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An important strand of research that is often neglected in the field of affective computing is that of how users respond to simulated displays of emotion. We present an overview of the few studies that have explicitly investigated this... more
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      ReligionCognitive PsychologyArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer Interaction
The aim of this research is to propose a new approach of Kansei Engineering, Kano model and Taguchi Design of Experiments to identify, categorize and prioritize customersʹ emotional needs (Kansei) in the automotive industry in order to... more
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      Automotive IndustryKano ModelKansei Engineering
—Many of mobile commerce application are used to support business process over the internet to be more efficient. However, the interface design of mobile applications lack of considering consumer perspective into design process, so this... more
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    • Kansei Engineering
This paper describes a substantial effort to build a real-time interactive multimodal dialogue system with a focus on emotional and non-verbal interaction capabilities. The work is motivated by the aim to provide technology with... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionAffective ComputingSpeech Recognition
The 'Kansei' Engineering method was applied to evaluate vehicle interior image, especially roominess and oppressiveness. A diagnostic system for comfortableness using design elements and dimensions was developed and introduced.
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      Interior DesignMultivariate AnalysisIndustrial ErgonomicsIndustrial
Touch is one sense through which people judge consumer products. How materials' properties influence these judgments is the topic of this paper. People's sensorial or psycho-physical judgments (by touch) of the roughness,... more
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      Materials DesignKansei EngineeringProduct Development ProcessSurface Properties
This paper is looking at the ways of incorporating engineering emotional values into product design through Kansei engineering. The first part of the paper describes the Kansei engineering methodology. The second attempts to link emotions... more
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    • Kansei Engineering
Trends in product development today indicate that many products will become hard to distinguish by the customer due to functional equivalency. Customers will therefore base their decisions on more subjective factors. Moreover, products... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyProduct DesignProduct Development
Objectives: This study aims to comprehend relationships between YouTube video elements—the techniques of propaganda and people's emotions, and simultaneously discover influences of video elements in each emotion. Methods/Statistical... more
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      PropagandaYoutubeMalaysian PoliticsKansei Engineering
The total number of the world's major mobile platform apps at the end of 2011 already exceeded one million! Worldwide mobile app store downloads surpassed 45.6 billion in 2012 according to a global survey. With the prevalence of... more
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      AestheticsUser InterfaceSmartphonesIcons
Teknologi Realiti Maya (VR) merupakan simulasi komputer melalui terjemahan imitasi sekitaran dengan cubaan menyerupai keadaan nyata atau fizikal suatu perkara, situasi atau produk. VR dapat dihasilkan menggunakan aplikasi multimedia... more
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      Kansei DesignKansei Engineering, Product DesignKansei Engineering
"Este trabajo de investigación se origina a partir de un proyecto realizado en la institución relacionado con un agente conversacional corpóreo, ya que actualmente el uso de los Agentes Conversacionales Animados ha ido creciendo. Estos... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionVirtual EnvironmentsAffective Computing
This paper discusses how to measure happiness from subjective worker's emotion in one's work environment. It is one of the most important and fundamental problems for positive psychology to measure happiness. In positive psychology study,... more
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      Happiness and Well BeingPositive EmotionsKansei Engineering
We have acquired a set of audio-visual recordings of induced emotions. A collage of comedy clips and clips of disgusting content were shown to a number of participants, who displayed mostly expressions of disgust, happiness, and surprise... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionAffective ComputingSoftware Agents
E-learning is the basis and logical consequence of the development of information and communication technology. With E-learning, teaching and learning methods in schools that use technology through electronic media such as computers,... more
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    • Kansei Engineering
Engineering appealing products has always been the goal of consumer goods companies where competitive markets and crowded supermarket shelves has lead to greater consumer power. Brands are very powerful in this arena and influence both... more
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    • Kansei Engineering
En la actualidad los personajes virtuales están aplicados en contrastantes contextos como la educación, salud o entrenamiento. Las aplicaciones de los personajes no solo modelan procesos cognitivos, toma de decisiones y aspectos de... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionInterpersonal CommunicationSerious Games
In recent years, product emotion and affective design has received encouraging attention from the industry as well as academia all over the world. Several methods and tools exist and used to assist the process of evaluating users'... more
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      Product DesignKansei Engineering
Despite the rapid and continuous evolution of computer games, Articial Intelligence (AI) has not followed the same pace of development generating inappropriate behavior on virtual agents. There are numerous research fronts with approaches... more
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      RoboticsCognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer Interaction
Günümüzde tüm sektörlerde rekabet konusu ön plana çıkmaktadır. Müşteri ve kullanıcıların tercihleri konusunda yapılacak çalışmalar oldukça önem arz etmektedir. Küreselleşen Dünya müşteri odaklı üretim yapmayı artık zorunlu kılmaktadır. Bu... more
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      Kano ModelKansei Engineering
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Lusmas Fresh Milk Shampo sebagai produsen shampo berskala kecil untuk mendapatkan suara dari pelanggannya mengenai kualitas produk shampo dengan menggunakan metode Kansei Engineering dan Structural Equation... more
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      SEMKansei Engineering
We present HapFACS (ver. beta), a new open source software and API for generating FACS-based facial expressions on 3D virtual characters that have accompanying lipsynchronized animation abilities. HapFACS has two main usage scenarios:... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionAffective ComputingFacial expression
In this article, a study is presented showing that Product Semantics (PS) can be used to study the design of machine tools. Nowadays, different approaches to PS (Semantic Differential, Kansei Engineering, etc.) are being applied to... more
