Papers by Nathalie Bonnardel
Dunod eBooks, Jan 25, 2023

Cette recherche-action contribue à une meilleure compréhension de l'impact de démarches pédagogiq... more Cette recherche-action contribue à une meilleure compréhension de l'impact de démarches pédagogiques introduites dans la formation des enseignants généralistes, lors de la réalisation d'activités de conception créatives. Pour ce faire, nous analysons certains indicateurs mobilisés lors la phase d'idéation du concepteur, c'est-à-dire pendant la recherche d'idées en vue de la conception d'un objet technique. La prise en compte de démarches issues de l'ergonomie (Bonnardel, 2006) sous-tend des démarches pédagogiques proposées à des enseignants en formation a n de développer la créativité de leurs él ves lors de la conception d'objets techniques (Bonnardel & Didier, 2016). Une approche collaborative entre chercheurs en psychologie cognitive et ergonomique, didacticiens et enseignants en devenir, participe ainsi à la mise en évidence d'une culture professionnelle propice au développement de la créativité en contextes de formation et en contextes scolaires.
Psychologie et handicap, 2014

AHFE international, 2021
Traditionally, human-computer interaction is conceived and assessed through the restrictive scope... more Traditionally, human-computer interaction is conceived and assessed through the restrictive scope of usability. Although this approach has led to an overall improvement of the interfaces ease-of-use, it should now be overstepped. The question of the positive affect of users has become crucial for the interface project stakeholders. Our research is mostly turned towards applied perspectives. Our general hypothesis is that design strategies may affect positively the user, and influence a better attractiveness of the interface. Our objective is to define good design practices by assessing a set of emotional design patterns. In a first section, we will report an interview session with designers in order to identify any pattern of design for an emotional interface. Then, we will present and discuss a method to measure user’s emotion during an interface interaction experience. The experimental setup gathers screen records, face recognition, galvanic skin response, and questionnaires. These complementary sources bring forward the behavioral, physiological, and subjective emotional responses of the user. We will discuss how these resources can be used in order to measure the emotional effect of a specific user interface.

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jan 7, 2015
Experience has become the new paradigm of product design. Designers seek to anticipate emotions o... more Experience has become the new paradigm of product design. Designers seek to anticipate emotions or associations a user might have when in contact with their design. The factors that influence human product perception are diverse. We firstly show which product dimensions are currently investigated by design researchers. It becomes obvious that besides the usual suspects: form and colour, emotion and associations, there must be many others. We conducted a study to identify these and to estimate their pertinence in actual product conception. Word-based techniques like retrospective verbalization and mind mapping were employed. Semantic descriptors, analogies, and functionalities were highly represented. Sensations and emotions did only appear marginally among the abstract dimensions. The same low occurrence was seen for production procedures among the concrete dimensions. Other interesting dimensions found were interaction gestures, design motifs, and product components. An additional analysis of the participant mind maps on relations between the various dimensions showed many connections between e.g. material and texture or semantics and colour. Yet, these were rarely related to sensations and emotions. The insights widen the perspective on unexploited opportunities for design researchers to develop further conception strategies that allow the anticipation of user experience in product design.
Dunod eBooks, Jan 25, 2023

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2017
PROPRIETES DE SURFACE ET PERFORMANCES DE LOCALISATION D'INFORMATIONS DES SÉNIORS L'étude qui est ... more PROPRIETES DE SURFACE ET PERFORMANCES DE LOCALISATION D'INFORMATIONS DES SÉNIORS L'étude qui est décrite dans cet article s'inscrit dans un projet de conception du système de télésanté et de maintien à domicile, dit HADAGIO, qui est essentiellement destiné à un public âgé. Cette étude vise à contribuer à la définition de l'ergonomie des interfaces du portail d'applications Web qui va permettre aux utilisateurs séniors d'accéder aux services proposés par ce système. Plus précisément, un objectif appliqué consistera à proposer des recommandations concernant d'une part les couleurs des icônes et des libellés lexicaux présents sur le portail, et d'autre part le niveau de détails à préconiser pour ces icônes, afin de faciliter la tâche de localisation de ces cibles sur le portail par des séniors. Après avoir présenté des hypothèses concernant le rôle de concept-congruent color link. Furthermore, a high level of detail for figurative targets improved reaction times, but only when there was a weak concept-congruent color link. These effects were linked to the implementation of top-down processes.

