Papers by Jaroslaw A. Prassolow
Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands Proceedings of the 72nd Sachsensymposion, 9-12 October 2021 Castricum-Alkmaar, 2024
The article presents the first results of the
field investigation of the medieval unfortified
s... more The article presents the first results of the
field investigation of the medieval unfortified
settlement Privol’noe-1, carried out in 2016. The
monument is located in the northern part of the
Kaliningrad Peninsula, within the borders of the
former settlement area of the Prussian tribe of
Sambians, and is dated by the currently known
archaeological material to the end of the 11th to
the beginning of the 13th century AD – the socalled ‘Late Pagan time’ of local chronology. The
monument in question differs from the few so far
excavated Prussian medieval settlements, both
by the unusually high number of individual and
mass finds, as well as by the character of some
of them. Alongside with the artefacts, which are
widely represented in the archaeological material
of the peninsula and are typical for both medieval
Prussians and their close neighbors – Curonians,
Scalovians and Livs – material evidence of contacts
with the medieval Western Europe was found.
Besides that, and for the first time in the history
of the peninsula’s research, a high number of objects from
the Ancient Rus’ was found in the settlement context. These
finds – i.e, their concentration in the settlement – testify to the
presence of cultural, trade and, obviously, legal interactions
between the inhabitants of the settlement and those of
Ancient Rus’ in the period between the Viking Age and the
beginning of the crusading expansion of the Teutonic Order to
the lands of the Prussians.
G. Zabiela (Hrsg.), Prakalbinta priešistorė. Leidinys, skirtas Audronės Bliujienės sukakčiai / Unveiling Prehistory. A Book on the Occasion of Audronė Bliujienė’s Jubilee, 2024
Bibliografinė informacija pateikiama Lietuvos integralios bibliotekų informacinės sistemos (LIBIS... more Bibliografinė informacija pateikiama Lietuvos integralios bibliotekų informacinės sistemos (LIBIS) portale Apsvarstyta ir pritarta skelbti kaip mokslo straipsnių ir bibliografijos rinkinį Klaipėdos universiteto Baltijos regiono istorijos ir archeologijos instituto Tarybos 2024 m. vasario 14 d. posėdyje (protokolo nr. 45BRIAI-06) Kiekvieną mokslo straipsnį recenzavo du anoniminiai recenzentai
Unveiling Prehistory A Book on the Occasion of Audronė Bliujienė’s Jubilee, 2024
The aftermath of the Second World War and its repercussions
have had a profound impact on the tra... more The aftermath of the Second World War and its repercussions
have had a profound impact on the trajectory
of East Prussian archaeology, with archaeological endeavours
abruptly halted, and finds seemingly lost or scattered.
However, the discovery of significant parts of the
Königsberg antiquities collections in Berlin, Kaliningrad,
and other European locations unveiled a preserved wealth
of knowledge, reconnecting with the longstanding research
tradition. Since 2012 a comprehensive project entitled
‘Continuity of Research and Research of Continuity
– Basic Research on Iron Age Settlement Archaeology
in the Baltic Region’ is dealing with the reconstruction of
the archaeological knowledge of the German research period
in the former province of East Prussia. Collaboratively
conducted by archaeologists at the Centre for Baltic and
Scandinavian Archaeology (ZBSA) in Schleswig and the
Museum of Pre- and Early History (MVF) in Berlin, the
project aims to reconstruct settlement history in the Iron
Age, bridging the period between 500 BC and 1250 AD.
The former German province of East Prussia, now
divided between Lithuania, Russia (the Kaliningrad region)
and Poland, poses unique challenges for the project,
necessitating collaboration with the relevant state and cultural
institutions in these countries. The initiative involves
an international scientific advisory board, and focuses on
cataloguing and making sources accessible for both digital
and analogue research, including current field research.
The project explores the continuity of settlement processes
during the Iron Age, particularly through the examination
of hillforts, a prominent monument category in
the region. The challenge lies in confirming settlement
continuity through those primary monuments, as direct
evidence of settlements is scarce. The project developed an
efficient methodology for investigating hillforts, leading to
the successful 14C-based dating of nine such monuments inthe former Kreis Fischhausen (now Zelenogradskij district,
Kaliningrad region, Russian Federation).
This provides a nuanced understanding of their occupation
phases and their correlation with burial sites. The results
challenge previous perspectives, and contribute to the
reevaluation of entire settlement chambers. Ongoing collaborations,
such as the investigation of Lithuanian hillforts,
among others together with Audronė Bliujienė, demonstrate
the method’s lasting impact, and its role in advancing our
understanding of settlement dynamics in the Baltic region.
