Drumbl, Hans, Gelmi, Rita, Lévy-Hillerich, Dorothea & Nied Curcio, Martina (Hrsg.), IDT 2013, Heterogenität in Lernsituationen Bd. 4. , 2016
Die hier vorgestellte fächerübergreifende Moodle-Lernplattform für einen Studienbe-gleitenden Deu... more Die hier vorgestellte fächerübergreifende Moodle-Lernplattform für einen Studienbe-gleitenden Deutschunterricht ist Teil eines in einem internationalen Hochschulprojekt entstandenen Lehrwerks. Die dafür maßgeblichen Prinzipien und Ziele bilden auch den Hintergrund der Lernplattform, deren verschiedenartiges multimediales und interaktives Lernangebot hier zusammen mit den Kompetenzen präsentiert wird, die bei den Lernenden entwickelt werden sollen, wie z. B Teamarbeit in einer Projektar-beit, Selbstevaluation usw. Das in der Plattform enthaltene Zusatzmaterial erlaubt einen binnendifferenzierenden Unterricht, unterstützt verschiedene Lerntypen und entwickelt Autonomie und Selbstverantwortung der Lernenden.
Papers by Karmelka Barić
, da die in den Rahmenlehrplänen enthaltenen Angaben zu Grundsätzen, Zielen, Inhalten und Vorgehensweisen sprachübergreifend sind und nicht an die Vermittlung einer einzigen Sprache gebunden sind, obwohl sie in deutscher Sprache von deutschen Dozenten verfasst wurden.
interaction before and after graduation, and how they lead learners to develop professional skills in the foreign language. The main finding of the analysis is that only a very few textbooks really put into practice the principles of the framework curricula and that they are almost unknown both in Eastern Europe and in Western Europe. The second key question,
therefore, is why these books and the framework curricula are almost unknown: are these curricula not useful didactical and methodological instruments for planning pan-European foreign language teaching in tertiary education? The authors' answer is that they are, and that they still serve as an effective and useful “Bible”: even if this might seem utopian, it is worth devoting energy to developing and using these curricula, as they are grounded in a pedagogical, holistic and humanistic approach and implement the European Common Frame of Reference for Languages at the tertiary level.
In the first part of the paper, the framework curricula are briefly presented, then selected tasks are used to show how the principles can be put into practice, so that students develop not only language skills but, importantly, cross-disciplinary competences of a personal, methodological and social nature. In a concluding overview, all the elements contained in the curricula are presented like a series of gear wheels which depend on one another – just as the proposed guidelines and practical supports are interdependent.
Through the analysis of interactional tasks taken from a university course book for teaching German, the paper shows how in this type of course, L2 competence can be radically improved. The course book applies the principles of framework curricula developed over the last twenty years in a cross-faculty language course project involving ten countries, with the aim of supporting university teachers and authors in preparing students in their professional lives in our globalized world.
, da die in den Rahmenlehrplänen enthaltenen Angaben zu Grundsätzen, Zielen, Inhalten und Vorgehensweisen sprachübergreifend sind und nicht an die Vermittlung einer einzigen Sprache gebunden sind, obwohl sie in deutscher Sprache von deutschen Dozenten verfasst wurden.
interaction before and after graduation, and how they lead learners to develop professional skills in the foreign language. The main finding of the analysis is that only a very few textbooks really put into practice the principles of the framework curricula and that they are almost unknown both in Eastern Europe and in Western Europe. The second key question,
therefore, is why these books and the framework curricula are almost unknown: are these curricula not useful didactical and methodological instruments for planning pan-European foreign language teaching in tertiary education? The authors' answer is that they are, and that they still serve as an effective and useful “Bible”: even if this might seem utopian, it is worth devoting energy to developing and using these curricula, as they are grounded in a pedagogical, holistic and humanistic approach and implement the European Common Frame of Reference for Languages at the tertiary level.
In the first part of the paper, the framework curricula are briefly presented, then selected tasks are used to show how the principles can be put into practice, so that students develop not only language skills but, importantly, cross-disciplinary competences of a personal, methodological and social nature. In a concluding overview, all the elements contained in the curricula are presented like a series of gear wheels which depend on one another – just as the proposed guidelines and practical supports are interdependent.
Through the analysis of interactional tasks taken from a university course book for teaching German, the paper shows how in this type of course, L2 competence can be radically improved. The course book applies the principles of framework curricula developed over the last twenty years in a cross-faculty language course project involving ten countries, with the aim of supporting university teachers and authors in preparing students in their professional lives in our globalized world.