Journal of Research in Social Science And Humanities
This study aims to determine that public services have an effect on community satisfaction at the... more This study aims to determine that public services have an effect on community satisfaction at the Department of Agriculture, Food Crops and Horticulture, West Aceh. This research was conducted using quantitative research methods with data sources from 25 respondents. The data analysis technique used the community satisfaction index (IKM) calculated using the weighted average value of each service and satisfaction indicator. The results of this study indicate that the IKM for services at the Department of Agriculture for food crops and horticulture can be said to be in good condition at 61.78, thus proving that H0 is rejected. So it can be concluded that there is a real influence between the public service variable (x) on the satisfaction variable (y).
Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa Universitas Riau yang tergabung dalam anggota Kukerta In... more Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa Universitas Riau yang tergabung dalam anggota Kukerta Integrasi Abdimas pada 22 Juli 2020.Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh Camat Bandar Sei.Kijang, Kepala Desa Muda Setia dan Bhabinkamtibmas.Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan cara membagikan brosur tentang keuangan desa dan pencegahan Covid-19.Memberikan informasi tentang kebijakan keuangan dan pencegahan covid-19 kepada masyarakat,sehingga masyarakat juga berpartisipasi dalam pengelolaan keuangan desa dan mengikuti protokol kesehatan
This paper aims to see how the strategy of local elites in gaining power in village government in... more This paper aims to see how the strategy of local elites in gaining power in village government in Aceh. In this case, Acehnese local elites, former members of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), have economic and political advantages over other communities because they have networks within the Free Aceh Movement organization down to the grassroots. The qualitative method with the case study approach was used in this research. The findings of this study revealed that local Acehnese elites used the connections of fellow GAM members in the government as a strategy to seize economic and political resources in the village. They contested in the village head election (keuchik) and competed to become village government officials after knowing the number of village funds managed by the village through general elections and even through direct appointment as interim village head officials. This study concludes with four main strategies for gaining power in government in the village. The main strat...
This study aims to determine how public perceptions are and the factors that influence community ... more This study aims to determine how public perceptions are and the factors that influence community perceptions in the service of obtaining birth certificates and death certificates at the Department of Population and Civil Registry of West Aceh Regency. The method used in this research is quantitative with data sources from 81 respondents who administer birth certificates and death certificates directly at Disdukcapil and the analysis technique used is correlation testing. The results of the study were carried out by testing the correlation between perceptual indicators and service indicators, it was known from the 9 tested service indicators, which obtained a correlation only on education indicators with personal service indicators which had test results of -0.270> 0.181 with a sig value of 0.015 and other supporting attributes. with age has a test result of 0.211> 0.181 with a sig value of 0.059. Disdukcapil in community service is good, provides comfort for the community, ser...
This study discusses the budget for handling COVID-19 in Aceh Province with a Social Safety Net a... more This study discusses the budget for handling COVID-19 in Aceh Province with a Social Safety Net approach. Through this Social Safety Network approach, the Aceh Government has allocated a budget for handling COVID-19 is intended to be given to acehnese people who are directly affected from COVID-19. While the purpose of this study is to find out the extent of the success of the budget for handling COVID-19 is realized to the public to rise from the crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is an exploratory descriptive qualitative method research to explain and dig up information about the budget for handling COVID-19 by answering various types of questions and problems that occur and are identified and analyzed based on the results of readings and interpretation data related to the research theme. The results showed that the budget for handling COVID-19 in Aceh Province in the Social Safety Net sector was already running and the affected Acehnese people had received social ...
Penelitian ini membahas tentang dinamika penyusunan qanun di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh. Qanun ... more Penelitian ini membahas tentang dinamika penyusunan qanun di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh. Qanun merupakan komitmen pemangku kekuasaan di daerah yang memiliki kekuatan untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang diinginkan (social engineering) dan kehidupan sosial dalam masyarakat Pada penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan pertimbangan penulis bermaksud memperoleh gambaran dinamika dalam Pembentukan Qanun, lokasi penelitian pada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh. Untuk memperoleh sumber data dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) bagian yaitu melalui pemilihan informan dilakukan dengan pertimbangan secara sengaja (purposive sampling). Berdasarkan pada jenis dan sumber data yang diperlukan, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi (a) Wawancara mendalam, (b) Analisis Dokumentasi, dan (c) Observasi Langsung. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model interaktif yang meliputi tiga komponen analisis, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dinamika d...
