Papers by Rafał Raczyński
The article discusses the political relations between Poland and the Republic of Iceland from 194... more The article discusses the political relations between Poland and the Republic of Iceland from 1945 to 1989. Prior to the Second World War, the two countries had limited contact, mainly through trade. Political relations only began to develop in the postwar period. Although at that time, both countries found themselves in antagonistic political and military blocs, as well as in different economic systems, Polish-Icelandic relations were generally constructive, pragmatic, and positive in nature. From the Polish perspective, the opposition of a significant part of Icelandic society towards the location of an American military base in Keflavik and Iceland's membership in NATO, as well as the Cod Wars waged mainly against the United Kingdom, were the main influences. Additionally, the block of socialist states carried out a policy of 'constructive dialogue and cooperation' in relation to the entire Nordic area, and there was an interest in developing trade contacts.
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny nr 2 (188), 2023
This article aims to outline the activities of the Emigration Museum in Gdynia (Polish abbrev. ME... more This article aims to outline the activities of the Emigration Museum in Gdynia (Polish abbrev. MEG) in building relations with the Polish diaspora and maintaining Polish identity among Poles and people with Polish ancestry living abroad. Its main thesis is that the MEG, as a comparatively small institution, has a relatively large potential for shaping symbolic and identity ties with the Polish diaspora and could potentially be an important actor for activities undertaken in this sphere, implemented as part of a broadly defined policy with regard to and for Poles living abroad. The article consists of an introduction, three main sections and a conclusion. In the first section, we briefly define the diasporic policy in its subject and object dimensions, present selected concepts that typify this policy, and point out the role of culture and cultural institutions in building symbolic and identity ties with the diaspora. The second section was devoted to presenting the history, circumstances of the establishment and organizational basis of the Emigration Museum in Gdynia. The museum, although technically a self-government cultural institution, is the first and only museum in the country to show the history of emigration from Poland and Polish lands in a comprehensive way. Section three, on the other hand, focuses on showcasing selected MEG activities in forming symbolic and identity ties with the Polish diaspora.
Challenges of the Contemporary Global Crises, 2022
Article presents different approaches towards studying abroad amongst pupils, who graduated in 20... more Article presents different approaches towards studying abroad amongst pupils, who graduated in 2020 from one of the best Polish secondary schools, III Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Marynarki Wojennej RP (III LO, the Polish Navy High School No. 3) in Gdynia. It is based on the results of the research entitled 'III LO, the Polish Navy High School No. 3-Where Do We Go from Here? Emigrational and Educational Plans of The Graduates' which was carried out in 2020 by the Emigration Museum in Gdynia. The project, executed in the form of a case study, aimed to learn about the educational plans of high school graduates, who intended to study abroad, and the main conditions associated with these intentions. Specific objectives covered such issues as: recognising the reasons and personal motivations that made the pupils decide to study outside of Poland; identifying personal experiences, which favour education abroad; recognising preferred destinations of educational migration; recognising the conditions of the decisions to leave Poland in the context of the pupils' life circumstances, systemic solutions and plans for the future concerning personal as well as professional life; collecting information on potential private and professional plans after graduating from studies abroad; as well as determining the identity, which is being shaped, of the secondary school graduates, who have decided to study abroad. The results of the project confirm that there are clear differences between female and male graduates both in their approach to studying abroad as well as in their migration strategies.
Miedzynarodowa konferencja naukowa Polacy i Polonia w Ameryce Łacinskiej: przeszlośc i teraźniejs... more Miedzynarodowa konferencja naukowa Polacy i Polonia w Ameryce Łacinskiej: przeszlośc i teraźniejszośc zostala zorganizowana przez Muzeum Emigracji w Gdyni w dniach 27-28 października 2016 roku. Wydarzeniem tym Muzeum zainaugurowalo serie cyklicznych spotkan naukowych poświeconych dziejom emigracji z ziem polskich oraz zbiorowościom polonijnym funkcjonującym w roznych cześciach świata.
