Papers by Lorena Benarroch
Resumen Se muestran los datos recopilados de 316 pacientes entre los años 1991 a 2011, de análisi... more Resumen Se muestran los datos recopilados de 316 pacientes entre los años 1991 a 2011, de análisis de minerales en el cabello (AMC) en diferentes ciudades de Venezuela; de pacientes los cuales se intentó determinar deficiencia o exceso de elementos químicos y evaluar los niveles de elementos tóxicos. El AMC es un método que revela la concentración de elementos en un período de meses, de acuerdo al crecimiento del cabello, a diferencia de la sangre o la orina que revela un perfil de horas o días de exposición. No obstante, para la evaluación en toxicología se toman los análisis de orina de algunos elementos por ser estos mejor estudiados. Los resultados presentados de AMC ilustran el comportamiento de algunos elementos en los individuos en los años y zonas geográficas estudiadas. Se observa decrecimiento de la concentración de los siguientes elementos con, respecto de los años transcurridos: Yodo (de valores medios de 2,55 ± 0,35 ppm a 1,21 en 2010 y 1,96 en 2011), Litio (de valores medios de 0,0126 ± 0,001 ppm a 0,0057 en 2011), Plomo (de valores medios de 7,05 ± 0,56 ppm a 2,28 en 2010 y 1,62 en 2011). El elemento Uranio en las muestras de cabello revela una mayor proporción en los individuos de la región insular (Porlamar, Isla de Margarita). También se observa distribución no homogénea en zonas de Venezuela del elemento Selenio, más elevado en Los Andes. El Mercurio se encontró más elevado en los resultados provenientes de la ciudad de Tucupita (Delta Amacuro). Los datos están organizados con relación a las zonas o ciudades de Venezuela, e independientemente con relación a los años en que se practicó el análisis. Los elementos reportados en este trabajo son elementos nutrientes: Yodo, Litio y Selenio; y los elementos tóxicos: Plomo, Aluminio, Uranio y Arsénico.
PubMed, Dec 1, 1996
It is frequent the lack of family adherence toward the therapeutic measures of the allergic disea... more It is frequent the lack of family adherence toward the therapeutic measures of the allergic diseases. The incidence in the therapeutic non compliance of the asthmatic patients vary from 20 to 80%. In the last decades, the symptomatic expression of the atopic diseases (AD) in the infancy, and in the adolescence of Venezuelans has been transformed into a health care problem, with an inaccessible therapeutic cost for the state and the family. The setup of the first allergic prevention program improved attitudes and perceptions toward bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis, by the education of the risk family group, based on the results from previous investigations and adapted to the procedures and customs that govern our current society. A research project, through a multi-disciplinary group included an educational program model for the prevention of allergic diseases in a population from Caracas, Venezuelan allergic pregnant mothers, and their respective couples of a high and middle socioeconomic levels with no helminthic infections (n = 482), group A. Two subgroups were randomly selected for prospective evaluation: A1 (n = 20) without participation in the preventive program or control group, and A2 (n = 15) with participation in the program or intervened group, including strategies to be applied by the family, application of measures and reached goals; immunologic, pediatric, and nutritional sequential control; group B (n = 66), to validate the laboratory tests, and group C (n = 364) to validate immunoclinical diagnoses, in vivo immunodiagnostic tests to the parents and children (clinical history, skin prick tests for cow's milk, egg white, wheat, soybean, cladosporium and Dermatophagoides pteronnysinus), and in vitro tests (total serum IgE, Phadiatop, and Rast to the allergens previously selected). In conclusion, the program permits the identification of atopic risk children, sponsors the systematical application of intervention measures, economic, viable and projected toward the family affected, indicating a positive change through a self-family-management training and new conduct plans, facilitating the participation among the family, the community and the health team, that certifies, an optimistic therapy in the reduction of the clinical manifestations of the atopic diseases in young infants from this tropical population studied.
