The Multi-ethnic State and National Identities: The Serbian Experience in the 20th Century, 2024
In the 20 th century, the Serbian people lived within the framework of Yugoslavia, through differ... more In the 20 th century, the Serbian people lived within the framework of Yugoslavia, through different conceptions of the organization of society and the state. That historical framework had a whole series of political and social discontinuities. The influence of ideologies on the creation and development of Serbian national identity in the 20 th century is the most important issue discussed in this article. Also, the search is for an answer to the question of whether the breakup of Yugoslavia was a historical inevitability and why there was a series of violent conflicts that eventually separated once close identities.
This text is intended to identify, clarify and resolve the most frequent examples of methodologic... more This text is intended to identify, clarify and resolve the most frequent examples of methodological inconsistencies found in the current literature by Serbian and foreign researchers, and to point to their conceptual, methodological and factual inconsistencies. This work follows the basic line of conceptual delimitation concerning the phenomenon of the breakup of Yugoslavia, on one hand, and of the violent conflicts in certain Yugoslav republics, on the other. It is based on the interdisciplinary analysis of the findings in the field of international relations and historical analysis, while relying primarily on the fundamental sources of historical material. Henceforth, this paper will address the issues of correct determining of the main and secondary actors, temporal determination and elements for making a clear and unambiguous definition of the armed conflict in Croatia.
In this paper, we investigate the reproductive differentials of Serbian Jewry along the origin li... more In this paper, we investigate the reproductive differentials of Serbian Jewry along the origin line (Ashkenazi vs. Sephardi Jews), in addition to other variables such as religiosity, out-marriage, Holocaust experience, and political and social standings. We use a genealogy dataset covering three generations collected through original anthropological fieldwork among Jews in Serbia.Biology offers a theoretical framework for demographic behavior in the form of life history theory. It focuses research on the evolutionary forces that shape the timing of life events, particularly age schedules of fertility and mortality (Kaplan et al. 2001). The fundamental life history trade-off faced by individual women is between the number of offspring produced and their quality. This is based on the assumption that resources are limited. Thus it follows that when investment in offspring number is increased, investment per offspring is decreased. Increased investment in each offspring increases offspring reproductive success and thereby maternal fitness, because a mother's contribution to population growth is determined by the number of offspring entered into the breeding population and the offspring's lifetime reproductive success (Gillespie et al. 2008; Lack 1947). This is the case for animals and for most pre-modern humans before the demographic transition. In modern human populations, this trade-off can be in the form of economic returns, such as having fewer but better educated children who can find higher-paying jobs, meaning that offspring can provide not only biological fitness benefits but also economic gains (Hagen et al. 2006). By limiting family size, or consciously deciding not to reproduce, some could achieve increases in fitness substitutes including status, transferable social and political power, education etc., but at the cost of decreased reproductive fitness (Cvorovic and Nikolic 2012). After all, "Natural selection is not...for complexity or simplicity, altruism or selfishness ...cooperation or conflict, survival or death: it is simply for reproductive success" (Symons 1979, p. 3).Many times, anthropology has successfully used intersections with genealogy to suggest new disciplinary ways for understanding past cultural experiences and emerging social structures (Cannell 2011; deRoche 2007; Stewart 2003). Other, multidisciplinary works also used historical population records to understand the ecological causes and evolutionary consequences of variation in reproductive success, longevity and life history strategies (Courtiol et al. 2013; Cvorovic and Nikolic 2012; Gillespie et al. 2008; Hayward and Lummaa 2013; Helle and Lummaa 2013; Pettay et al. 2008). Applying evolutionary theory to human life history and demographic data provides understandings not only of the past, but also of modern problems, such as differential ethnic fertility and population growth (Clarke and Low 2001; Coleman 2006; Cvorovic 2012).Present European fertility, on average, is considerably below replacement (Frejka and Westoff 2008). This "lowest-low fertility" could have far reaching implications for Europe in terms of policies, education, housing, welfare, culture and everyday life (Kohler et al. 2006). At the same time, world Jewry was reduced in size by almost a third as a result of the Holocaust, and the prospect of maintaining the present size has become quite problematic due to low birth rates especially in secular Europe (Della Pergola 1996; Lehrer 2004; Schmelz 1981).Historical backgroundAt present, there are only around 2000 Jews residing in Serbia and yet, Jews have been present in Serbia since Roman times (Cvorovic 2015). In the late 15th century, a large number of Ladino-speaking Sephardi Jews, fleeing the Spanish Inquisition, settled permanently in the Balkans including Serbia (Benbassa and Rodrigue 2000). Later on, the Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazi Jews settled mostly in Vojvodina, then part of the Habsburg Monarchy. …
The Royalist resistance movement during the Second World War was represented by the Yugoslav Army... more The Royalist resistance movement during the Second World War was represented by the Yugoslav Army in the Homeland (YAH), led by General Mihailović. It was an anti-Nazi military alliance based on patriotic sentiments created after the catastrophic defeat in the April 1941 war. What started as a small group of officers and soldiers of the former Yugoslav royalist army (a total of 26 men) who gathered on Ravna Gora on May 11, 1941, became a resistance movement that symbolized Serbian national ideology. History has remembered them as "Chetniks". The appearance of Mihailović and his men met with enthusiasm in the "free world" as the first sign of resistance in occupied Yugoslavia. Praised and glorified at the beginning, they would be excluded from the Allied Coalition and stigmatized as "traitors" at the end of the war. The interpretation of the history of the YAH has been the most controversial issue of postwar Yugoslav historiography. Despite incontrovertible evidence of the YAH being a resistance movement, official narratives considered it Axis collaborators.
