This study's main goal was to examine the enrollment and graduation rates of students at Uganda's... more This study's main goal was to examine the enrollment and graduation rates of students at Uganda's Gulu University. A quantitative research methodology was used in this investigation. All students enrolled at Gulu University from 2002/2003 to 2019/2020 made up the study's population. The document from the admissions office that contained the study's secondary data served as the primary tool for data collection. Data needed to manage daily academic practices was obtained from academic management systems. These systems rely on transactional databases, which are often updated and as a result lack the ability to archive histories of data instances, making them unsuitable for study on enrollment prediction and graduation prediction. based on the probability of enrollment based on the fact that departments in charge of recruiting students are left to guess. In the majority of circumstances, this is inappropriate because it causes budget shortages and resource strain. Universities experience difficulty forecasting how many students will graduate from the school of interest in addition to speculating on those who are likely to enroll. There are several reasons why a student doesn't finish their degree of study, including their financial situation and family history. As a result, models for forecasting enrolment and graduation are put forth to help in making projections about how many admitted students will enroll and how many will graduate. The proposed system first works by converting the student data into time series data by adding a time variant to it. It then runs the data through Stata software and performs regression analysis using the appropriate econometric model. The inputs to the proposed prediction system were sourced from student data stored in a worksheet regarding student details. The enrollment and graduation of students will then be forecasted using the set of associated. With a 59% accuracy rate, the model's accuracy was remarkably high. The dataset employed, which was noisy because it was pulled from genuine student transactional databases, resulted in the proposed model having a slightly poorer accuracy in comparison to some of the papers assessed.
There have been discussions concerning the media's role in social instability all over the world.... more There have been discussions concerning the media's role in social instability all over the world. Scholars continue to dispute on the impact of politics on reporting, despite the significant increase in media manipulation over the previous 10 years. The Kampala District setting of the political analysis of the media's productive economic that the media could have twin sharp edges. The study examined numerous scholarly articles on hate speech and message, political participation and bloodshed, social protest groups, and challenges in presenting for Usually provocation creates discomfort in the majority of people (76.7%), which results in societal unrest (53.5%) meant to sway political decisions. Although the majority of the populace (>50%) expressed dissatisfaction with the administration (53.5%), this was related to the wave of killing and kidnappings.
Quality and performance of organizations has become a matter of concentration and interest for th... more Quality and performance of organizations has become a matter of concentration and interest for the survival of organizations. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of total quality management on organizational performance with effect of top management commitment (TCM) on the performance of Nansana municipality, role of customer focus (CF) on the performance of Nansana municipality and influence of employee involvement on Nansana municipality Wakiso district. The literature review has exposed several characteristics of total quality management like, customer focus, customer satisfaction, top management participation, employee involvement, supplier p a r t n e r s h i p , t e a m w o r k and o p e n c o o p e r a t e c u l t u r e. Results of the study revealed that total quality management positively impact the performance of Nansana municipality through the study's independent variable (top management, customer focus and employee involvement) and dependent variable (profitability, service delivery and increase sales volume). The study concludes that organisations which delegate the authority to employees perform well as compared to those who don't. Organisations who allow their employees to work in teams prove more performance level than those who have non-team individualistic structure. The study recommends Nansana municipality to involve its employee in decision making processes at all levels by delegating them with power and authority, adopt team-based structures and develop capabilities of their employees to perform well and compete with prevailing trends in its service delivery as well as focusing basically on its customers always.
This study looked at the types, locations, and operations of small and mediumsized businesses in ... more This study looked at the types, locations, and operations of small and mediumsized businesses in western Bihar. The objectives of the research that followed served as the foundation for the study. To evaluate the connections among location and the accomplishments of SMEs in Biharwe West, to ascertain the degree to perform of SMEs there, and to examine the nature of location and effectiveness of SMEs in Biharwe West. The study used quantitative as well as qualitative techniques in a descriptive cross-sectional survey methodology. 27 out of 29 respondents that made up the study's total of 109 participants had been interviewed. The significance level for correlation is 0.01 (2-tailed). the one computed by rho. Sig. (2-tailed)-based correlation. N = 155. The results are based on a 5-point Likert scale, with 1 being "Strongly Disagree," 2 being "Disagree," 3 being "Not Sure," 4 being "Agree," and 5 being "Strongly Agree." The aforementioned results showed that, on average, respondents were unsure as to whether the location of their business inside the city had assisted its development and expansion and that the demographics of those who participated had no discernible impact on the achievement of SMEs.
