International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering and IT, 2018
The study investigate d the effects of programmed instructional package on secondary s... more The study investigate d the effects of programmed instructional package on secondary school student’s interest in mathematics. The study employed a quasi experimental procedure. The specific design is non - equivalent control group design. The sample for the study comprised of 300 SSII students drawn from four co - educational secondary schools in Awgu Education Zone of Enugu State. Mathematics Interest Inventory test was administered to the schools chosen, two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. It was discovered that programmed instructional package has a great higher effect in enhancing students’ interest in mathematics. The results of the study also revealed that there was no significant interaction between gender and instructional approach on students’ interest in mathematics. Based on findings the researcher made recommendations and conclusion for the study .

International Research Journal of Mathematics, Engineering and IT, 2017
The purpose of the study is to find out the problems and factors affecting the tea... more The purpose of the study is to find out the problems and factors affecting the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools in Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State. In the course of study, the researcher formulated five research questions to guide the study. The population for the study was 46 mathematics teachers in the fourteen secondary schools in Awgu Local Government Area. The instrument for data collection was structured questionnaires developed by the researcher and distributed by hand to the Mathematics teachers. The reliability of the instrument was measured using Cronbach Alpha, which was used to establish the index of reliability of the instrument used. The data collected were analyzed by use of mean and standard deviation. From the analysis of the result, the following findings were observed; most of the schools have insufficiency of teachers, lack of textbooks, lack of incentives for the Mathematics teachers, lack of instructional materials and non-existence of mathematics laboratory. The educational implication and recommendations were made.

International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, 2017
The study is to investigate the effects of programmed instructional package on secondary school s... more The study is to investigate the effects of programmed instructional package on secondary school students’ achievement in mathematics. The study employed a quasi experimental procedure. The specific design is non-equivalent control group design. The sample for the study comprised of 300 SSII students drawn from four co-educational secondary schools in Awgu Education Zone of Enugu state. The four secondary schools were randomly sampled from a total of 46 secondary schools in
the zone as at the time of this study. Two intact classes from the four schools were randomly assigned to the experimental group while the remaining two classes were assigned to the control group. Two research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. The experimental group was taught mathematics using programmed instructional package while the control group was taught the same contents using conventional method. Data for the study on the students’
achievement in mathematics were collected using mathematics achievement test. Data were analyzed using adjusted mean, standard deviations and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results of the study revealed that programmed instructional package is superior to the conventional package in improving students’ achievement in mathematics. Programmed instruction did not discriminate significantly across gender in terms of achievement in
mathematics. The results of the study also revealed that there was no significant interaction between gender and instructional approach on students’ achievement in mathematics. Based on findings the researcher made recommendations and suggested areas for further studies.
International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research, 2015
Over the years, automobile market has experience significant growth due to increasing ... more Over the years, automobile market has experience significant growth due to increasing demand for more sophisticated luxurious vehicles that can give better comfortable ride. In order to improve the comfort experienced by the occupants of a vehicle, accurate modeling of an active suspension system with an intelligent control algorithm is paramount. In this paper,an overview of the vehicle suspension system was presented. The different classifications of the suspension system were discussed. The State Space approach was used to develop the mathematical model of an Active Suspension System from its block diagram representation.

International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research, 2017
This study centred on Evaluation of Universal Basic Education Programme on Educational... more This study centred on Evaluation of Universal Basic Education Programme on Educational Development in Nigeria: A Study of Selected Primary Schools in Aku, Igbo-Etiti Local Government Area, Enugu State. The decision of the Federal and State Governments to leave the responsibility of managing primary education to the local government council brought about the down turn of the standard and quality of primary education as classrooms built for the UPE intake began to collapse,
and could not be rehabilitated. The pupils’ enrolment and attendance started to decline. Instructional materials and equipment became scarce in the schools. The broad objective of this study is to examine the relationship between universal basic education and educational development in Nigeria. The specific objectives of this study are; to assess the rate at which universal basic education programme has contributed to educational development in Nigeria,
ascertain the extent the implementation of the universal basic education programme has gone in educational development in Nigeria among others. Survey design was adopted in this study. The population of the study is 50. The entire population was used as the sample size since it is not up to or above hundred. Data for this study were collected through the use of questionnaire to illicit
response from the respondents. The data collected were analysed using Chi-Square. Some of the findings of the study showed that there is strong relationship between universal basic education programme and educational development in Nigeria, the rate at which universal basic education
programme has contributed to educational development in Nigeria is high and implementation of universal basic education programme has gone to a very large extent in educational development in Nigeria. In conclusion therefore, the introduction of universal basic education programme has significant effect and has gone to a very large extent in educational development in Nigeria. The
study recommends among others that there is need to strengthen the relationship between universal basic education programme and educational development in Nigeria, there should be adequate and proper implementation of universal basic education programme to ensure increase and stable educational development in Nigeria and Government should increasing budgetary allocation to education for the effective implementation of universal basic education programme in

