Papers by Nathalie Meuwly
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Dec 1, 2008
and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression ; recovery rates; and relapse rates were examined. Addit... more and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression ; recovery rates; and relapse rates were examined. Additionally, changes in relationship quality were evaluated. Results suggest that the COCT is as effective in improving depressive symptomatology as are the well-established, evidenced-based CBT and IPT approaches. The COCT did not demonstrate a significantly better outcome with regard to self-reported relationship satisfaction or dyadic coping; however, it did produce significant improvements in partners' expressed emotion, changes that were not seen in other treatment conditions.
In bisherigen Studien zeigte sich, dass vor allem bei Frauen die Zufriedenheit mit der Arbeitstei... more In bisherigen Studien zeigte sich, dass vor allem bei Frauen die Zufriedenheit mit der Arbeitsteilung mit der Partnerschaftszufriedenheit zusammenhängt. Ungeklärt ist, ob dieser Zusammenhang durch eine Reduktion des Konfliktpotentials in der Partnerschaft vermittelt wird und welche Rolle dabei die tatsächliche Aufteilung der Familienarbeit spielt. 207 Schweizer Doppelverdiener-Paare mit Kleinkindern wurden anhand von Fragebogen zu Partnerschaft und Arbeitsteilung befragt. Die familiäre Arbeitsteilung wurde überwiegend als zufriedenstellend erlebt, dabei verrichteten mehrheitlich die Frauen die Hausarbeit und betreuten die Kinder. Bei beiden Partnern war eine geringere Zufriedenheit mit der Aufteilung von Hausarbeit und Kinderbetreuung mit häufigeren Konflikten assoziiert, welche wiederum mit einer geringeren Partnerschaftszufriedenheit zusammenhingen. Im Gegensatz zur Kinderbetreuung waren die Effekte der Arbeitsteilung der Hausarbeit auf die Partnerschaft stärker für die Frauen als für die Männer. Dabei war die subjektive Bewertung der Arbeitsteilung bedeutender für die berichteten Konflikte und die Partnerschaftszufriedenheit als die tatsächliche Arbeitsteilung.
Psychological science, Jan 4, 2015
Although evolutionary and social-structural models predict that women will be more supportive tha... more Although evolutionary and social-structural models predict that women will be more supportive than men in relationships, behavioral studies fail to confirm this difference. We predicted instead that gender differences in support will be moderated by stress, and that men will provide lower-quality support primarily when their stress is high. We predicted further that the detrimental effects of stress on men's support will be more evident when men are responding to women's emotionally toned expressions of stress than when men are responding to women's affectively neutral expressions of stress. Stressed and unstressed men and women were observed providing support to a stressed relationship partner. While unstressed, men and women generally provided similar support to the stressed partner. While stressed, men provided lower-quality support than did comparably stressed women, but only in response to emotionally toned expressions of stress. Thus, gender differences in support ...
Family Science, 2014
Stress originating within one's relationship (internal stress), such as conflicts between partner... more Stress originating within one's relationship (internal stress), such as conflicts between partners, has been shown to have detrimental effects on relational longevity and well-being. Theoretical arguments suggest the need to examine the impact stress originating outside the relationship (external stress) can have on relational well-being. External stress can spillover into the relationship causing internal stress, making stress a dyadic versus individualistic phenomenon. Using data from 131 couples, we examined whether internal stress may mediate the association between external stress and relationship satisfaction and how dyadic coping may moderate this relationship within one year. Dyadic coping was found to decrease the impact of chronic external stress on chronic internal stress, particularly in women. Women who reported higher dyadic coping skills had a higher relationship satisfaction which influenced also their partner's relationship satisfaction positively. Further research should focus on couples' dyadic coping skills as a mechanism between stress and relationship satisfaction.
Archives of sexual behavior, Jan 26, 2014
The current study examined the associations between sexual orientation prototypicality-or the ext... more The current study examined the associations between sexual orientation prototypicality-or the extent to which an individual's attractions or sexual behaviors are similar to others in the same sexual orientation category-and several indicators of well-being (depressive symptoms, loneliness, and self-esteem). Data were analyzed from a sample of 586 self-identified heterosexual and sexual minority (lesbian/gay and bisexual) men and women who completed an online survey. We used k-means cluster analysis to assign individuals to sexual orientation clusters (resulting in heterosexual and sexual minority clusters) based on dimensions of same-sex and other-sex attractions (emotional, romantic, and sexual) and sexual behavior. Sexual orientation prototypicality was operationalized as the Euclidean distance between an individual's position in the cluster and their cluster centroid. Lower sexual orientation prototypicality (i.e., greater Euclidean distance from one's cluster centroi...
Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2013
ABSTRACT Recent research demonstrates that it is the quality rather than the frequency of social ... more ABSTRACT Recent research demonstrates that it is the quality rather than the frequency of social networking experiences that places individuals at risk for negative mental health outcomes. However, the mechanisms that account for this association have yet to be examined. Accordingly, this study examined whether the tendency to negatively compare oneself with others while using Facebook leads to increases in depressive symptoms, and whether this association is mediated by increases in rumination. A sample of 268 college-age young adults completed an initial online survey and a 3-week follow-up. Path analysis was used to test the hypothesized model, wherein negative social comparison on Facebook was predicted to be associated with increases in rumination, which, in turn, was predicted to be associated with depressive symptoms. The model controlled for general social comparison to test the specific effect of social comparison on Facebook over and above the tendency to engage in social comparison in general. Results indicated that the hypothesized mediation effect was significant. In sum, in the context of social networking, negatively comparing oneself with others may place individuals at risk for rumination and, in turn, depressive symptoms. Findings increase understanding of the mechanisms that link social networking use to negative mental health outcomes and suggest a continued emphasis on examining the specific processes that take place in the context of social networking that may be pathogenic.