T The article talks about the electronic business license service provided by the One Single Subm... more T The article talks about the electronic business license service provided by the One Single Submission (OSS) application, which has been implemented at the West Aceh Regency's Office of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP). One Single Submission (OSS) One form of public service implementation that implements E-Government. This paper applied qualitative research methods to investigate the phenomena that occur in electronic services. The study's findings show that licensing services try to use the One Single Submission (OSS) application, as evidenced by several research indicators, including OSS's ease of use, trust in business actors' privacy security, service officers' assistance, the OSS website, and the service's content and appearance. OSS that is comprehensive and simple to comprehend. It may be stated that electronic services implementing OSS have been running properly at the West Aceh Regency Investment and One-Stop Service Office.
This community service focuses on freshwater fish (catfish) cultivation. This community service i... more This community service focuses on freshwater fish (catfish) cultivation. This community service is carried out on the basis of youth needs by involving youth or beneficiaries from planning to evaluation. This community service is carried out by paying attention to local wisdom in Gampong Pante Rawa Aceh Besar. The service method used is problem identification, coordination, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The results of this community service have had a good impact on the youth of Pante Rawa Aceh Besar village, both in economic, social and educational impacts. This community service provides income economically, builds social networks at the village and stakeholder level. This community service also provides new knowledge for youth about freshwater fish farming.
The purpose of this research describes the innovation of public services in public information di... more The purpose of this research describes the innovation of public services in public information disclosure in village governance. This research method uses primary literature studies, interviews, observations, and documentation, as well as data analysis techniques using interactive models. This research found that public service innovations are carried out by the village to be done with an Incremental innovation level and done continuously without having to change or a new invention, the driving factor of innovation success in the cooperation research site, participation, commitment, flexibility, transparency and infrastructure facilities Innovation service. Research findings can be used as a reference for legal researchers, public administration, and rural economic development
Political education is a very important thing to do in increasing the participation of first-time... more Political education is a very important thing to do in increasing the participation of first-time voters. First time voters are those aged between 17 to 24 years, but in this service the first time voters in question are the students of SMAN 1 Meureubo who are sitting in the third grade of high school and already have the right to vote. The method used in this service is by lecturing, sharing sessions, and simulations with video and practice selection procedures. The results of devotion show that the political participation of novice voters in elections is strongly influenced by the level of knowledge, understanding and literacy (political literacy) possessed by novice voters. Before the results of the pre-test activities of students' knowledge 57.25 and after getting political education through lecture methods, sharing sessions, and video simulations and practices the average score rose to 70.25. In conclusion, there was an increase in students' knowledge regarding politica...
This study aims to find out the implementation of West Aceh Regent Regulations Number 27 of 2017 ... more This study aims to find out the implementation of West Aceh Regent Regulations Number 27 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Community Economic Empowerment through Village Funds in Johan Pahlawan District. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods and used the theories of Van Metter and Van Horn. The indicators consist of standards and policy objectives, policy resources, communication between related organizations and implementing activities, characteristics of implementing agents, social and political-economic conditions and attitudes of implementers or implementers. The results showed that the implementation of West Aceh Regent Regulation No. 27 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Community Economic Empowerment through Village Funds in Johan Pahlawan Sub-District especially in Leuhan Village, Padang Seurahet Village, and Blang Beurandang Village had been carried out in accordance with the provisions of West Aceh Regent Regulation Number 27 the Year 2017. This is...
This paper explains about Teuku Umar University Students' perceptions of the smoking ban poli... more This paper explains about Teuku Umar University Students' perceptions of the smoking ban policy at public places in West Aceh Regency. The smoking ban policy is an effective way of controlling smoking and indirectly reduces the negative impact on the health of passive smokers due to smoking by releasing it in public places. This research uses quantitative research methods with survey methods. the population of Teku Umar University students who accept 50 people who have an age range between 18-25 years and are male and female. The results showed that most Teuku Umar Universities were of the view that the ban on smoking in public places had run well. Even so, there are still students who do not need this policy, this can be seen from the habits of students who smoke in places that include smoking areas
Journal of Research in Social Science And Humanities
This study aims to determine that public services have an effect on community satisfaction at the... more This study aims to determine that public services have an effect on community satisfaction at the Department of Agriculture, Food Crops and Horticulture, West Aceh. This research was conducted using quantitative research methods with data sources from 25 respondents. The data analysis technique used the community satisfaction index (IKM) calculated using the weighted average value of each service and satisfaction indicator. The results of this study indicate that the IKM for services at the Department of Agriculture for food crops and horticulture can be said to be in good condition at 61.78, thus proving that H0 is rejected. So it can be concluded that there is a real influence between the public service variable (x) on the satisfaction variable (y).
Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa Universitas Riau yang tergabung dalam anggota Kukerta In... more Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa Universitas Riau yang tergabung dalam anggota Kukerta Integrasi Abdimas pada 22 Juli 2020.Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh Camat Bandar Sei.Kijang, Kepala Desa Muda Setia dan Bhabinkamtibmas.Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan cara membagikan brosur tentang keuangan desa dan pencegahan Covid-19.Memberikan informasi tentang kebijakan keuangan dan pencegahan covid-19 kepada masyarakat,sehingga masyarakat juga berpartisipasi dalam pengelolaan keuangan desa dan mengikuti protokol kesehatan
This paper aims to see how the strategy of local elites in gaining power in village government in... more This paper aims to see how the strategy of local elites in gaining power in village government in Aceh. In this case, Acehnese local elites, former members of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), have economic and political advantages over other communities because they have networks within the Free Aceh Movement organization down to the grassroots. The qualitative method with the case study approach was used in this research. The findings of this study revealed that local Acehnese elites used the connections of fellow GAM members in the government as a strategy to seize economic and political resources in the village. They contested in the village head election (keuchik) and competed to become village government officials after knowing the number of village funds managed by the village through general elections and even through direct appointment as interim village head officials. This study concludes with four main strategies for gaining power in government in the village. The main strat...
This study aims to determine how public perceptions are and the factors that influence community ... more This study aims to determine how public perceptions are and the factors that influence community perceptions in the service of obtaining birth certificates and death certificates at the Department of Population and Civil Registry of West Aceh Regency. The method used in this research is quantitative with data sources from 81 respondents who administer birth certificates and death certificates directly at Disdukcapil and the analysis technique used is correlation testing. The results of the study were carried out by testing the correlation between perceptual indicators and service indicators, it was known from the 9 tested service indicators, which obtained a correlation only on education indicators with personal service indicators which had test results of -0.270> 0.181 with a sig value of 0.015 and other supporting attributes. with age has a test result of 0.211> 0.181 with a sig value of 0.059. Disdukcapil in community service is good, provides comfort for the community, ser...
This study discusses the budget for handling COVID-19 in Aceh Province with a Social Safety Net a... more This study discusses the budget for handling COVID-19 in Aceh Province with a Social Safety Net approach. Through this Social Safety Network approach, the Aceh Government has allocated a budget for handling COVID-19 is intended to be given to acehnese people who are directly affected from COVID-19. While the purpose of this study is to find out the extent of the success of the budget for handling COVID-19 is realized to the public to rise from the crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is an exploratory descriptive qualitative method research to explain and dig up information about the budget for handling COVID-19 by answering various types of questions and problems that occur and are identified and analyzed based on the results of readings and interpretation data related to the research theme. The results showed that the budget for handling COVID-19 in Aceh Province in the Social Safety Net sector was already running and the affected Acehnese people had received social ...
Penelitian ini membahas tentang dinamika penyusunan qanun di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh. Qanun ... more Penelitian ini membahas tentang dinamika penyusunan qanun di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh. Qanun merupakan komitmen pemangku kekuasaan di daerah yang memiliki kekuatan untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang diinginkan (social engineering) dan kehidupan sosial dalam masyarakat Pada penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan pertimbangan penulis bermaksud memperoleh gambaran dinamika dalam Pembentukan Qanun, lokasi penelitian pada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh. Untuk memperoleh sumber data dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) bagian yaitu melalui pemilihan informan dilakukan dengan pertimbangan secara sengaja (purposive sampling). Berdasarkan pada jenis dan sumber data yang diperlukan, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi (a) Wawancara mendalam, (b) Analisis Dokumentasi, dan (c) Observasi Langsung. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model interaktif yang meliputi tiga komponen analisis, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dinamika d...