Živojin Mišić je u braku sa Lujzom Mišić (rođena 1865. u Beogradu kao Lujza Krüchner, u porodici ... more Živojin Mišić je u braku sa Lujzom Mišić (rođena 1865. u Beogradu kao Lujza Krüchner, u porodici inženjera Fridriha Krüchnera, Švajcarca nemačkog porekla) imao tri sina i tri ćerke (Eleonora, Olga i Anđelija). Najstariji sin Radovan (1887), mobilisan je neposredno pred Drugi svetski rat u činu rezervnog potpukovnika u Vojnu akademiju jugoslovenske vojske. Tamo je preuzeo vođenje jednog odeljenja pitomaca. Zarobljen je u rejonu Foče i prebačen do Beograda. Iako je 23. aprila dobio otpusnicu, shodno naredbi Vrhovne komande o raspuštanju pitomačkih sastava, svojevoljno se našao u zarobljeničkoj koloni koja je otišla iz Srbije. Prošao je kroz sedam oficirskih zarobljeničkih logora u Austriji i Nemačkoj. Nije se vratio u Srbiju i preminuo je 26. jula 1945. u Nirnbergu, pred sam polazak za Jugoslaviju pošto je rat već bio završen. Njegovi posmrtni ostaci preneseni su 1968. i sahranjeni u porodičnu grobnicu na Novom groblju.
APSTRAKT: U članku se razmatraju društvena atmosfera i dominanti politički procesi u Srbiji u vre... more APSTRAKT: U članku se razmatraju društvena atmosfera i dominanti politički procesi u Srbiji u vreme sloma realnog socijalizma, jugoslovenske krize i obnavljanja višestranačkog poretka. U centru analize jesu odnos humanističke inteligencije prema režimu Slobodana Miloševića, vladajuća oligarhija i njena nespremnost da izvrši punu demokratizaciju Srbije, kao i delovanje prvih opozicionih stranaka.
Issues in ethnology and anthropology, Nov 29, 2021
Apstrakt: U tekstu se analiziraju religijske osnove marksističke/komunističke doktrine i stvaranj... more Apstrakt: U tekstu se analiziraju religijske osnove marksističke/komunističke doktrine i stvaranje novog tipa religioznosti u društvima u kojima su komunisti izveli revoluciju. Komunistički ateizam, koji je u Jugoslaviji uspostavljen posle Drugog svetskog rata, tumači se kao sekularna religija koja je nametana kako bi se stvorio novi društveni poredak i potisnula stara religioznost.
APSTRAKT: ýlanak se bavi poþetkom ratnog raspleta jugoslovenske državne krize, kratkotrajnim tzv.... more APSTRAKT: ýlanak se bavi poþetkom ratnog raspleta jugoslovenske državne krize, kratkotrajnim tzv. junskim ratom u Sloveniji. To je bio uvod u graÿanski rat u Hrvatskoj i rasplamsavanje ratnog požara na prostoru SFRJ. U centru analize jesu odnosi na relaciji Slovenija-JNA, kao i pozicija Srbije u tom periodu. Tekst je napisan na osnovu dostupnih izvora i relevantne literature.