Armenian Diaspora in Modern World. Factors of Changes, 2020
European Journal of Science and Theology, 2020
Migrations are amongst the most important social processes impacting the functioning of many indi... more Migrations are amongst the most important social processes impacting the functioning of many individuals, communities and societies. In recent years, particular intensification of migration processes has become noticeable. Its beginning coincides to great extent with the pontificate of John Paul II. This pope, the head of the Catholic Church, was not only a prominent theologian and philosopher, but also an insightful social thinker, whose teaching was always referring to important social issues. Therefore, the ideas of John Paul II abound in variety of threads concerning directly the phenomenon of migration and the conditions of migrants, including labour ones. The text stresses that the key to understanding papal social ideas lies in personalism, which can be also applied to the analysis of papal beliefs concerning the issue of labour migration. In accordance with this optics, John Paul II perceived the worker, including the labour migrant, as first and foremost, subject of the work. Simultaneously, in his teaching, he pointed out to the true nature of the labour immigrant associated with their dignity as a human being. In his considerations on migration, Pope John Paul II used, above all, his moral sense which made him pay attention to the issue of human rights (including the rights of a migrating worker) stemming not from the provisions of law, but directly from the innate dignity of the human being.
Inni wśród nas. Migracje – Polityka – Społeczeństwo, 2021
W ostatnich latach w sferze społeczno-gospodarczej i politycznej związanej z migracjami zauważaln... more W ostatnich latach w sferze społeczno-gospodarczej i politycznej związanej z migracjami zauważalne są dwa powiązane ze sobą zjawiska: rosnące znaczenie diaspor oraz większe zainteresowanie państw tymi społecznościami. W rezultacie wiele rządów zaczęło wprowadzać i rozwijać specjalną politykę wobec diaspory i angażować migrantów i ich
potomków w dążenie do realizacji celów i interesów narodowych. Jednym z obszarów, w którym społeczności diaspory mogą i często odgrywają znaczącą rolę, jest dyplomacja publiczna.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie zarówno możliwości, jak i podstawowych barier potencjalnego zaangażowania przedstawicieli polskiej diaspory technologicznej w działania polskiej dyplomacji publicznej. Artykuł opiera się na ustaleniach teoretycznych opisanych w literaturze przedmiotu oraz wynikach badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych w ramach dwóch edycji projektu naukowego „E-migracje. Polska diaspora technologiczna”, zrealizowanych przez Muzeum Emigracji w Gdyni wraz z Fundacją PlugIN. Artykuł składa się z trzech części. Część pierwsza definiuje pojęcie diaspory i wskazuje na różnorodne możliwości oddziaływania społeczności diaspory na
kraje ich pochodzenia. Druga część zawiera teoretyczne wprowadzenie do problematyki dyplomacji diaspory; przede wszystkim skupia się na zarysowaniu złożoności tego terminu. Trzecia część jest kluczowa dla tego artykułu. Prezentuje wybrane rezultaty dwóch edycji projektu „E-migracje. Polska diaspora technologiczna” na temat postaw polskich wysoko wykwalifikowanych emigrantów wobec angażowania się w działania z zakresu dyplomacji publicznej. Najważniejsze wnioski i rekomendacje dotyczące tego zagadnienia znajdują się w podsumowaniu.
In the knowledge-based economy, a high level of human capital is often perceived as one of the im... more In the knowledge-based economy, a high level of human capital is often perceived as one of the important factors conditioning economic development and social well-being. Poland, however, is one of the countries that experience a huge problem both in retaining highly qualified people in the country and obtaining them from abroad. In such a situation, the possible solution may lie in the involvement of the Polish diaspora and its inclusion in the socioeconomic life of Poland. The paper demonstrates that in shaping Polish policy towards the diaspora in the field of human capital transfer, priority should be given to solutions functioning under the diaspora option model, not the return option model. In activities directed at diaspora members well-equipped with human capital, the Polish state should focus on their networking within industry and professional groups as well as building infrastructure fostering the establishment and development of relations. This is confirmed by the results of the project "E-migration-Polish Technological Diaspora", implemented by the Emigration Museum in Gdynia and the PLUGin Foundation in 2018-2019.
