Papers by Andrew Rogerson
This volume is published with the aid of grants from the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commiss... more This volume is published with the aid of grants from the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England and Atlas Aggregates (Norwich), subsidiary of RMC plc Cover Illustration Iron-bound bucket (35 .B) during excavation.
Excavation of part of a Middle Saxon rural settlement attempted to establish the context of a mid... more Excavation of part of a Middle Saxon rural settlement attempted to establish the context of a mid 8th-century coin hoard which had been found scattered in the ploughsoil and below. The hoard had probably been buried in a location peripheral to the main zone of contemporary activity the extent of which is known from a surface scatter VIIJ of finds. Occupation within the excavated area continued into the early 13th century. The Later Neolithic was evidenced by scattered pit groups. Prolific finds of coins and metalwork, predominantly Middle Saxon to medieval, from the excavation and the immediate surroundings are described. t .
Frontispiece: RAF vertical aerial view of the northwestern part of Barton Bendish Chapter 1 Barto... more Frontispiece: RAF vertical aerial view of the northwestern part of Barton Bendish Chapter 1 Barton Bendish Survey PI.I RAF vertical aerial view of the Pl.II PI.III intersection of the east-to-west Roman road and the Devil's Dyke RAF vertical aerial view of the northern part of Eastmoor hamlet RAF vertical aerial view of the eastern part of the main village 2 26 30 Chapter 2 Barton Bendish Excavation Pl.IV RAF aerial view of the excavations PI.V Area B, soil mark of ditch 307 after PI.VI PI.VII PI.VIII PI.IX PI.X machine clearance Area B, ditch 307 facing north Area B, ditch 307 facing east Area D, ditch 422 facing east Area A, wall 203 Area D, general view at early stage of excavation, looking northeast Chapter 3 Caldecote Survey 43 55 55 55 55 55 55 Pl.XI Aerial view of the surveyed field 78 Chapter 1 Thanks are due to the following farmers and landowners who kindly allowed the author access to their lands: Messrs Fake, Fisher, Mason, Matthews, Phillips, Riches and Sanderson. Special thanks must be given to Barton Bendish Farms Ltd and all its staff, in particular former farm manager Mr Frank Boardman and his successor Mr Brian Reynolds who in the face of repeated enquiries about cropping programmes and ground conditions showed great patience and considerable enthusiasm. Thanks are also due to the late Tony Gregory, John Wymer, Frances Healy, Sarah Jennings, Bill Milligan and Sue Margeson for their help with finds identifications, to Cathy Coutts who identified a Middle Saxon imported sherd, to David Fox and Steven Ashley who showed great patience and skill while producing the illustrations, to Brian Cushion for surveying earthworks at Abbey Farm and drawing Fig. 15, to SteveBrown who searched several fields with a metal detector, to Danny Voisey for bringing seven out ofeight ring-ditches to the writer's attention, and finally to the late Reg Fisher without whose invaluable and freely given help the finds would have remained dirty and unmarked. Chapter 2 Thanks are due to the following people: site owners Messrs Bostock, Lemmon and Page who contributed to the excavation costs; the then Rector Rev. Jack Smith and Brian Reynolds of Barton Bendish Farms who helped in many ways; Steve Brown who metal-detected the site; Group Capt. Henderson of RAF Marham who arranged for air photographic coverage; the excavation team,
Acknowledgements Barton Bendish We wish to thank the following: the Diocese of Ely and the Paroch... more Acknowledgements Barton Bendish We wish to thank the following: the Diocese of Ely and the Parochial Church Council of Barton Bendish for permission to excavate; the Rector, the Rev. Jack Smith for all his help and encouragement before, during and since the excavation; all the specialists who have contributed to this report; and• the members of the excavation team
Chance find in 1996 of a copper alloy seal matrix of South Greenhoe, produced to enforce the Stat... more Chance find in 1996 of a copper alloy seal matrix of South Greenhoe, produced to enforce the Statute of Labourers (1388).
Records a late tenth or early eleventh-century circular brooch of gilt copper alloy with seven lo... more Records a late tenth or early eleventh-century circular brooch of gilt copper alloy with seven lobes each originally containing a dark blue glass pellet. The central surface is decorated with a cloisonn� five-petalled flower design in greenish-yellow enamel. This form of brooch may have had amuletic qualities.
Public Archaeology, 2016
Finds recording has a long history in Norfolk. It received a boost in 1973 from the foundation of... more Finds recording has a long history in Norfolk. It received a boost in 1973 from the foundation of a full-time archaeological unit, which worked closely with the county Museums Service. Despite difficulties from certain quarters, the goodwill of many metal-detector users was gained, and as a result a very large, geographically based pool of data was amassed. From all of this there arose many significant discoveries, field projects, and subsequent publications. The Portable Antiquities Scheme joined in the process during 1997, but a full commitment to upload all new records to the Scheme’s database did not begin until 2012. An attempt is made to outline the development of finds recording in the county, and point the way to the future.
Norfolk archaeology, 2002
Fourth part of a consecutive annual catalogue.
Annual Catalogue of Seal Matrices by Andrew Rogerson
This paper is the twenty-second part in a consecutive annual
catalogue of medieval seal matrice... more This paper is the twenty-second part in a consecutive annual
catalogue of medieval seal matrices to be published in
this journal.
Papers by Andrew Rogerson
Annual Catalogue of Seal Matrices by Andrew Rogerson
catalogue of medieval seal matrices to be published in
this journal.
catalogue of medieval seal matrices to be published in
this journal.