Newton Tuseko
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Papers by Newton Tuseko
Politics can be defined as the art or science of influencing other people on a civic or individual level More narrowly. Politics can also refer to the achieving and exercising positions of governance organized control over a human community particularly a state, for example, Zambia as a country is governed by politicians who are chosen by people democratically. A variety of methods is employed in politics which include promoting its own political views among people negotiation with other political subjects making laws and exercising force including warfare against adversaries Politics is exercised on a wide range of social levels from clans and tribes of traditional societies through modern local governments companies and institutions up to sovereign states to international level A political system is a framework which defines acceptable political methods within a given society History of political thought can be traced back to early antiquity with seminal works such as Plato's Republic Aristotle's Politics and opus of Confucius Modern political discourse focuses on democracy and the relationship between people and politics (Spicer, 2001).
Beginning from the 1980s, there has been a gradual, but concerted attempt to reverse the trend of political despair and disillusionment, which hitherto characterized political life in Africa. This attempt manifests in the demand for political pluralism and democratization. The long years of political misrule and of course bad governance exemplified by personalized political regimes and ruthless dictatorships left most African States politically demobilized and economically decapacitated with an immiserised population ravaged by poverty, illiteracy and disease. Regrettably, Africa harbours the highest stock of the world's poorest people.
Drafts by Newton Tuseko
Politics can be defined as the art or science of influencing other people on a civic or individual level More narrowly. Politics can also refer to the achieving and exercising positions of governance organized control over a human community particularly a state, for example, Zambia as a country is governed by politicians who are chosen by people democratically. A variety of methods is employed in politics which include promoting its own political views among people negotiation with other political subjects making laws and exercising force including warfare against adversaries Politics is exercised on a wide range of social levels from clans and tribes of traditional societies through modern local governments companies and institutions up to sovereign states to international level A political system is a framework which defines acceptable political methods within a given society History of political thought can be traced back to early antiquity with seminal works such as Plato's Republic Aristotle's Politics and opus of Confucius Modern political discourse focuses on democracy and the relationship between people and politics (Spicer, 2001).
Beginning from the 1980s, there has been a gradual, but concerted attempt to reverse the trend of political despair and disillusionment, which hitherto characterized political life in Africa. This attempt manifests in the demand for political pluralism and democratization. The long years of political misrule and of course bad governance exemplified by personalized political regimes and ruthless dictatorships left most African States politically demobilized and economically decapacitated with an immiserised population ravaged by poverty, illiteracy and disease. Regrettably, Africa harbours the highest stock of the world's poorest people.