Извори Хашког трибунала о нападу на ЈНА у Сарајеву 2. и 3. маја 1992. године Апстракт: У тексту с... more Извори Хашког трибунала о нападу на ЈНА у Сарајеву 2. и 3. маја 1992. године Апстракт: У тексту се говори о повлачењу Југословенске народне армије из Босне и Херцеговине током пролећа 1992. и злочину који је над њеним припадницима извршен 2. и 3. маја 1992. у центру Сарајева, посебно у Добровољачкој улици. Aкценат је стављен на изворну грађу која је јавности постала доступна након што је уврштена у судске списе Међународног трибунала за кривично гоњење лица одговорних за тешка кршења међународног хуманитарног права на територији бивше Југославије после 1991. (International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991). Документа се налазе на јавној бази Трибунала у Хагу. 1 Кључне речи: Југословенска народна армија, Сарајево, Добровољачка улица, паравојне формације, грађански рат Крајем 1991. формирана је нова, 2. војна област ЈНА (тзв. западно војиште) са седиштем у Сарајеву. Смисао те одлуке био је да се ЈНА са тог простора трансформише у војску српског народа. О томе су Слободан Милошевић, председник Србије, и Борисав Јовић, члан 1 Уједињене нације. Судски списи Међународног кривичног трибунала за бившу Југославију (United Nations ICTY Court Records), aspx и Обједињена база судске документације, (даље: Трибунал).
Živojin Mišić je u braku sa Lujzom Mišić (rođena 1865. u Beogradu kao Lujza Krüchner, u porodici ... more Živojin Mišić je u braku sa Lujzom Mišić (rođena 1865. u Beogradu kao Lujza Krüchner, u porodici inženjera Fridriha Krüchnera, Švajcarca nemačkog porekla) imao tri sina i tri ćerke (Eleonora, Olga i Anđelija). Najstariji sin Radovan (1887), mobilisan je neposredno pred Drugi svetski rat u činu rezervnog potpukovnika u Vojnu akademiju jugoslovenske vojske. Tamo je preuzeo vođenje jednog odeljenja pitomaca. Zarobljen je u rejonu Foče i prebačen do Beograda. Iako je 23. aprila dobio otpusnicu, shodno naredbi Vrhovne komande o raspuštanju pitomačkih sastava, svojevoljno se našao u zarobljeničkoj koloni koja je otišla iz Srbije. Prošao je kroz sedam oficirskih zarobljeničkih logora u Austriji i Nemačkoj. Nije se vratio u Srbiju i preminuo je 26. jula 1945. u Nirnbergu, pred sam polazak za Jugoslaviju pošto je rat već bio završen. Njegovi posmrtni ostaci preneseni su 1968. i sahranjeni u porodičnu grobnicu na Novom groblju.
In this paper, we investigate the reproductive differentials of Serbian Jewry along the origin li... more In this paper, we investigate the reproductive differentials of Serbian Jewry along the origin line (Ashkenazi vs. Sephardi Jews), in addition to other variables such as religiosity, out-marriage, Holocaust experience, and political and social standings. We use a genealogy dataset covering three generations collected through original anthropological fieldwork among Jews in Serbia.Biology offers a theoretical framework for demographic behavior in the form of life history theory. It focuses research on the evolutionary forces that shape the timing of life events, particularly age schedules of fertility and mortality (Kaplan et al. 2001). The fundamental life history trade-off faced by individual women is between the number of offspring produced and their quality. This is based on the assumption that resources are limited. Thus it follows that when investment in offspring number is increased, investment per offspring is decreased. Increased investment in each offspring increases offspring reproductive success and thereby maternal fitness, because a mother's contribution to population growth is determined by the number of offspring entered into the breeding population and the offspring's lifetime reproductive success (Gillespie et al. 2008; Lack 1947). This is the case for animals and for most pre-modern humans before the demographic transition. In modern human populations, this trade-off can be in the form of economic returns, such as having fewer but better educated children who can find higher-paying jobs, meaning that offspring can provide not only biological fitness benefits but also economic gains (Hagen et al. 2006). By limiting family size, or consciously deciding not to reproduce, some could achieve increases in fitness substitutes including status, transferable social and political power, education etc., but at the cost of decreased reproductive fitness (Cvorovic and Nikolic 2012). After all, "Natural selection is not...for complexity or simplicity, altruism or selfishness ...cooperation or conflict, survival or death: it is simply for reproductive success" (Symons 1979, p. 3).Many times, anthropology has successfully used intersections with genealogy to suggest new disciplinary ways for understanding past cultural experiences and emerging social structures (Cannell 2011; deRoche 2007; Stewart 