A field experiment was conducted on at M.lekhe district (Ethiopia) during 2002 and 2003 years to ... more A field experiment was conducted on at M.lekhe district (Ethiopia) during 2002 and 2003 years to investigate the response of tomato to rates of Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) fertilizers. The treatment consisted of factorial combination of four Nitrogen fertilizers rates (50 kg, 100 and 150 urea/ha) and four P rates (100,150 and 200 DAP/ha) arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design. Statistically significant and highest yield per plant was recorded at the highest rate of DAP (200 kg/ha). The significantly lowest yield was found at the zero level (with out DAP applied). The marketable yield in Q/ha of the rates is 939.96, 822.44, 731.1067 and 421.44 for 200, 150, 100 and 0 rates respectively. As the partiual budget analisis showed increasing rate of phosphorus and urea fertilizers increased profitability until 200 kg/ha and 150 kg/ha respectively.
Lack of improved varieties and production practices have been the major bottlenecks of onion prod... more Lack of improved varieties and production practices have been the major bottlenecks of onion production and productivity in Tigray, particularly at Aksum area. There have been no recommended intra-row spacing and variety for that area specifically; rather farmers used to practice non-uniform plant spacing. Thus, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of intra-row spacing, variety and their interactions on yield, shelf life and bulb quality of onion, thereby recommend the optimum practices to farmers in the study area. The study was conducted between August 2010 and April 2011 at Aksum area (L/maichew district). Three different intra-row spacings (5, 7.5 and 10 cm) were evaluated using four varieties of onion ('Adama' Red, 'Bombay' Red, 'Melkam' and 'Nasik' Red) using RCBD replicated four times. Data on yield and quality parameters were recorded and subjected to ANOVA. Results indicate that intra-row spacing of 10 cm was superior in plant height, leaf number per plant, leaf biomass yield, leaf dry matter content and percentage of bolters. Highest total bulb yield was recorded at the closest intra-row spacing (5 cm) followed by 7.5 cm. 'Melkam' variety was the highest yielder, while 'Adama' Red was the lowest yielder. Average bulb weight increased with increasing intra row spacing. 'Melkam' variety followed by 'Bombay' Red variety was superior in average bulb weight. 'Adama' Red recorded the highest unmarketable yield.
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of intra-row spacing and, variety o... more A field experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of intra-row spacing and, variety on yield and shelf life of onion. The study was conducted between August 2010 and April 2011 at Aksum area (Laelay Maichew District). Three different intra-row spacings (5, 7.5 and 10 cm) were evaluated using 4 varieties of onion ('Adama' Red, 'Bombay' Red, 'Melkam' and 'Nasik' Red) using randomized complete block design replicated 4 times. Data on yield and shelf life parameters were recorded and subjected to analysis of variance using SAS 9.2 software. The result showed the post harvest deterioration as measured by percentage of marketable loss, total soluble sugars in oBrix and dry matter content (DMC) was less on 'Nasik' Red variety. The largest bulb size, produced by the larger intra-row spacing, showed highest rotting percentage compared to the smaller ones. Average bulb weight loss during storage also was higher at the intra-row spacing of 5 cm than 7.5 cm. Moreover, the result revealed that 'Melkam' and 'Bombay' Red varieties were superior in yield and an intra-row spacing of 7.5 cm can gave good yield bulbs while 'Nasik' Red had best storage quality and 'Melkam' and 'Adama' Red are moderate.
Lack of improved varieties and production practices have been the major bottlenecks of onion prod... more Lack of improved varieties and production practices have been the major bottlenecks of onion production and productivity in Tigray particularly at Aksum area. In Ethiopia, post harvest loss of vegetables contributed up to 30% yield reduction on vegetables and fruits. There have been no recommended intra-row spacing and variety for that area specifically; rather farmers used to practice non-uniform plant spacing. Thus, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of intra-row spacing, variety and their interactions on yield, shelf life and bulb quality of onion, thereby to recommend the optimum practices to farmers in the study area. The study was conducted between August 2010 and April 2011 at Aksum area (L/maichew district). Three different intra-row spacings (5 cm, 7.5 cm and 10 cm) were evaluated using four varieties of onion (āAdamaā Red, āBombayā Red, āMelkamā and āNasikā Red) using RCBD replicated four times. Data on growth, yield, quality and shelf life param...