The author presents some of his recent results and observations made within the framework of a re... more The author presents some of his recent results and observations made within the framework of a research project devoted to a comparative typo-chronological analysis of Migration Period knives-daggers in the basin of the Baltic Sea, and to the study of socio-historical tendencies and events marked by the appearance of these artefacts. The intensification of field research in the region in recent years, as well as the rediscovery of parts of the former Prussia-Museum's collection and regained access to the archives of prewar researchers, has allowed the author to back up the study with an unprecedentedly high number of knife-dagger finds and relevant burial complexes
Вокруг кольца, 2021
В книге представлены результаты раскопок Самбийской экспедиции ИА РАН 2005-2016 гг. Поселения пру... more В книге представлены результаты раскопок Самбийской экспедиции ИА РАН 2005-2016 гг. Поселения пруссов VI-XIV вв. и предшествующие им поселения эстиев исследовались широкой площадью при строительстве автодороги и хранилищ газа. Описываются находки от каменных терочников и лепных горшков до роскошных золотых украшений с мифологическими сюжетами; древние колодцы, остатки построек, приводятся данные радиоуглеродного датирования, а также реконструируются природные условия по данным споровопыльцевого анализа.
Archaeologia BALTICA, 2013
The Grebieten burial ground, situated in the former Kreis Fischhausen of the German Empire's prov... more The Grebieten burial ground, situated in the former Kreis Fischhausen of the German Empire's province of East Prussia, (currently in the Zelenogradskii district of the Kaliningrad oblast', Russian Federation), represents a reference monument of Sambian-Natangian culture, and at the same time is one of its best investigated archaeological sites. However, a recent comparative analysis of the available sources of information showed that the modern state of knowledge is incomplete, while the research potential of the monument is far from being exhausted. This article gives an overview of the state of research, as well as of the open questions and gaps in our knowledge. Along with a description of the currently available sources of information and their limitations, the publication informs readers about recently conducted archaeological studies, performed both on the partially preserved prewar archaeological material and on the monument. Besides the actual reintroduction of Grebieten into scientific research, the authors point out its role and its significance in the much more complex archaeological context. The results of recent research suggest strongly that the Grebieten burial ground is part of a much larger complex of archaeological monuments situated along the western coast of the Sambian Peninsula, in the close vicinity of amber collecting areas. This settlement complex played an important role in the collection and trade in amber, which defined the nature of Sambian-Natangian culture in the Roman Iron Age and Migration Period. Further multilateral investigations of the Grebieten burial ground should lead to a clearer view of the settlement system, the social structure, everyday life and contacts of the population of Sambia in the Roman Iron Age.
Данная книга представляет собой каталог археологической коллекции музея «Помор», находящегося в р... more Данная книга представляет собой каталог археологической коллекции музея «Помор», находящегося в российском поселке Баренцбург на архипелаге Шпицберген (Норвегия). Основу собрания составляют находки Шпицберген-ской археологической экспедиции Института археологии РАН, проводившей раскопки в Арктике с 1979 по 2003 г.: предметы материальной промысловой культуры поморов, а также находки с западноевропейских китобойных
станций Шпицбергена (XVI–XX вв.). Кроме них в музее экспонируются артефакты, связанные с историей освоения северо-восточного морского пути: голландской экспедицией Виллема Баренца 1596–1597 гг. на Новой Земле и русской экспедицией адмирала Василия Яковлевича Чичагова 1864–1866 гг. Публикуемые материалы представлены впервые. Книга адресована как специалистам, так и широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся материальной и духовной культурой поморов, историей Арктики и, в частности, архипелага Шпицберген.
This book is a catalogue of an archaeological collection of the "Pomor" museum, which is situated in the Russian settlement of Barentsburg in the Spitsbergen Archipelago (Norway). The core of the collection consists of finds of the Spitsbergen
Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences (IA RAN), which carried out excavations in the Arctic from 1979 to 2003: objects of the Pomors material culture, as well as findings at the West European
whaling stations in Spitsbergen (16th – 20th centuries). In addition, the museum displays artefacts associated with the history of exploration of the so-called north-eastern seaway: with the Dutch expedition of Willem Barents in 1596–1597 to the Novaya Zemlya and with the Russian expedition of admiral Vasily Yakovlevich Chichagov in 1864–1866. These archaeological materials are presented to the readers for the first time. The book is of interest both to specialists and to a broad circle of readers interested in the material and spiritual culture of the Pomors, history of the Arctic and, in particular, of the Spitsbergen archipelago.