European Journal of Science and Theology, 2019
The migration crisis caused many serious consequences in European countries. It became a reason o... more The migration crisis caused many serious consequences in European countries. It became a reason of political conflicts, social cleavages as well as intensive disputes conducted especially in mass and social media. Uncontrolled wave of migrants was a subject of many, very often aggressive discussions in the Visegrad countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia). Because of the significance as well as ethical and emotional dimensions of the issue of migration crisis the Catholic Church in Poland has taken part in the discourse dedicated to this matter. The Church through the declarations of bishops and the Polish Episcopal Conference clearly expresses opinion that Catholics are of a moral obligation to help refugees and immigrants. This stance refers to the teaching of Pope Francis and his predecessors, particularly Pope John Paul II. It is also deeply rooted in the personalistic ethics which underlines supremacy of the each person with its dignity and its inalienable rights, including the right to life, to any reason of state or national interest. At the same time this official stance of the Catholic Church and Polish episcopate is not commonly acceptable by lower clergy and believers whose opinions are very often similar to statements of right-wing radicals denying the principles of Christianity as well as European system of values.
Brazil-Poland: Focus on Migration / Erica Sarmiento, Renata Siuda- Ambroziak, editores – 1.ed. – Niterói, RJ: ASOEC-UNIVERSO; Warsaw: ASC-UW, 2019, 2019
Proceedings of the 5th ACADEMOS Conference 2018 Development, Democracy and Society in the Contemporary World, 2018
The article presents the subject of the politicization of the migration phenomenon in Poland. Pol... more The article presents the subject of the politicization of the migration phenomenon in Poland. Politicization is defined as the process by which a given social phenomenon gains the status of a political issue, i.e. it becomes the subject of both the regulations of the state as well as of
the broad debate taking place in the public and political spheres. In recent years in Poland, two important phenomena have emerged in the area of migration issues: firstly, there has been observed a radical increase in the number of foreigners, primarily Ukrainians, employed in the Polish economy; secondly, Europe has been affected by the migration crisis, which made the EU members, including Poland, face a number of challenges. While the real influx of workers from Ukraine did not reverberate in the Polish public and political discourse, the potential
inflow of several thousand refugees from Africa and the Middle East to a large extent basically dominated the Polish migration discourse and became one of the most important issues raised in the political and public space. The present article has been formulated on the basis of the analysis of source literature, party, press and electronic materials; expert reports, legal acts and statements of politicians.
Proceedings of an International Conference Southeast Europe: History, Culture, Politics, and Economy, 2018
The history of Polish presence on Bulgarian lands is scarcely known, both in Poland and Bulgaria.... more The history of Polish presence on Bulgarian lands is scarcely known, both in Poland and Bulgaria. It concerns not only the state of knowledge of the societies in these countries, but also the interest of the scientific community in the topic, for the research on Poles and their descendants in Bulgaria is found on the fringes of the contemporary studies on the Polish diaspora. Therefore, this work aims to outline in a synthetic form the evolution, functioning and the present condition of the Polish community in Bulgaria. The article ends with a postulate concerning the need for further interdisciplinary research, which will lead to a holistic portrayal of the Polish presence on Bulgarian lands.
"Perspective Politice" An 9, Vol. 10, Nr. 2, 2017
This article aims to indicate the role and importance of migration issues in the British social a... more This article aims to indicate the role and importance of migration issues in the British social and political discourse in the period before Brexit. The article consists of three main parts. The first part adumbrates basic information about immigration to the UK, the scale and intensity of the phenomenon. It is pointed out here that the United Kingdom is currently ranked among the group of EU countries with the highest influx of foreigners. The second part focuses on the role and importance of immigration in the British social and political discourse. It is noted here that since the turn of the twentieth century the issue of immigration in the UK has gained the status of one of the key social and political issues. At the same time, compared with many other countries, Great Britain is today perceived as a country much more reluctant to immigrants. The third part presents the contribution of immigrants from European Union countries to the social and economic development of Great Britain. It is emphasized here that generally immigration from European Union countries has a positive, though in some areas slight impact on the British economy and the level of social development.
