Se analizaron los registros de 164,656 mujeres participantes en una encuesta epidemiologica creci... more Se analizaron los registros de 164,656 mujeres participantes en una encuesta epidemiologica creciente, con rangos de edad entre 20 y 80 anos (el promedio fue de 43.8 ± 12.7 anos), llevada a cabo en las ciudades de Mexico, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Puebla, Leon y Tijuana, entre los anos 2002-2004. Se determino el indice de masa corporal IMC, la presion arterial, la colesterolemia total y el nivel de la glucemia en sangre capilar. Se obtuvo el promedio y la desviacion estandar de cada una de las variables, por cada ano de edad de las participantes. El IMC aumento progresivamente de los 20 a los 60 anos y luego decrecio. El 80% de las mujeres entre 45 y 65 anos fueron obesas. La frecuencia de hipertension arterial fue de 13%. Los valores de PA tienen una correlacion directa y sostenida con la edad. La diabetes se encontro en el 10% y en otro 14% hubo glucemia alterada de ayuno. La colesterolemia tuvo un comportamiento similar, aumentando progresivamente hasta los 55 anos y decreciendo de...
To establish whether certain characteristics of the young influence their choice of people with w... more To establish whether certain characteristics of the young influence their choice of people with whom to discuss AIDS. A national survey was conducted in 1997 by the Consejo Nacional para la Prevención y Control del SIDA (CONASIDA, Mexican Council for AIDS Prevention and Control). Study subjects were 4886 male and female 15-19 year-old teenagers. Multinomial logistic regression was used to analyze data. A model including the variables sex, sexual activity, work conditions, and father's schooling level, turned out to be significant and highly predictive of people with whom teenagers discuss AIDS, as compared to teenagers speaking with no one. Male teenagers discuss AIDS with their fathers more than female teenagers, and female teenagers discuss AIDS more with their mothers. Sexually active teenagers discuss AIDS more with their friends and less with their teachers than sexually inactive teenagers. The greater schooling level the father has, the more people teenagers have with whom...
Objetivo. Analizar la cobertura de la educación sexual integral (ESI) en México y describir su in... more Objetivo. Analizar la cobertura de la educación sexual integral (ESI) en México y describir su integralidad, homogeneidad y continuidad en cuanto a contenidos sobre salud sexual yreproductiva, autoeficacia, derechos y relaciones. Material y métodos. En una encuesta probabilística transversal con muestreo estratificado y por conglomerados, se aplicó uncuestionario sobre ESI a una muestra representativa a nivel nacional de 3 824 adolescentes de 45 escuelas de educación media superior públicas y privadas, en localidades urbanasy rurales. Resultados. El porcentaje de adolescentes que reportan recibir educación sexual integral varía dependiendo de los temas y nivel escolar. Los temas más frecuentes estánrelacionados con salud sexual y reproductiva; los menos tratados con derechos y relaciones. Los contenidos de educación sexual se trasmiten mayoritariamente durante la escuela secundaria. Conclusiones. Se requiere garantizar la integralidad, homogeneidad y continuidad de los contenidos de...
This paper deals with the last literature and examines the most relevant studies of recent years ... more This paper deals with the last literature and examines the most relevant studies of recent years related to condom effectiveness in preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STD), with experimental, epidemiological and seroconversion models. On the basis of these studies, it can be stated that the efficacy of condoms is close to 100 per cent 11
To evaluate health coverage for birth care in Mexico within the frame of maternal mortality reduc... more To evaluate health coverage for birth care in Mexico within the frame of maternal mortality reduction. Two information sources were used: 1) The comparison between the results yield by the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Surveys 2006 and 2012 (ENSANUT 2006 and 2012), and 2) the databases monitoring maternal deaths during 2012 (up to December 26), and live births (LB) in Mexico as estimated by the Mexican National Population Council (Conapo). The national coverage for birth care by medical units is nearly 94.4% at the national level, but in some federal entities such as Chiapas (60.5%), Nayarit (87.8%), Guerrero (91.2%), Durango (92.5%), Oaxaca (92.6%), and Puebla (93.4%), coverage remains below the national average. In women belonging to any social security system (eg. IMSS, IMSS Oportunidades, ISSSTE), coverage is almost 99%, whereas in those affiliated to the Mexican Popular Health Insurance (which depends directly from the Federal Ministry of Health), coverage reached 92.9%...
