
The Committee produced several First Action Methods in 1999-2000. Dietary Fiber, Fats, and Oils, ... more The Committee produced several First Action Methods in 1999-2000. Dietary Fiber, Fats, and Oils, and Sugar and Sugar Products were especially active. Work in progress also continued at a high rate. John A.G. Roach of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was appointed as a new Committee member. The Committee voted unanimously on a proposal to reinstate the position of AOAC liaison with the International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis (ICUMSA). ICUMSA, based in Europe, has adopted the joint AOAC-IUPAC protocol for collaborative studies and is a potential source of new validated methods of interest to AOAC INTERNATIONAL. A section of the terms of reference of the Committee was revised (during the conference call meeting in April of 2000) to provide for a one year overlap of experienced members and chair. A conference call meeting of the Committee is planned for January of 2001.

RICSH Revista Iberoamericana de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas, 2014
México vive transformaciones importantes en el sistema educativo, las políticas internacionales p... more México vive transformaciones importantes en el sistema educativo, las políticas internacionales permean el Plan de Desarrollo 2013-2018, en la meta “México con Educación de Calidad” y, por ende, el Programa Sectorial propone como objetivo mejorar la calidad educativa en todos los tipos y modalidades.Desde el 2008 y hasta este momento se atiende la recomendación número cinco de la OCDE: abrir progresivamente todas las plazas docentes a concurso y revisar el proceso de asignación de plazas, a través del Concurso Nacional de Asignación de Plazas Docentes de educación básica, con el propósito de seleccionar a los mejores docentes e insertarlos en el sistema educativo.Los docentes son ente fundamental en la concepción y desarrollo de las propuestas curriculares; esta investigación descriptiva exploratoria, presenta resultados de la inserción laboral de los egresados de educación primaria del BINE en Puebla en el año 2013, abordando las generaciones en el rango 2009-2013, desde el proceso...
Archivos Venezolanos De Puericultura Y Pediatria, Mar 1, 2012
Se presenta la metodología empleada para la construcción de un microgenerador hidráulico de 5 kW ... more Se presenta la metodología empleada para la construcción de un microgenerador hidráulico de 5 kW con turbina tipo Pelton. Para unas condiciones de operación (cabeza hidráulica y caudal) y a partir de una base teóricoexperimental, se modelaron los componentes con ayuda de herramientas computacionales tipo CAD (Diseño asistido por computador), CAE (Ingeniería asistida por computador) y CFD (Análisis computacional fluidodinámico). Posteriormente, se empleó un software CAM (Manufactura asistida por computador) y procesos de fundición para la fabricación de los componentes del microgenerador. Por último, y con el fin de validar el diseño, se realizó la caracterización del microgenerador mediante pruebas en
Business Plan for a consulting firm specializing in auditing, supervision and advice to social pr... more Business Plan for a consulting firm specializing in auditing, supervision and advice to social projects which analyze each of elements necessary for its establishment and commissioning and adopting a model audit and auditing social programs to help the assessment of effectiveness produced by the beneficiaries of these, in which a descriptive advance the conceptual and methodological dimension and becomes a tool for making decisions in a timely manner.

Resumen. Cada grupo cultural construye un sistema simbólico propio y característico mediante el c... more Resumen. Cada grupo cultural construye un sistema simbólico propio y característico mediante el cual opera el conteo, la medición, el diseño, la localización, la explicación y el juego; se trata de otra matemática, diferente de la matemática científica y académica. Este artículo presenta los avances de una investigación que se propone describir y categorizar las ideas matemáticas de los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral según su pertenencia a diferentes grupos culturales. Se informa acerca de: el origen étnico de los estudiantes ingresantes en el año 2012; las percepciones de los docentes acerca de las condiciones necesarias del aprendizaje de la matemática académica y sobre posibles diferencias en habilidades matemáticas según el origen cultural de los estudiantes, y las características del instrumento aplicado con la técnica de grupo focal que reúne a los estudiantes según su pertenencia a los diferentes grupos culturales. Palabras clave: ideas matemáticas, estudio sociocultural, comunidad universitaria Abstract. Every cultural group builds its own characteristic and symbolic system for counting, measuring, designing, locating, explaining and game-playing. At stake is a mathematics that is distinct from scientific and academic maths. This paper presents the authors'ongoing research into mathematical ideas of students at the National University of the Chaco Austral with who belong to distinct cultural groups. The paper discusses the ethnicity of incoming students in 2012, as well as teachers' perceptions of possible differences in student math skills according to the cultural background. It also describes the way students are grouped in focus group according to the cultural groups to which they belong.

