupi, we will present our findings regarding the connection with certain aspects of the identity of the dead, mainly with their age group and gender,
as well as the specific meaning resulting from this connection.
Roman necropolis research, in addition to providing valuable data on Roman funerary practices, al... more Roman necropolis research, in addition to providing valuable data on Roman funerary practices, also reveals significant new insights into various socio-cultural phenomena that have defined Roman society,
such as demographics, social differences, or attitudes. between different age and gender groups. In this context, one of the most interesting aspects is the study of the funeral treatment of the deceased children
from the youngest age group, i.e. children up to the first year of life, which reveals the attitude of the Roman community towards this age group.
The reason for such a deeper examination of the burial practice of the infant lies in the relevant opinion based on numerous texts from Roman literary sources which emphasize the marginal role of newborns
in Roman society, and thus the need to limit or exclude the degree of grief, that is, the funeral honor to be received by the deceased of this age group as non-permanent members of Roman society. Such views of Roman authors, driven by certain philosophical-moral principles and expressed from the position of the ruling class with whom they shared a similar worldview, greatly influenced today’s understanding of the funeral treatment of the youngest members of Roman society, often interpreted as indifferent or without sufficient care in performing the funeral rite.
Rakovoditel na istra`uvawata na Skupskite nekropoli e Len~e Jovanova, kustossovetnik vo Muzej na ... more Rakovoditel na istra`uvawata na Skupskite nekropoli e Len~e Jovanova, kustossovetnik vo Muzej na grad Skopje, na kogo vo ovaa prilika £ se zablagodaruvam poradi otstapeniot materijal. САДОВИ СО ЛИЦЕ Слика 1 3-4/ 2012 P rosopomorfnite sadovi, tkn. "sadovi so lice", se specifi~en tip na rimskoto grn~arsko proizvodstvo kade bazi~nite crti nã ove~koto lice se plasti~no pretstaveni vrz osnovnata forma na kerami~kiot sad. 1 Nivnata rudimentarna izvedba se izdvojuva od anti~kata umetni~ka tradicija na antropomorfni vazi i sadovi koi naj~esto se izrabotuvani vo kalap. Se javuvaat vo re~isi site rimski provincii, vo periodot od I do po~etokot na V vek n.e., me|utoa se mnogu poretki vo odnos na drugite kerami~ki tipovi. Otkrivani se vo gradski naselbi, voeni kampovi, no najmnogu na nekropolite i vo grobovite, poradi {to se i tesno povrzani so pogrebniot kult. So poslednite obemni za{titni iskopuvawa vodeni na prostorot od Jugoisto~nata nekropola, brojot na ovoj tip na sadovi od Skupi se zgolemi na sedum. 2 Site primeroci poteknuvaat od prostorot na negovite nekropoli i od samite grobovi. Od niv tri, celosno za~uvani, se otkrieni vo zatvo reni grobni celini, site kremacii. Drugite primeri se vo fragmenti, od koi dva se vo dobra sostojba i na koi pretstavenoto lice re~isi celosno se sogleduva, a drugite dva se vo sosem mali fragmenti koi ne davaat dovolno elementi za rekonstrukcija i na likot i na sadot. Otkrivaweto na prosopomorfnite sadovi vo Skupi e isklu~itelno va`no, kako za sledeweto na kulturnite specifiki od raniot `ivot na rimskata kolonija, taka i za zbogatuvaweto na sevkupniot korpus na ovoj tip na sadovi od celata imperija. Vo slednite redovi, preku na{ite primeri, }e se obideme da go razgledame pra{aweto dali vo stiliziraniot lik od ovie sadovi postoi osnova da se sogleda izvesen obid za konkretizacija, odnosno namera da se portretira konkretna individua.
Maced. acta archaeol. 22, 2020
Од jугоисточната некропола во Скупи, чиј временски распон на погребување се движи од почетокот на... more Од jугоисточната некропола во Скупи, чиј временски распон на погребување се движи од почетокот на I век од н.е. до крајот на IV век од н.е. и со откриени приближно 5200 гробни целини, кремации и инхумации, потекнува изобилство на материјал, од кои најбројни се керамичките предмети. 1 Овие предмети, освен што н даваат примарен увид во основните карактеристики на материјалната култура од Скупи во раноцарскиот период, неговите видови и типологии, особено важни за воспоставување на хронологијата и трговските врски на градот, се потенцијално полни со информации и за разни аспекти кои влегуваат во духовната сфера на римската култура, пред сѐ� , во разоткривањето на погребните практиките со кои се одликувал фунерарниот култ во Скупи.