К вопросу о датировке арбалетовидных фибул с узкой длинной ножкой в Самбийско-натангийской культуре Российская археология, Том. 2, , 2021
Статья посвящена арбалетовидным фибулам с узкой длинной ножкой и литым иглоприемником типов Шёнва... more Статья посвящена арбалетовидным фибулам с узкой длинной ножкой и литым иглоприемником типов Шёнварлинг/Сковарч и Доллькайм/Коврово – одним из наиболее характерных хроноиндикаторов эпохи Великого переселения народов. Авторы описывают ряд конструктивных особенностей рассматриваемых фибул в ареале самбийско-натангийской культуры, обуславливающих их типологическую принадлежность. На основании результатов сравнительного анализа довоенных и современных археологических источников авторы предлагают современную уточненную
хронологию вышеупомянутых типов. Вопреки сложившимся представлениям, археологический материал свидетельствует о разновременном ношении этих фибул, а именно о плавной смене фибул Шёнварлинг/Сковарч фибулами Доллькайм/Коврово на рубеже фаз D2/D3, т.е. ок. 430 г. н.э.
Российская археология, ном. 2, 2021
Статья посвящена арбалетовидным фибулам с узкой длинной ножкой и литым иглоприемником типов Шёнва... more Статья посвящена арбалетовидным фибулам с узкой длинной ножкой и литым иглоприемником типов Шёнварлинг/Сковарч и Доллькайм/Коврово – одним из наиболее характерных хроноиндикаторов эпохи Великого переселения народов. Авторы описывают ряд конструктивных особенностей рассматриваемых фибул в ареале самбийско-натангийской культуры, обуславливающих их типологическую принадлежность. На основании результатов сравнительного анализа довоенных и современных археологических источников авторы предлагают современную уточненную
хронологию вышеупомянутых типов. Вопреки сложившимся представлениям, археологический материал свидетельствует о разновременном ношении этих фибул, а именно о плавной смене фибул Шёнварлинг/Сковарч фибулами Доллькайм/Коврово на рубеже фаз D2/D3, т.е. ок. 430 г. н.э.
Archaeologia Baltica, 2020
The article is devoted to Schönwarling/Skowarcz and Dollkeim/Kovrovo-type crossbow fibulae with a... more The article is devoted to Schönwarling/Skowarcz and Dollkeim/Kovrovo-type crossbow fibulae with a long narrow foot and a full catch-plate, one of the most characteristic chronotypes of the Migration Period. The authors describe a number of specific construction features of the fibu-lae in the Sambian-Natangian culture area, which define their typological placement. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of prewar and modern archaeological sources, the authors propose an up-to-date specified chronology of these types. Contrary to the currently popular hypothesis, the analysed archaeological material in the Sambian-Natangian area does not demonstrate coexistence , but instead the smooth replacement of Schönwarling/Skowarcz fibulae by those of the Dollkeim/Kovrovo type in the transition phase D2/D3, i.e. about 430 AD.
Archaeologia Baltica, 2020
The article is devoted to the scientific and organisational activities of Hermann Sommer (1899–19... more The article is devoted to the scientific and organisational activities of Hermann Sommer (1899–1962), the founder and head of the Office for the Care and Preservation of the Cultural Heritage in the Fischhausen district of the German province of East Prussia, during the difficult period of Germany’s history from 1929 to 1945. It describes the circumstances surrounding the creation, as well as the later rescue and finally rediscovery by the archaeological community, of Sommer’s historical and archaeological legacy. One of the most important components of the archaeological part of the heritage is the Fischhausen Archive, a card-index archive of archaeological Monuments that were known in the district in question by 1945. By this time, the first experience of using the data from the archive had already demonstrated the enormous potential of these documents for the reconstruction of the prewar state of research, as well as for the modern study of the archaeological sites on the Kaliningrad Peninsula. The search for the rest of his legacy has already resulted in a number of unexpected discoveries of further archaeological material. Preliminary results also indicate that similar archives of archaeological monuments could also have been created for other districts of the former German province of East Prussia.
Archäologisches Nachrichtenblatt 18 1 | 2013 2 Lage und Ausdehnung der ehemaligen Provinz Ostpreu... more Archäologisches Nachrichtenblatt 18 1 | 2013 2 Lage und Ausdehnung der ehemaligen Provinz Ostpreußen an der südlichen Ostseeküste.