Proceedings of 6th ACADEMOS Conference 2019 International Political Science Conference “Political and Economic Unrest in the Contemporary Era”, editor Andrei Taranu, Bologna 2019, 2019
Originally, the studies on migration and integration issues focused on the state perspective, des... more Originally, the studies on migration and integration issues focused on the state perspective, describing mainly national policies in this area. In recent years, however, the local perspective has become increasingly important in the studies on the integration of immigrants. This was the result of the implementation by a number of cities of particularistic solutions and strategies aimed at the inclusion of foreigners in urban communities and paying attention to this phenomenon by researchers. In cities of Central and Eastern Europe, unlike in many cities of Western Europe, the development of local urban policies aimed at immigrants is only emerging. In Poland, so far, the challenges associated with the integration of immigrants have been discerned only by a slight number of cities. One of them is Gdańsk, the city which in 2015-2016 developed its own comprehensive Immigrant Integration Model. The purpose of this article is to present the solutions adopted therein, which as for the Polish conditions have a unique character. The article has been prepared on the basis of an analysis of the subject literature, local legal acts and the document which describes the model. It is emphasized that, despite some shortcomings, the model is a good basis for taking more action in Gdansk in the field of including foreigners in the local community.
The Polish Migration Review 1/2018 (3), 2018
In recent years diasporas and their political impact have become an important research issue in p... more In recent years diasporas and their political impact have become an important research issue in political science and international relations science. At the turn of the 21st century, diasporas gained the status of important actors with impact both on the global politics, interstate relations and directions of domestic policies. One of the diasporas which in the 1990s actively participated in the American political life were Polish-Americans, with the reason being the intense efforts undertaken by Poland in 1992 to join NATO. The purpose of this article is to present the activities of the Polish Diaspora in the US undertaken in favour of the accession of Poland to the North Atlantic Alliance, analysed however not in the factual (historical) approach, but against the background of the theory developed so far regarding the functioning of diasporas and ethnic groups in the US political system. The article has
been prepared with the use of the historical method, the comparative method and the behavioural method, the basis for its preparation was primarily literature on the subject, press materials, and source materials (letters, articles and publications) contained in the collection of documents after Jan Nowak- Jeziorański entitled Poland's road to NATO
(Wrocław 2006). The conducted analysis indicates that the merits of Polish Americans for Poland's membership in NATO are invaluable and should be considered one of the most important achievements of the Polish Diaspora for the country of origin. The activities undertaken in 1993-1999 by Polish Americans are the most important but at the same time unfortunately also the isolated manifestation of the involvement and organized influence of the Polish ethnic group on shaping the American politics.
Społeczności polskie czy polonijne w Europie i na świecie? Wokół dyskursu nad współczesnym rozumi... more Społeczności polskie czy polonijne w Europie i na świecie? Wokół dyskursu nad współczesnym rozumieniem terminu "Polonia" / Polish or Polonia communities in Europe and in the world? Around the discourse on the contemporary understanding of the "Polonia" term 35 Jacek Knopek Początki czasopiśmiennictwa dotyczącego polskiej emigracji i Polonii, wydawanego na ziemiach polskich / The origins of the published in the Polish lands periodical press concerning Polish emigration and Polish communities abroad 45 Krzysztof Smolana Europeanization of Slovak Migration Policy and its Consequences: From Modernization to Fortification? 55 Ingrid Borárosová, Ondřej Filipec Forecasting the dynamics of the potential of international migrations by 2050 72 Mykola Polovyi Kino, emigracja i On. / The cinema, emigration and He. 85 Z Marianem Marzyńskim rozmawia Iwona Demska / Iwona Demska talks to Marian Marzyński.