Revista Educacao E Emancipacao, 2014
No presente artigo analisa-se os impactos das transformações econômicas e suas repercussões sobre... more No presente artigo analisa-se os impactos das transformações econômicas e suas repercussões sobre as diretrizes educacionais implementadas nos anos de 1990, no sentido de adequar a estrutura educacional às exigências oriundas do grande capital. Destaca-se, em especial, as expressões do neoliberalismo no trabalho docente, sobretudo no aspecto do contrato por tempo determinado. Discutimos os vieses políticos e econômicos no Maranhão, a fi m de perceber a presença dos múltiplos determinantes da macropolítica na estrutura administrativa do estado e os encaminhamentos dados na política local de educação básica. Para a elaboração deste artigo utiliza-se como procedimentos metodológicos a pesquisa bibliográfi ca e documental e a entrevista semiestruturada. Nesta concepção de totalidade dos sujeitos da pesquisa existiu um processo intenso da precarização do ensino e do trabalho docente na Rede Pública de Ensino, ou seja, da infraestrutura e de trabalho, na forma de contratos dos professores temporários, bem como nas suas condições salariais. Constatou-se que, na compreensão dos sujeitos de pesquisa, em primeiro plano, na visão do governo, seria dado o grande salto de qualidade na educação básica do Maranhão, enquanto os dirigentes sindicais e pesquisadores, numa análise antagônica, percebem a política educacional como mecanismo de permanência e aprofundamento da precarização do ensino e do trabalho docente.
Iter Ad Veritatem, Dec 5, 2008
Número de la revista NUEVE (9) Correspondiiente a la producción academica del 2011.

AGRADECIMENTOS A Deus, pelas bênçãos, pela saúde e pela inspiração que me permitiram chegar com s... more AGRADECIMENTOS A Deus, pelas bênçãos, pela saúde e pela inspiração que me permitiram chegar com sabedoria até este momento. Ao meu pai Pedro José Cardozo, à minha mãe Terezinha Mendes Cardozo, aos meus sobrinhos Beatriz de Souza Cardozo, Igor de Souza Cardozo e Andreas Gonçalves Cardozo e, em especial, à minha filha Thaís Cardozo Favarin, pela paciência, pela compreensão e por todo amor dedicado, mas, principalmente, por aceitarem e entenderem que a ausência seria passageira. Ao Prof. Dr. Ernesto Fernando Rodrigues Vicente, pela orientação, compreensão e paciência. À amiga e companheira de pesquisas e publicações Elizângela Duarte, por todo carinho, orações, dedicação, paciência e acompanhamento de cada palavra da pesquisa, pois, em nenhum momento, deixou de participar lendo, analisando e opinando. Às amigas: Andréia da Silva Daltoé, Elisângela Machado e Roseli Costa Bonifácio pelos ensinamentos, colaboração e, principalmente, pelo carinho e dedicação a mim atribuídos nos momentos mais difíceis. Às pessoas indissociáveis da minha vida, que entenderam a minha ausência e torceram para que eu chegasse ao final desta jornada:
Iter Ad Veritatem, Dec 4, 2009
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1990
1. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1990;270:283-93. Simplified method for the determination of total dietary fi... more 1. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1990;270:283-93. Simplified method for the determination of total dietary fiber and its soluble and insoluble fractions in foods. Li BW, Cardozo MS. US Department of Agriculture, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, MD 20705. ...
Parasitología latinoamericana, 2005
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PARASITIC FORMS RECUPERATION USING THREE DIFFERENT COPROPARASITOSCOPIC METHO... more COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PARASITIC FORMS RECUPERATION USING THREE DIFFERENT COPROPARASITOSCOPIC METHODS A total of 165 fecal samples were analyzed, using two sedimentation methods: Ritchie (R), Carles Barthelemy (CB), and one of flotation: Willis (W), in order to optimize intestinal parasites diagnosis and to determine the techniques effectiveness. Parasites were found in 119 (72,12%) of those analyzed. Significant differences were in protozoa recovery (p < 0,001), being observed 81.4% (R), 77.4% (CB), and 57.8% (W). Blastocystis hominis, Giardia lamblia, Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura were recovered more frequency by means of sedimentation, being Ritchie´s method the most effective one (p < 0.05).