2003). Other, multidisciplinary works also used historical population records to understand the ecological causes and evolutionary consequences of variation in reproductive success, longevity and life history strategies (Courtiol et al. 2013; Cvorovic and Nikolic 2012; Gillespie et al. 2008; Hayward and Lummaa 2013; Helle and Lummaa 2013; Pettay et al. 2008). Applying evolutionary theory to human life history and demographic data provides understandings not only of the past, but also of modern problems, such as differential ethnic fertility and population growth (Clarke and Low 2001; Coleman 2006; Cvorovic 2012).Present European fertility, on average, is considerably below replacement (Frejka and Westoff 2008). This "lowest-low fertility" could have far reaching implications for Europe in terms of policies, education, housing, welfare, culture and everyday life (Kohler et al. 2006). At the same time, world Jewry was reduced in size by almost a third as a result of the Holocaust, and the prospect of maintaining the present size has become quite problematic due to low birth rates especially in secular Europe (Della Pergola 1996; Lehrer 2004; Schmelz 1981).Historical backgroundAt present, there are only around 2000 Jews residing in Serbia and yet, Jews have been present in Serbia since Roman times (Cvorovic 2015). In the late 15th century, a large number of Ladino-speaking Sephardi Jews, fleeing the Spanish Inquisition, settled permanently in the Balkans including Serbia (Benbassa and Rodrigue 2000). Later on, the Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazi Jews settled mostly in Vojvodina, then part of the Habsburg Monarchy. …
Verska komponenta rata u jedinicama Armije Bosne i Hercegovine najviše se vezuje za dobrovoljce i... more Verska komponenta rata u jedinicama Armije Bosne i Hercegovine najviše se vezuje za dobrovoljce iz islamskih zemalja. Izraz „mudžahedin“ (Alahov borac ili „sveti ratnik“) široko se koristio za strane državljane, uglavnom iz arapskih zemalja, koji su za vreme rata došli u BiH kako bi vodili „džihad“ ili „sveti rat“ protiv neprijatelja bosanskih Muslimana. Izraz „mudžahedin” koristio se i za lokalne Muslimane koji su se priključili mudžahedinima iz inostranstva, prihvatili njihovu ideologiju i usvojili njihovu nošnju i običaje.
The paper describes two shellings of Sarajevo’s Markale market in 1994 and 1995. In both cases a ... more The paper describes two shellings of Sarajevo’s Markale market in 1994 and 1995. In both cases a large number of civilians were killed, and the forces of the Army of Republika Srpska were accused. The second incident was followed by NATO airstrikes on Serbian positions around Sarajevo. Based on the available material, the article critically reviews all the testimonies about these events and searches for an answer to the question of what exactly happened. However, neither the available documentation nor the “good intentions of a researcher” could allow an unequivocal conclusion about who was responsible for both shellings.
The Multi-ethnic State and National Identities: The Serbian Experience in the 20th Century, 2024
In the 20 th century, the Serbian people lived within the framework of Yugoslavia, through differ... more In the 20 th century, the Serbian people lived within the framework of Yugoslavia, through different conceptions of the organization of society and the state. That historical framework had a whole series of political and social discontinuities. The influence of ideologies on the creation and development of Serbian national identity in the 20 th century is the most important issue discussed in this article. Also, the search is for an answer to the question of whether the breakup of Yugoslavia was a historical inevitability and why there was a series of violent conflicts that eventually separated once close identities.
This text is intended to identify, clarify and resolve the most frequent examples of methodologic... more This text is intended to identify, clarify and resolve the most frequent examples of methodological inconsistencies found in the current literature by Serbian and foreign researchers, and to point to their conceptual, methodological and factual inconsistencies. This work follows the basic line of conceptual delimitation concerning the phenomenon of the breakup of Yugoslavia, on one hand, and of the violent conflicts in certain Yugoslav republics, on the other. It is based on the interdisciplinary analysis of the findings in the field of international relations and historical analysis, while relying primarily on the fundamental sources of historical material. Henceforth, this paper will address the issues of correct determining of the main and secondary actors, temporal determination and elements for making a clear and unambiguous definition of the armed conflict in Croatia.