In the Kibuku district, urbanization is one among major governance challenges and has accelerated... more In the Kibuku district, urbanization is one among major governance challenges and has accelerated significantly over the past two decades. Modernization is the process of transforming a rural area into a town with a contemporary structure by adding more people to it. It is referred to as "rapid urbanization" when it happens more quickly than prior to when compared with comparable urban regions in the same area. The current research concentrated on the implications of rapid development on environmental quality in Kibuku municipality. It did this through recognizing the causes of rapid urbanization in Kibuku municipality, analyzing the impacts of rapid increasing urbanization on natural resources, and learning about the conservation efforts being made to guarantee higher levels of environmental quality. Ecological laws and regulations, the development of landfills, and more public involvement were all measures of preservation that were put into action. Water treatment, flowers and growing trees, and control of rural-to-urban migration. Impact analysis of the surroundings. The responders recommended applying interdisciplinary and harmonica-sectorial approaches, reinforcing current regulations and regulations, and creating capability. Key words: urbanization and environmental management
The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between management skills and entr... more The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between management skills and entrepreneurial performance of small-scale enterprises in Kyengera Town. The objectives of the study were to; assess the relationship between planning skills and entrepreneurial performance of small-scale enterprises; examine the relationship between communication skills and entrepreneurial performance of small-scale enterprises; and assess the relationship between technical skills and entrepreneurial performance of small-scale enterprises in Kyengera Town Council. The results of the study revealed a high positive and significant correlation relationship between planning skills and performance of Small-scale enterprises in (r= 0. 688, p=0.000), a high positive relationship between communication skills and performance of Small-scale enterprises (r= 0.650, p=0.000), and a weak significant relationship between technical skills and performance of Small-scale enterprises in Kyengera Town Council (r= 0.453, p= 0.000). The study recommends that; SMEs in all sectors in Uganda should enhance managerial planning skills as a tool and a concept to be used in improving organizational performance; and to ensure growth and success of small and medium enterprise, technical and planning skills must be emphasized.
The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between management skills and entr... more The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between management skills and entrepreneurial performance of small-scale enterprises in Kyengera Town. The objectives of the study were to; assess the relationship between planning skills and entrepreneurial performance of small-scale enterprises; examine the relationship between communication skills and entrepreneurial performance of small-scale enterprises; and assess the relationship between technical skills and entrepreneurial performance of small-scale enterprises in Kyengera Town Council. The results of the study revealed a high positive and significant correlation relationship between planning skills and performance of Small-scale enterprises in (r= 0. 688, p=0.000), a high positive relationship between communication skills and performance of Small-scale enterprises (r= 0.650, p=0.000), and a weak significant relationship between technical skills and performance of Small-scale enterprises in Kyengera Town Council (r= 0.453, p= 0.000). The study recommends that; SMEs in all sectors in Uganda should enhance managerial planning skills as a tool and a concept to be used in improving organizational performance; and to ensure growth and success of small and medium enterprise, technical and planning skills must be emphasized.
This study looked at the types, locations, and operations of small and mediumsized businesses in ... more This study looked at the types, locations, and operations of small and mediumsized businesses in western Bihar. The objectives of the research that followed served as the foundation for the study. To evaluate the connections among location and the accomplishments of SMEs in Biharwe West, to ascertain the degree to perform of SMEs there, and to examine the nature of location and effectiveness of SMEs in Biharwe West. The study used quantitative as well as qualitative techniques in a descriptive cross-sectional survey methodology. 27 out of 29 respondents that made up the study's total of 109 participants had been interviewed. The significance level for correlation is 0.01 (2-tailed). the one computed by rho. Sig. (2-tailed)-based correlation. N = 155. The results are based on a 5-point Likert scale, with 1 being "Strongly Disagree," 2 being "Disagree," 3 being "Not Sure," 4 being "Agree," and 5 being "Strongly Agree." The aforementioned results showed that, on average, respondents were unsure as to whether the location of their business inside the city had assisted its development and expansion and that the demographics of those who participated had no discernible impact on the achievement of SMEs.
