Papers by Sebastiaan Stiller
![Research paper thumbnail of The growing inportance of stakeholders dialogues in gaining and transferring knowledge](
The theoretical framework of both stakeholder dialogue and stakeholder interaction is extensive. ... more The theoretical framework of both stakeholder dialogue and stakeholder interaction is extensive. However, the practical experience in this field is to a large extent lacking. In the full-length paper we propose to discuss how the theoretical framework is applied in practice and how the shift from purely profit-oriented towards value-oriented business is facilitated by a stakeholder dialogue as a source of knowledge generation and as a means of realizing sustainable management. Today, most of the dominant management and marketing theories are based upon the principle that companies must pursue market-driven business objectives if they are to achieve an increase in shareholder value. This perspective in classical management theory was strengthened in by Friedman's paper 'The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits' and has been the starting point of most further developments in managerial theories ever since. Certainly, his claim that a company has no social responsibility, at least no other than increasing shareholder value, was nothing new by itself and quite extreme and provoking from its point of view, but it is supposed to be seen as a reaction to a previously dominating trend. Consequently, in a follow up to Friedman's discussion about shareholder value, there has been observed a gradual paradigm shift that in the academic discourse, and also in the public sphere, is characterised by concepts such as 'corporate citizenship' (), 'corporate social responsibility ()' and 'corporate responsiveness' (McGuire ; Sethi ; Ackerman and Bauer ; ). With varying nuances, these concepts describe the responsibility of a business towards its stakeholders and society as a whole. Whereas is defined as 'corporate social responsibility that encompasses the economic, legal ethical and philanthropic expectations placed on organizations by society at a given time in period' (Carroll and Buchholz , ), Carroll's four part model of corporate social responsibility (Carroll ) defines four different levels brought to you by COR ew metadata, citation and similar papers at
Behovet av metaller och mineral växer med ny teknik och med övergången till nya energiformer. Sam... more Behovet av metaller och mineral växer med ny teknik och med övergången till nya energiformer. Samtidigt vill allt fler veta varifrån metallen kommer. Gruvnäringens negativa påverkan på både miljön och lokalsamhället oroar många. Projektet TraceMet har tagit fram ett pilotsystem som gör det möjligt att certifiera metallens miljöprestanda, det vill säga dess klimatavtryck och hur mycket återvunnet material den innehåller
Die neuste Auflage der jährlichen Untersuchung der Berichterstattungspraxis der grössten Schweize... more Die neuste Auflage der jährlichen Untersuchung der Berichterstattungspraxis der grössten Schweizer Unternehmen durch das Institute for Sustainable Management (IfSM) an der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz Aargau führte zu einer Bestätigung zweier Trends: zum einen eine Zunahme an Nachhaltigkeitsberichten "auf Kosten" von Umwelt- und Sozialberichten, zum anderen eine zunehmende Integration von Sozial- und Umweltthemen in die klassische Geschäftsberichterstattung. Diese verschwindet auf diese Weise allmählich und macht einer Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung Platz.
Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2014
ABSTRACT Reputational risks because of child labor allegations drove Syngenta to forge for-profit... more ABSTRACT Reputational risks because of child labor allegations drove Syngenta to forge for-profit and not-for-profit sector alliances with the Fair Labor Association, which was directed toward raising social standards in its Indian hybrid vegetable seed supply chain. This case study, informed by expert interviews and complementary document analysis, gives an account of various sustainable supply chain management (SCM) practices implemented by Syngenta and its partners in this pilot project. By being located in one specific industry and world region, this study contributes a piece of evidence to the neglected issue of how to include the social dimension of sustainability into SCM.
The theoretical framework of both stakeholder dialogue and stakeholder interaction is extensive. ... more The theoretical framework of both stakeholder dialogue and stakeholder interaction is extensive. However, the practical experience in this field is to a large extent lacking. In the full-length paper we propose to discuss how the theoretical framework is applied in practice and how the shift from purely profit-oriented towards value-oriented business is facilitated by a stakeholder dialogue as a source of knowledge generation and as a means of realizing sustainable management.
ABSTRACT Reputational risks because of child labor allegations drove Syngenta to forge for-profit... more ABSTRACT Reputational risks because of child labor allegations drove Syngenta to forge for-profit and not-for-profit sector alliances with the Fair Labor Association, which was directed toward raising social standards in its Indian hybrid vegetable seed supply chain. This case study, informed by expert interviews and complementary document analysis, gives an account of various sustainable supply chain management (SCM) practices implemented by Syngenta and its partners in this pilot project. By being located in one specific industry and world region, this study contributes a piece of evidence to the neglected issue of how to include the social dimension of sustainability into SCM.
Papers by Sebastiaan Stiller