Papers by Rafał Raczyński
potomków w dążenie do realizacji celów i interesów narodowych. Jednym z obszarów, w którym społeczności diaspory mogą i często odgrywają znaczącą rolę, jest dyplomacja publiczna.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie zarówno możliwości, jak i podstawowych barier potencjalnego zaangażowania przedstawicieli polskiej diaspory technologicznej w działania polskiej dyplomacji publicznej. Artykuł opiera się na ustaleniach teoretycznych opisanych w literaturze przedmiotu oraz wynikach badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych w ramach dwóch edycji projektu naukowego „E-migracje. Polska diaspora technologiczna”, zrealizowanych przez Muzeum Emigracji w Gdyni wraz z Fundacją PlugIN. Artykuł składa się z trzech części. Część pierwsza definiuje pojęcie diaspory i wskazuje na różnorodne możliwości oddziaływania społeczności diaspory na
kraje ich pochodzenia. Druga część zawiera teoretyczne wprowadzenie do problematyki dyplomacji diaspory; przede wszystkim skupia się na zarysowaniu złożoności tego terminu. Trzecia część jest kluczowa dla tego artykułu. Prezentuje wybrane rezultaty dwóch edycji projektu „E-migracje. Polska diaspora technologiczna” na temat postaw polskich wysoko wykwalifikowanych emigrantów wobec angażowania się w działania z zakresu dyplomacji publicznej. Najważniejsze wnioski i rekomendacje dotyczące tego zagadnienia znajdują się w podsumowaniu.
the broad debate taking place in the public and political spheres. In recent years in Poland, two important phenomena have emerged in the area of migration issues: firstly, there has been observed a radical increase in the number of foreigners, primarily Ukrainians, employed in the Polish economy; secondly, Europe has been affected by the migration crisis, which made the EU members, including Poland, face a number of challenges. While the real influx of workers from Ukraine did not reverberate in the Polish public and political discourse, the potential
inflow of several thousand refugees from Africa and the Middle East to a large extent basically dominated the Polish migration discourse and became one of the most important issues raised in the political and public space. The present article has been formulated on the basis of the analysis of source literature, party, press and electronic materials; expert reports, legal acts and statements of politicians.
been prepared with the use of the historical method, the comparative method and the behavioural method, the basis for its preparation was primarily literature on the subject, press materials, and source materials (letters, articles and publications) contained in the collection of documents after Jan Nowak- Jeziorański entitled Poland's road to NATO
(Wrocław 2006). The conducted analysis indicates that the merits of Polish Americans for Poland's membership in NATO are invaluable and should be considered one of the most important achievements of the Polish Diaspora for the country of origin. The activities undertaken in 1993-1999 by Polish Americans are the most important but at the same time unfortunately also the isolated manifestation of the involvement and organized influence of the Polish ethnic group on shaping the American politics.
potomków w dążenie do realizacji celów i interesów narodowych. Jednym z obszarów, w którym społeczności diaspory mogą i często odgrywają znaczącą rolę, jest dyplomacja publiczna.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie zarówno możliwości, jak i podstawowych barier potencjalnego zaangażowania przedstawicieli polskiej diaspory technologicznej w działania polskiej dyplomacji publicznej. Artykuł opiera się na ustaleniach teoretycznych opisanych w literaturze przedmiotu oraz wynikach badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych w ramach dwóch edycji projektu naukowego „E-migracje. Polska diaspora technologiczna”, zrealizowanych przez Muzeum Emigracji w Gdyni wraz z Fundacją PlugIN. Artykuł składa się z trzech części. Część pierwsza definiuje pojęcie diaspory i wskazuje na różnorodne możliwości oddziaływania społeczności diaspory na
kraje ich pochodzenia. Druga część zawiera teoretyczne wprowadzenie do problematyki dyplomacji diaspory; przede wszystkim skupia się na zarysowaniu złożoności tego terminu. Trzecia część jest kluczowa dla tego artykułu. Prezentuje wybrane rezultaty dwóch edycji projektu „E-migracje. Polska diaspora technologiczna” na temat postaw polskich wysoko wykwalifikowanych emigrantów wobec angażowania się w działania z zakresu dyplomacji publicznej. Najważniejsze wnioski i rekomendacje dotyczące tego zagadnienia znajdują się w podsumowaniu.