International Journal of Advanced Research in IT and Engineering, 2017
This paper presents a way of eliminating overshoot in a DC servomotor using a
mode... more This paper presents a way of eliminating overshoot in a DC servomotor using a
model reference adaptive control system, which is a controller in the Neural Network (NN) toolbox. A Speed and Position based MRAC system and a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller were used to control a physical DC servomotor with known parameters. This was achieved through physical measurements by configuration of the servo river, the computer system and the DC motor using, Simulink toolbox and Microsoft Windows Software Development kits (SDKs) 7. The reference input to the system was a step function input. The purpose is to determine the time-response of the developed system also, the stability of the system and its ability to reach one stationary state when starting from another. Results from physical measurements show that MRAC system was able to accommodate nonlinearities associated with DC motor and yet, maintain good control of the
motor without voltage overshoot as against the PID controller.

International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences(IJREAS), 2017
High precision is paramount and of critical importance in speed and position control ... more High precision is paramount and of critical importance in speed and position control of DC motor, in order to achieve high performance in target position and movements. This paper presents how to improve the control of DC servo motor speed and position using Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) technique of Neural Network (NN). The MRAC architecture uses two neural networks: a controller network and a plant (DC motor) model network. The concept is that the controller output will follow the reference input so that the tracking error of the DC motor is minimized to an acceptable value wit hin the shortest interval. The Artificial Neural Network Inverse Model (AIM) of the plant was developed using Simulink and NN toolboxes. The AIM a nd the controller were trained offline using Feed forward Back propagation Algorithm to determine the initial set of weights and biases. Simulation was performed for two different arbitrary trajectories using different values of feedback gain (Kp). Results show that for the same reference speed trajectory; the modification of speed input to the
AIM using the feedback module leads to precision is position tracking. The Kp value of 1 is used in tracking the speed profile. It can be seen that speed tracking is almost perfectly achieved using the Kp value of 1.

International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, 2017
The Artificial Neural Network Inverse Model (AIM) of the DC motor was designed as the plant in t... more The Artificial Neural Network Inverse Model (AIM) of the DC motor was designed as the plant in the Neural Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) network. The concept is for the motor output to follow the reference input. An input to the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) controller is made from the DC motor with a corresponding desired or target response set at the output. Feed forward Back propagation training algorithm that propagates error was used in training the network. Error is computed from the difference between the desired response and the system output using the Least Mean Square Error (LMSE). The idea is to bring down the tracking error to zero or minimal acceptable value. Simulation was done at different sampling time and results
show that by reducing the sampling time, the speed profile accuracy can be improved.

International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 2016
A research on inventory survey of some gully erosion sites in Central Cross River State of Nige... more A research on inventory survey of some gully erosion sites in Central Cross River State of Nigeria was carried out in 2015; Fifteen gully sites were identified in the areas (Ikom,Obubra and Yakurr Local Government Areas). The objective of this research is to identify spectacular gullies and to determine the dimensions, causes and the land use affected. The gullies identified within the Ikom Local Government Area are Enoghi, Ekpokpa, Bokomo, Boarder Road and Atimaka, with Enoghi having the longest gully length. In Obubra Local Government Area are Mile one, Nnukpein, Ohara, Ovonum and Onyadama, while in Yakurr Local Governemnt Area are Njelekoko Ajere, Aduma, Npoli and Ofurekpe. The gullies were caused by uncontrolled overland flow, run-off and poor construction. Land use affected were farmland, residential building and pathway.

