Papers by Ivana Ilic-Krstic
Sociološki pregled, 2022
Апстракт: Оснаживање жена у пољопривреди се сагледава на основу два индикатора: контроле над прои... more Апстракт: Оснаживање жена у пољопривреди се сагледава на основу два индикатора: контроле над производним ресурсима и одлучивању у вези са пољопривредном производњом. Циљ истраживања је утврђивање степена оснажености пољопривредница у југоисточној Србији. Пошло се од претпоставке да је низак степен оснажености пољопривредница у овом делу Србије. Емпиријским истраживањем, помоћу посебно конструисаног упитника, обухваћене су 132 пољопривреднице са територије општине Сврљиг. На основу добијених резултата уочен је низак степен оснажености жена које се баве пољопривредом, јер је низак постотак жена власник пољопривредних ресурса и самостално доноси одлуке о пољопривредној производњи. Добијени резултати су значајни јер указују на неопходност даљег испитивања степена оснажености и израчунавања индекса оснаживања жена у пољопривреди, као и на потребу предузимања одређених мера на локалном, регионалном и државном нивоу. Кључне речи: жене, пољопривреда, оснаживање, родна једнакост УВОД Родна равноправност је, као један од 17 циљева одрживог развоја, нашла своје место како у Миленијумској декларацији Уједињених нација 2000. године, тако и у Агенди 2030. Овај циљ треба, између осталог, да допринесе једнаким правима жена на "економске ресурсе, као и приступ власништву и контроли над земљиштем и другим облицима имовине, финансијским услугама, наслеђем и природним ресурсима, у складу са националним законима" (Ciljevi održivog razvoja, 2018). Остваривање овако дефинисаног циља мери се процентом укупног пољопривредног становнишва са власништвом над пољопривредним земљиштем, према полу; уделом жена међу
Универзитет у Нишу, Dec 7, 2016
једностране, јер се искључиво баве безбедношћу, са акцентом на државне политике, запостављају, а ... more једностране, јер се искључиво баве безбедношћу, са акцентом на државне политике, запостављају, а неке чак и превиђају следеће моменте: прво, потребе за безбедношћу су настале и постојале пре државе, а држава је настала на основу тих потреба; 36 друго, потреба је и безбедност државе од државе, принудних и присилних механизама; треће, запоставља се потреба за изворним самообезбеђењем у разним областима организованог и личног живота. Према Арежини "дефинисање ... појма је могуће ако се: безбедност дефинише негацијом, тј. као одсуство угрожавања, али се јавља питање-шта је угрожавање?, и ако се одреди садржај појма безбедност". 37 2.1.2. Угроженост, сигурност и безбедност Мијалковић одређујући безбедност као однос између угрожавања и активности и делања како би се оно спречило и разликује: а) угроженост, б) безбедност и в) сигурности. 38 Под појмом угрожавање подразумева се скуп опасности по људе, друштво, државу, али и саму природу. Угроженост се може схватити као ситуација у којој постоји могућност или вероватноћа да ће доћи до наношења одређене штете некоме или нечему. Између угрожености и безбедности постоји обрнуто сразмерни реципроцитет, те се може рећи да што је степен безбедности већи, то је угроженост мања и обрнуто. Према Стајићу "угрожавање је разноврсно и разнородно, како по времену и простору, тако и по интензитету, облицима и носиоцима. ...под угрожавањем се подразумевају и разне природне непогоде (поплаве, земљотреси....) и разне болести. ...Безбедност и угрожавање (небезбедност) су обрнуто сразмерне. Када јача безбедност слаби небезбедност и обрнуто, при чему идеална или максимална стања безбедности и небезбедности практично не постоје." 39 Безбедност може бити угрожена природним и друштвеним активностима. 40 Штрбац и 36 "Држава, која се уздиже над појединцем као једна виша власт, има могућности да га принуди да уради и оно што не би хтео" (Слободан Јовановић, О држави-основи једне правне теорије. Београд: Геца Кон, 1922, стр. 29).
