Mauro Luisetto
Applied pharmacologist
Professorship in pharmacology and toxicology
Professorship in pharmacology and toxicology
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Papers by Mauro Luisetto
enteric release.
This information are useful in galenic field in order to choose the best veicle (for oral suspension or
solution ) and the right kind of capsules ( normal or with gastroresistance ).
In this article not all molecules are analyzed , only submitted significative example.
Some formulation are reported that require specific PH or enteric release or based on lightly water soluble API.
Various charcteristics of some commercial product ( veicle for oral suspension) are reported only to show the composition and the
rationale of their use : the reason to use one veicle for ph 4 or for buffered at ph 7-8 or and related the capsules : use of normal or
AR or treated for gastroresistence - enteric coating.
The chemico-phisical properties of the active principle are crucial to choose the right veicle for oral suspension or the kind of capsules
( gastroresistence or not ) .
Fundamental for this approach the physiology of the Ph variation along the GI apparatus .
Key words: chemico-phisical properties , physiology, acid -labile API, gastro irritants API, enteric release, galenic, gastroresistance,
Ready for use veicle for oral suspension , gastro resistence cps, solubility, compatibility , stability
enteric release.
This information are useful in galenic field in order to choose the best veicle (for oral suspension or
solution ) and the right kind of capsules ( normal or with gastroresistance ).
In this article not all molecules are analyzed , only submitted significative example.
Some formulation are reported that require specific PH or enteric release or based on lightly water soluble API.
Various charcteristics of some commercial product ( veicle for oral suspension) are reported only to show the composition and the
rationale of their use : the reason to use one veicle for ph 4 or for buffered at ph 7-8 or and related the capsules : use of normal or
AR or treated for gastroresistence - enteric coating.
The chemico-phisical properties of the active principle are crucial to choose the right veicle for oral suspension or the kind of capsules
( gastroresistence or not ) .
Fundamental for this approach the physiology of the Ph variation along the GI apparatus .
Key words: chemico-phisical properties , physiology, acid -labile API, gastro irritants API, enteric release, galenic, gastroresistance,
Ready for use veicle for oral suspension , gastro resistence cps, solubility, compatibility , stability
It must to be positioned UNDER HUMAN BRAIN final control : THE UNIVERSAL BRAIN.
IT IS NOT ADMITTED that a machine overcome the human thinking , philosophy, religious and social
Level reached by humanity in last 8000 years.
The advantages of AI will be the same greatly useful if setted under the HUMAN FINAL CONTROL.
This is a general warning .
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE improve human sensum organs capability as well as increase cognitive power , ideation and problem solving . It can reduce the time of execution of tasks or make more easy very complex calculation but this EXECUTIVE TASKS need to be limited inside this border.
To reduce human life into a only EXECUTIVE work even if greatly expanded work is not the same
To the complexity of the human brain-mind millenial evolution.