Marcello Bonazza
Marcello Bonazza, nato nel 1965, laurea in Lettere moderne all’Università di Trento, dottorato in Storia della società europea all’Università di Napoli, docente presso il Liceo “Giovanni Prati” di Trento.
Già presidente della Società di Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche (2010/22) e consigliere e rettore dell’Accademia roveretana degli Agiati (2002/22).
Si interessa di storia dei ceti, del fisco e del catasto, nonché dell’aristocrazia, delle comunità rurali e delle istituzioni culturali in età moderna. Si occupa inoltre di riordino di archivi. Ha al suo attivo circa sessanta pubblicazioni tra monografie, inventari d’archivio e saggi.
Marcello Bonazza, born 1965, degree in Modern Literature at the University of Trento, PhD in History of European Society at the University of Naples, teacher at the "Giovanni Prati" High School in Trento.
Former president of the Società di Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche (2010/22) and councilor at the Accademia roveretana degli Agiati (2002/22).
He is interested in the history of territorial estates, taxation and cadastre, as well as aristocracy, rural communities and cultural institutions in the early modern and modern age. He is also involved in the reorganization of archives. He has about sixty publications to his credit, including monographs, archival inventories and essays.
Già presidente della Società di Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche (2010/22) e consigliere e rettore dell’Accademia roveretana degli Agiati (2002/22).
Si interessa di storia dei ceti, del fisco e del catasto, nonché dell’aristocrazia, delle comunità rurali e delle istituzioni culturali in età moderna. Si occupa inoltre di riordino di archivi. Ha al suo attivo circa sessanta pubblicazioni tra monografie, inventari d’archivio e saggi.
Marcello Bonazza, born 1965, degree in Modern Literature at the University of Trento, PhD in History of European Society at the University of Naples, teacher at the "Giovanni Prati" High School in Trento.
Former president of the Società di Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche (2010/22) and councilor at the Accademia roveretana degli Agiati (2002/22).
He is interested in the history of territorial estates, taxation and cadastre, as well as aristocracy, rural communities and cultural institutions in the early modern and modern age. He is also involved in the reorganization of archives. He has about sixty publications to his credit, including monographs, archival inventories and essays.
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Books by Marcello Bonazza
Il primo volume presentava i materiali per la storia trentina desunti dal fondo Verhandlungender Landschaft nel Landschaftliches Archiv conservato presso il Tiroler Landesarchivin Innsbruck per gli anni dal 1439 al 1724.
Questo volume prosegue e completa il precedente, presentando in 555 regesti, tradotti e annotati, i contenuti di interesse trentino del fondo Verhandlungen der Landschaft per gli anni dal 1722 al 1785.
The book should be understood as a continuation of the earlier "Ceti tirolesi e territorio trentino. Materiali dagli archivi di Innsbruck e di Trento, 1413-1790", edited by Marco Bellabarba, Marcello Bonazza and Katia Occhi and published in 2006 (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico. Fonti, 3).
The first volume presented the materials for the history of Trentino taken from the Verhandlungen der Landschaft fund in the Landschaftliches Archiv kept at the Tiroler Landesarchivin Innsbruck for the years 1439 to 1724.
This volume continues and completes the previous one, presenting in 555 translated and annotated regesties the contents of interest to Trent from the Verhandlungen der Landschaft fund for the years 1722 to 1785.
Papers by Marcello Bonazza
Giuseppe Maria Thun (Joseph Maria von Thun), born in Trento 1713, died in Passau 1753, was prince-bishop of Gurk (Carinthia) and Passau. He was also a leading representative of the catholic reformism in the mid 18th century. This paper focuses on his social and cultural background and especially on his relationship with several members of the Thun family, such as Pietro Vigilio Thun, prince-bishop of Trent, and Tommaso Francesco Thun, prince-bishop of Passau.
Il primo volume presentava i materiali per la storia trentina desunti dal fondo Verhandlungender Landschaft nel Landschaftliches Archiv conservato presso il Tiroler Landesarchivin Innsbruck per gli anni dal 1439 al 1724.
Questo volume prosegue e completa il precedente, presentando in 555 regesti, tradotti e annotati, i contenuti di interesse trentino del fondo Verhandlungen der Landschaft per gli anni dal 1722 al 1785.
The book should be understood as a continuation of the earlier "Ceti tirolesi e territorio trentino. Materiali dagli archivi di Innsbruck e di Trento, 1413-1790", edited by Marco Bellabarba, Marcello Bonazza and Katia Occhi and published in 2006 (Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico. Fonti, 3).
The first volume presented the materials for the history of Trentino taken from the Verhandlungen der Landschaft fund in the Landschaftliches Archiv kept at the Tiroler Landesarchivin Innsbruck for the years 1439 to 1724.
This volume continues and completes the previous one, presenting in 555 translated and annotated regesties the contents of interest to Trent from the Verhandlungen der Landschaft fund for the years 1722 to 1785.
Giuseppe Maria Thun (Joseph Maria von Thun), born in Trento 1713, died in Passau 1753, was prince-bishop of Gurk (Carinthia) and Passau. He was also a leading representative of the catholic reformism in the mid 18th century. This paper focuses on his social and cultural background and especially on his relationship with several members of the Thun family, such as Pietro Vigilio Thun, prince-bishop of Trent, and Tommaso Francesco Thun, prince-bishop of Passau.