Safety Engineering, 2021
Burnout is associated with long-term exposure to workplace stress and it comprises exhaustion, cy... more Burnout is associated with long-term exposure to workplace stress and it comprises exhaustion, cynicism, and the feeling of inadequacy as its dimensions. University students are exposed to a variety of stress-inducing factors during their studies regardless of the fact that they are not employees. The aim of this study is to examine the relations between specific sociodemographic variables and burnout dimensions among students of master academic studies. School Burnout Inventory (SBI-U 9) is used as the research instrument. The obtained results indicate that there is a connection between students' gender and tuition fee status and burnout. Gender is associated with exhaustion and the feeling of inadequacy, while tuition fee status affects all three dimensions.
The Sociological Review, 2009
This chapter examines some major changes relating to the contemporary conditions of life upon ear... more This chapter examines some major changes relating to the contemporary conditions of life upon earth. It deals especially with emergent contradictions that stem from shifts within capitalism over the course of the last century or so. These shifts involve moving from low carbon to high carbon economies/societies, from societies of discipline to societies of control, and more recently from specialized and differentiated zones of consumption to mobile, de-differentiated consumptions of excess. Sociological analysis, I argue, is thus central to examining high carbon societies and climate change. Marx and Engels wrote of how modern bourgeois society: 'is like the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells' (Marx and Engels, 1888 [1848]: 58). The sorcerer of contemporary capitalism has generated major emergent contradictions. This paper discusses how capitalism through global climate change is bringing: 'disorder into the whole of bourgeois society, endanger[ing] the existence of bourgeois property' (Marx and Engels, 1888: 59). In the 21st century capitalism is not able to control those powers that it called up by its mesmeric spells that were set in motion during the unprecedented high carbon 20th century. As Leahy writes: 'capitalism could come to a sticky end. .. without the supposedly essential ingredient of a revolutionary proletariat. Capitalism as a growth economy is impossible to reconcile with a finite environment' (Leahy, 2008: 481); I am not suggesting that any other modern economic system has a 'better' environmental record. Economic and social sciences generally presume that systems are naturally in equilibrium and negative feedback mechanisms will restore equilibrium if movement occurs away from such a stable point. This notion of naturally reestablishing equilibria can be found in general equilibrium models in economics and in sociological models of structure and agency. However, notions of emergent contradiction problematize equilibrium models (Beinhocker, 2006: chs 2, 3). In this chapter, I presume that no distinction should be made between states of equilibrium and states of growth. All systems are dynamic, processual and generate emergent effects and systemic contradictions, especially through posi
Scientific and technological development has spurred large-scale food production, thus enabling a... more Scientific and technological development has spurred large-scale food production, thus enabling a solution, although partial, to one of the biggest global problems of modern civilization – food shortage. Nevertheless, it has been shown that chemicalization and mechanization of agriculture lead to multiple negative environmental impacts and that overuse of pesticides and artificial fertilizers is detrimental to human health. Bearing in mind both local and global tendencies towards necessary ecologization of agriculture in keeping with the generally accepted development model – sustainable development – and acknowledging the opinion that ecological awareness is the basis for avoidance of high-risk activities and mitigation of existing environmental issues, the paper presents data obtained through empirical research pertaining to certain aspects of ecological awareness in individual farmers of the Jablanički County. Based on these data, we concluded that ecological awareness in this pa...
Safety Engineering, 2016
Environmental law, as a developing branch of legal science, has been gaining in importance recent... more Environmental law, as a developing branch of legal science, has been gaining in importance recently. As such, its primary task is to examine, define and clearly determine a number of terms in the field of environmental protection. Parallel to this, environmental law has another, seemingly even more important task at this point, which is to offer adequate legal solutions to prevent and stop further environmental degradation, as it is a burning issue in the present time. Sustainable development and environmental law are inseparably associated. Legal acts shall regulate the rules of conduct, among other things, in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development. There is a large number of international and national regulations which deal with the issue of sustainable development. As people obey legal regulations, either from their own beliefs about the correctness of behavior that a legal act requires, or out of fear of sanctions that can follow, it is clear that the ...
Facta Universitatis, Series: Working and Living Environmental Protection
This paper discusses the composting process as one of the methods of biodegradable waste manageme... more This paper discusses the composting process as one of the methods of biodegradable waste management. It presents the fundamentals of the composting process, an overview of raw materials for composting, the basic characteristics of composting products, as well as an example of composting within the public utility company “Mediana” from Niš.