the broad debate taking place in the public and political spheres. In recent years in Poland, two important phenomena have emerged in the area of migration issues: firstly, there has been observed a radical increase in the number of foreigners, primarily Ukrainians, employed in the Polish economy; secondly, Europe has been affected by the migration crisis, which made the EU members, including Poland, face a number of challenges. While the real influx of workers from Ukraine did not reverberate in the Polish public and political discourse, the potential
inflow of several thousand refugees from Africa and the Middle East to a large extent basically dominated the Polish migration discourse and became one of the most important issues raised in the political and public space. The present article has been formulated on the basis of the analysis of source literature, party, press and electronic materials; expert reports, legal acts and statements of politicians.
been prepared with the use of the historical method, the comparative method and the behavioural method, the basis for its preparation was primarily literature on the subject, press materials, and source materials (letters, articles and publications) contained in the collection of documents after Jan Nowak- Jeziorański entitled Poland's road to NATO
(Wrocław 2006). The conducted analysis indicates that the merits of Polish Americans for Poland's membership in NATO are invaluable and should be considered one of the most important achievements of the Polish Diaspora for the country of origin. The activities undertaken in 1993-1999 by Polish Americans are the most important but at the same time unfortunately also the isolated manifestation of the involvement and organized influence of the Polish ethnic group on shaping the American politics.
research, including on migration as such, as well as on networking and
mentoring. The reader who is not interested in academic dissertation does not have to flinch from reaching for this work. The theoretical content is rather a background, which is important because it enhances better understanding of the presented issues, nevertheless it is still a background. It is not our ambition to conduct research or theoretical considerations in line with the classics of research on social networks, e.g. most recognised Manuel Castells (2005), to whom we necessarily refer, even if not directly. The essence of the Strategy is expressed in its practical values, the best example of which is the description of the networking tool developed by the team involved in the project implementation, i.e. the mentorNET App, or practical tips on how to build and promote networks. The Appendix, which lists the organisations
and networks involved in supporting migrants, is also of practical use
making it easy to find and contact a relevant organisation. The Strategy, as well as the entire project, is our response to important challenges
related to migration and integration of immigrants. The project’s anticipated impact is to facilitate the integration process for migrants and include them into the host society. Integration, after Bosswick and Heckmann (2006) is understood as the “process of inclusion of immigrants in the institutions and relationships of the host society”. In our opinion, the integration process of migrants is always individual and takes places mainly on the local level. Studies prove that migrants develop a sense of belonging to, first and foremost, the local community, town or district (Raczyński, 2019). Mentoring which guarantees this individual approach is one of the best mechanisms supporting the integration
processes. Being part of an active and supportive network offers a way
of supporting mentors in their work for the benefit of migrants
The Strategy would not have been created if not for the international team involved in the implementation of the project mentorNET - Mentoring by extended networks to organise volunteer resources. All chapters were repeatedly consulted and discussed as part of cooperation. Individual project partners also provided the necessary information on organisations and networks dealing with migrants in their countries, thanks to which a comprehensive Appendix was created, containing basic data about these entities.
migracyjnych, relacji społecznych i zawodowych na emigracji, poczucia tożsamości i więzi z krajem, współpracy z polskimi organizacjami i biznesem oraz perspektyw powrotu do Polski.
Druga edycja miała na celu pogłębienie i poszerzenie wiedzy z pierwszej edycji. Dodano pytania odnoszące się do problematyki związanej ze stereotypami migracyjnymi oraz bieżącej sytuacji, np. na ile pandemia koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2 lub brexit w płynęły na życie prywatne i zawodowe migrantów.