This article is part of a project that aims to design an innovative home-assistance in order to a... more This article is part of a project that aims to design an innovative home-assistance in order to allow seniors to benefit from medical surveillance at home as well as to have access to new opportunities for communications and information with the “outside world”. This analysis takes place while the system does not yet exist, except the specification of the functions. This paper is thus directly related to Prospective Ergonomics and allows a reflection on the methods to be used in such a context. To this end, we describe various methods that we consider as particularly relevant and we present previous studies that are useful for this design project. Based on these analyses, we propose a suitable methodology for the considered population in order to obtain information elements to build strong assumptions about users’ needs and to derive recommendations for designing the new technological environment. Especially, we argue the utility of the use of methods related to Participatory Design...

Creativity is a phenomenon that emerges in the human-sociocultural and machine-artificial layers.... more Creativity is a phenomenon that emerges in the human-sociocultural and machine-artificial layers. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the field of creativity faces new opportunities and challenges. This manifesto explores several scenarios of human-machine collaboration on creative tasks and proposes "fundamental laws of generative AI" to reinforce the responsible and ethical use of AI in the creativity field. Four scenarios are proposed and discussed: "Co-Cre-AI-tion", "Organic", "Plagiarism 3.0", and “Shut down”, each illustrating different possible futures based on the collaboration between humans and machines. In addition, we have incorporated an AI-generated manifesto that also highlights important themes, ranging from accessibility and ethics to cultural sensitivity. The fundamental laws proposed aim to prevent AIs from generating harmful content and competing directly with humans. Creating labels and laws are also highlight...

The present paper outlines an action theory of creativity and substantiates this approach by inve... more The present paper outlines an action theory of creativity and substantiates this approach by investigating creative expression in five different domains.Wepropose an action framework for the analysis of creative acts built on the assumption that creativity is a relational, inter-subjective phenomenon. This framework, drawing extensively from the work of Dewey (1934) on art as experience, is used to derive a coding frame for the analysis of interview material. The article reports findings from the analysis of 60 interviews with recognized French creators in five creative domains: art, design, science, scriptwriting, and music. Results point to complex models of action and inter-action specific for each domain and also to interesting patterns of similarity and differences between domains. These findings highlight the fact that creative action takes place not “inside ” individual creators but “in between ” actors and their environment. Implications for the field of educational psycholo...

De nombreuses etudes montrent que les sites web sont souvent juges difficiles d'acces et l... more De nombreuses etudes montrent que les sites web sont souvent juges difficiles d'acces et l'utilisation par les internautes-utilisateurs. En revanche, peu de travaux s'interessent au fonctionnement cognitif des concepteurs de sites web. Or, nous defendons l'idee qu'etudier l'activite des concepteurs des sites et identifier les difficultes qu'ils rencontrent est indispensable a l'amelioration ergonomique de ces sites, en proposant notamment des aides aux concepteurs. Afin de contribuer a cette thematique, trois etudes experimentales ont ete conduites aupres de concepteurs de sites web. Nous avons etudie le role du niveau d'expertise des concepteurs et du contexte de la tâche a effectuersur la prise en compte orale et le respect, dans les maquettes realisees, de contraintes liees au commanditaire et de contraintes liees a l'utilisateur. Dans le cadre de ces trois etudes experimentales, nous avons fait varier le nombre et la nature des contraintes...

European Psychologist
. Due to the difficulties of understanding all the aspects of creativity, the study of this compl... more . Due to the difficulties of understanding all the aspects of creativity, the study of this complex phenomenon has been placed at the crossroads of various disciplines. Among these, social psychology has been interested in this exploration. Incidentally, various approaches in creativity research highlighted the importance of social factors in the production, judgment, and acceptance of creative ideas. Contributions adopting such a social perspective naturally convoked different social psychological theories, among which is the Social Representations Theory. This theory focuses on the collective construction of shared knowledge and beliefs (social representations) within social groups. Interesting perspectives about the contribution of social representations to the study of creativity have been described in previous works. Nevertheless, these works remain rare despite the many possibilities offered by the theoretical and methodological framework of social representations. Consequently, the present contribution recalls briefly the main objectives that these previous works have pursued in order to highlight several unexplored lines of research that could promote theoretical, methodological, and applied advancement. These lines could enrich research related to the evaluation of creativity, the study of creativity as deviance, the stimulation of group creativity, and promote interdisciplinary work. This contribution aims to draw the attention of researchers to these under-exploited perspectives and stimulate the creation of many others to understand better the complex phenomenon of creativity.