In Uganda, taxation is the critical source of revenue, which has been used to provide public serv... more In Uganda, taxation is the critical source of revenue, which has been used to provide public services to the citizens. However, taxation among the informal business sectors like SACCOs is still a pressing issue. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the determinants of tax compliance among savings and credit cooperative organizations in Mbarara City, Western Uganda. The study sought to examine the influence of the determinants (tax system, tax compliance cost and tax deterrence sanction) on tax compliance (submission of returns, payment of taxes and tax reporting). The finding of the study revealed that tax system, tax compliance costs and tax deterrence sanction were statistically significant related with tax compliance among SACCOs. The result of this study also revealed that out of three explanatory variables incorporated in the model, two variables such tax system and tax deterrence sanction were significant predictors of tax compliance. The study concluded that tax compliance among SACCOs was significantly influenced by tax system and tax deterrence sanctions compared to tax compliance costs. In this regard, tax policy makers, Uganda Revenue Authority, Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority, tax enforcers, managers of different companies need to consider proper education channels, tax sensitization programmes, modern electronic registration of tax payers, best assessment methods and reduce compliance costs to motivate tax payers to voluntarily comply with tax filing, registration and payment.
This study set out to provide evidence on the determinants of economic growth in Uganda while usi... more This study set out to provide evidence on the determinants of economic growth in Uganda while using gross fixed capital formation, general government final consumption expenditure and population growth as proxy variables. Time series data for the period of 1982-2020 obtained from the World Development Indicators (2020) was used. With the aid of unit root tests and a multiple linear regression model, the findings showed that population growth was stationary at level while
It is impossible to overstate the contribution of commercial banks to the fight against impoveris... more It is impossible to overstate the contribution of commercial banks to the fight against impoverishment. Commercial banks provide financial services to the active harmonica who were previously disregarded by traditional banks, in an effort to help them escape poverty. The goals were to determine the degree to which small businesses in the Adjumani District were able to obtain loans from commercial lenders as a significant source of financing for the economy, to ascertain the impact of financial literacy classes on the growth of small businesses, and examine the impact of commercial banks' participation of savings on tiny business expansion. The study was conducted using a harmonica-sectional study design. According to the study's conclusions, providing loans has a 94.7%, or high, influence on small-scale business growth, improving skills has a 95.5%, or high, effect, on small-scale business expansion, and mobilizing savings has a 12.7%, or low, effect. The investigator suggested that in order to maximize the value for loans, company activities should first secure security as collateral. Additionally, small businesses should receive more training from commercial banks, and savings should be improved by offering competitive financing rates and other appropriate measures.
The following goals served as the study's guidelines as it examined the impact of corporate socia... more The following goals served as the study's guidelines as it examined the impact of corporate social obligation (csr) on the organizational growth of banks in Uganda using the example of Centenary Bank's Paidha branch: To determine the CSR efforts in which Centenary Bank is involved, to determine the advantages of CSR in advancing the growth of Centenary Bank, and to learn more about the difficulties that Centenary Bank encounters while putting social responsibility (CSR) efforts into practice. According to the results, 40% (90) of the people polled strongly agreed with this assertion, and 57% (129) agreed with it. Wanjala (2011) discovered that CSR does, in fact, improve the business's reputation. This concurs with Keinert's (2008) finding that CSR improves the appealing qualities of the company's image to consumers. There was unanimous agreement in responding to the question about Centennial Bank and connections to the community, with 67.1% (151) strongly agreeing and 31.1% (70) agreeing that CSR strengthens relationships between the Organization and the community. This study suggests that effective legislation, which requires all businesses to behave as ethical businessmen by contributing back to the community, is something that lawmakers should actively pursue.