GE-International Journal of Engineering Research , 2016
A study was carried out to analyze water table movement for flood mitigation in Cal... more A study was carried out to analyze water table movement for flood mitigation in Calabar Municipality of Cross River State with a view to controlling the water table at high level due to fluctuation within the area. Six different existing boreholes were used for this study. Using fiber tape attached to a weight, static water levels were obtai ned during the morning hours before pumping began. The use of questionnaire to assess research question was employed. Four hypotheses where formulated, one null hypothesis was accepted while other three where rejected. The hydrograph shows regions of rising, peak and failing limbs with the month of July having highest rainfall value of 828.2m-. The results indicate highest static water level on locations closer to the Calabar River compared to other far-away locations. Heavy rainfall among other factors is identified as the major cause of flooding within the study
areas. Flooding at Ikot Uduak followed by Essien Town was observed to be more severe to other locations. This calls for proper design and construction of channels to convey water from flood affected lands. Lowering the water table level improved field trafficability and timeliness of crop management operations. Pumping system and water control structures are recommended as these can be managed to create either a constant water table depth or a fluctuating water table level.

International Journal of Marketing and Management Research, 2018
Public relation is very relevant in institution today since it has become the most powerful tool... more Public relation is very relevant in institution today since it has become the most powerful tool to express the image of an institution to the public community. The study assessed public relations as a tool for attaining educational institution objectives. The major problem of this study was the presence of social vices such as bribery, cultism and corruption, sex scandal that make communities dissatisfied with the Nigeria education sector. The major objective of the study was
to examine public relations as a tool for attaining educational institution objectives. Descriptive design was used with a sample size of 77 subjects, stratified was use to group the population and sample randomly selected. A structured questionnaire was the instrument used to gather data from the field for analysis. Regression analysis was employed to test the five hypotheses formulated. Findings reveal that reputation management, customer relations, media relations, social media and corporate social responsibility on achieving educational institution objectives was positively significant respectively. The study concluded that institutions should pay more
attention to those variables for attainment of their educational institution objectives. And
recommended among others that the models used in this study should be properly adopted by the
institutions for adequate sustainability of their existence.

International Journal in IT & Engineering, 2017
This paper presents the development of an automated bread baking system. The aim of this work wa... more This paper presents the development of an automated bread baking system. The aim of this work was to develop a prototype baking system that will produce high quality, low cost bread with reducedlabor and production time. Rapid application development (RAD) methodology was adopted for the development of the system. Top down design approach was used for hardware and software designs. AT89S52 microcontroller was used to co-ordinate the activities of the entire system. Proteus 8.0 software was used for the authentication of the hardware design of the control unit, while PM-51 Macro Assembler and Top win version 6 Software and programmer were used for program development. The system starts executing it tasks of baking bread once it is powered ON and temperature and time set. The prototype has been successfully developed and can perform the function of baking high quality bread there by reducing labor, material wastage and production cost.

International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, 2017
Generally, deep breathing has been established to reduce blood pressure (BP).Besides, ... more Generally, deep breathing has been established to reduce blood pressure (BP).Besides, during inhalation BP is known to decrease while it increases during exhalation. To implement this idea to effectively and efficiently decrease BP, different breathing pattern involving differences in times of inhalation and exhalation could be very significant. This study will aim at quantitatively exploring the upshot of different breathing patterns on automated Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP). Forty healthy subjects that include 25 males and 15 females (aged between 18 to 60 years) were employed in this study. Automate SBP were measured using clinically authorized automated BP device. Two repeated measurement sessions was taken for each subject. For each session, eight BP measurements were obtained. The eight BP measurements involve: four measurements during breathing using different patterns (Pattern 1 to Pattern 4) (Pattern 1: (4.5s of inhalation and 4.5s of exhalation); Pattern 2: (6s of inhalation and 2s of exhalation); Pattern 3: (2s of inhalation and 6s of exhalation); Pattern 4: (1.5s of inhalation and 1.5s of exhalation), and another four measurements of the same measurement after a one-minute rest interval. Two baseline BP measurements exist under resting condition at the beginning and end of the two measurement sessions. Lastly, the effect of different breathing patterns on automated SBP during and after deep breathing was analysed in comparison with the automated baseline SBP. Experimental results showed that overall automated SBP measured during deep breathing in Patterns 1, 2 and 4 decreased significantly by 3.7 ± 5.7mmHg, 3.9 ± 5.2 mmHg and 3.3 ± 5.3 mmHg respectively (all p < 0.001)except for Pattern 3 where automated SBP decreased only by 1.7 ± 5.9 mmHg with p value (p < 0.05). Similarly, after deep breathing, automated SBP went back to normal with no significant difference when compared with baseline BP (all p>0.05, except for SBP in pattern 4 with a mean difference of 1.9±3.5 mmHg). In conclusion, a decrease in automated SBP with different breathing patterns has been quantitatively demonstrated with Pattern 2 being most effective, however slow and deep breathing (Pattern 3) inclines to be the best relaxed pattern for subjects to practice.