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Feb 1, 2006
Since respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in infancy may well cause for bronchiolitis and... more Since respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in infancy may well cause for bronchiolitis and development of asthma and innate immunity is suggested to be involved in the recognition of RSV, we investigated the role of TLRs in defense against RSV. METHODS: 1) Human monocytic cell line THP-1 was stimulated by heat-inactivated RSV, mock (Hep2 cell), ultra-purified LPS or synthetic mycoplasmal lipoprotein FSL-1. Blocking analysis was performed by adding TLR4 blocking antibody (HTA125) or TLR2 blocking antibody (TL2.1). The level of IL-12p40 in the culture supernatant was measured by ELISA. 2) Peritoneal macrophage from C57BL/6 or TLR2-KO on BL/6 background mice were stimulated by heat-inactivated RSV, mock, Ultrapurified LPS or FSL-1. The level of IL-6 in the culture supernatant was measured by ELISA. 3) Various amount of soluble CD14 (sCD14) preincubated with RSV, mock, ultra-purified LPS or FSL-1 were used to stimulate THP-1 cells and the level of IL-12p40 in the culture supernatant was measured by ELISA. RESULTS: 1) TLR2 blocking antibody suppressed heat-inactivated RSV induced IL-12p40 production more strongly than TLR4 blocking antibody did. 2) TLR2-KO macrophage was defective in IL-6 production in response to stimulation with heat-inactivated RSV as well as FSL-1. 3) sCD14 enhanced RSV-induced IL-12p40 production as well as LPSinduced IL-12p40 production. On the other hand sCD14 did not affect FSL-1-induced IL-12p40 production. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that TLR2 is a functional receptor for RSV and sCD14 may work as a co-receptor for RSV like TLR4 recognition of LPS. In contrast, FSL-1 recognition by TLR2 does not need sCD14.
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, 1988
Cell mediated immune response was studied in patients with recent and chronic Schistosoma mansoni... more Cell mediated immune response was studied in patients with recent and chronic Schistosoma mansoni infection. Precultured peripheral mononuclear cells showed significantly higher responses to S. mansoni adult worm antigen (SAWA) when compared to fresh cell preparations. The addition of each patient serum to the precultured cells reactions to SAWA or recall antigens demonstrated a strong inhibitory serum action, which was also noted on allogeneic cells derived from healthy subjects. The CD4 subset was the main responding cell to SAWA being this reactivity highly suppressed by the presence of the monocyte macrophage accessory cells. We stressed the simultaneous inhibitory action of humoral and cellular factors on the specific cell response to S. mansoni.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2003
negative but HIV-I indeterminant with a band at p24. A third set of tests were negative for both ... more negative but HIV-I indeterminant with a band at p24. A third set of tests were negative for both HIV-1 and 2 by EIA. The patient has remained well throughout without constitutional symptoms or recurrence of KS. His CD4 count is 608 and immunoglobulin levels are normal. This case illustrates the uncommon presentation of KS in a non-HIV, non-immunocompromised patient who is not from an endemic area.
This is the second report on the continuing efforts of LAGID
to increase the recognition and regi... more This is the second report on the continuing efforts of LAGID
to increase the recognition and registration of patients with pri-
mary immunodeficiency diseases in 12 Latin American coun-
tries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras,
Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. This
report reveals that from a total of 3321 patients registered, the most common form of primary immunodeficiency disease was
predominantly antibody deficiency (53.2%) with IgA deficiency
reported as the most frequent phenotype. This category was
followed by 22.6% other well-defined ID syndromes, 9.5%
combined T- and B-cell inmunodeficiency, 8.6% phagocytic
disorders, 3.3% diseases of immune dysregulation, and 2.8%
complement deficiencies. All countries that participated in the
first publication in 1998 reported an increase in registered pri-
mary immunodeficiency cases, ranging between 10 and 80%.
A comparison of the estimated minimal incidence of X-linked
agammaglobulinemia, chronic granulomatous disease, and se-
vere combined immunodeficiency between the first report and
the present one shows an increase in the reporting of these dis-
eases in all countries. In this report, the estimated minimal inci-
dence of chronic granulomatous disease was between 0.72 and
1.26 cases per 100,000 births in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica,
and Uruguay and the incidence of severe combined immunode-
ficiency was 1.28 and 3.79 per 100,000 births in Chile and Costa
Rica, respectively. However, these diseases are underreported in other participating countries. In addition to a better diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency diseases, more work on improving the registration of patients by each participating country and by countries that have not yet joined LAGID is still needed.
Investigación clínica, 1991
The point prevalence of bronchial asthma and the influence of environmental conditions among 100 ... more The point prevalence of bronchial asthma and the influence of environmental conditions among 100 individuals chosen from two Venezuelan regions, i.e., rural and urban, were investigated by history, routine laboratory tests, determination of total and specific IgE antibody to common allergens and spirometric tests. The point prevalence of bronchial asthma was 3.0% in rural subjects who were also highly parasitized by helminths and 3.6% in subjects from the urban region. A significative difference in skin responses to Dermatophagoides pteronnysinus was observed in urban asthmatics when compared with rural asthmatics. A similar response to selected allergens was found among both populations. The prevalence of infestation by Ascaris in rural asthmatics was high compared with that of rural controls. Total IgE levels were elevated for both populations, but significatively higher (p less than 0.05) for rural individuals. Results suggest a significative point prevalence of bronchial asthma ...
