Nastasa-kovacs Lucian
Lucian Nastasa-Kovacs (born in 1957) is professor and scientific research at Romanian Academy, „George Bariţiu” Institute of History, and „Babes-Bolyai” University from Cluj-Napoca. He is expert in the history and sociology of culture and education, with many research internships at Budapest, Geneve, Graz, Zurich, Beijing, Tel Aviv, Jerusalim, Moskow, Paris and Heidelberg. Professor Nastasă received in 2004 the Romanian Academy Prize and in the same year he became member of the Doctors Corporation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; in 2012 he received „Meir Rudich” Prize of Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is also the author of some valuable works such as: Generation and change in Romanian historiography (1999); Interethnic Relations in Post-Communist Romania (2000, with Levente Salat); The Hungarians from Romania and the minority ethics (2003, with Levente Salat); The intellectuals and the social promotion (2004); The University of Kolozsvár/Cluj and the students of the Medical Faculty (2004, with Victor Karady); Routes to the world scientist (2006); The „sovereigns” of the Romanians universities. Mechanisms of selection and promotion of the intellectual elite (2007); Armenians from North-West Transilvania in the years of communism (2008); The intimacy of amphitheatres. Snop-Shots from the private life of the „literary” universitaires (2010); Universitarian Anti-Semitism in Romania (2011); Rom or Gypsy. Dilemmas of an ethnonym in the Romanian space (2012, with István Horváth); Cultural policies and intellectual models in Romania (2013, with Dragoș Sdrobiș); The itinerant Pogrom or anti-Semitic December, Oradea 1927 (2014); The intellectuals in Romania. Cultural configurations (2015); Romanian students at École Pratique des Hautes Études (Section des Sciences Historiques et Philologiques), 1868-1948 (2016), Culture and propaganda. The Romanian Institute of Berlin, 1940-1945 (2018, with Irina Nastasa-Matei), and the coordinator of the series Ethnocultural Minorities. Documentary Testimonies (4 vol. between 2001 and 2003).
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University of Pittsburgh
Irina Nastasa-Matei
University of Bucharest
Papers by Nastasa-kovacs Lucian