In this paper, we investigate the reproductive differentials of Serbian Jewry along the origin li... more In this paper, we investigate the reproductive differentials of Serbian Jewry along the origin line (Ashkenazi vs. Sephardi Jews), in addition to other variables such as religiosity, out-marriage, Holocaust experience, and political and social standings. We use a genealogy dataset covering three generations collected through original anthropological fieldwork among Jews in Serbia.Biology offers a theoretical framework for demographic behavior in the form of life history theory. It focuses research on the evolutionary forces that shape the timing of life events, particularly age schedules of fertility and mortality (Kaplan et al. 2001). The fundamental life history trade-off faced by individual women is between the number of offspring produced and their quality. This is based on the assumption that resources are limited. Thus it follows that when investment in offspring number is increased, investment per offspring is decreased. Increased investment in each offspring increases offspring reproductive success and thereby maternal fitness, because a mother's contribution to population growth is determined by the number of offspring entered into the breeding population and the offspring's lifetime reproductive success (Gillespie et al. 2008; Lack 1947). This is the case for animals and for most pre-modern humans before the demographic transition. In modern human populations, this trade-off can be in the form of economic returns, such as having fewer but better educated children who can find higher-paying jobs, meaning that offspring can provide not only biological fitness benefits but also economic gains (Hagen et al. 2006). By limiting family size, or consciously deciding not to reproduce, some could achieve increases in fitness substitutes including status, transferable social and political power, education etc., but at the cost of decreased reproductive fitness (Cvorovic and Nikolic 2012). After all, "Natural selection is not...for complexity or simplicity, altruism or selfishness ...cooperation or conflict, survival or death: it is simply for reproductive success" (Symons 1979, p. 3).Many times, anthropology has successfully used intersections with genealogy to suggest new disciplinary ways for understanding past cultural experiences and emerging social structures (Cannell 2011; deRoche 2007; Stewart 2003). Other, multidisciplinary works also used historical population records to understand the ecological causes and evolutionary consequences of variation in reproductive success, longevity and life history strategies (Courtiol et al. 2013; Cvorovic and Nikolic 2012; Gillespie et al. 2008; Hayward and Lummaa 2013; Helle and Lummaa 2013; Pettay et al. 2008). Applying evolutionary theory to human life history and demographic data provides understandings not only of the past, but also of modern problems, such as differential ethnic fertility and population growth (Clarke and Low 2001; Coleman 2006; Cvorovic 2012).Present European fertility, on average, is considerably below replacement (Frejka and Westoff 2008). This "lowest-low fertility" could have far reaching implications for Europe in terms of policies, education, housing, welfare, culture and everyday life (Kohler et al. 2006). At the same time, world Jewry was reduced in size by almost a third as a result of the Holocaust, and the prospect of maintaining the present size has become quite problematic due to low birth rates especially in secular Europe (Della Pergola 1996; Lehrer 2004; Schmelz 1981).Historical backgroundAt present, there are only around 2000 Jews residing in Serbia and yet, Jews have been present in Serbia since Roman times (Cvorovic 2015). In the late 15th century, a large number of Ladino-speaking Sephardi Jews, fleeing the Spanish Inquisition, settled permanently in the Balkans including Serbia (Benbassa and Rodrigue 2000). Later on, the Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazi Jews settled mostly in Vojvodina, then part of the Habsburg Monarchy. …
The Royalist resistance movement during the Second World War was represented by the Yugoslav Army... more The Royalist resistance movement during the Second World War was represented by the Yugoslav Army in the Homeland (YAH), led by General Mihailović. It was an anti-Nazi military alliance based on patriotic sentiments created after the catastrophic defeat in the April 1941 war. What started as a small group of officers and soldiers of the former Yugoslav royalist army (a total of 26 men) who gathered on Ravna Gora on May 11, 1941, became a resistance movement that symbolized Serbian national ideology. History has remembered them as "Chetniks". The appearance of Mihailović and his men met with enthusiasm in the "free world" as the first sign of resistance in occupied Yugoslavia. Praised and glorified at the beginning, they would be excluded from the Allied Coalition and stigmatized as "traitors" at the end of the war. The interpretation of the history of the YAH has been the most controversial issue of postwar Yugoslav historiography. Despite incontrovertible evidence of the YAH being a resistance movement, official narratives considered it Axis collaborators.
Živojin Mišić je u braku sa Lujzom Mišić (rođena 1865. u Beogradu kao Lujza Krüchner, u porodici ... more Živojin Mišić je u braku sa Lujzom Mišić (rođena 1865. u Beogradu kao Lujza Krüchner, u porodici inženjera Fridriha Krüchnera, Švajcarca nemačkog porekla) imao tri sina i tri ćerke (Eleonora, Olga i Anđelija). Najstariji sin Radovan (1887), mobilisan je neposredno pred Drugi svetski rat u činu rezervnog potpukovnika u Vojnu akademiju jugoslovenske vojske. Tamo je preuzeo vođenje jednog odeljenja pitomaca. Zarobljen je u rejonu Foče i prebačen do Beograda. Iako je 23. aprila dobio otpusnicu, shodno naredbi Vrhovne komande o raspuštanju pitomačkih sastava, svojevoljno se našao u zarobljeničkoj koloni koja je otišla iz Srbije. Prošao je kroz sedam oficirskih zarobljeničkih logora u Austriji i Nemačkoj. Nije se vratio u Srbiju i preminuo je 26. jula 1945. u Nirnbergu, pred sam polazak za Jugoslaviju pošto je rat već bio završen. Njegovi posmrtni ostaci preneseni su 1968. i sahranjeni u porodičnu grobnicu na Novom groblju.