Investigación clínica, 1996
It is frequent the lack of family adherence toward the therapeutic measures of the allergic disea... more It is frequent the lack of family adherence toward the therapeutic measures of the allergic diseases. The incidence in the therapeutic non compliance of the asthmatic patients vary from 20 to 80%. In the last decades, the symptomatic expression of the atopic diseases (AD) in the infancy, and in the adolescence of Venezuelans has been transformed into a health care problem, with an inaccessible therapeutic cost for the state and the family. The setup of the first allergic prevention program improved attitudes and perceptions toward bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis, by the education of the risk family group, based on the results from previous investigations and adapted to the procedures and customs that govern our current society. A research project, through a multi-disciplinary group included an educational program model for the prevention of allergic diseases in a population from Caracas, Venezuelan allergic pregnant mothers, and their respective couples of...
Allergologia et Immunopathologia, 2011
programmes based on the most recent discussions and describes the next steps toward full implemen... more programmes based on the most recent discussions and describes the next steps toward full implementation of these programmes.
Invest Clin, Dec 1, 1996
Es frecuente la falta de adherencia familiar hacia las medidas terapeuticas de las enfermedades a... more Es frecuente la falta de adherencia familiar hacia las medidas terapeuticas de las enfermedades alergicas. La incidencia en el incumplimiento terapeutico de los pacientes asmaticos oscila entre un 20 a un 80%. En las ultimas decadas, la expresion sintomatica de las enfermedades atopicas (EA) en la infancia y en la adolescencia de los venezolanos se ha transformado en un problema de salud publica, con un costo terapeutico inaccesible para el estado y la familia. La estructuracion del primer programa de prevencion de enfermedades atopicas (asma bronquial. rinitis alergica y dermatitis atopica) predispone hacia un cambio de actitud a traves de la educacion del grupo familiar de riesgo, basado en los resultados de investigaciones previas y adaptado a las normas y costumbres que rigen nuestra sociedad actual. Se estructura un proyecto de investigacion, a traves de un equipo multidisciplinario: 1) programa modelo educativo para la prevencion de enfermedades alergicas en una poblacion de la ciudad de Caracas; 2) poblacion: Grupo A, madres alergicas venezolanas, embarazadas y sus respectivas parejas de un nivel socioeconomico Graffar I, II y III, no parasitadas (n= 482). Se seleccionan al azar dos subgrupos para evaluacion prospectiva; Al (n= 20) sin participacion en el programa preventivo o grupo control y A2 (n= 15) con participacion en el programa de prevencion de enfermedades alergicas o grupo intervenido, incluyendo estrategias a ser aplicadas por el nucleo familiar en relacion a la adquisicion de conocimientos, aplicacion de medidas y metas alcanzadas, control inmunologico, pediatrico, y nutricional secuencial: Grupo B control (n= 66), para validar las pruebas de laboratorio, y Grupo C control (n = 364) para validar los diagnosticos . inmunoclinicos: 3) evaluacion inmunodiagnostica in vivo a los padres e hijos (historia clinica, pruebas dermicas por pinchazo para 6 alergenos: leche de vaca, clara de huevo, trigo, soya, cladosporium y Dermatophagoides pteronnysinus). e in vitro (IgE total, Phadiatop y RAST) para los alergenos previamente seleccionados; y 4) analisis estadistico. Los resultados expresan: a) el curso educativo facilito a las familias el cumplimiento de las normas preventivas en un 73,3% hasta los 12 meses y su refuerzo incremento a 100% hasta los 18 meses de edad de los lactantes; b) la prevalencia de EA al final del periodo experimental evidencio para el grupo Al: 100% y para el grupo intervenido A2: 6,6%. Los lactantes con antecedentes familiares bilaterales de atopia, reaccionan positivamente a la prueba dermica para proteina de leche de vaca (Chi-cuadrado 6.41 valor p= 0,0113); c) la planificacion de reintroduccion tardia de macromoleculas alimentarias aunado a la sustitucion calorica dirigida en el grupo A2, permitio en los lactantes un desarrollo pondoestatural optimo; d) la media geometrica de IgE total en sangre de cordon de los 35 ninos participantes fue de 0,91 kU/1. Un 97,05 % de los recien nacidos (RN) expresaron pruebas dermicas positivas a uno o mas alergenos, siendo el mas prevalente la clara de huevo, y para los padres el Dermatophagoides pteronnysinus. En conclusion: El programa permite la identificacion de ninos de riesgo a desarrollar enfermedad atopica, auspicia la aplicacion sistematica de medidas de intervencion, economicas, viables y proyectadas hacia el nucleo familiar, indicando un cambio positivo a traves del aprendizaje y nuevos esquemas de conducta, facilitando la participacion entre la familia, la comunidad y el equipo de salud, lo que conforma una terapia optimista en la reduccion de las manifestaciones clinicas de las enfermedades atopicas, en una region menos privilegiada y con una prevalencia significativa de estas patologias.