A field experiment was conducted at Aksum Agricultural Research Center Merebleke irrigation testi... more A field experiment was conducted at Aksum Agricultural Research Center Merebleke irrigation testing site for two years, 2014 and 2015 cropping calendar under irrigation condition. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of Inter and intra-row spacing on growth, Yield and fruit characteristics of Melkashola variety of tomato. The trial was laid out in factorial randomized complete block design in three replications. The treatment comprises of twelve treatment combination (20, 30 and 40 cm intra row spacing and 60, 80, 100 and 120 cm inter row spacing). Combined analysis of variance showed that except days to 50% flowering, all traits did not show significant interaction effect. However, main effect of inter and intra row spacing showed significant differences for days to maturity, plant height, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight and marketable fruit yield. The highest number of fruits per plant was found from 40 cm intra row spacing (74) but it is statistically at par with 30 cm intra row spacing (68). Fruit size was significantly affected by intra row spacing; the largest fruit size was recorded from 30 cm intra row spacing (71.1 g) while the smaller size found from 20 cm intra row spacing (67.5 g). However, fruit size didn't show significant difference for different inter row spacing. The highest marketable yield was obtained from 60 cm inter row spacing (654.60qt ha-1) which is statistically not significant with 80 cm inter row spacing (611.7 qt ha-1). Similarly, the narrow intra row spacing that is, 20 cm scored highest marketable yield (651.4 qt ha-1) which is also statistically at par with 30 cm intra row spacing (597.4 qt ha-1). Considering fruit size and marketable yield, 60 cm inter row spacing and 30 cm intra row spacing are appropriate for higher marketable fruit yield and better fruit size in Merebleke wereda.
A field experiment was conducted on at M.lekhe district (Ethiopia) during 2002 and 2003 years to ... more A field experiment was conducted on at M.lekhe district (Ethiopia) during 2002 and 2003 years to investigate the response of tomato to rates of Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) fertilizers. The treatment consisted of factorial combination of four Nitrogen fertilizers rates (50 kg, 100 and 150 urea/ha) and four P rates (100,150 and 200 DAP/ha) arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design. Statistically significant and highest yield per plant was recorded at the highest rate of DAP (200 kg/ha). The significantly lowest yield was found at the zero level (with out DAP applied). The marketable yield in Q/ha of the rates is 939.96, 822.44, 731.1067 and 421.44 for 200, 150, 100 and 0 rates respectively. As the partiual budget analisis showed increasing rate of phosphorus and urea fertilizers increased profitability until 200 kg/ha and 150 kg/ha respectively.
A field experiment was conducted at Axum Agricultural Research Center, Rama irrigation site, to i... more A field experiment was conducted at Axum Agricultural Research Center, Rama irrigation site, to investigate the performance of different varieties of hot pepper for growth, dry pod yield and quality. The experiment was conducted from December2013 to June2014 under irrigated condition using five hot pepper varieties (Marekofana, MelkaShote, Melkaawaze, Melkazala and Melkaeshet).The experiment was conducted on a randomized complete block design with three replication. The result of the study showed significant difference on days of 50%flowering,days to 50%maturity,fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight, number of fruit per plant, plant height, marketable yield, unmarketable yield and total yield(Qt/ha).As a result the earliest variety to attain days to 50%flowering was Marekofana; the variety to attain shortest days to maturity were asMelkaShote and Melkazala, while the highest fruit number per plant was recorded at MelkaShote. On the other hand the widest fruit diameter was recor...
The main reason of low production and productivity is restricted use of inputs, notably improved ... more The main reason of low production and productivity is restricted use of inputs, notably improved seeds and fertilizers. May vegetable seeds are imported which results in different problems like disease outbreak, timely unavailability, costly and so on. The demand of vegetable seed is increasing from time to time. Though vegetable seed production is difficult, there are attempts and efforts to produce at local level. Strengthening of community based seed multiplication is a means to develop the vegetable seed production techniques and business. In order to bring this to practical, demonstration and scaling up activities conducted since 2009 to 2014. Farmers Research Group (FRG) approach was used to implement the research. In 2013 an average yield of 7q/ha of onion seed was recorded while the maximum was 10 q/ha. While in 2014 a maximum yield 16 q/ha was recorded at farmers field. The yield increment might be due to skill development by the farmers. Farmers could get gross income of 2...