A case study of the Bududa District was used to analyze the effects of genderbased violence on ch... more A case study of the Bududa District was used to analyze the effects of genderbased violence on children's welfare. The study's particular goals were to evaluate the association among bride price customs (early marriage) and welfare of children in Uganda's Budduda District. to determine a connection among the makeup of LC courts and the welfare of kids in Budduda District, Uganda, and to investigate the connection between cultural norms and young people's welfare in that region. A review of the available research on violence against women was done. In addition to a case investigation study design, both quantitative and qualitative approaches were also utilised. A sample size of
The main objective of the study was to examine the relationship between contract management and s... more The main objective of the study was to examine the relationship between contract management and service delivery in the public sector in Uganda taking Kawolo Hospital as a case study. The study was guided by three research objectives which were to establish the relationship between; contract administration and service delivery, delivery management and service delivery and relationship management and service delivery. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data from a sample of 134 respondents of which ninety (90) returned their well filled questionnaires giving a response rate of 67.2%. The findings revealed that all the relationships were positive and significant, except relationship between contract administration and service delivery. The results shows that there was no significant relationship between contract administration and service delivery (r=0.158, p<0.136), there was a significant relationship between delivery management and service delivery (r=0.532, p<0.000); while relationship between relationship management and service delivery was also significant (r=0.354, p<0.001). However, none of the variables were highly interrelated. The researcher concludes that delivery management is more significant in contract management than the blend of relationship management and contract administration accounting for 28.3% variation in service delivery in Uganda Public sector.
One of the main problems of the 21st century is the refugee crisis. In 2017, there were 25.4 mill... more One of the main problems of the 21st century is the refugee crisis. In 2017, there were 25.4 million refugees and 3.4 million individuals seeking asylum worldwide, as reported by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).The study evaluated the role of civil society organizations in managing disagreements among apparatus in Uganda, with the main goals being to identify the root causes of these disagreements, assess the role of civil society businesses in addressing them, and determine the association between these organizations and the health and well-being of the refugees. The study, which was carried out over the course of two months from the Nymanzi refugee settlement in the Adjumani area, evaluated the role played by civil society groups in the last three years in the administration of refugee violence. The use of an across sectoral survey methodology allowed participants to supply the required data. Based on the overwhelming majority of those polled, 44.2%, who were in general agreement with the declaration, followed by 30.8% who additionally backed by strongly agreeing, the findings demonstrated that organizations from civil society guarantee refugees appreciate the same liberties of Ugandan residents with the objective of expanding their conditions of living and welfare as a whole However, 7.7% strongly disagreed, while 13.5% disagreed, and 3.8% were unsure.
The study aimed at assessing the effect of workplace conflict on employee's performance and organ... more The study aimed at assessing the effect of workplace conflict on employee's performance and organizational productivity with a case study of Tororo general hospital and study was guided by the following objectives; to analyze the effect of interpersonal conflict on organizational productivity of Tororo General Hospital, to assess the effect of intergroup conflict on employees' performance and productivity of Tororo General Hospital and to examine the effect of intra-group conflict on organizational productivity of Tororo General Hospital. Ceteris peribus, a one percent increase in interpersonal conflict would on average lead to 0.937 increase in organizational productivity. The R-squared value (0.878) is greater than the adjusted R-squared value (0.839) because it imposes a harsher penalty on the model. Since the Fcomputed (22.323) is greater than the F-tabulated (0.00), we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a statistically significant relationship between interpersonal conflict on organizational productivity and Performance. The researcher recommends that organisations should invest in efficient employee interpersonal conflict so as to ensure quick and efficient generation and flow of information.