Informe Medico, Feb 24, 2014
Se muestran los datos recopilados de 316 pacientes entre el año 1991 a 2011 de Análisis de Minera... more Se muestran los datos recopilados de 316 pacientes entre el año 1991 a 2011 de Análisis de Minerales en Cabello (AMC) en diferentes ciudades de Venezuela, de pacientes a los cuales se buscaba determinar una deficiencia o exceso de elementos y/o evaluar los niveles de elementos tóxicos. El AMC es un método que revela la concentración de elementos en un período de meses, de acuerdo al crecimiento del cabello, a diferencia de la sangre o la orina que revela un perfil de horas o días. Si bien para los efectos de toxicología se toman los análisis de orina en algunos elementos, por ser estos mejor estudiados. Los resultados presentados de AMC ilustra el comportamiento de algunos elementos en los individuos en los años y zonas geográficas estudiadas. Se observa el decrecimiento de la concentración con respecto a los años de los elementos Yodo (de valores medios de 2,55 +/- 0,35 ppm a 1,21 en 2010 y 1,96 en 2011), Litio (de valores medios de 0,0126 +/- 0,001 ppm a 0,0057 en 2011), Plomo (de valores medios de 7,05 +/- 0,56 ppm a 2,28 en 2010 y 1,62 en 2011). El elemento Uranio en las muestras de cabello revela una mayor proporción en los individuos de la región insular (datos provenientes de Porlamar, Isla de Margarita). También se observa la distribución no homogénea en zonas de Venezuela del elemento Selenio, más elevado en los andes y el Mercurio, más elevado en los resultados provenientes de la ciudad de Tucupita (Delta Amacuro). Los datos están organizados con relación a las zonas o ciudades de Venezuela, e independientemente con respecto a años. Los elementos reportados son: elementos nutrientes: Yodo, Litio y Selenio. Y los elementos tóxicos: Plomo, Aluminio, Uranio y Arsénico.
Allergologia et Immunopathologia, 2011
Papers by Lorena Benarroch
to increase the recognition and registration of patients with pri-
mary immunodeficiency diseases in 12 Latin American coun-
tries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras,
Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. This
report reveals that from a total of 3321 patients registered, the most common form of primary immunodeficiency disease was
predominantly antibody deficiency (53.2%) with IgA deficiency
reported as the most frequent phenotype. This category was
followed by 22.6% other well-defined ID syndromes, 9.5%
combined T- and B-cell inmunodeficiency, 8.6% phagocytic
disorders, 3.3% diseases of immune dysregulation, and 2.8%
complement deficiencies. All countries that participated in the
first publication in 1998 reported an increase in registered pri-
mary immunodeficiency cases, ranging between 10 and 80%.
A comparison of the estimated minimal incidence of X-linked
agammaglobulinemia, chronic granulomatous disease, and se-
vere combined immunodeficiency between the first report and
the present one shows an increase in the reporting of these dis-
eases in all countries. In this report, the estimated minimal inci-
dence of chronic granulomatous disease was between 0.72 and
1.26 cases per 100,000 births in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica,
and Uruguay and the incidence of severe combined immunode-
ficiency was 1.28 and 3.79 per 100,000 births in Chile and Costa
Rica, respectively. However, these diseases are underreported in other participating countries. In addition to a better diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency diseases, more work on improving the registration of patients by each participating country and by countries that have not yet joined LAGID is still needed.
to increase the recognition and registration of patients with pri-
mary immunodeficiency diseases in 12 Latin American coun-
tries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras,
Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. This
report reveals that from a total of 3321 patients registered, the most common form of primary immunodeficiency disease was
predominantly antibody deficiency (53.2%) with IgA deficiency
reported as the most frequent phenotype. This category was
followed by 22.6% other well-defined ID syndromes, 9.5%
combined T- and B-cell inmunodeficiency, 8.6% phagocytic
disorders, 3.3% diseases of immune dysregulation, and 2.8%
complement deficiencies. All countries that participated in the
first publication in 1998 reported an increase in registered pri-
mary immunodeficiency cases, ranging between 10 and 80%.
A comparison of the estimated minimal incidence of X-linked
agammaglobulinemia, chronic granulomatous disease, and se-
vere combined immunodeficiency between the first report and
the present one shows an increase in the reporting of these dis-
eases in all countries. In this report, the estimated minimal inci-
dence of chronic granulomatous disease was between 0.72 and
1.26 cases per 100,000 births in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica,
and Uruguay and the incidence of severe combined immunode-
ficiency was 1.28 and 3.79 per 100,000 births in Chile and Costa
Rica, respectively. However, these diseases are underreported in other participating countries. In addition to a better diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency diseases, more work on improving the registration of patients by each participating country and by countries that have not yet joined LAGID is still needed.