Interaction ohne Grenzen, Beispiele archäologischer Forschungen am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Festschrift für C. von Carnap Bornheim zum 60. Geburtstag, 2017
Archaeologia Baltica
The Grebieten burial ground, situated in the former Kreis Fischhausen of the German Empire's prov... more The Grebieten burial ground, situated in the former Kreis Fischhausen of the German Empire's province of East Prussia, (currently in the Zelenogradskii district of the Kaliningrad oblast', Russian Federation), represents a reference monument of Sambian-Natangian culture, and at the same time is one of its best investigated archaeological sites. However, a recent comparative analysis of the available sources of information showed that the modern state of knowledge is incomplete, while the research potential of the monument is far from being exhausted. This article gives an overview of the state of research, as well as of the open questions and gaps in our knowledge. Along with a description of the currently available sources of information and their limitations, the publication informs readers about recently conducted archaeological studies, performed both on the partially preserved prewar archaeological material and on the monument. Besides the actual reintroduction of Grebieten into scientific research, the authors point out its role and its significance in the much more complex archaeological context. The results of recent research suggest strongly that the Grebieten burial ground is part of a much larger complex of archaeological monuments situated along the western coast of the Sambian Peninsula, in the close vicinity of amber collecting areas. This settlement complex played an important role in the collection and trade in amber, which defined the nature of Sambian-Natangian culture in the Roman Iron Age and Migration Period. Further multilateral investigations of the Grebieten burial ground should lead to a clearer view of the settlement system, the social structure, everyday life and contacts of the population of Sambia in the Roman Iron Age. 82 JAROSLAW A. PRASSOLOW, KONSTANTIN N. SKVORTSOV O n t h e S i g n i f i c a n c e a n d R e s e a r c h P o t e n t i a l o f t h e G r e b i e t e n B u r i a l G r o u n d : A R e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e P r e w a r S t a t e o f K n o w l e d g e a n d t h e P r o s p e c t s f o r M o d e r n R e s e a r c h
Archaeologia BALTICA, 2013
Российская археология, 2015
Knives-daggers represent one of the most spectacular and highly specialised Migration Period... more ENG
Knives-daggers represent one of the most spectacular and highly specialised Migration Period weapon forms
in the south-eastern region of the Baltic Sea Basin : in the territory of modern West Lithuania and in the Kaliningrad
region of Russia (former territory of the Sambian-Natangian culture). Current research project results
show that the old hypotheses about knives-daggers and shoulder straps (baltei Vidgiriai), which until now
were believed to form a functional complex, as well as about the former owners of these artefacts should be
drastically revised (at least in case of the former Sambian-Natangian culture area). It has become possible to
develop a classifi cation of knives-daggers with several major types and their variants; it has been also shown,
that baltei Vidgiriai were used already at the end of the Late Roman Period and thus appear to be older than
the “classical” knives-daggers. Traditional views of the graves with knives-daggers, as per defi nitionem rich
burials of professional warriors with a high social status, found no evidence in the examined archaeological
material. The results testify that knives-daggers were a common weapon of free members of the communities
of the Sambian-Natangian culture.
Ножи-кинжалы – одна из наиболее необычных и узкоспециализированных форм вооружения эпохи
Великого переселения народов в юго-восточной части бассейна Балтийского моря: на территории
современной Западной Литвы и Калининградской обл. РФ (ареал самбийско-натангийской
культуры). Результаты настоящего исследования указывают на то, что получившие в литературе
последних лет распространение гипотезы в отношении ножей-кинжалов и перевязей (baltei Vidgiriai),
предположительно формировавших в древности функциональный комплекс, а также в отношении владельцев этих
артефактов, должны быть кардинально пересмотрены, по крайней мере, для ареала рассматриваемой
культуры. В рамках проекта удалось выделить несколько основных типов ножей-кинжалов и их
варианты; одновременно было показано, что baltei Vidgiriai использовали уже в конце поздней
фазы эпохи Римского влияния и тем самым ранее появления “классических” ножей-кинжалов.
Сложившиеся представления о комплексах с ножами-кинжалами как о per definitionem богатых
погребениях профессиональных воинов аллохтонного этнокультурного происхождения с высоким
социальным статусом не нашли подтверждения в изученном археологическом материале. Результаты
свидетельствуют о том, что ножи-кинжалы были распространенным оружием свободных членов
общин самбийско-натангийской культуры.
Archäologische Nachrichten für Schleswig-Holstein, Jan 2015
Papers by Jaroslaw A. Prassolow
field investigation of the medieval unfortified
settlement Privol’noe-1, carried out in 2016. The
monument is located in the northern part of the
Kaliningrad Peninsula, within the borders of the
former settlement area of the Prussian tribe of
Sambians, and is dated by the currently known
archaeological material to the end of the 11th to
the beginning of the 13th century AD – the socalled ‘Late Pagan time’ of local chronology. The
monument in question differs from the few so far
excavated Prussian medieval settlements, both
by the unusually high number of individual and
mass finds, as well as by the character of some
of them. Alongside with the artefacts, which are
widely represented in the archaeological material
of the peninsula and are typical for both medieval
Prussians and their close neighbors – Curonians,
Scalovians and Livs – material evidence of contacts
with the medieval Western Europe was found.
Besides that, and for the first time in the history
of the peninsula’s research, a high number of objects from
the Ancient Rus’ was found in the settlement context. These
finds – i.e, their concentration in the settlement – testify to the
presence of cultural, trade and, obviously, legal interactions
between the inhabitants of the settlement and those of
Ancient Rus’ in the period between the Viking Age and the
beginning of the crusading expansion of the Teutonic Order to
the lands of the Prussians.
have had a profound impact on the trajectory
of East Prussian archaeology, with archaeological endeavours
abruptly halted, and finds seemingly lost or scattered.