Leukemia & Lymphoma, 2010
We have analyzed the co-expression of the bcr-abl and HoxA9 genes in the follow-up of patients wi... more We have analyzed the co-expression of the bcr-abl and HoxA9 genes in the follow-up of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). In the present work we measured the HoxA9 and bcr-abl gene expression in sequential samples. In all patients, bcr-abl and HoxA9 were expressed at detectable levels in every sample. When the results were expressed in relation to abl, two different situations were found: (a) patients clinically stable at second sampling, with low relative risk at diagnosis (low Sokal&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s score), did not show significant differences in both bcr-abl and HoxA9 levels in the sequential samples analyzed, and (b) patients with poor prognosis (showing intermediate or high Sokal&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s score at diagnosis) had increased expression of bcr-abl as well as HoxA9 genes (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.05). Since HoxA9 gene expression remains at relatively constant levels throughout adult life, our results could reflect actual changes in the expression rate of this gene associated with bcr-abl during the progression of CML.

Journal of Food Science, 1993
Sample preparation Two methods (an AOAC and a simplified enzymatic-gravimetric method) were used ... more Sample preparation Two methods (an AOAC and a simplified enzymatic-gravimetric method) were used to analyze seven types of canned legumes and eight cooked legumes. Total dietary fiber (TDF) of the canned products ranged between 17% and 23% (dry basis) for chick peas, Great Northern beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, pork & beans, vegetarian beans in tomato sauce, and 27-31% for wax beans. These values were comparable for both methods. However, results on cooked legumes were very different between methods. TDF values for several types of beans and peas were higher and ranged between 31% and 5.5% by the AOACITris-Mes buffer method as compared to 17% and 29% using the simplified method. Chemical analysis of dietary fiber residues showed the major difference between the methods was in the extent of starch removal as affected by starch gelatinization. Canned beans. Beans were drained (except for kidney beans and beans in sauce) and homogenized using a food processor (Cuisinart Model DLC-8, Cuisinarts, Inc. Greenwich, CT). Portions were rcmoved for moisture determination and rest of the samples were lyophilized. Dried samples were then ground in a Wiley Mill to pass through a 30 mesh screen. Samples were further dried under vacuum at 60°C and stored at room temperature (-25°C) in air tight containers in a desiccator until analyzed.
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 1994
Eight nuts (almond, cashew, macadamia, peanut, pecan, pistachio, sunflower, and walnut) were anal... more Eight nuts (almond, cashew, macadamia, peanut, pecan, pistachio, sunflower, and walnut) were analyzed for total dietary fiber content using a simplified enzymat.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010
Cyphomandra betacea ripe fruits can be a source of value-added byproducts and products such as an... more Cyphomandra betacea ripe fruits can be a source of value-added byproducts and products such as antioxidant supplements, ingredients for food processing or alternative medical products. The aims of the present study were to obtain different preparations of C. betacea fruits, such as juice, decoction, and maceration and to characterize them in terms of microbiological stability, sensorial and chemical parameters, antioxidant potential (DPPH and ABTS*+ radical scavenging, beta-carotene bleaching, nitrite scavenging activities), capacity to prevent oxidative stress-induced cell death, and genotoxicity. The best antioxidant activity was found in C. betacea fruit maceration, probably as a consequence of the high flavonoid and anthocyanin content. Nevertheless, all preparations analyzed proved to be good as free radical scavengers (SC50 values between 1.88 and 44 microg/mL) and exerted protection against beta-carotene oxidation. Total phenolic compounds and flavonoids showed a better correlation than anthocyanins with the free radical scavenging effect of the assayed foods. The insoluble matters (pomace) obtained after juice preparation showed antioxidant activity by quenching free radicals. Furthermore, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium (MTT) reduction assay showed that C. betacea preparations prevent oxidative stress-induced cell death in HepG2 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Salmonella microsome assays show no mutagenic effect. The data presented in this study demonstrate that C. betacea ripe fruits, aqueous and ethanolic preparations, and pomace may be a good source of antioxidant compounds in nutraceutical or functional-food products.

