Papers by Mohammed Berraho
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Cigarette smoking is increasingly associated with lower socio-economic status, indicated by lower... more Cigarette smoking is increasingly associated with lower socio-economic status, indicated by lower educational levels. This association has never been investigated in Morocco. The MARTA survey was undertaken to assess tobacco use in the Moroccan population according to level of education and other socio-demographic characteristics. A cross-sectional survey based on a representative sample of the Moroccan population was conducted in 2005-2006. The survey questionnaire gathered socio-demographic information, educational level and smoking status. chi(2) analyses were performed to determine whether the smoking outcome variables differed significantly between different educational levels in relation to demographic variables. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to calculate the adjusted odds ratio for smoking status according to educational level. A total of 9195 subjects were included in the study; 52% were men and 17.9% illiterate. The overall prevalence of current smoking was 18.0% (95%CI 17.2-18.8): 31.5% (95%CI 30.2-32.9) in males and 3.3% (95%CI 2.8-3.8) in females. The prevalence of current smoking was inversely associated with level of education in men and increased with educational level in women. Illiterate males tended to have a higher probability of being current smokers than males with university-level education (OR 1.93, 95%CI 1.51-2.46). These results indicate a need for tobacco control to reach all sectors of society, and especially the illiterate population.
Santé Publique
Professional stress is a harmful physical and emotional reaction that can occur when tension exis... more Professional stress is a harmful physical and emotional reaction that can occur when tension exists between the requirements imposed on a person and the level of control that person may, or may not, have on the fulfillment of these requirements (essentially tension between what one is expected to achieve and what one can realistically achieve). At present, traffic accidents are considered to be a major social problem in Morocco. The authors aim to describe stress levels in taxi drivers and to study potential associated factors, in particular the risk of having an accident while driving. A questionnaire was administered in a cross sectional survey to a sample of 338 taxi drivers working in the city of Fes, Morocco. Stress was evaluated by using a standardized scale developed by the French National Institute of Research and Safety (INRS). It allows for the intensity of stress to be quantified according to a set of seven scores. According to the INRS scale, 46.3% of the taxi drivers co...
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2008
Contexte.-La bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive est une maladie génétique complexe résulta... more Contexte.-La bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive est une maladie génétique complexe résultant de l'interaction entre une exposition environnementale et des facteurs héréditaires apportant une prédisposition à cet état pathologique. L'alpha-1 antitrypsine est le facteur majeur décrit comme apportant une prédisposition génétique à l'emphysème et à d'autres maladies pulmonaires chroniques indépendamment de la présence du tabagisme. Par ailleurs, certaines questions n'ont pas encore trouvé de réponses claires, notamment le rôle de l'allèle Pi S. Objectif.-L'objectif principal du travail est d'étudier la survenue d'un trouble ventilatoire obstructif (TVO) chez les sujets porteurs de l'allèle Pi S. Matériel et méthodes.-Notre travail se base sur les données de la cohorte des trois cités recueillis à Bordeaux. Les participants dans l'étude sont sélectionnés à partir de la liste électorale de dix communes bordelaises. Le recueil des informations s'est déroulé en deux étapes. Sur les échantillons de sang recueillis, des analyses génétiques ont été faites. Résultats.-Dans notre étude 765 sujets ont bénéficié d'une étude du profil génétique. La fréquence du phénotype Pi était : MM 82,25 %, Pi S 17,75 %. Les symptômes et maladies respiratoires d'une maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique étaient plus fréquents dans le groupe des sujets porteurs de l'allèle S (13,85 % versus 8,39 % chez les porteurs du phénotype MM). Le rapport de tiffeneau était significativement plus bas dans le groupe de sujets porteurs du génotype SZ (64 AE 17 versus 78 AE 10 chez les porteurs du génotype MM) p = 0,03, mais on n'a pas noté de différence significative entre le groupe porteurs du génotype MS et les porteurs du génotype MM. Dans cette étude, les sujets porteurs du génotype SZ présentaient un risque plus élevé de TVO comparés aux sujets porteurs du génotype MM OR = 11,35, IC 95 % = [1,02-126,4]. Conclusion.-Malgré ces limites, notre étude a montré un risque plus élevé de trouble ventilatoire obstructif chez les sujets porteurs du génotype SZ.
Santé publique (Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France)
The main objective of this paper is to assess the knowledge and practices of primary care physici... more The main objective of this paper is to assess the knowledge and practices of primary care physicians related to cervical cancer and HPV infection. A cross-sectional study was conducted in May 2010 among general practitioners in all health centers in the Wilaya of Fez, Morocco. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data. The response rate was 77.7%. Only 25.6% of the physicians reported that they knew how to perform pap smears, while just 7.9% (all women) actually perform Pap smears. The main reasons for not performing Pap smears were lack of training (69.0%) and lack of resources (24.0%). 89.0% of the participants stated that a family history of cervical cancer is a risk factor for cervical cancer, while all the physicians reported that sexually transmitted diseases and having multiple sexual partners are risk factors. 94.9% stated that early age at first sexual intercourse is a risk factor, while 97.4% stated that genital warts are a risk factor. 76.4% stated th...