T The article talks about the electronic business license service provided by the One Single Subm... more T The article talks about the electronic business license service provided by the One Single Submission (OSS) application, which has been implemented at the West Aceh Regency's Office of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP). One Single Submission (OSS) One form of public service implementation that implements E-Government. This paper applied qualitative research methods to investigate the phenomena that occur in electronic services. The study's findings show that licensing services try to use the One Single Submission (OSS) application, as evidenced by several research indicators, including OSS's ease of use, trust in business actors' privacy security, service officers' assistance, the OSS website, and the service's content and appearance. OSS that is comprehensive and simple to comprehend. It may be stated that electronic services implementing OSS have been running properly at the West Aceh Regency Investment and One-Stop Service Office.
This community service focuses on freshwater fish (catfish) cultivation. This community service i... more This community service focuses on freshwater fish (catfish) cultivation. This community service is carried out on the basis of youth needs by involving youth or beneficiaries from planning to evaluation. This community service is carried out by paying attention to local wisdom in Gampong Pante Rawa Aceh Besar. The service method used is problem identification, coordination, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The results of this community service have had a good impact on the youth of Pante Rawa Aceh Besar village, both in economic, social and educational impacts. This community service provides income economically, builds social networks at the village and stakeholder level. This community service also provides new knowledge for youth about freshwater fish farming.
The purpose of this research describes the innovation of public services in public information di... more The purpose of this research describes the innovation of public services in public information disclosure in village governance. This research method uses primary literature studies, interviews, observations, and documentation, as well as data analysis techniques using interactive models. This research found that public service innovations are carried out by the village to be done with an Incremental innovation level and done continuously without having to change or a new invention, the driving factor of innovation success in the cooperation research site, participation, commitment, flexibility, transparency and infrastructure facilities Innovation service. Research findings can be used as a reference for legal researchers, public administration, and rural economic development
Political education is a very important thing to do in increasing the participation of first-time... more Political education is a very important thing to do in increasing the participation of first-time voters. First time voters are those aged between 17 to 24 years, but in this service the first time voters in question are the students of SMAN 1 Meureubo who are sitting in the third grade of high school and already have the right to vote. The method used in this service is by lecturing, sharing sessions, and simulations with video and practice selection procedures. The results of devotion show that the political participation of novice voters in elections is strongly influenced by the level of knowledge, understanding and literacy (political literacy) possessed by novice voters. Before the results of the pre-test activities of students' knowledge 57.25 and after getting political education through lecture methods, sharing sessions, and video simulations and practices the average score rose to 70.25. In conclusion, there was an increase in students' knowledge regarding politica...
This study aims to find out the implementation of West Aceh Regent Regulations Number 27 of 2017 ... more This study aims to find out the implementation of West Aceh Regent Regulations Number 27 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Community Economic Empowerment through Village Funds in Johan Pahlawan District. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods and used the theories of Van Metter and Van Horn. The indicators consist of standards and policy objectives, policy resources, communication between related organizations and implementing activities, characteristics of implementing agents, social and political-economic conditions and attitudes of implementers or implementers. The results showed that the implementation of West Aceh Regent Regulation No. 27 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Community Economic Empowerment through Village Funds in Johan Pahlawan Sub-District especially in Leuhan Village, Padang Seurahet Village, and Blang Beurandang Village had been carried out in accordance with the provisions of West Aceh Regent Regulation Number 27 the Year 2017. This is...
This paper explains about Teuku Umar University Students' perceptions of the smoking ban poli... more This paper explains about Teuku Umar University Students' perceptions of the smoking ban policy at public places in West Aceh Regency. The smoking ban policy is an effective way of controlling smoking and indirectly reduces the negative impact on the health of passive smokers due to smoking by releasing it in public places. This research uses quantitative research methods with survey methods. the population of Teku Umar University students who accept 50 people who have an age range between 18-25 years and are male and female. The results showed that most Teuku Umar Universities were of the view that the ban on smoking in public places had run well. Even so, there are still students who do not need this policy, this can be seen from the habits of students who smoke in places that include smoking areas
Papers by Ikhsan Ikhsan