International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research, 2017
Proper management of temperature in an environmentally uncontrolled brooding room has been a prob... more Proper management of temperature in an environmentally uncontrolled brooding room has been a problem to farmers. Though use of stoves and electric bulbs may help in providing heat and use of thermometer for detecting temperature of brooding room, their integration in a single brooding system by poultry farmers in development Countries has been difficult. This paper presents the development of a microcontroller-based chicks brooding room temperature management system.
The aim of the prototype development is to reduce energy, effort and time required for providing heat and regulating temperature of brooding room/house and preventing early chicks mortality that results from excess and insufficient heat. Rapid application development (RAD) methodology as adopted for the development of the system while Top down design approach was used for hardware and software designs. AT89C51 microcontroller was used to co-ordinate the entire
system. Proteus 8.0 software was used for the authentication of the hardware design of the system while PM-51 Macro Assembler and Top win version 6 Software were used to accomplish the integration. The system starts executing its set tasks immediately the power button is pressed and temperature range set. The prototype has been successfully developed and can perform the function of managing brooding room temperature using electric bulbs thereby preventing early chicks’ mortality due to excess and insufficient heat.
International Journal in Management and Social Science, 2017
International Journal in Commerce, IT & Social Sciences, 2016
Although there are so many agents of curriculum implementation ranging from government activitie... more Although there are so many agents of curriculum implementation ranging from government activities of provision of equipment and learning materials, human and material resources, physical facilities to payment of salaries of all the personnel both teaching and non-teaching concerned with the implementation of curriculum. Classroom is the center of curriculum implementation and the teacher is at the middle of contents leading to the achievement of curriculum objectives and the learner.
Curriculum implementation is the process of interpreting contents of the curriculum by the teacher. Therefore, curriculum implementation cannot be complete without the teacher. This paper is fashioned to examine the concept of curriculum, concept of curriculum implementation , issues in curriculum implementation, challenges and way forward

International Journal in Management and Social Science, 2015
The role of teachers in the achievement of educational objectives cannot be
overemph... more The role of teachers in the achievement of educational objectives cannot be
overemphasized. They are the major key players in curriculum implementation at the classroom levels. Teachers can make or mar a nation, where they fail to implement the designed contents, the educational objectives may not be achieved. They are at the middle between the contents and the learners. Unfortunately, the extent of teachers’ participation in the selection of the contents they implement is not yet known. Thus, this study therefore investigated the extent of teachers participation in the selection of curriculum contents in secondary schools in Enugu State. The population for the study was 8,909 teachers in the 287 secondary schools in Enugu. The sample for the study was 688 made up of (285 males and 403 females). One research question and one hypothesis were posed for the study. Mean scores were used to answer the research question while the hypothesis was tested
using t-test statistics at 0.05 level of significance and appropriate degree of freedom. The major finding was that teachers participate in the selection of curriculum contents in secondary schools in Enugu State to a little extent. The educational implication was indicated, based on that recommendations were made.