However, the discovery of significant parts of the
Königsberg antiquities collections in Berlin, Kaliningrad,
and other European locations unveiled a preserved wealth
of knowledge, reconnecting with the longstanding research
tradition. Since 2012 a comprehensive project entitled
‘Continuity of Research and Research of Continuity
– Basic Research on Iron Age Settlement Archaeology
in the Baltic Region’ is dealing with the reconstruction of
the archaeological knowledge of the German research period
in the former province of East Prussia. Collaboratively
conducted by archaeologists at the Centre for Baltic and
Scandinavian Archaeology (ZBSA) in Schleswig and the
Museum of Pre- and Early History (MVF) in Berlin, the
project aims to reconstruct settlement history in the Iron
Age, bridging the period between 500 BC and 1250 AD.
The former German province of East Prussia, now
divided between Lithuania, Russia (the Kaliningrad region)
and Poland, poses unique challenges for the project,
necessitating collaboration with the relevant state and cultural
institutions in these countries. The initiative involves
an international scientific advisory board, and focuses on
cataloguing and making sources accessible for both digital
and analogue research, including current field research.
The project explores the continuity of settlement processes
during the Iron Age, particularly through the examination
of hillforts, a prominent monument category in
the region. The challenge lies in confirming settlement
continuity through those primary monuments, as direct
evidence of settlements is scarce. The project developed an
efficient methodology for investigating hillforts, leading to
the successful 14C-based dating of nine such monuments inthe former Kreis Fischhausen (now Zelenogradskij district,
Kaliningrad region, Russian Federation).
This provides a nuanced understanding of their occupation
phases and their correlation with burial sites. The results
challenge previous perspectives, and contribute to the
reevaluation of entire settlement chambers. Ongoing collaborations,
such as the investigation of Lithuanian hillforts,
among others together with Audronė Bliujienė, demonstrate
the method’s lasting impact, and its role in advancing our
understanding of settlement dynamics in the Baltic region.
Old Prussians - Old Russians connections: First interesting results of an unfortified settlement excavation Privol'noe-1 in autumn 2021 on the Kaliningrad Peninsula...
станций Шпицбергена (XVI–XX вв.). Кроме них в музее экспонируются артефакты, связанные с историей освоения северо-восточного морского пути: голландской экспедицией Виллема Баренца 1596–1597 гг. на Новой Земле и русской экспедицией адмирала Василия Яковлевича Чичагова 1864–1866 гг. Публикуемые материалы представлены впервые. Книга адресована как специалистам, так и широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся материальной и духовной культурой поморов, историей Арктики и, в частности, архипелага Шпицберген.
This book is a catalogue of an archaeological collection of the "Pomor" museum, which is situated in the Russian settlement of Barentsburg in the Spitsbergen Archipelago (Norway). The core of the collection consists of finds of the Spitsbergen
Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences (IA RAN), which carried out excavations in the Arctic from 1979 to 2003: objects of the Pomors material culture, as well as findings at the West European
whaling stations in Spitsbergen (16th – 20th centuries). In addition, the museum displays artefacts associated with the history of exploration of the so-called north-eastern seaway: with the Dutch expedition of Willem Barents in 1596–1597 to the Novaya Zemlya and with the Russian expedition of admiral Vasily Yakovlevich Chichagov in 1864–1866. These archaeological materials are presented to the readers for the first time. The book is of interest both to specialists and to a broad circle of readers interested in the material and spiritual culture of the Pomors, history of the Arctic and, in particular, of the Spitsbergen archipelago.
хронологию вышеупомянутых типов. Вопреки сложившимся представлениям, археологический материал свидетельствует о разновременном ношении этих фибул, а именно о плавной смене фибул Шёнварлинг/Сковарч фибулами Доллькайм/Коврово на рубеже фаз D2/D3, т.е. ок. 430 г. н.э.
хронологию вышеупомянутых типов. Вопреки сложившимся представлениям, археологический материал свидетельствует о разновременном ношении этих фибул, а именно о плавной смене фибул Шёнварлинг/Сковарч фибулами Доллькайм/Коврово на рубеже фаз D2/D3, т.е. ок. 430 г. н.э.
Knives-daggers represent one of the most spectacular and highly specialised Migration Period weapon forms
in the south-eastern region of the Baltic Sea Basin : in the territory of modern West Lithuania and in the Kaliningrad
region of Russia (former territory of the Sambian-Natangian culture). Current research project results
show that the old hypotheses about knives-daggers and shoulder straps (baltei Vidgiriai), which until now
were believed to form a functional complex, as well as about the former owners of these artefacts should be
drastically revised (at least in case of the former Sambian-Natangian culture area). It has become possible to
develop a classifi cation of knives-daggers with several major types and their variants; it has been also shown,
that baltei Vidgiriai were used already at the end of the Late Roman Period and thus appear to be older than
the “classical” knives-daggers. Traditional views of the graves with knives-daggers, as per defi nitionem rich
burials of professional warriors with a high social status, found no evidence in the examined archaeological
material. The results testify that knives-daggers were a common weapon of free members of the communities
of the Sambian-Natangian culture.