Zusammenfassung Stress und Stressbewältigung werden innerhalb von Partnerschaften zunehmend als d... more Zusammenfassung Stress und Stressbewältigung werden innerhalb von Partnerschaften zunehmend als dyadische Phänomene begriffen. Um dieser Sichtweise diagnostisch Rechnung zu tragen, wird das Dyadische Coping Inventar (DCI) zur Erfassung des partnerschaftlichen Umgangs mit Stress vorgestellt. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Weiterentwicklung des Eragebogens zum dyadisehen Coping (EDCT-N. Bodenmann 2QQ0). Die faktorielle und psychometHsche Überprüfung edbigte an insgesamt N = 2399 Personen, Die Ergebnisse sprechen filr die lestgüte des Instruments. Die theoretisch postulierte Eaktorenstruktur konnte durch Eakto renanaiysen empirische Evidenz finden. Die internen Konsistenzen fielen insgesamt gut aus. die Test-Retest-Korrelationen lagen erwartungsgemäß im mittleren Bereich, Die Konstruktvalidität war ebenfalls gut, die kriterienbezogene Validität befriedigend. Weiterhin werden Cut-Ofi-Werte präsentiert die erlauben. Paare naeh der Güte des dyadischen Copings einzuteilen. Das DCf eignet sich gleichermaßen fiir klinische Fragestellungen (z.B. Interventionsforschung). Partnerschaftsdiagnostik und I herdpieevaluation sowie fiir entwicklungs-oder gesundheitspsyehologische Fragestellungen. Schlagwörter: Partnerschaft, dyadisches Coping. Unterstützung, Diagnostik. Partnerschaftszufriedenheit.
Swiss Journal of Psychology, 2013
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2010
Verbally aggressive exchanges between intimate partners are more likely during times of stress. T... more Verbally aggressive exchanges between intimate partners are more likely during times of stress. Therefore, the present study examines (i) whether partners' proneness to anger mediates the association between stress and verbal aggression and (ii) the degree to which individual and dyadic coping moderate associations among stress, anger, and aggression. Effective individual and dyadic coping reduces the effects of stress on aggression. Moreover, dyadic coping may attenuate associations between stress and both anger and verbal aggression. Individuals reporting adaptive and maladaptive coping typically differed in verbal aggression when stress was low, but not when stress was high. This is consistent with the notion that stressors govern strong negative emotion displayed in marriage. Implications of these findings for interventions that mitigate the effects of stress on relationships are discussed.
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2012
the respective roles of expressed emotion and dysfunctional cognitive processes are well document... more the respective roles of expressed emotion and dysfunctional cognitive processes are well documented in depression, but their interplay has seldom been given attention. We examined the patients' and partners' expressed emotion (ee) and dysfunctional attitudes in predicting depressive symptoms in a sample of N = 63 couples with one clinically-depressed partner (37 females and 26 males). Partners' ee played a more important role for patients' dysfunctional attitudes and their depressive symptoms; nondepressed partners' dysfunctional attitudes and depressive symptoms were unaffected by patients' ee. In contrasting two models that predict self-reported and clinician-rated depression, we found more support for dysfunctional attitudes serving as a mediator rather than a moderator for the association between partners' ee and patients' depressive symptoms. Partners' criticism may play a role worthy of more attention in depressed patients' dysfunctional attitudes and maintenance of their depressive symptoms. exPreSSed eMotion and dePreSSion 691
Journal of Family Psychology, 2012
Evidence for the stress-buffering effects of social support in intimate relationships raises impo... more Evidence for the stress-buffering effects of social support in intimate relationships raises important questions about whether partner support promotes recovery in physiological systems implicated in physical health. The present study examined (a) whether observed dyadic coping enhances cortisol stress recovery and (b) whether a stressed partner's self-reported attachment anxiety and avoidance moderate these effects. Stress was experimentally induced by asking either the man or woman in 123 heterosexual couples to participate in a standardized public speaking task. Stressed individuals recovered faster from stress the more positive dyadic coping they received from the partner, with women high in attachment anxiety benefiting less from these behaviors. Attachment avoidance did not moderate these associations. This study highlights the value of examining the interplay between partners' behaviors and attachment orientations in order to understand the impact of stress on close relationships and partners' health.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2008
and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression ; recovery rates; and relapse rates were examined. Addit... more and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression ; recovery rates; and relapse rates were examined. Additionally, changes in relationship quality were evaluated. Results suggest that the COCT is as effective in improving depressive symptomatology as are the well-established, evidenced-based CBT and IPT approaches. The COCT did not demonstrate a significantly better outcome with regard to self-reported relationship satisfaction or dyadic coping; however, it did produce significant improvements in partners' expressed emotion, changes that were not seen in other treatment conditions.
European Psychologist, 2011
Dyadic coping has received increased attention during the last decade, both in theory and empiric... more Dyadic coping has received increased attention during the last decade, both in theory and empirical studies. Two main models of dyadic coping are proposed in the current literature: (1) a comparative approach in which each partner's individual coping is compared with the other's individual coping with regard to congruence or discrepancy and (2) a systemic model where dyadic coping is conceptualized as an interactive and reciprocal process. In this study, the predictive power of these two different models of dyadic coping is examined regarding relationship quality and wellbeing. The study is conducted with 443 Swiss couples. Results reveal that both dyadic coping measures are related to relationship quality and psychological well-being. However the systemic dyadic coping measure is a stronger predictor than the discrepancy measure for relationship quality. Both measures show weaker associations with well-being. Findings are discussed with regard to theoretical issues and their implication for practical work.
Papers by Nathalie Meuwly