International Journal in Management and Social Science , 2015
The role of teachers in the achievement of educational objectives cannot be
overemph... more The role of teachers in the achievement of educational objectives cannot be
overemphasized. They are the major key players in curriculum implementation at the classroom levels. Teachers can make or mar a nation, where they fail to implement the designed contents, the educational objectives may not be achieved. They are at the middle between the contents and the learners. Unfortunately, the extent of teachers’ participation in the selection of the contents they implement is not yet known. Thus, this study therefore investigated the extent of teachers participation in the selection of curriculum contents in secondary schools in Enugu State. The population for the study was 8,909 teachers in the 287 secondary schools in Enugu. The sample for the study was 688 made up of (285 males and 403 females). One research question and one hypothesis were posed for the study. Mean scores were used to answer the research question while the hypothesis was tested
using t-test statistics at 0.05 level of significance and appropriate degree of freedom. The major finding was that teachers participate in the selection of curriculum contents in secondary schools in Enugu State to a little extent. The educational implication was indicated, based on that recommendations were made.
the zone as at the time of this study. Two intact classes from the four schools were randomly assigned to the experimental group while the remaining two classes were assigned to the control group. Two research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. The experimental group was taught mathematics using programmed instructional package while the control group was taught the same contents using conventional method. Data for the study on the students’
achievement in mathematics were collected using mathematics achievement test. Data were analyzed using adjusted mean, standard deviations and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results of the study revealed that programmed instructional package is superior to the conventional package in improving students’ achievement in mathematics. Programmed instruction did not discriminate significantly across gender in terms of achievement in
mathematics. The results of the study also revealed that there was no significant interaction between gender and instructional approach on students’ achievement in mathematics. Based on findings the researcher made recommendations and suggested areas for further studies.
and could not be rehabilitated. The pupils’ enrolment and attendance started to decline. Instructional materials and equipment became scarce in the schools. The broad objective of this study is to examine the relationship between universal basic education and educational development in Nigeria. The specific objectives of this study are; to assess the rate at which universal basic education programme has contributed to educational development in Nigeria,
ascertain the extent the implementation of the universal basic education programme has gone in educational development in Nigeria among others. Survey design was adopted in this study. The population of the study is 50. The entire population was used as the sample size since it is not up to or above hundred. Data for this study were collected through the use of questionnaire to illicit
response from the respondents. The data collected were analysed using Chi-Square. Some of the findings of the study showed that there is strong relationship between universal basic education programme and educational development in Nigeria, the rate at which universal basic education
programme has contributed to educational development in Nigeria is high and implementation of universal basic education programme has gone to a very large extent in educational development in Nigeria. In conclusion therefore, the introduction of universal basic education programme has significant effect and has gone to a very large extent in educational development in Nigeria. The
study recommends among others that there is need to strengthen the relationship between universal basic education programme and educational development in Nigeria, there should be adequate and proper implementation of universal basic education programme to ensure increase and stable educational development in Nigeria and Government should increasing budgetary allocation to education for the effective implementation of universal basic education programme in
model reference adaptive control system, which is a controller in the Neural Network (NN) toolbox. A Speed and Position based MRAC system and a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller were used to control a physical DC servomotor with known parameters. This was achieved through physical measurements by configuration of the servo river, the computer system and the DC motor using, Simulink toolbox and Microsoft Windows Software Development kits (SDKs) 7. The reference input to the system was a step function input. The purpose is to determine the time-response of the developed system also, the stability of the system and its ability to reach one stationary state when starting from another. Results from physical measurements show that MRAC system was able to accommodate nonlinearities associated with DC motor and yet, maintain good control of the
motor without voltage overshoot as against the PID controller.
AIM using the feedback module leads to precision is position tracking. The Kp value of 1 is used in tracking the speed profile. It can be seen that speed tracking is almost perfectly achieved using the Kp value of 1.
show that by reducing the sampling time, the speed profile accuracy can be improved.
areas. Flooding at Ikot Uduak followed by Essien Town was observed to be more severe to other locations. This calls for proper design and construction of channels to convey water from flood affected lands. Lowering the water table level improved field trafficability and timeliness of crop management operations. Pumping system and water control structures are recommended as these can be managed to create either a constant water table depth or a fluctuating water table level.
to examine public relations as a tool for attaining educational institution objectives. Descriptive design was used with a sample size of 77 subjects, stratified was use to group the population and sample randomly selected. A structured questionnaire was the instrument used to gather data from the field for analysis. Regression analysis was employed to test the five hypotheses formulated. Findings reveal that reputation management, customer relations, media relations, social media and corporate social responsibility on achieving educational institution objectives was positively significant respectively. The study concluded that institutions should pay more