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2012
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2012
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2009
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2009
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2006
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2006
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2006
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2006
La santé bucco-dentaire des adultes de 35 à 44 ans examinés dans les Centres d'examens de santé e... more La santé bucco-dentaire des adultes de 35 à 44 ans examinés dans les Centres d'examens de santé entre 1999 et 2003 DUPRÉ C., GUÉGUEN R., ROLAND E. Centre technique d'appui et de formation des Centres d'examens de santé (Cetaf), Saint-Étienne.
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2009
Mots clés : Diabète de type 2 ; Gène TCF7L2 ; Gène ENPP1 ; Épidémiologie génétique Objectif.-Le d... more Mots clés : Diabète de type 2 ; Gène TCF7L2 ; Gène ENPP1 ; Épidémiologie génétique Objectif.-Le diabète de type 2 (DT2) représente la maladie métabolique la plus répandue dans le monde. Il résulte de l'interaction entre facteurs génétiques et environnementaux. L'objectif de cette étude et d'analyser l'association de polymorphismes génétiques candidats et DT2.
American Journal of Health Promotion, 2011
To determine the association between income level and variations in knowledge and perceptions abo... more To determine the association between income level and variations in knowledge and perceptions about tobacco smoking in Morocco. Cross-sectional study. Random sample of 9195 subjects representative of the Moroccan population. Subjects aged >15 years from households. Data were collected from selected households using a standardized questionnaire about smoking, educational level, household monthly income, and knowledge of health effects of smoking. Stepwise logistic regression was used for multivariate analysis. Adjusted odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals for each variable were calculated as an estimate of the likelihood of having knowledge that smoking causes selected diseases. Among 9195 subjects, 27.8% reported low income (<2000 Moroccan dirhams [MAD]), and 9.9% reported the highest income level (≥6000 MAD). Higher income was significantly associated with higher knowledge of health effects of smoking (p < .0001); 55% of low-income respondents compared to 71.5% of respondents with higher income knew about the relationship between cigarette smoking and cancer. Lower income level was associated with lower awareness of the harms of smoking. There is a need to improve knowledge of the dangers of smoking among the disadvantaged segments of the population.
American Journal of Health Promotion, 2010
To investigate the relationship of sociodemographic and economic characteristics to tobacco expen... more To investigate the relationship of sociodemographic and economic characteristics to tobacco expenses among Moroccan daily smokers. Cross-sectional ("Maroc Tabagisme" Survey) study. Random sample of 9195 subjects representative of the Moroccan population. Household subjects 15 years and older. Data were collected from selected households using a questionnaire about smoking, educational level, occupation, and household monthly income. Associations between sociodemographic and economic characteristics, smoking status, and tobacco expenses were assessed by multivariate analysis in a sample of 5959 respondents who provided details about their family income. Of 5959 participants, 28.5% of men and 2.8% of women were daily smokers. Compared with students, the odds of daily smoking were higher among blue-collar workers (odds ratio, 2.66). Tobacco expenses increased with higher family monthly income (p < .001). Moreover, smokers whose family monthly income was less than 1000 Moroccan dirham (MAD) spent 50.9% on tobacco, while those with family monthly income of 6000 MAD or higher spent 13.0 %on tobacco. There was a strong association between tobacco expenses and sociodemographic and economic characteristics. Among households with low monthly income, up to half of the monthly income is spent on tobacco.
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, 2012
For cervical cancer the epidemiological profile is poorly known in Morocco and no data is availab... more For cervical cancer the epidemiological profile is poorly known in Morocco and no data is available concerning the direct medical costs. The purpose of this work is to estimate the direct cost of medical management of invasive cervical cancer during the first year after diagnosis in Morocco. The estimation of direct costs of medical management of invasive cervical cancer during the first year after diagnosis in Morocco is based on the estimation of individual cost in each stage which covers diagnosis, treatment and follow-up during first year. The cost was estimated per patient and whole cycle-set using the costs for each drug and procedure as indicated by the Moroccan National Agency for Health Insurance. Extrapolation of the results to the whole country was used to calculate the total annual cost of cervical cancer treatments in Morocco. Overall approximately 1,978 new cases of cervical cancer occur each year in Morocco. The majority (82.96%) of these cases were diagnosed at a lat...
Papers by Mohammed Berraho