Artigos Publicados Pela Escola da AGU by Rogério Piccino Braga
REVISTA DA AGU, ano 20, n.2, 2021
This study aims to analyze the consequences brought by the adoption by the Federal Supreme Court ... more This study aims to analyze the consequences brought by the adoption by the Federal Supreme Court of the theory of the double status of fundamental rights, a decision that attributes to international human rights treaties the normative status of supralegality and declared that the civil imprisonment of unfaithful depositary is illegal. To this end, the legal nature of civil imprisonment will be discussed, seeking differentials between procedural and penal imprisonment, in view of their different characteristics and regulations. In addition, will be discussed the theories of the normative status of international human rights treaties, with a historical analysis of the jurisprudential decisions made by the STF. Finally, a critical analysis will be carried out on the consequences brought by the supralegal status for treaties of human rights, with the consequent creation of another normative niche, as well as the application of the misinterpretation method regarding the conf lict between a supralegal norm and the Federal Constitution. In addition, the consequences brought by the adoption of the dual status theory in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic experienced by the Brazilian State will be addressed, with emphasis on Decree 64.959/SP, which provides for the prison sentence in case of non-compliance with the provisions of the text in question. Was used as methods of approach in this research the deductive method, as well as the historical-evolutionary, in addition to indirect bibliographic research.
Papers by Rogério Piccino Braga
2013 47th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST), 2013
This paper presents the process by means of which the Secretariat of Finance of the State Minas G... more This paper presents the process by means of which the Secretariat of Finance of the State Minas Gerais intends to get an ISO 27001 certification of the Electronic Invoice authorization. In 2007, the Secretariat of Finance of Minas Gerais started the project of Electronic Invoice - NF-e, which involves replacing the conventional invoice, on paper, by a document issued and stored electronically that exists only digitally. The purpose of the Electronic Invoice is documenting the movement of goods occurring between the seller and the buyer, which is subject to State taxes. The legal validity of the Electronic Invoice is guaranteed by the issuer's digital signature and by the reception of the data by Secretariat of Finance of Minas Gerais before of the movement of the goods . The information technology architecture of the Electronic Invoice authorization process of the Secretariat of Finance of the State of Minas Gerais is intended to ensure three basic objectives: 1) availability; 2) scalability and 3) elimination of single point of failure. So, the Secretariat of Finance of the State Minas Gerais concluded that the ISO 27001 certification of the information technology production environment, undergoing evaluation by external entities, namely, certification bodies, would demonstrate explicitly the commitment of the State of Minas Gerais with the general public and entrepreneurs who are based in the Minas Gerais and with those who intend establish themselves in the State of Minas Gerais in near future. This work presents some of the difficulties faced by the Secretariat of Finance of the State Minas Gerais during the preparation for the ISO 27001 certification, which is a major step to ensure the security requirements of information assets that are critical to the business. To the best of our knowledge this is the first ISO 27001 certification process of the Electronic Invoice authorization in Brazil, and the first ISO 27001 certification process in the executive branch of the direct administration in Brazil, in all three levels of government.
Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2014
SPE Oil and Gas India Conference and Exhibition, 2012
Realtime formation evaluation is critical not only for various geomechanical applications but als... more Realtime formation evaluation is critical not only for various geomechanical applications but also for quick drilling decision making in both exploration and development scenarios. The study focuses on a horizontal development well in a carbonate field which has a thin oil column overlain by a large gas cap. Large exposure multi-lateral development wells are used to improve drainage of the oil column by reducing the tendency for gas coning. The real time formation evaluation proved formation fluid in the landing section as gas, and as a result a quick decision was made to change the well trajectory. The well was drilled 20m down in TVD as a pilot well to perform down hole fluid profiling using the Modular Formation Dynamics Tester (MDT), however, MDT could not be carried out due to heavy mud losses and the well was plugged. Finally, it was decided to sidetrack the well. MDT with Live Fluid Analyzer (LFA) and Compositional Fluid Analyzer (CFA) was deployed to perform downhole fluid p...
O estudo tem como finalidade a análise das consequências da adoção da teoria do duplo estatuto do... more O estudo tem como finalidade a análise das consequências da adoção da teoria do duplo estatuto dos direitos fundamentais pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Teoria esta que atribui aos tratados internacionais de direitos humanos - não ratificados pelo rito da PEC/45 - o status normativo supralegal e vislumbra inconstitucionalidade na prisão civil de depositário infiel. Portanto, o que se discutirá é a natureza jurídica da prisão civil, buscando diferenciá-la da prisão processual e da prisão penal, ante suas características e disposições diferenciadas. Além disso, abordar-se-ão as teorias do status normativo dos tratados internacionais de direitos humanos, com uma abordagem histórica e exemplificativa do acervo jurisprudencial do STF. Ao final, será traçado um caminho crítico em decorrência do surgimento de mais um nicho normativo – oriundo da aplicação da Teoria do duplo estatuto. Da mesma forma, pela adoção de uma linha hermenêutica equivocada no que diz respeito à antinomia entre uma n...
Revista Jurídica Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Humano
O artigo trata da responsabilidade da Administração Pública pelos débitos trabalhistas de seus co... more O artigo trata da responsabilidade da Administração Pública pelos débitos trabalhistas de seus contratados, principalmente a partir da decisão do STF proferida no RE 760.931, em 2017. O posicionamento do STF contraria jurisprudência histórica do TST, principalmente no ponto em que retira a possibilidade de responsabilização imediata da Administração Pública, salvo nos casos de débitos previdenciários. A fim de auxiliar a discussão, é feito um estudo sobre a terceirização no Brasil, desde a ausência de regulamentação até a elaboração da Súmula nº 331 do TST, principal instrumento informativo sobre o tema. Ao final, é feita uma análise da decisão do STF proferida no RE 760.931, principalmente em relação aos votos dos Ministros Luiz Fux e Rosa Weber, antagônicos em relação à responsabilização do Estado nos processos de terceirização. Em sede de considerações finais, fica evidente a precarização de direitos a partir da decisão do STF, dentro do espírito do governo brasileiro de flexibil...
Artigos Publicados Pela Escola da AGU by Rogério Piccino Braga
Papers by Rogério Piccino Braga