attention to those variables for attainment of their educational institution objectives. And
recommended among others that the models used in this study should be properly adopted by the
institutions for adequate sustainability of their existence.
The aim of the prototype development is to reduce energy, effort and time required for providing heat and regulating temperature of brooding room/house and preventing early chicks mortality that results from excess and insufficient heat. Rapid application development (RAD) methodology as adopted for the development of the system while Top down design approach was used for hardware and software designs. AT89C51 microcontroller was used to co-ordinate the entire
system. Proteus 8.0 software was used for the authentication of the hardware design of the system while PM-51 Macro Assembler and Top win version 6 Software were used to accomplish the integration. The system starts executing its set tasks immediately the power button is pressed and temperature range set. The prototype has been successfully developed and can perform the function of managing brooding room temperature using electric bulbs thereby preventing early chicks’ mortality due to excess and insufficient heat.
Curriculum implementation is the process of interpreting contents of the curriculum by the teacher. Therefore, curriculum implementation cannot be complete without the teacher. This paper is fashioned to examine the concept of curriculum, concept of curriculum implementation , issues in curriculum implementation, challenges and way forward
overemphasized. They are the major key players in curriculum implementation at the classroom levels. Teachers can make or mar a nation, where they fail to implement the designed contents, the educational objectives may not be achieved. They are at the middle between the contents and the learners. Unfortunately, the extent of teachers’ participation in the selection of the contents they implement is not yet known. Thus, this study therefore investigated the extent of teachers participation in the selection of curriculum contents in secondary schools in Enugu State. The population for the study was 8,909 teachers in the 287 secondary schools in Enugu. The sample for the study was 688 made up of (285 males and 403 females). One research question and one hypothesis were posed for the study. Mean scores were used to answer the research question while the hypothesis was tested
using t-test statistics at 0.05 level of significance and appropriate degree of freedom. The major finding was that teachers participate in the selection of curriculum contents in secondary schools in Enugu State to a little extent. The educational implication was indicated, based on that recommendations were made.
overemphasized. They are the major key players in curriculum implementation at the classroom levels. Teachers can make or mar a nation, where they fail to implement the designed contents, the educational objectives may not be achieved. They are at the middle between the contents and the learners. Unfortunately, the extent of teachers’ participation in the selection of the contents they implement is not yet known. Thus, this study therefore investigated the extent of teachers participation in the selection of curriculum contents in secondary schools in Enugu State. The population for the study was 8,909 teachers in the 287 secondary schools in Enugu. The sample for the study was 688 made up of (285 males and 403 females). One research question and one hypothesis were posed for the study. Mean scores were used to answer the research question while the hypothesis was tested
using t-test statistics at 0.05 level of significance and appropriate degree of freedom. The major finding was that teachers participate in the selection of curriculum contents in secondary schools in Enugu State to a little extent. The educational implication was indicated, based on that recommendations were made.
the zone as at the time of this study. Two intact classes from the four schools were randomly assigned to the experimental group while the remaining two classes were assigned to the control group. Two research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. The experimental group was taught mathematics using programmed instructional package while the control group was taught the same contents using conventional method. Data for the study on the students’
achievement in mathematics were collected using mathematics achievement test. Data were analyzed using adjusted mean, standard deviations and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results of the study revealed that programmed instructional package is superior to the conventional package in improving students’ achievement in mathematics. Programmed instruction did not discriminate significantly across gender in terms of achievement in
mathematics. The results of the study also revealed that there was no significant interaction between gender and instructional approach on students’ achievement in mathematics. Based on findings the researcher made recommendations and suggested areas for further studies.
and could not be rehabilitated. The pupils’ enrolment and attendance started to decline. Instructional materials and equipment became scarce in the schools. The broad objective of this study is to examine the relationship between universal basic education and educational development in Nigeria. The specific objectives of this study are; to assess the rate at which universal basic education programme has contributed to educational development in Nigeria,
ascertain the extent the implementation of the universal basic education programme has gone in educational development in Nigeria among others. Survey design was adopted in this study. The population of the study is 50. The entire population was used as the sample size since it is not up to or above hundred. Data for this study were collected through the use of questionnaire to illicit
response from the respondents. The data collected were analysed using Chi-Square. Some of the findings of the study showed that there is strong relationship between universal basic education programme and educational development in Nigeria, the rate at which universal basic education
programme has contributed to educational development in Nigeria is high and implementation of universal basic education programme has gone to a very large extent in educational development in Nigeria. In conclusion therefore, the introduction of universal basic education programme has significant effect and has gone to a very large extent in educational development in Nigeria. The