APSTRAKT: U članku se razmatraju društvena atmosfera i dominanti politički procesi u Srbiji u vre... more APSTRAKT: U članku se razmatraju društvena atmosfera i dominanti politički procesi u Srbiji u vreme sloma realnog socijalizma, jugoslovenske krize i obnavljanja višestranačkog poretka. U centru analize jesu odnos humanističke inteligencije prema režimu Slobodana Miloševića, vladajuća oligarhija i njena nespremnost da izvrši punu demokratizaciju Srbije, kao i delovanje prvih opozicionih stranaka.
Issues in ethnology and anthropology, Nov 29, 2021
Apstrakt: U tekstu se analiziraju religijske osnove marksističke/komunističke doktrine i stvaranj... more Apstrakt: U tekstu se analiziraju religijske osnove marksističke/komunističke doktrine i stvaranje novog tipa religioznosti u društvima u kojima su komunisti izveli revoluciju. Komunistički ateizam, koji je u Jugoslaviji uspostavljen posle Drugog svetskog rata, tumači se kao sekularna religija koja je nametana kako bi se stvorio novi društveni poredak i potisnula stara religioznost.
APSTRAKT: ýlanak se bavi poþetkom ratnog raspleta jugoslovenske državne krize, kratkotrajnim tzv.... more APSTRAKT: ýlanak se bavi poþetkom ratnog raspleta jugoslovenske državne krize, kratkotrajnim tzv. junskim ratom u Sloveniji. To je bio uvod u graÿanski rat u Hrvatskoj i rasplamsavanje ratnog požara na prostoru SFRJ. U centru analize jesu odnosi na relaciji Slovenija-JNA, kao i pozicija Srbije u tom periodu. Tekst je napisan na osnovu dostupnih izvora i relevantne literature.
Извори Хашког трибунала о нападу на ЈНА у Сарајеву 2. и 3. маја 1992. године Апстракт: У тексту с... more Извори Хашког трибунала о нападу на ЈНА у Сарајеву 2. и 3. маја 1992. године Апстракт: У тексту се говори о повлачењу Југословенске народне армије из Босне и Херцеговине током пролећа 1992. и злочину који је над њеним припадницима извршен 2. и 3. маја 1992. у центру Сарајева, посебно у Добровољачкој улици. Aкценат је стављен на изворну грађу која је јавности постала доступна након што је уврштена у судске списе Међународног трибунала за кривично гоњење лица одговорних за тешка кршења међународног хуманитарног права на територији бивше Југославије после 1991. (International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991). Документа се налазе на јавној бази Трибунала у Хагу. 1 Кључне речи: Југословенска народна армија, Сарајево, Добровољачка улица, паравојне формације, грађански рат Крајем 1991. формирана је нова, 2. војна област ЈНА (тзв. западно војиште) са седиштем у Сарајеву. Смисао те одлуке био је да се ЈНА са тог простора трансформише у војску српског народа. О томе су Слободан Милошевић, председник Србије, и Борисав Јовић, члан 1 Уједињене нације. Судски списи Међународног кривичног трибунала за бившу Југославију (United Nations ICTY Court Records), aspx и Обједињена база судске документације, (даље: Трибунал).
Živojin Mišić je u braku sa Lujzom Mišić (rođena 1865. u Beogradu kao Lujza Krüchner, u porodici ... more Živojin Mišić je u braku sa Lujzom Mišić (rođena 1865. u Beogradu kao Lujza Krüchner, u porodici inženjera Fridriha Krüchnera, Švajcarca nemačkog porekla) imao tri sina i tri ćerke (Eleonora, Olga i Anđelija). Najstariji sin Radovan (1887), mobilisan je neposredno pred Drugi svetski rat u činu rezervnog potpukovnika u Vojnu akademiju jugoslovenske vojske. Tamo je preuzeo vođenje jednog odeljenja pitomaca. Zarobljen je u rejonu Foče i prebačen do Beograda. Iako je 23. aprila dobio otpusnicu, shodno naredbi Vrhovne komande o raspuštanju pitomačkih sastava, svojevoljno se našao u zarobljeničkoj koloni koja je otišla iz Srbije. Prošao je kroz sedam oficirskih zarobljeničkih logora u Austriji i Nemačkoj. Nije se vratio u Srbiju i preminuo je 26. jula 1945. u Nirnbergu, pred sam polazak za Jugoslaviju pošto je rat već bio završen. Njegovi posmrtni ostaci preneseni su 1968. i sahranjeni u porodičnu grobnicu na Novom groblju.
