Papers by Restu Rahmawati
Tulisan ini akan membahas tentang analisis politik dari adanya keberadaan PMC Academi dalam Konfl... more Tulisan ini akan membahas tentang analisis politik dari adanya keberadaan PMC Academi dalam Konflik Amerika Serikat dan Iraq, penulis memilih tema ini karena melihat bahwa adanya aroma bisnis dan kepentingan politik dari keberadaan PMC yang ada di Konflik Amerika Serikat dan Iraq tahun 2004-2007. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendiri PMC Academi yakni Price dan Clark keduanya diketahui memiliki hubungan kedekatan dengan elit politik dan pemerintahan di Amerika Serikat saat itu. Hal inilah yang menjadi alasan kuat untuk menyatakan adanya kepentingan khusus diantara PMC Academi dan Pemerintah Amerika Serikat, sehingga tak heran mereka selalu hadir dalam setiap konflik Amerika khususnya di Iraq tahun 2004-2007. Kiprah PMC Academi dan PMC yang lain didukung oleh kebutuhan AS dan negara barat lain yang khususnya membutuhkan SDA seperti minyak bumi dan gas alam dikarenakan untuk mendapatk...
JUSS (Jurnal Sosial Soedirman), 2018
Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang populisme di aras demokrasi di Indonesia dengan memfokuskan pada per... more Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang populisme di aras demokrasi di Indonesia dengan memfokuskan pada perihal kebangkitan kepemimpinan populis di Indonesia, dan peluang serta tantangan populisme bagi aras demokrasi di Indonesia. Alasan mengambil permasalahan ini dikarenakan didalam aras demokrasi seperti sekarang ini, banyak muncul tokoh-tokoh yang dianggap populis seperti Joko Widodo (Jokowi), dan Ridwan Kamil. Artinya semakin suatu negara terjerembab didalam badai krisis yang besar, maka disana rakyat akan mencari-cari para pemimpin-pemimpin yang dianggap populis. Didalam konteks demokrasi saat ini, ketika suatu masyarakat tak memiliki kepemimpinan, maka yang terjadi adalah kekacauan dan tak adanya manajemen konflik. Posisi populisme disini adalah sebuah seperangkat kepercayaan masyarakat akan pemimpin yang dianggap dapat mengangkat hidup mereka. Disisi lain, adanya masyarakat yang cenderung kurang percaya pada partai politik dan DPR. Padahal kepercayaan terhadap lembaga-lembaga publik in...
Administratio: Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan
Korupsi di Indonesia sejak memasuki era reformasi justru semakin meningkat kuantitasnya. Komisi P... more Korupsi di Indonesia sejak memasuki era reformasi justru semakin meningkat kuantitasnya. Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) meningkatkan usahanya dalam melakukan penangkapan tersangka korupsi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberatasan korupsi di negeri ini belum tuntas. Salah satu pihak yang sering terkena Operasi Tangkap Tangan (OTT) KPK adalah pejabat publik, yang umumnya berasal dari partai politik. Selama ini pihak yang harus bertanggung jawab adalah pejabat publik itu sendiri. Namun, menurut penulis partai politik juga mempunyai peran yang tidak sedikit. Partai harusnya mempersiapkan kader-kader terbaiknya sebagai calon pejabat-pejabat publik di semua tingkatan. Partai harus melatih mereka sedemikian rupa agar tidak tergoda oleh perbuatan korupsi. Oleh karena itu, jika kader-kadernya melakukan korupsi saat mereka sudah duduk di pemerintahan, maka sudah seharusnya partai bertanggung jawab. Korupsi adalah kejahatan luar biasa, untuk itu penulis mengusulkan agar jika sebuah partai ko...
This paper will examine the politics of clean water management, a review on the scarcity of clean... more This paper will examine the politics of clean water management, a review on the scarcity of clean water quality in Kedungringin Village, Sukawangi District, Bekasi Regency. This study is conducted due to a problem occurred in Kedungringin Village regarding the lack of access to clean water both in quality and quantity. Various efforts have been taken by the villagers of Kedungringin, such as constructing boreholes with the help of benefactors. However, this is insufficient to meet the needs of clean water for all residents. In this case, the role of PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi is limited as not being able to reach the Kedungringin Village area due to the far distance of Clean Water Pipeline from the location of Kedungringin Village. By these problems, this study will examine the efforts taken by PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi and the authority of Sukaringin Village in fulfilling the need of clean water access in Kedungringin Village. The research method used in this study is a descriptive qualitativ...
T his paper examines the impact of implementing an ideological coalition model for strengthening ... more T his paper examines the impact of implementing an ideological coalition model for strengthening presidential systems in Indonesia. T he reason for raising this issue is because the current application of the parliamentary system coalition in the presidential system in Indonesia is causing problems in the legislative body so that the debate in parliament about a government policy is no longer concerned with the interests of the people but rat her that it highlights the opposing attitude of the government. Parliamentary system coalition, if implemented in a presidential system, will only prioritize political interests, so an ideological coalition model is needed. T he methodology used is a literature study on the ideology coalition model and the writer will look for aspects of the impact of the ideology coalition model for strengthening presidential systems in Indonesia in this modern democr atic era. T he result shows that ideological coalition is needed in the life of the nation and state because ideology is the basis of political party platforms to build a shared vision and mission in organizing the state so that this ideological coalition can strengthen political institutions in the presidential system. Applications of this study can be used for the government, legislative members, teachers, and students. In this research, the model of ideological coalition model for strengthening presidential systems in Indonesia is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner.
PARAPOLITIKA: Journal of Politics and Democracy Studies
This study identifies the factors that prevent women in Indonesia from achieving elected office i... more This study identifies the factors that prevent women in Indonesia from achieving elected office in the provincial level in Indonesia. The results showed that lack of access to financial resources, internal party politics, and women's marital status can be barriers to women achieving elected office. However, access to social and political networks that provide women with key resources, belonging to the dominant religion in your region, and age lead women to greater political success. These findings are based on the interpretation of statistical correlations and content analysis results from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The aim of this research is to provide evidence-based findings and recommendations, which can be used to increase the electability of women political candidates in elections.
This research is related to the implementation of central government assistance to villages, in I... more This research is related to the implementation of central government assistance to villages, in Indonesia, since 2014 it has changed the village government system with significant assistance in development and empowerment in villages. This article examines the extent of the impact of development regulations and empowerment after the regulation of assistance from the central government to be managed by village governments. The method used in this study is to conduct in-depth interviews with village governments who are involved in village development and empowerment. The results of this study indicate that the use of Village funds in Dukuh Picung Village in 2018 is more focused on the development and empowerment sectors. Various implementations in the Village Law regulations cannot be carried out by villages. The development that occurs does not represent the wishes of the wider community because of the lack of responsiveness of the Village apparatus, there are still development and e...
Papers by Restu Rahmawati