Quality of Life Apeiron, Jun 15, 2011
The term "sustainable" can be found in both science and practice. As a global concept of developm... more The term "sustainable" can be found in both science and practice. As a global concept of development, it was accepted at the Conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 in order to overcome and fi nd a possible way of dealing with problems connected to the development of contemporary civilization. Three dimensions of sustainable development are usually mentioned: economic, social and ecological. The paper points out the signifi cance of the fourth dimensioncultural dimension, which is not only signifi cant for reaching development in the real sense of the world, but it also represents the basis for the development of local communities. The cultural dimension respects the particularities of local communities and emphasizes the maintenance of the cultural and national variety which is of special signifi cance for multicultural societies.
Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2012
Safety Engineering
The adoption of the code of ethics of engineering in the 21st century should involve putting publ... more The adoption of the code of ethics of engineering in the 21st century should involve putting public interest above all others. However, in market economy collective interest is not in the foreground. In the foreground are placed particular interests of employers, i.e. multinational companies. The degradation of the environment and endangering life on Earth, brought about a new philosophy in form of sustainable development, which should include the adoption of the Code of Ethics that puts the public interest above individual, especially when it comes to economic activities. The economy and the environment are equally important for sustainable development in terms of ethics. Engineers have an ethical dilemma that arises from the conflict of ecological and economic conditions of their work. In this article, scientific approach of professor Sharon Beder on this issue is presented. Key words: engineers, ethics, engineering ethics, sustainable development
Safety Engineering
The adoption of the code of ethics of engineering in the 21st century should involve putting publ... more The adoption of the code of ethics of engineering in the 21st century should involve putting public interest above all others. However, in market economy collective interest is not in the foreground. In the foreground are placed particular interests of employers, i.e. multinational companies. The degradation of the environment and endangering life on Earth, brought about a new philosophy in form of sustainable development, which should include the adoption of the Code of Ethics that puts the public interest above individual, especially when it comes to economic activities. The economy and the environment are equally important for sustainable development in terms of ethics. Engineers have an ethical dilemma that arises from the conflict of ecological and economic conditions of their work. In this article, scientific approach of professor Sharon Beder on this issue is presented. Key words: engineers, ethics, engineering ethics, sustainable development
Aбстракт: Ергономија се обично само повезује са резултатима из области безбедности и здравља запо... more Aбстракт: Ергономија се обично само повезује са резултатима из области безбедности и здравља запослених и често се примењује само да би испунила законске обавезе. Oвај рад истиче да ергономију поред наведеног треба повезати и са пословним резултатима предузећа. Како би се учврстио положај ергономије и ергономиста у пословном и менаџерском свету, дискутоваћемо о бенефитима инвестирања у области ергономије и трошковима који се појављују због одлагања или недовољног инвестирања, а који утичу како на запосленог, на његову породицу, организациону јединицу предузећа, на целокупно предузеће, па чак и на друштвену заједницу. Закључили смо да људска добробит и економски циљеви морају да иду заједно.
Abstract: Ergonomics is usually only linked to results in the field of employee's safety and health and is often applied only to fulfill legal obligations. This paper points out that ergonomics besides the above should also be linked to the business results of the company. In order to strengthen the position of ergonomics and ergonomists in the business and management world, we will discuss the benefits of investing in the field of ergonomics and costs that arise due to delay or insufficient investment, which affect the employee, his family, the organizational unit of the enterprise, the entire business, and even the social community. We concluded that human well-being and economic goals must go together.
Papers by Ivana Ilic-Krstic
Abstract: Ergonomics is usually only linked to results in the field of employee's safety and health and is often applied only to fulfill legal obligations. This paper points out that ergonomics besides the above should also be linked to the business results of the company. In order to strengthen the position of ergonomics and ergonomists in the business and management world, we will discuss the benefits of investing in the field of ergonomics and costs that arise due to delay or insufficient investment, which affect the employee, his family, the organizational unit of the enterprise, the entire business, and even the social community. We concluded that human well-being and economic goals must go together.
Abstract: Ergonomics is usually only linked to results in the field of employee's safety and health and is often applied only to fulfill legal obligations. This paper points out that ergonomics besides the above should also be linked to the business results of the company. In order to strengthen the position of ergonomics and ergonomists in the business and management world, we will discuss the benefits of investing in the field of ergonomics and costs that arise due to delay or insufficient investment, which affect the employee, his family, the organizational unit of the enterprise, the entire business, and even the social community. We concluded that human well-being and economic goals must go together.