The study aimed at credit financing and the growth of small and medium enterprises in Namungoona ... more The study aimed at credit financing and the growth of small and medium enterprises in Namungoona trading center and it was guided by the following objectives; To assess the relationship between bank loans and the growth of small and medium enterprises in Namungoona trading center, to examine the relationship between trade credit and the growth of small and medium enterprises in Namungoona trading center and to analyze the relationship between bank overdrafts and the growth of small and medium enterprises in Namungoona trading center. The correlation coefficient (0.669) shows a moderate positive relationship between trade credit and growth of small and medium enterprises in Namungoona trading center. This is statistically significant at 95% confidence interval since the P-value (0.35) is less than 0.05 and therefore we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that trade credit had a significant relationship on the growth of small and medium enterprises of Namungoona trading center. Micro Finance institutions should devise means of delivering credit financing facilities and improve terms and conditions under which financial institutions offer various credit facilities to SMEs. The government of the republic of Uganda should partner with other financial institutions to provide subsidized financial/credit assistance to SMEs with little interest rates Key words: credit financing, small and medium enterprises Back ground to the study Credit financing is a strategy that involves borrowing money from a lender with the understanding that the full amount was paid in future usually with an interest (Stearns, 2017). He further says that credit financing involves any money or financial instrument extended to the borrower by the lender from which the later expects a refund of both principal and interest. The interest rate charged on the borrowed funds reflects the level of the risk that the
The study aimed at external auditing and the financial performance of Marianum press limited, Kis... more The study aimed at external auditing and the financial performance of Marianum press limited, Kisubi and it was guided by the following objectives; to determine the effect of verification of accounting data and financial performance of organization in Kisubi, to determine whether or not external auditors exercise professional ethics and competences while auditing organizations in Kisubi and to ascertain the effect of internal control on the performance of organizations in Kisubi. However, upon comparing the Jarque-Bera value (0.9) with the significance level (0.05), we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the disturbance terms are not normally distributed since 0.9 is greater than 0.05. According to the findings, the research study establishes that the effectiveness of verification of accounting data on accountability of a Marianum Press limited ensures avoidance of manipulation of accounts, ensures proper valuation of public assets, enhances proper recording and valuation of assets, ensures arithmetic accuracy of accounts, detection of frauds and errors in the transactions and it exhibits a true and fair view of the state of affairs of a Marianum Press limited. It is evident that as much as internal auditing exists in Marianum Press limited, it is inadequate and inefficient in management of accountability and improvement of performance. This therefore calls for a stronger and effective auditing genre (External auditing or statutory auditing) to help the Marianum Press limited improve on Accountability, Quality service delivery and Economic efficiency alias Performance of the Marianum Press limited appropriately.
The study's goals were to assess how ready women who are pregnant were overall for giving birth, ... more The study's goals were to assess how ready women who are pregnant were overall for giving birth, create an illustration to educate the community in Bbaale parish and Bbaale sub county Kayunga district, identify the components of preparing for delivery among expecting mothers receiving antenatal care, and show how numerous expecting mothers in Bbaale and Bbaale parish Sub County Kayunga district had been ready for their children. In Bbaale parish, Bbaale sub county, Kayunga district, the study results on the methods to influence pregnant women's perceptions moving forward into preparing for birth showed that 50 (62.5%) had been focused on ANC, 5 (6.25%) were equipped for any health problems, 17 (21.25%) involved one's men, and 8 (10%) made one's particular men aware of and like attempting to make frequent trips as per the researcher's recommendations. The variability of the sample (20.12) ranges from the lowest (19) and highest (30), and age has been shifted to the right because it perfectly fits the results for the center of gravity. (68). Because 0.56 is more than 0.05 and the Jarque-Bera value is higher than 0.05, we reject the notion of a null and conclude that the disturbance components are not regularly distributed. The results of the inquiry validated the recommendations that have been provided below. In order to ensure that females are not entirely reliant on the monetary assistance of men, the government ought to encourage them alongside to setting up SACCOS for them and providing start-up funding. Their standard of living will rise, and maternity care efforts must be widely disseminated in order to boost women's ability to obtain knowledge about reproductive readiness.
The study aimed at online food reservation and delivery management system with a case study of se... more The study aimed at online food reservation and delivery management system with a case study of serena magadir restaurant in Kisoro municipality Kisoro district Uganda and it was guided by the following objectives; To create a module that will enable customers to order custom meals minus visiting the Main menu in the physical premises, to generate a module that will allow customers to have a visual confirmation that the order was placed correctly and to generate a module that will help the staff to record customer orders and eliminate paper work. From the findings, it was found out that 54.2% of the customers always visit and order for food at Serena restaurant by physical visiting of the restaurant at the premises, 45.5% like ordering for the food from the Serena restaurant via the links created that is by the web browser. The researcher recommended the manager to provide enough funds to help update the system when needed by the developer.