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      Machine DesignIndustrial ErgonomicsKansei EngineeringPublic health systems and services research
More than 1 billion mobile apps (smartphone applications) have been released worldwide. Competition among developers of apps that are available in app stores has intensified because of increasing demand. App icons with an appealing design... more
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      AestheticsUser Experience (UX)User InterfaceInterface Design
Artificial emotional intelligence refers to technologies that perform, recognise, or record affective states. More than merely a technological function, however, it is also a social process whereby cultural assumptions about what emotions... more
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      RoboticsSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAffective ComputingJapan
In product development, it is very important for manufacturers to find out what the customer wants from the product. On the other hand, manufacturers do not know clearly about what the customer wants from the product. This study proposes... more
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      EvaluationKansei EngineeringAssociation Rules
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      EmotionHuman Computer InteractionDesignVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)
Traditional education system continuously converts to the e-Learning method and three dimensional virtual environment becomes powerful way of delivering knowledge. Learning environment and non-verbal communication are highly influence to... more
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      Computer ScienceKansei Engineering
サービス・ドミナントロジック[1]という経済交換の鋭い洞察に根を張った議論が展開・普及していくなかで,サービスは広義にアクターの資源統合を通じた価値共創プロセスとして捉えられるようになった[2].この影響を含め,2000年代前半からサービスサイエンス,サービス化,共創といったサービスに関する概念がアカデミアに限らず産業界の耳目を集めたが,その時代の熱気は一段落し,成熟を目指す感がある.これからのサービス経済・社会は何が重要になるであろうか.その手がかりは,ステイクホルダーの幸... more
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      Transformative Service ResearchKansei Engineering
The literature suggests that work engagement and job satisfaction are aspects of happiness that lead to various positive organizational outcomes. However, the relationships among happiness, work engagement and organizational commitment... more
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      Happiness and Well BeingKansei Engineering
Kansei engineering is a technology for translating human feelings into product design. Several multivariate analyses are used for analyzing human feelings and building rules. Although these methods are reliable, they require large... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisProduct DesignNeural NetworkIndustrial Ergonomics
This paper describes a substantial effort to build a real-time interactive multimodal dialogue system with a focus on emotional and nonverbal interaction capabilities. The work is motivated by the aim to provide technology with... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionAffective ComputingSpeech Recognition
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionAffective ComputingSoftware Agents
This paper describes a substantial effort to build a real-time interactive multimodal dialogue system with a focus on emotional and nonverbal interaction capabilities. The work is motivated by the aim to provide technology with... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionAffective ComputingSpeech Recognition
The delight design platform (DDP) is a vision of a new integrated design environment that would enable design engineers to consistently design delightful products. Such delightful products satisfy an attractive quality as well as the... more
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      Design EngineeringDatabase SystemsEngineering Product DesignProduct Design
In order to construct an intelligent presentation system for the elder, one of problems encounted is how to design a suitable briefing theme to meet their emotion needs for rendering the affection content. Hence, the aim of this study was... more
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      AestheticsCluster AnalysisMultiple Linear RegressionSemantic Differential
Jl. Ahmad Yani Tromol Pos I Pabelan Surakarta Telp (0271) 717417 ext 237 ABSTRAKSI Semakin berkembangnya jaman, tentu banyak keinginan konsumen untuk memiliki produk yang punya banyak fungsi. Salah satunya obyek penelitian ini adalah... more
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    • Kansei Engineering
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionSemantic Web Technologies
An attractive product successfully attracts people when it is first introduced. More importantly, it maintains people's interest throughout its lifetime. A product's ability to maintain attractiveness is an important factor in the design... more
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      Affective DesignKansei EngineeringLong Term Evaluation (LTE)
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      ReligionCognitive PsychologyArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer Interaction
Semantic agent systems are about the integration of the semantic Web, software agents, and multi-agent systems technologies. Like in the past (e.g. biology and informatics yielding bioinformatics) a whole new perspective is emerging with... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionSemantic Web Technologies
Considerable studies have explored the proposition that VR tools can facilitate the creation of authentic learning environments, thus improving students’ learning. These studies, however, have their focus on cognitive aspects in learning... more
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      Instructional DesignVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Design and Emotion (Architecture)ICT Educational design
Kansei engineering is a technology for translating human feelings into product design. Several multivariate analyses are used for analyzing human feelings and building rules. Although these methods are reliable, they require large... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisProduct DesignNeural NetworkIndustrial Ergonomics
Computer graphics images are characterised by both object information and emotive implications.
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      Conceptual DesignComputer GraphicKansei EngineeringUser Perception
This paper describes a substantial effort to build a real-time interactive multimodal dialogue system with a focus on emotional and non-verbal interaction capabilities. The work is motivated by the aim to provide technology with... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionAffective ComputingSpeech Recognition
Objek wisata merupakan sarana hiburan bagi masyarakat. Kondisi prasarana dan sarana di objek wisata sangat mempengaruhi minat masyarakat untuk berkunjung. Objek Wisata Hutan Solear memiliki prasarana dan sarana yang kurang memadai... more
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    • Kansei Engineering
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      Design SupportAIDecision support systemIndustrial Ergonomics
Kansei Engineering has been applied to product development for customer satisfaction based on ergonomic technology. The system is composed of three parts such as Kansei analysis, inference mechanism, and presentation technologies. The... more
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      Product DesignCustomer SatisfactionIndustrial ErgonomicsIndustrial