To establish whether certain characteristics of the young influence their choice of people with w... more To establish whether certain characteristics of the young influence their choice of people with whom to discuss AIDS. A national survey was conducted in 1997 by the Consejo Nacional para la Prevención y Control del SIDA (CONASIDA, Mexican Council for AIDS Prevention and Control). Study subjects were 4886 male and female 15-19 year-old teenagers. Multinomial logistic regression was used to analyze data. A model including the variables sex, sexual activity, work conditions, and father's schooling level, turned out to be significant and highly predictive of people with whom teenagers discuss AIDS, as compared to teenagers speaking with no one. Male teenagers discuss AIDS with their fathers more than female teenagers, and female teenagers discuss AIDS more with their mothers. Sexually active teenagers discuss AIDS more with their friends and less with their teachers than sexually inactive teenagers. The greater schooling level the father has, the more people teenagers have with whom...
Objectives: Provide an overview of the relation between migration to the United States and AIDS c... more Objectives: Provide an overview of the relation between migration to the United States and AIDS cases in Mexico. Characterize the sex- ual behaviors of Mexican migrants. Describe HIV/AIDS prevention and clinical attention actions developed. Methods: The following were analyzed: AIDS cases databases, various prevalence studies, the migrants survey, and information of the Ministries of the Interior and of Health. A
Vaginal self-sampling for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing could increase rates of screenin... more Vaginal self-sampling for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing could increase rates of screening participation. In clinic-based settings, vaginal HPV testing is at least as sensitive as cytology for detecting cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2 or worse; however, effectiveness in home settings is unknown. We aimed to establish the relative sensitivity and positive predictive value for HPV screening of vaginal samples self-collected at home as compared with clinic-based cervical cytology.
ABSTRACT The objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the evolution of... more ABSTRACT The objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the evolution of the Mexican HIV/AIDS surveillance system between 1986 and 2001. All information was collected through an extensive literature search. Databases such as the Mexican National AIDS Programmes RIMSIDA (Registry of Mexican AIDS Research), MedLINE, PopLine, and AIDSLINE were used. Databases, keywords, and MeSH headings to search were discussed and agreed upon before and during the literature search. Two hundred and twenty articles and conference abstracts were reviewed and showed that the Mexican surveillance system has undergone many adaptations. The HIV/AIDS surveillance system began in 1986, when the focus was on identifying AIDS cases. This period was followed by special studies among risk groups, and served as the basis for the sentinel surveillance system that was adopted in 1990. The system now requires HIV and AIDS case reporting as well as sentinel surveillance. Mexico has also carried out the piloting of the behavioural surveillance component of Second Generation Surveillance. The Mexican experience illustrates how surveillance systems need to be dynamic in order to monitor trends in HIV over time. This review also demonstrates that middle-income countries can successfully implement surveillance systems. However, although Mexico has had many successes, a need exists to address issues that limit its ability to implement AIDS case and behavioural surveillance fully and consistently.
En el contexto de estudios regionales, Ibáñez y Odriozola 1 hicieron una encuesta entre jóvenes u... more En el contexto de estudios regionales, Ibáñez y Odriozola 1 hicieron una encuesta entre jóvenes universitarios de Puebla. En esa investigación interesaba conocer las fuentes de educación sexual usadas, según temas y sexo de los entrevistados. Las fuentes más importantes ...
En el contexto de estudios regionales, Ibáñez y Odriozola 1 hicieron una encuesta entre jóvenes u... more En el contexto de estudios regionales, Ibáñez y Odriozola 1 hicieron una encuesta entre jóvenes universitarios de Puebla. En esa investigación interesaba conocer las fuentes de educación sexual usadas, según temas y sexo de los entrevistados. Las fuentes más importantes ...
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 2004
Objectives: Provide an overview of the relation between migration to the United States and AIDS c... more Objectives: Provide an overview of the relation between migration to the United States and AIDS cases in Mexico. Characterize the sexual behaviors of Mexican migrants. Describe HIV/AIDS prevention and clinical attention actions developed. Methods: The following were analyzed: AIDS cases databases, various prevalence studies, the migrants survey, and information of the Ministries of the Interior and of Health. A documental analysis was undertaken of works published between 1992 and 2000 on migration and AIDS.