A field experiment was conducted on at M.lekhe district (Ethiopia) during 2002 and 2003 years to ... more A field experiment was conducted on at M.lekhe district (Ethiopia) during 2002 and 2003 years to investigate the response of tomato to rates of Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) fertilizers. The treatment consisted of factorial combination of four Nitrogen fertilizers rates (50 kg, 100 and 150 urea/ha) and four P rates (100,150 and 200 DAP/ha) arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design. Statistically significant and highest yield per plant was recorded at the highest rate of DAP (200 kg/ha). The significantly lowest yield was found at the zero level (with out DAP applied). The marketable yield in Q/ha of the rates is 939.96, 822.44, 731.1067 and 421.44 for 200, 150, 100 and 0 rates respectively. As the partiual budget analisis showed increasing rate of phosphorus and urea fertilizers increased profitability until 200 kg/ha and 150 kg/ha respectively.
Lack of improved varieties and production practices have been the major bottlenecks of onion prod... more Lack of improved varieties and production practices have been the major bottlenecks of onion production and productivity in Tigray, particularly at Aksum area. There have been no recommended intra-row spacing and variety for that area specifically; rather farmers used to practice non-uniform plant spacing. Thus, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of intra-row spacing, variety and their interactions on yield, shelf life and bulb quality of onion, thereby recommend the optimum practices to farmers in the study area. The study was conducted between August 2010 and April 2011 at Aksum area (L/maichew district). Three different intra-row spacings (5, 7.5 and 10 cm) were evaluated using four varieties of onion ('Adama' Red, 'Bombay' Red, 'Melkam' and 'Nasik' Red) using RCBD replicated four times. Data on yield and quality parameters were recorded and subjected to ANOVA. Results indicate that intra-row spacing of 10 cm was superior in plant height, leaf number per plant, leaf biomass yield, leaf dry matter content and percentage of bolters. Highest total bulb yield was recorded at the closest intra-row spacing (5 cm) followed by 7.5 cm. 'Melkam' variety was the highest yielder, while 'Adama' Red was the lowest yielder. Average bulb weight increased with increasing intra row spacing. 'Melkam' variety followed by 'Bombay' Red variety was superior in average bulb weight. 'Adama' Red recorded the highest unmarketable yield.
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of intra-row spacing and, variety o... more A field experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of intra-row spacing and, variety on yield and shelf life of onion. The study was conducted between August 2010 and April 2011 at Aksum area (Laelay Maichew District). Three different intra-row spacings (5, 7.5 and 10 cm) were evaluated using 4 varieties of onion ('Adama' Red, 'Bombay' Red, 'Melkam' and 'Nasik' Red) using randomized complete block design replicated 4 times. Data on yield and shelf life parameters were recorded and subjected to analysis of variance using SAS 9.2 software. The result showed the post harvest deterioration as measured by percentage of marketable loss, total soluble sugars in oBrix and dry matter content (DMC) was less on 'Nasik' Red variety. The largest bulb size, produced by the larger intra-row spacing, showed highest rotting percentage compared to the smaller ones. Average bulb weight loss during storage also was higher at the intra-row spacing of 5 cm than 7.5 cm. Moreover, the result revealed that 'Melkam' and 'Bombay' Red varieties were superior in yield and an intra-row spacing of 7.5 cm can gave good yield bulbs while 'Nasik' Red had best storage quality and 'Melkam' and 'Adama' Red are moderate.
Lack of improved varieties and production practices have been the major bottlenecks of onion prod... more Lack of improved varieties and production practices have been the major bottlenecks of onion production and productivity in Tigray particularly at Aksum area. In Ethiopia, post harvest loss of vegetables contributed up to 30% yield reduction on vegetables and fruits. There have been no recommended intra-row spacing and variety for that area specifically; rather farmers used to practice non-uniform plant spacing. Thus, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of intra-row spacing, variety and their interactions on yield, shelf life and bulb quality of onion, thereby to recommend the optimum practices to farmers in the study area. The study was conducted between August 2010 and April 2011 at Aksum area (L/maichew district). Three different intra-row spacings (5 cm, 7.5 cm and 10 cm) were evaluated using four varieties of onion (āAdamaā Red, āBombayā Red, āMelkamā and āNasikā Red) using RCBD replicated four times. Data on growth, yield, quality and shelf life param...