In this paper, we investigate the reproductive differentials of Serbian Jewry along the origin li... more In this paper, we investigate the reproductive differentials of Serbian Jewry along the origin line (Ashkenazi vs. Sephardi Jews), in addition to other variables such as religiosity, out-marriage, Holocaust experience, and political and social standings. We use a genealogy dataset covering three generations collected through original anthropological fieldwork among Jews in Serbia.Biology offers a theoretical framework for demographic behavior in the form of life history theory. It focuses research on the evolutionary forces that shape the timing of life events, particularly age schedules of fertility and mortality (Kaplan et al. 2001). The fundamental life history trade-off faced by individual women is between the number of offspring produced and their quality. This is based on the assumption that resources are limited. Thus it follows that when investment in offspring number is increased, investment per offspring is decreased. Increased investment in each offspring increases offspring reproductive success and thereby maternal fitness, because a mother's contribution to population growth is determined by the number of offspring entered into the breeding population and the offspring's lifetime reproductive success (Gillespie et al. 2008; Lack 1947). This is the case for animals and for most pre-modern humans before the demographic transition. In modern human populations, this trade-off can be in the form of economic returns, such as having fewer but better educated children who can find higher-paying jobs, meaning that offspring can provide not only biological fitness benefits but also economic gains (Hagen et al. 2006). By limiting family size, or consciously deciding not to reproduce, some could achieve increases in fitness substitutes including status, transferable social and political power, education etc., but at the cost of decreased reproductive fitness (Cvorovic and Nikolic 2012). After all, "Natural selection is not...for complexity or simplicity, altruism or selfishness ...cooperation or conflict, survival or death: it is simply for reproductive success" (Symons 1979, p. 3).Many times, anthropology has successfully used intersections with genealogy to suggest new disciplinary ways for understanding past cultural experiences and emerging social structures (Cannell 2011; deRoche 2007; Stewart 2003). Other, multidisciplinary works also used historical population records to understand the ecological causes and evolutionary consequences of variation in reproductive success, longevity and life history strategies (Courtiol et al. 2013; Cvorovic and Nikolic 2012; Gillespie et al. 2008; Hayward and Lummaa 2013; Helle and Lummaa 2013; Pettay et al. 2008). Applying evolutionary theory to human life history and demographic data provides understandings not only of the past, but also of modern problems, such as differential ethnic fertility and population growth (Clarke and Low 2001; Coleman 2006; Cvorovic 2012).Present European fertility, on average, is considerably below replacement (Frejka and Westoff 2008). This "lowest-low fertility" could have far reaching implications for Europe in terms of policies, education, housing, welfare, culture and everyday life (Kohler et al. 2006). At the same time, world Jewry was reduced in size by almost a third as a result of the Holocaust, and the prospect of maintaining the present size has become quite problematic due to low birth rates especially in secular Europe (Della Pergola 1996; Lehrer 2004; Schmelz 1981).Historical backgroundAt present, there are only around 2000 Jews residing in Serbia and yet, Jews have been present in Serbia since Roman times (Cvorovic 2015). In the late 15th century, a large number of Ladino-speaking Sephardi Jews, fleeing the Spanish Inquisition, settled permanently in the Balkans including Serbia (Benbassa and Rodrigue 2000). Later on, the Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazi Jews settled mostly in Vojvodina, then part of the Habsburg Monarchy. …
Verska komponenta rata u jedinicama Armije Bosne i Hercegovine najviše se vezuje za dobrovoljce i... more Verska komponenta rata u jedinicama Armije Bosne i Hercegovine najviše se vezuje za dobrovoljce iz islamskih zemalja. Izraz „mudžahedin“ (Alahov borac ili „sveti ratnik“) široko se koristio za strane državljane, uglavnom iz arapskih zemalja, koji su za vreme rata došli u BiH kako bi vodili „džihad“ ili „sveti rat“ protiv neprijatelja bosanskih Muslimana. Izraz „mudžahedin” koristio se i za lokalne Muslimane koji su se priključili mudžahedinima iz inostranstva, prihvatili njihovu ideologiju i usvojili njihovu nošnju i običaje.
The paper describes two shellings of Sarajevo’s Markale market in 1994 and 1995. In both cases a ... more The paper describes two shellings of Sarajevo’s Markale market in 1994 and 1995. In both cases a large number of civilians were killed, and the forces of the Army of Republika Srpska were accused. The second incident was followed by NATO airstrikes on Serbian positions around Sarajevo. Based on the available material, the article critically reviews all the testimonies about these events and searches for an answer to the question of what exactly happened. However, neither the available documentation nor the “good intentions of a researcher” could allow an unequivocal conclusion about who was responsible for both shellings.