study recommends among others that there is need to strengthen the relationship between universal basic education programme and educational development in Nigeria, there should be adequate and proper implementation of universal basic education programme to ensure increase and stable educational development in Nigeria and Government should increasing budgetary allocation to education for the effective implementation of universal basic education programme in
model reference adaptive control system, which is a controller in the Neural Network (NN) toolbox. A Speed and Position based MRAC system and a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller were used to control a physical DC servomotor with known parameters. This was achieved through physical measurements by configuration of the servo river, the computer system and the DC motor using, Simulink toolbox and Microsoft Windows Software Development kits (SDKs) 7. The reference input to the system was a step function input. The purpose is to determine the time-response of the developed system also, the stability of the system and its ability to reach one stationary state when starting from another. Results from physical measurements show that MRAC system was able to accommodate nonlinearities associated with DC motor and yet, maintain good control of the
motor without voltage overshoot as against the PID controller.
AIM using the feedback module leads to precision is position tracking. The Kp value of 1 is used in tracking the speed profile. It can be seen that speed tracking is almost perfectly achieved using the Kp value of 1.
show that by reducing the sampling time, the speed profile accuracy can be improved.
areas. Flooding at Ikot Uduak followed by Essien Town was observed to be more severe to other locations. This calls for proper design and construction of channels to convey water from flood affected lands. Lowering the water table level improved field trafficability and timeliness of crop management operations. Pumping system and water control structures are recommended as these can be managed to create either a constant water table depth or a fluctuating water table level.
to examine public relations as a tool for attaining educational institution objectives. Descriptive design was used with a sample size of 77 subjects, stratified was use to group the population and sample randomly selected. A structured questionnaire was the instrument used to gather data from the field for analysis. Regression analysis was employed to test the five hypotheses formulated. Findings reveal that reputation management, customer relations, media relations, social media and corporate social responsibility on achieving educational institution objectives was positively significant respectively. The study concluded that institutions should pay more
attention to those variables for attainment of their educational institution objectives. And
recommended among others that the models used in this study should be properly adopted by the
institutions for adequate sustainability of their existence.
The aim of the prototype development is to reduce energy, effort and time required for providing heat and regulating temperature of brooding room/house and preventing early chicks mortality that results from excess and insufficient heat. Rapid application development (RAD) methodology as adopted for the development of the system while Top down design approach was used for hardware and software designs. AT89C51 microcontroller was used to co-ordinate the entire
system. Proteus 8.0 software was used for the authentication of the hardware design of the system while PM-51 Macro Assembler and Top win version 6 Software were used to accomplish the integration. The system starts executing its set tasks immediately the power button is pressed and temperature range set. The prototype has been successfully developed and can perform the function of managing brooding room temperature using electric bulbs thereby preventing early chicks’ mortality due to excess and insufficient heat.
Curriculum implementation is the process of interpreting contents of the curriculum by the teacher. Therefore, curriculum implementation cannot be complete without the teacher. This paper is fashioned to examine the concept of curriculum, concept of curriculum implementation , issues in curriculum implementation, challenges and way forward
overemphasized. They are the major key players in curriculum implementation at the classroom levels. Teachers can make or mar a nation, where they fail to implement the designed contents, the educational objectives may not be achieved. They are at the middle between the contents and the learners. Unfortunately, the extent of teachers’ participation in the selection of the contents they implement is not yet known. Thus, this study therefore investigated the extent of teachers participation in the selection of curriculum contents in secondary schools in Enugu State. The population for the study was 8,909 teachers in the 287 secondary schools in Enugu. The sample for the study was 688 made up of (285 males and 403 females). One research question and one hypothesis were posed for the study. Mean scores were used to answer the research question while the hypothesis was tested
using t-test statistics at 0.05 level of significance and appropriate degree of freedom. The major finding was that teachers participate in the selection of curriculum contents in secondary schools in Enugu State to a little extent. The educational implication was indicated, based on that recommendations were made.
overemphasized. They are the major key players in curriculum implementation at the classroom levels. Teachers can make or mar a nation, where they fail to implement the designed contents, the educational objectives may not be achieved. They are at the middle between the contents and the learners. Unfortunately, the extent of teachers’ participation in the selection of the contents they implement is not yet known. Thus, this study therefore investigated the extent of teachers participation in the selection of curriculum contents in secondary schools in Enugu State. The population for the study was 8,909 teachers in the 287 secondary schools in Enugu. The sample for the study was 688 made up of (285 males and 403 females). One research question and one hypothesis were posed for the study. Mean scores were used to answer the research question while the hypothesis was tested
using t-test statistics at 0.05 level of significance and appropriate degree of freedom. The major finding was that teachers participate in the selection of curriculum contents in secondary schools in Enugu State to a little extent. The educational implication was indicated, based on that recommendations were made.