A field experiment was conducted at Aksum Agricultural Research Center Merebleke irrigation testi... more A field experiment was conducted at Aksum Agricultural Research Center Merebleke irrigation testing site for two years, 2014 and 2015 cropping calendar under irrigation condition. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of Inter and intra-row spacing on growth, Yield and fruit characteristics of Melkashola variety of tomato. The trial was laid out in factorial randomized complete block design in three replications. The treatment comprises of twelve treatment combination (20, 30 and 40 cm intra row spacing and 60, 80, 100 and 120 cm inter row spacing). Combined analysis of variance showed that except days to 50% flowering, all traits did not show significant interaction effect. However, main effect of inter and intra row spacing showed significant differences for days to maturity, plant height, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight and marketable fruit yield. The highest number of fruits per plant was found from 40 cm intra row spacing (74) but it is statistically at par with 30 cm intra row spacing (68). Fruit size was significantly affected by intra row spacing; the largest fruit size was recorded from 30 cm intra row spacing (71.1 g) while the smaller size found from 20 cm intra row spacing (67.5 g). However, fruit size didn't show significant difference for different inter row spacing. The highest marketable yield was obtained from 60 cm inter row spacing (654.60qt ha-1) which is statistically not significant with 80 cm inter row spacing (611.7 qt ha-1). Similarly, the narrow intra row spacing that is, 20 cm scored highest marketable yield (651.4 qt ha-1) which is also statistically at par with 30 cm intra row spacing (597.4 qt ha-1). Considering fruit size and marketable yield, 60 cm inter row spacing and 30 cm intra row spacing are appropriate for higher marketable fruit yield and better fruit size in Merebleke wereda.
A field experiment was conducted on at M.lekhe district (Ethiopia) during 2002 and 2003 years to ... more A field experiment was conducted on at M.lekhe district (Ethiopia) during 2002 and 2003 years to investigate the response of tomato to rates of Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) fertilizers. The treatment consisted of factorial combination of four Nitrogen fertilizers rates (50 kg, 100 and 150 urea/ha) and four P rates (100,150 and 200 DAP/ha) arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design. Statistically significant and highest yield per plant was recorded at the highest rate of DAP (200 kg/ha). The significantly lowest yield was found at the zero level (with out DAP applied). The marketable yield in Q/ha of the rates is 939.96, 822.44, 731.1067 and 421.44 for 200, 150, 100 and 0 rates respectively. As the partiual budget analisis showed increasing rate of phosphorus and urea fertilizers increased profitability until 200 kg/ha and 150 kg/ha respectively.
A field experiment was conducted at Axum Agricultural Research Center, Rama irrigation site, to i... more A field experiment was conducted at Axum Agricultural Research Center, Rama irrigation site, to investigate the performance of different varieties of hot pepper for growth, dry pod yield and quality. The experiment was conducted from December2013 to June2014 under irrigated condition using five hot pepper varieties (Marekofana, MelkaShote, Melkaawaze, Melkazala and Melkaeshet).The experiment was conducted on a randomized complete block design with three replication. The result of the study showed significant difference on days of 50%flowering,days to 50%maturity,fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight, number of fruit per plant, plant height, marketable yield, unmarketable yield and total yield(Qt/ha).As a result the earliest variety to attain days to 50%flowering was Marekofana; the variety to attain shortest days to maturity were asMelkaShote and Melkazala, while the highest fruit number per plant was recorded at MelkaShote. On the other hand the widest fruit diameter was recor...
The main reason of low production and productivity is restricted use of inputs, notably improved ... more The main reason of low production and productivity is restricted use of inputs, notably improved seeds and fertilizers. May vegetable seeds are imported which results in different problems like disease outbreak, timely unavailability, costly and so on. The demand of vegetable seed is increasing from time to time. Though vegetable seed production is difficult, there are attempts and efforts to produce at local level. Strengthening of community based seed multiplication is a means to develop the vegetable seed production techniques and business. In order to bring this to practical, demonstration and scaling up activities conducted since 2009 to 2014. Farmers Research Group (FRG) approach was used to implement the research. In 2013 an average yield of 7q/ha of onion seed was recorded while the maximum was 10 q/ha. While in 2014 a maximum yield 16 q/ha was recorded at farmers field. The yield increment might be due to skill development by the farmers. Farmers could get gross income of 2...
Papers by Yemane Kahsay