Se analizaron los registros de 164,656 mujeres participantes en una encuesta epidemiologica creci... more Se analizaron los registros de 164,656 mujeres participantes en una encuesta epidemiologica creciente, con rangos de edad entre 20 y 80 anos (el promedio fue de 43.8 ± 12.7 anos), llevada a cabo en las ciudades de Mexico, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Puebla, Leon y Tijuana, entre los anos 2002-2004. Se determino el indice de masa corporal IMC, la presion arterial, la colesterolemia total y el nivel de la glucemia en sangre capilar. Se obtuvo el promedio y la desviacion estandar de cada una de las variables, por cada ano de edad de las participantes. El IMC aumento progresivamente de los 20 a los 60 anos y luego decrecio. El 80% de las mujeres entre 45 y 65 anos fueron obesas. La frecuencia de hipertension arterial fue de 13%. Los valores de PA tienen una correlacion directa y sostenida con la edad. La diabetes se encontro en el 10% y en otro 14% hubo glucemia alterada de ayuno. La colesterolemia tuvo un comportamiento similar, aumentando progresivamente hasta los 55 anos y decreciendo de...
To establish whether certain characteristics of the young influence their choice of people with w... more To establish whether certain characteristics of the young influence their choice of people with whom to discuss AIDS. A national survey was conducted in 1997 by the Consejo Nacional para la Prevención y Control del SIDA (CONASIDA, Mexican Council for AIDS Prevention and Control). Study subjects were 4886 male and female 15-19 year-old teenagers. Multinomial logistic regression was used to analyze data. A model including the variables sex, sexual activity, work conditions, and father's schooling level, turned out to be significant and highly predictive of people with whom teenagers discuss AIDS, as compared to teenagers speaking with no one. Male teenagers discuss AIDS with their fathers more than female teenagers, and female teenagers discuss AIDS more with their mothers. Sexually active teenagers discuss AIDS more with their friends and less with their teachers than sexually inactive teenagers. The greater schooling level the father has, the more people teenagers have with whom...
Objetivo. Analizar la cobertura de la educación sexual integral (ESI) en México y describir su in... more Objetivo. Analizar la cobertura de la educación sexual integral (ESI) en México y describir su integralidad, homogeneidad y continuidad en cuanto a contenidos sobre salud sexual yreproductiva, autoeficacia, derechos y relaciones. Material y métodos. En una encuesta probabilística transversal con muestreo estratificado y por conglomerados, se aplicó uncuestionario sobre ESI a una muestra representativa a nivel nacional de 3 824 adolescentes de 45 escuelas de educación media superior públicas y privadas, en localidades urbanasy rurales. Resultados. El porcentaje de adolescentes que reportan recibir educación sexual integral varía dependiendo de los temas y nivel escolar. Los temas más frecuentes estánrelacionados con salud sexual y reproductiva; los menos tratados con derechos y relaciones. Los contenidos de educación sexual se trasmiten mayoritariamente durante la escuela secundaria. Conclusiones. Se requiere garantizar la integralidad, homogeneidad y continuidad de los contenidos de...
This paper deals with the last literature and examines the most relevant studies of recent years ... more This paper deals with the last literature and examines the most relevant studies of recent years related to condom effectiveness in preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STD), with experimental, epidemiological and seroconversion models. On the basis of these studies, it can be stated that the efficacy of condoms is close to 100 per cent 11
To evaluate health coverage for birth care in Mexico within the frame of maternal mortality reduc... more To evaluate health coverage for birth care in Mexico within the frame of maternal mortality reduction. Two information sources were used: 1) The comparison between the results yield by the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Surveys 2006 and 2012 (ENSANUT 2006 and 2012), and 2) the databases monitoring maternal deaths during 2012 (up to December 26), and live births (LB) in Mexico as estimated by the Mexican National Population Council (Conapo). The national coverage for birth care by medical units is nearly 94.4% at the national level, but in some federal entities such as Chiapas (60.5%), Nayarit (87.8%), Guerrero (91.2%), Durango (92.5%), Oaxaca (92.6%), and Puebla (93.4%), coverage remains below the national average. In women belonging to any social security system (eg. IMSS, IMSS Oportunidades, ISSSTE), coverage is almost 99%, whereas in those affiliated to the Mexican Popular Health Insurance (which depends directly from the Federal Ministry of Health), coverage reached 92.9%...