Food Research International, 2010
Fruits such as Prosopis pod have been food sources (patay, arrope, chicha or aloja) of inhabitant... more Fruits such as Prosopis pod have been food sources (patay, arrope, chicha or aloja) of inhabitants of arid and semi-arid lands in South America. The aims of the present study were determine some nutritional and functional properties as well as genotoxicity of flour obtained from Prosopis ripe pods that were submitted to different processing. Sucrose constituted the main sugar for flours obtained from Prosopis alba and Prosopis nigra. Decoctions and macerations showed around 2.9% and 1.4% of soluble proteins, respectively. The highest free phenolics, flavonoids and condensed tannins contents were observed in aqueous extractions with heating. None of the samples presented phytic acid levels high enough to constitute a nutritional problem. Antioxidant activity (AA) was evaluated by DPPH, ABTS and b-carotene bleaching assays. Results showed that the antioxidant potential was significantly higher in flour obtained from P. nigra pods than in that from P. alba pods, and it was also higher in aqueous extracts than in alcoholic ones. Data obtained suggests that compounds responsible for AA are thermostable; therefore, Prosopis flour might be capable of retaining a significant amount of antioxidant capacity after heating. Prosopis extracts did not show any mutagenic effect with and without metabolic activation. Prosopis flour proved to be a non conventional, novel and rich source of antioxidant compounds that could help to prevent pathologies associated with oxidative stress.

Food Research International, 2011
Ziziphus mistol Griseb. (Rhamnaceae), popularly known as "mistol," is widely distributed througho... more Ziziphus mistol Griseb. (Rhamnaceae), popularly known as "mistol," is widely distributed throughout Perú, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. Its fruit is consumed in different forms in several Argentinean communities. The aim of this work is to quantify Z. mistol fruit macronutrients and phytochemicals as well as to determine its functional antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and toxicity after two different processes: boiling and hydroalcoholic extraction. Phytochemical recovery was variable depending on the extraction method used. All preparations showed antioxidant activity, but the ethanolic one (EME) was significantly more active than the aqueous one (AME) as hydrogen or electron donors with SC 50 values between 1.45 to 6.31 μg GAE/ mL and 7.38 to 64.77 μg GAE/mL, respectively. The aqueous extraction was significantly more active than EME on superoxide and hydroxyl radical scavenging. Polyphenols showed a dose-response relationship (R 2 N 0.90) with antioxidant capacity in the decoction and the alcoholic beverage. The maceration showed an inhibitory effect on lipoxygenase (LOX) activity with an inhibitory concentration (IC 50) value of 183.80 μg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/mL but the decoction did not. On the other hand, extracts did not show any mutagenic effect. Therefore, mistol fruits consumption could be encouraged not only for its functional properties, but also because of the positive ecological impact of preserving biological diversity through the exploitation of native natural resources in a regional economy.
Rev. argent. radiol, 2007
Resumen Objetivo: La alcoholización percutánea de glándulas paratiroides (APGP) es una opción par... more Resumen Objetivo: La alcoholización percutánea de glándulas paratiroides (APGP) es una opción para el tratamiento del hiperparatiroidismo secundario. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir y determinar la seguridad y eficacia de esta técnica.

Linhas, 2007
RESUMO: Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar a síntese das conquistas e dos percalços existentes no p... more RESUMO: Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar a síntese das conquistas e dos percalços existentes no percurso do programa compensatório denominado Classes de Aceleração, tendo por população alvo alunos considerados os "problemas" da escola, com histórico de múltiplas repetências e defasagem em relação idade/série, como proposta de correção do fluxo escolar. Trata-se de um estudo de caso de cunho etnográfico, com uma amostra constituída de 17 alunos e 10 professores envolvidos neste programa em uma escola pública estadual, no município de Florianópolis. No espaço contraditório dessas classes, pré-julgadas como inviável por muitos educadores, se intentou ultrapassar os limites do que é explicitado e buscou-se desvelar a parte oculta contida nas práticas escolares, que têm-se constituído em obstáculos no desempenho escolar e de alguma forma têm corroborado para que um número significativo de alunos provenientes da população menos favorecida, considerados inaptos para cursarem a série seguinte, sejam reprovados, fator esse que tem contribuído para o abandono e a conseqüente evasão escolar. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Fracasso escolar. Fatores de exclusão. Fatores de inclusão.