Ножи-кинжалы – одна из наиболее необычных и узкоспециализированных форм вооружения эпохи
Великого переселения народов в юго-восточной части бассейна Балтийского моря: на территории
современной Западной Литвы и Калининградской обл. РФ (ареал самбийско-натангийской
культуры). Результаты настоящего исследования указывают на то, что получившие в литературе
последних лет распространение гипотезы в отношении ножей-кинжалов и перевязей (baltei Vidgiriai),
предположительно формировавших в древности функциональный комплекс, а также в отношении владельцев этих
артефактов, должны быть кардинально пересмотрены, по крайней мере, для ареала рассматриваемой
культуры. В рамках проекта удалось выделить несколько основных типов ножей-кинжалов и их
варианты; одновременно было показано, что baltei Vidgiriai использовали уже в конце поздней
фазы эпохи Римского влияния и тем самым ранее появления “классических” ножей-кинжалов.
Сложившиеся представления о комплексах с ножами-кинжалами как о per definitionem богатых
погребениях профессиональных воинов аллохтонного этнокультурного происхождения с высоким
социальным статусом не нашли подтверждения в изученном археологическом материале. Результаты
свидетельствуют о том, что ножи-кинжалы были распространенным оружием свободных членов
общин самбийско-натангийской культуры.
field investigation of the medieval unfortified
settlement Privol’noe-1, carried out in 2016. The
monument is located in the northern part of the
Kaliningrad Peninsula, within the borders of the
former settlement area of the Prussian tribe of
Sambians, and is dated by the currently known
archaeological material to the end of the 11th to
the beginning of the 13th century AD – the socalled ‘Late Pagan time’ of local chronology. The
monument in question differs from the few so far
excavated Prussian medieval settlements, both
by the unusually high number of individual and
mass finds, as well as by the character of some
of them. Alongside with the artefacts, which are
widely represented in the archaeological material
of the peninsula and are typical for both medieval
Prussians and their close neighbors – Curonians,
Scalovians and Livs – material evidence of contacts
with the medieval Western Europe was found.
Besides that, and for the first time in the history
of the peninsula’s research, a high number of objects from
the Ancient Rus’ was found in the settlement context. These
finds – i.e, their concentration in the settlement – testify to the
presence of cultural, trade and, obviously, legal interactions
between the inhabitants of the settlement and those of
Ancient Rus’ in the period between the Viking Age and the
beginning of the crusading expansion of the Teutonic Order to
the lands of the Prussians.
have had a profound impact on the trajectory
of East Prussian archaeology, with archaeological endeavours
abruptly halted, and finds seemingly lost or scattered.
However, the discovery of significant parts of the
Königsberg antiquities collections in Berlin, Kaliningrad,
and other European locations unveiled a preserved wealth
of knowledge, reconnecting with the longstanding research
tradition. Since 2012 a comprehensive project entitled
‘Continuity of Research and Research of Continuity
– Basic Research on Iron Age Settlement Archaeology
in the Baltic Region’ is dealing with the reconstruction of
the archaeological knowledge of the German research period
in the former province of East Prussia. Collaboratively
conducted by archaeologists at the Centre for Baltic and
Scandinavian Archaeology (ZBSA) in Schleswig and the
Museum of Pre- and Early History (MVF) in Berlin, the
project aims to reconstruct settlement history in the Iron
Age, bridging the period between 500 BC and 1250 AD.
The former German province of East Prussia, now
divided between Lithuania, Russia (the Kaliningrad region)
and Poland, poses unique challenges for the project,
necessitating collaboration with the relevant state and cultural
institutions in these countries. The initiative involves
an international scientific advisory board, and focuses on
cataloguing and making sources accessible for both digital
and analogue research, including current field research.
The project explores the continuity of settlement processes
during the Iron Age, particularly through the examination
of hillforts, a prominent monument category in
the region. The challenge lies in confirming settlement
continuity through those primary monuments, as direct
evidence of settlements is scarce. The project developed an
efficient methodology for investigating hillforts, leading to
the successful 14C-based dating of nine such monuments inthe former Kreis Fischhausen (now Zelenogradskij district,
Kaliningrad region, Russian Federation).
This provides a nuanced understanding of their occupation
phases and their correlation with burial sites. The results
challenge previous perspectives, and contribute to the
reevaluation of entire settlement chambers. Ongoing collaborations,
such as the investigation of Lithuanian hillforts,
among others together with Audronė Bliujienė, demonstrate
the method’s lasting impact, and its role in advancing our
understanding of settlement dynamics in the Baltic region.