It has been 50 years since preventive archaeological excavations took place on the territory of S... more It has been 50 years since preventive archaeological excavations took place on the territory of Skopje Fortress in 1967, taken over due to the damage that occurred at this site after the 1963 catastrophic earthquake in Skopje. The material of these excavations is now stored in the depots of the Museum of the city of Skopje and some of these findings are already known to the general public through their partial exposure during the past years. With this jubilee, in 2017 the Museum organized an exhibition that again reviewed the discovered material, this time presented integrally and where some less known and interesting findings were shown. Among them, there was also an extremely rare item, part of a bronze candelabrum, which has not yet been scientifically processed and published. This small and unique object is not interesting only from the point of its rarity, but also, according to the available analogies, because of its dating in the Early Byzantine period, which in the context of finding on the territory of the Skopje Fortress, may also require a redefinition of the chronological stratification of this complex site.
Дозвола: 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) ' Во постарата и рецентна литер... more Дозвола: 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) ' Во постарата и рецентна литература овие некрополи се водат како Западна и Источна, меѓутоа со цел за поег зактно позиционирање во однос на положбата на градот Скупи из вршено е нивно преименување во Северозападна и Југоисточна некропола. Раководител на истражувањата на Скупските некрополи е Ленче Јованова , кустос-советник во Музеј на град Скопје, на која во оваа прилика И се заблагодарувам поради одстапениот материјал.
Books by Igor Kuzmanoski
Arheoloski Informator Vol. 3 by Igor Kuzmanoski
Arheoloski Informator 3, 2020
Papers by Igor Kuzmanoski
Wearing a bulla was correlated with the object’s apotropaic power and its ability to ward off evil. In the Late Republican and Early Imperial periods, the bulla was given only to freeborn male children. Apart from its protective role, it also served as a status symbol that was usually worn until reaching adulthood, when the amulet was left on the altar dedicated to the household deities.
In the burials from the southeastern necropolis at Scupi, which span from the beginning of the 1st to the end of the 4th century AD, we shall reveal the direct context in which this type of objects were discovered, as well as the basic types represented in this necropolis. In addition to a general
overview of the meaning and function of the bulla in the Roman world through the use of this object in the burial arrangement of the necropolis at Scupi, we will present our findings regarding the connection with certain aspects of the identity of the dead, mainly with their age group and gender,
as well as the specific meaning resulting from this connection.
such as demographics, social differences, or attitudes. between different age and gender groups. In this context, one of the most interesting aspects is the study of the funeral treatment of the deceased children
from the youngest age group, i.e. children up to the first year of life, which reveals the attitude of the Roman community towards this age group.
The reason for such a deeper examination of the burial practice of the infant lies in the relevant opinion based on numerous texts from Roman literary sources which emphasize the marginal role of newborns
in Roman society, and thus the need to limit or exclude the degree of grief, that is, the funeral honor to be received by the deceased of this age group as non-permanent members of Roman society. Such views of Roman authors, driven by certain philosophical-moral principles and expressed from the position of the ruling class with whom they shared a similar worldview, greatly influenced today’s understanding of the funeral treatment of the youngest members of Roman society, often interpreted as indifferent or without sufficient care in performing the funeral rite.
Books by Igor Kuzmanoski
Arheoloski Informator Vol. 3 by Igor Kuzmanoski
Wearing a bulla was correlated with the object’s apotropaic power and its ability to ward off evil. In the Late Republican and Early Imperial periods, the bulla was given only to freeborn male children. Apart from its protective role, it also served as a status symbol that was usually worn until reaching adulthood, when the amulet was left on the altar dedicated to the household deities.
In the burials from the southeastern necropolis at Scupi, which span from the beginning of the 1st to the end of the 4th century AD, we shall reveal the direct context in which this type of objects were discovered, as well as the basic types represented in this necropolis. In addition to a general
overview of the meaning and function of the bulla in the Roman world through the use of this object in the burial arrangement of the necropolis at Scupi, we will present our findings regarding the connection with certain aspects of the identity of the dead, mainly with their age group and gender,
as well as the specific meaning resulting from this connection.
such as demographics, social differences, or attitudes. between different age and gender groups. In this context, one of the most interesting aspects is the study of the funeral treatment of the deceased children
from the youngest age group, i.e. children up to the first year of life, which reveals the attitude of the Roman community towards this age group.
The reason for such a deeper examination of the burial practice of the infant lies in the relevant opinion based on numerous texts from Roman literary sources which emphasize the marginal role of newborns
in Roman society, and thus the need to limit or exclude the degree of grief, that is, the funeral honor to be received by the deceased of this age group as non-permanent members of Roman society. Such views of Roman authors, driven by certain philosophical-moral principles and expressed from the position of the ruling class with whom they shared a similar worldview, greatly influenced today’s understanding of the funeral treatment of the youngest members of Roman society, often interpreted as indifferent or without sufficient care in performing the funeral rite.