After decades of political, economic, and scientific efforts, humanity has not gotten any closer ... more After decades of political, economic, and scientific efforts, humanity has not gotten any closer to global sustainability. With less than a decade to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) deadline of the 2030 Agenda, we show that global development agendas may be getting lost in translation, from their initial formulation to their final implementation. Sustainability science does not “speak” most of the 2000 languages from Africa, where the lack of indigenous terminology hinders global efforts such as the COVID-19 pandemic fight. Sociolinguistics, social psychology, cognitive ergonomics, geography, environmental sciences, and artificial intelligence (AI) are all relevant disciplinary fields to uncover the “foreign language effect” that hinders the implementation of the SDGs in Africa. We make the case for detecting and addressing language barriers towards multilingual sustainability in Africa by (1) exploring the ”foreign language effect” among African decision-makers an...
Proceedings of the 2014 Ergonomie et Informatique Avancée Conference - Design, Ergonomie et IHM: quelle articulation pour la co-conception de l'interaction, Oct 15, 2014

Http Www Theses Fr, 2010
Cette thèse s intéresse à la gestion d alerte, activité complexe et dynamique qui s insère dans l... more Cette thèse s intéresse à la gestion d alerte, activité complexe et dynamique qui s insère dans le cadre plus général des situations de crise. Cette activité se caractérise par des processus cognitifs spécifiques et par son aspect collectif. L objectif principal de la thèse correspond à l analyse et à la modélisation de la dimension collective des processus cognitifs mis en œuvre lors de la gestion d alerte. Ce travail s organise autour de deux axes. D une part, l analyse des processus cognitifs et des activités collectives lors de deux exercices de gestion d alerte. D autre part, la mise en place de trois simulations de crise pour évaluer l influence de la complexité sur les stratégies collectives développées par les experts. Les résultats montrent que les prises d informations s effectuent majoritairement selon un mode coopératif vertical et augmentent avec la complexité de la situation à traiter, alors que les diagnostics s effectuent selon un mode collaboratif et restent constants.AIX-MARSEILLE1-BU Lettres (130012101) / SudocSudocFranceF

Safety Science
In late 2019, an epidemic of SARS-CoV-2 broke out in central China. Within a few months, this new... more In late 2019, an epidemic of SARS-CoV-2 broke out in central China. Within a few months, this new virus had spread right across the globe, officially being classified as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. In France, which was also being affected by the virus, the government applied specific epidemiological management strategies and introduced unprecedented public health measures. This article describes the outbreak management system that was applied within the French military and, more specifically, analyzes an outbreak of COVID-19 that occurred on board a nuclear aircraft carrier. We applied the AcciMap systemic analysis approach to understand the course of events that led to the outbreak and identify the relevant human and organizational failures. Results highlight causal factors at several levels of the outbreak management system. They reveal problems with the benchmarks used for diagnosis and decision-making, and underscore the importance of good communication between different levels. We discuss ways of improving epidemiological management in military context.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019
Definitions regarding Persuasive Technology are often introduced with the accompanying remark: wi... more Definitions regarding Persuasive Technology are often introduced with the accompanying remark: without using coercion and deception. For this position paper, we investigated, evaluated, and discussed the term Persuasive Technology and its connotations. We invesstigated whether Persuasive Technology is perceived with negative connotations such as coercive and deceptive, and, how in comparison, similar labels (such as Behavior Change Support System and Digital Behavior Change Intervention) were perceived. We conducted an online survey where participants (N = 488) rated their attitude towards these systems in the context of a system description, indicated to what extent they agreed with 10 descriptors (such as, manipulative, motivating, or supportive) in the context of a system description, and whether this system in general, is at risk of being perceived as coercive, manipulative, deceptive, or propagandistic. We found that when considering risks of systems in general, labeling them as PT results in them being perceived significantly more forceful than all other labels, and switching the labeling of a system to Digital Behavior Change Intervention results in them being perceived significantly more captivating compared to a neutral system label. The findings suggest that when choosing labels to use for technology or systems it is essential to consider the impact labels can have on how the system or technology is perceived, regardless of the actual function of the system. These findings are relevant for the field of Persuasive Technology and the Persuasive Technology conference specifically. This paper is meant to spark further discussion in the field and at the conference.
Papers by Nathalie Bonnardel