To establish whether certain characteristics of the young influence their choice of people with w... more To establish whether certain characteristics of the young influence their choice of people with whom to discuss AIDS. A national survey was conducted in 1997 by the Consejo Nacional para la Prevención y Control del SIDA (CONASIDA, Mexican Council for AIDS Prevention and Control). Study subjects were 4886 male and female 15-19 year-old teenagers. Multinomial logistic regression was used to analyze data. A model including the variables sex, sexual activity, work conditions, and father's schooling level, turned out to be significant and highly predictive of people with whom teenagers discuss AIDS, as compared to teenagers speaking with no one. Male teenagers discuss AIDS with their fathers more than female teenagers, and female teenagers discuss AIDS more with their mothers. Sexually active teenagers discuss AIDS more with their friends and less with their teachers than sexually inactive teenagers. The greater schooling level the father has, the more people teenagers have with whom...
Objectives: Provide an overview of the relation between migration to the United States and AIDS c... more Objectives: Provide an overview of the relation between migration to the United States and AIDS cases in Mexico. Characterize the sex- ual behaviors of Mexican migrants. Describe HIV/AIDS prevention and clinical attention actions developed. Methods: The following were analyzed: AIDS cases databases, various prevalence studies, the migrants survey, and information of the Ministries of the Interior and of Health. A
Vaginal self-sampling for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing could increase rates of screenin... more Vaginal self-sampling for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing could increase rates of screening participation. In clinic-based settings, vaginal HPV testing is at least as sensitive as cytology for detecting cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2 or worse; however, effectiveness in home settings is unknown. We aimed to establish the relative sensitivity and positive predictive value for HPV screening of vaginal samples self-collected at home as compared with clinic-based cervical cytology.
ABSTRACT The objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the evolution of... more ABSTRACT The objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the evolution of the Mexican HIV/AIDS surveillance system between 1986 and 2001. All information was collected through an extensive literature search. Databases such as the Mexican National AIDS Programmes RIMSIDA (Registry of Mexican AIDS Research), MedLINE, PopLine, and AIDSLINE were used. Databases, keywords, and MeSH headings to search were discussed and agreed upon before and during the literature search. Two hundred and twenty articles and conference abstracts were reviewed and showed that the Mexican surveillance system has undergone many adaptations. The HIV/AIDS surveillance system began in 1986, when the focus was on identifying AIDS cases. This period was followed by special studies among risk groups, and served as the basis for the sentinel surveillance system that was adopted in 1990. The system now requires HIV and AIDS case reporting as well as sentinel surveillance. Mexico has also carried out the piloting of the behavioural surveillance component of Second Generation Surveillance. The Mexican experience illustrates how surveillance systems need to be dynamic in order to monitor trends in HIV over time. This review also demonstrates that middle-income countries can successfully implement surveillance systems. However, although Mexico has had many successes, a need exists to address issues that limit its ability to implement AIDS case and behavioural surveillance fully and consistently.
En el contexto de estudios regionales, Ibáñez y Odriozola 1 hicieron una encuesta entre jóvenes u... more En el contexto de estudios regionales, Ibáñez y Odriozola 1 hicieron una encuesta entre jóvenes universitarios de Puebla. En esa investigación interesaba conocer las fuentes de educación sexual usadas, según temas y sexo de los entrevistados. Las fuentes más importantes ...
En el contexto de estudios regionales, Ibáñez y Odriozola 1 hicieron una encuesta entre jóvenes u... more En el contexto de estudios regionales, Ibáñez y Odriozola 1 hicieron una encuesta entre jóvenes universitarios de Puebla. En esa investigación interesaba conocer las fuentes de educación sexual usadas, según temas y sexo de los entrevistados. Las fuentes más importantes ...
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 2004
Objectives: Provide an overview of the relation between migration to the United States and AIDS c... more Objectives: Provide an overview of the relation between migration to the United States and AIDS cases in Mexico. Characterize the sexual behaviors of Mexican migrants. Describe HIV/AIDS prevention and clinical attention actions developed. Methods: The following were analyzed: AIDS cases databases, various prevalence studies, the migrants survey, and information of the Ministries of the Interior and of Health. A documental analysis was undertaken of works published between 1992 and 2000 on migration and AIDS.
Papers by Patricia Uribe