Saveznici, četnici i partizani u Drugom svetskom ratu , 2018
Про блем одно са "вели ких Саве зни ка" пре ма покре ти ма отпо ра у Југосла ви ји у Дру гом свет... more Про блем одно са "вели ких Саве зни ка" пре ма покре ти ма отпо ра у Југосла ви ји у Дру гом свет ском рату, пред ста вља јед но од нај ду го трај ни јих и нај спор ни јих питања и питање о којем се много дискутовало. Цен трал но место у свим ана ли за ма заузима одго вор на ениг му да ли је узрок одба ци вања срп ског наци о нал ног покре та отпо ра у њего вој сарад њи са осо вин ским сна га ма у Југо сла ви ји или је у пита њу била поли тич ка одлу ка како би се одр жа ло једин ство у анти фа ши стич кој коа ли ци ји? У Дру гом свет ском рату на иде о ло шком пла ну испо љио се сукоб три иде о ло ги је: гра ђан ске демо кра ти је, фаши зма и кому ни зма, тако да се тај рат раз ли ко вао од оно га који је избио 1914. и био обе ле жен наци о на ли змом. У том тро у глу мења ли су се и фрон то ви вели ких сила: од попу шта ња западних зема ља Хитле ру и подстицањa њего вог суко ба са Совјет ским Саве зом, до пак та Ста љи на и Хитле ра про тив њих и на кра ју-анти фа ши стич ке коали ци је. У првом пери о ду рата глав ни кре а тор саве знич ке поли ти ке пре ма Југо сла ви ји била је Вели ка Бри та ни ја, а затим су одлу чу ју ћу уло гу има ли Сје ди ње не Аме рич ке Држа ве и Совјет ски Савез. Њихо во стра те шко партнер ство у поде ли све та на инте ре сне сфе ре, одлу чи ло је суд би ну покре та отпо ра, самим тим и Југо сла ви је на кра ју рата. Ни о јед ној дру гој земљи која се бори ла у Дру гом свет ском рату није у ино стран ству напи са но толи ко књи га, рас пра ва и сећа ња (исто ри ча ри, саве знич ки офи ци ри, књи жев ни ци, нови на ри) као о Југо сла ви ји, али, парадок сал но, мно ги рат ни дога ђа ји и даље су пред мет супрот них тума че ња. Доми нант на је англо сак сон ска лите ра ту ра у којој је вре ме ном дошло до ево лу ци је у при сту пу рату у Југо сла ви ји-од иде о ло шког ка науч ном. Све до кра ја 80-их годи на 20. века на сна зи је била она вер зи ја исто ри је која је вели ча ла врли не кому ни стич ког покре та отпо ра и пар ти за не при ка зи ва ла толи ко вој но супер и ор ним да запад ни саве зни ци јед но став но нису има ли дру ги избор осим да их подр же. Тако је кре и ран мит да су кому ни сти били скло ни ји патри о ти зму а не кому ни зму совјет ског типа. Било је, нарав но, обја вље них све до че ња саве знич ких офи ци ра који су бора ви ли у Југо слави ји и чије су при че ишле у при лог роја ли сти ма. Те књи ге су, међу тим, игно ри са не или зане ма ри ва не на рачун првих, и оста ле су на дру штве ној и науч ној мар ги ни. 1 38 Peter Radan, "Con sti tu ti o nal Expe ri men ta ti on and the Nati o nal Que sti on in Inter war Yugo sla via", Isto ri ja 20. veka, 3/2011, 37-38. 39 Х. Вили јамс, Падо бран ци, патри о ти и пар ти за ни, 51. 40 Мом чи ло Нин чић (1876-1949). Сту ди рао је пра во и док то ри рао на Сор бо ни. Био је уни вер зи тет ски про фе сор, више пута мини стар у Кра ље ви ни Југо сла ви ји и пред сед ник Дру штва наро да (1926-1927). У вла ди гене ра ла Симо ви ћа био је мини стар ино стра них посло ва. На про це су гене ра лу Миха и ло ви ћу (1946) осу ђен је на осам годи на роби је. Умро је у егзи лу у Швај цар ској, а реха би ли то ван је 2006. годи не. Њего ва ћер ка Олга, уда та за истак ну тог кому ни сту Авда Хума, била је током рата бли ска Тито ва сарад ни ца.
Papers by Kosta Nikolić