Old Prussians - Old Russians connections: First interesting results of an unfortified settlement excavation Privol'noe-1 in autumn 2021 on the Kaliningrad Peninsula...
станций Шпицбергена (XVI–XX вв.). Кроме них в музее экспонируются артефакты, связанные с историей освоения северо-восточного морского пути: голландской экспедицией Виллема Баренца 1596–1597 гг. на Новой Земле и русской экспедицией адмирала Василия Яковлевича Чичагова 1864–1866 гг. Публикуемые материалы представлены впервые. Книга адресована как специалистам, так и широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся материальной и духовной культурой поморов, историей Арктики и, в частности, архипелага Шпицберген.
This book is a catalogue of an archaeological collection of the "Pomor" museum, which is situated in the Russian settlement of Barentsburg in the Spitsbergen Archipelago (Norway). The core of the collection consists of finds of the Spitsbergen
Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences (IA RAN), which carried out excavations in the Arctic from 1979 to 2003: objects of the Pomors material culture, as well as findings at the West European
whaling stations in Spitsbergen (16th – 20th centuries). In addition, the museum displays artefacts associated with the history of exploration of the so-called north-eastern seaway: with the Dutch expedition of Willem Barents in 1596–1597 to the Novaya Zemlya and with the Russian expedition of admiral Vasily Yakovlevich Chichagov in 1864–1866. These archaeological materials are presented to the readers for the first time. The book is of interest both to specialists and to a broad circle of readers interested in the material and spiritual culture of the Pomors, history of the Arctic and, in particular, of the Spitsbergen archipelago.
хронологию вышеупомянутых типов. Вопреки сложившимся представлениям, археологический материал свидетельствует о разновременном ношении этих фибул, а именно о плавной смене фибул Шёнварлинг/Сковарч фибулами Доллькайм/Коврово на рубеже фаз D2/D3, т.е. ок. 430 г. н.э.
хронологию вышеупомянутых типов. Вопреки сложившимся представлениям, археологический материал свидетельствует о разновременном ношении этих фибул, а именно о плавной смене фибул Шёнварлинг/Сковарч фибулами Доллькайм/Коврово на рубеже фаз D2/D3, т.е. ок. 430 г. н.э.
Knives-daggers represent one of the most spectacular and highly specialised Migration Period weapon forms
in the south-eastern region of the Baltic Sea Basin : in the territory of modern West Lithuania and in the Kaliningrad
region of Russia (former territory of the Sambian-Natangian culture). Current research project results
show that the old hypotheses about knives-daggers and shoulder straps (baltei Vidgiriai), which until now
were believed to form a functional complex, as well as about the former owners of these artefacts should be
drastically revised (at least in case of the former Sambian-Natangian culture area). It has become possible to
develop a classifi cation of knives-daggers with several major types and their variants; it has been also shown,
that baltei Vidgiriai were used already at the end of the Late Roman Period and thus appear to be older than
the “classical” knives-daggers. Traditional views of the graves with knives-daggers, as per defi nitionem rich
burials of professional warriors with a high social status, found no evidence in the examined archaeological
material. The results testify that knives-daggers were a common weapon of free members of the communities
of the Sambian-Natangian culture.
Ножи-кинжалы – одна из наиболее необычных и узкоспециализированных форм вооружения эпохи
Великого переселения народов в юго-восточной части бассейна Балтийского моря: на территории
современной Западной Литвы и Калининградской обл. РФ (ареал самбийско-натангийской
культуры). Результаты настоящего исследования указывают на то, что получившие в литературе
последних лет распространение гипотезы в отношении ножей-кинжалов и перевязей (baltei Vidgiriai),
предположительно формировавших в древности функциональный комплекс, а также в отношении владельцев этих
артефактов, должны быть кардинально пересмотрены, по крайней мере, для ареала рассматриваемой
культуры. В рамках проекта удалось выделить несколько основных типов ножей-кинжалов и их
варианты; одновременно было показано, что baltei Vidgiriai использовали уже в конце поздней
фазы эпохи Римского влияния и тем самым ранее появления “классических” ножей-кинжалов.
Сложившиеся представления о комплексах с ножами-кинжалами как о per definitionem богатых
погребениях профессиональных воинов аллохтонного этнокультурного происхождения с высоким
социальным статусом не нашли подтверждения в изученном археологическом материале. Результаты
свидетельствуют о том, что ножи-кинжалы были распространенным оружием свободных членов
общин самбийско-натангийской культуры.
Накопленный массив археологических знаний хранился к 1943 г. в основном в виде коллекции находок и архивных документов в кёнигсбергском музее «Пруссия», в то время как лишь сравнительно небольшая часть материала была опубликована. Вследствие этого эвакуация и последующее исчезновение большей части музейной коллекции находок и всего архива музея в конце Второй Мировой войны в значительной мере затормозило развитие археологии в указанном регионе в послевоенный период исследования. После разделения территории Восточной Пруссии согласно решению Потсдамской конференции в 1945 г. польским и советским (позднее – российским и литовским) археологам приходилось опираться лишь на результаты собственных полевых работ, а также на во многом уже не соответствую-щую современным требованиям довоенную литературу.
Ситуация кардинально изменилась с обнаружением в 1992 г. значительной части считавшегося безвозвратно утерянным архива музея «Пруссия» в Берлине. С этого дня и по настоящий момент ведётся кропотливая работа по восстановлению состояния археологического исследования рассматриваемой территории, в т. ч. и как одной из предпосылок для её дальнейшего изучения. Первые работы по воссозданию архива музея «Пруссия» из разрозненных и повреждённых в силу несоответствующих условий хранения архивных документов в период 1945-1992 гг. были проведены сотрудниками архива берлинского музея уже в первые годы после их обнаружения.
На принципиально новом современном уровне работы по реконструкции археологического ландшафта бывшей Восточной Пруссии последовательно проводятся с 2012 г. сотрудниками Центра балтской и скандинавской археологии (ZBSA) (Шлезвиг) и Музея древней и ранней истории (MVF) (Берлин) в рамках поддерживаемого Академией Наук и Литературы г. Майнца научного проекта «Постоянство исследования и исследование постоянства. Изучение основ поселенческой археологии эпохи железа в бассейне Балтийского моря». Содержащаяся в архиве музея «Пруссия», археологическом архиве округа Фишхаузен (западная часть территории современного Калининградского полуострова), в ряде других вновь введённых в научный оборот менее крупных архивах, а также в довоенных публикациях информация служит после её обобщения и сравнительного научного анализа воссозданию археологической карты рассматриваемой территории.
Одним из бесспорно важнейших используемых в проекте современных подходов является ГИС. В основу ГИС-модели территории легли немецкие топографические, геологические, почвенные и гидрологические карты XIX - первой половины XX вв., а также данные довоенной аэрофотосъёмки. Применение технологии ГИС делает возможным как непосредственно пространственное картирование известных и вновь вводимых в научный оборот памятников археологии уже сегодня, так и решение более сложных исследовательских задач в перспективе: анализа особенностей археологического ландшафта, реконструкцию функциональных связей между памятниками, а также впервые для региона трёхмерную реконструкцию как отдельных памятников археологии, так и целых поселенческих микроареалов.
коллекции музея «Помор», находящегося в российском
поселке Баренцбург на архипелаге Шпицберген (Норве-
гия). Основу собрания составляют находки Шпицберген-
ской археологической экспедиции Института археологии
РАН, проводившей раскопки в Арктике с 1979 по 2003 г.:
предметы материальной промысловой культуры помо-
ров, а также находки с западноевропейских китобойных
станций Шпицбергена (XVI–XX вв.). Кроме них в музее
экспонируются артефакты, связанные с историей освоения
северо-восточного морского пути: голландской экспедицией
Виллема Баренца 1596–1597 гг. на Новой Земле и русской
экспедицией адмирала Василия Яковлевича Чичагова
1864–1866 гг. Публикуемые материалы представлены впер-
вые. Книга адресована как специалистам, так и широкому
кругу читателей, интересующихся материальной и духовной
культурой поморов, историей Арктики и, в частности, архи-
пелага Шпицберген.
This book is a catalogue of an archaeological collection of the
"Pomor" museum, which is situated in the Russian settlement
of Barentsburg in the Spitsbergen Archipelago (Norway).
The core of the collection consists of finds of the Spitsbergen
Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology
Russian Academy of Sciences (IA RAN), which carried out
excavations in the Arctic from 1979 to 2003: objects of the
Pomors material culture, as well as findings at the West European
whaling stations in Spitsbergen (16th – 20th centuries).
In addition, the museum displays artefacts associated with
the history of exploration of the so-called north-eastern seaway:
with the Dutch expedition of Willem Barents in 1596–1597
to the Novaya Zemlya and with the Russian expedition of admiral
Vasily Yakovlevich Chichagov in 1864–1866. These archaeological
materials are presented to the readers for the first time.
The book is of interest both to specialists and to a broad circle
of readers interested in the material and spiritual culture of the
Pomors, history of the Arctic and, in particular, of the Spitsbergen
This book represents results of a modern versatile study to the Great migration period knife-daggers in the sambian-natangian culture from the territory of the former East Prussia (nowadays Kaliningrad region of Russia).
This book represents results of a modern versatile study to the Great migration period knife-daggers in the sambian-natangian culture from the territory of the former East Prussia (nowadays Kaliningrad region of Russia).