Papers by Shinta fauziyah
Historiography: Journal of Indonesian History and Education, Oct 2, 2021
Population or demographics have always been one of the problems facing Indonesia from time to tim... more Population or demographics have always been one of the problems facing Indonesia from time to time. During the New Order administration, its national development projections included the natalitas number control program as one of the priorities. To support the policy, the government established Lembaga Keluarga Berencana Nasional (LKBN) that developed into Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN), this institution aims toconvey information, socialization, and trainings, and can accommodate the aspirations of the community. Although LKBN is a state institution, kinerja from the institution received support from various elements of society, one of which is from Muslimat NU. In this paper, the author tries to explain the collaboration of state institutions (BKKBN) with Muslimat Nahdlatul Ulama in encouraging the success of the Family Planning program and its impact on the sustainability of the Family Planning Program. As a result, collaboration between state institutions and Muslimat Nahdlatul Ulama to encourage the establishment of Family Planning programs was able to reduce the number of natalitas and fertility by 0.14%-4.78% in the period 1974-1979 through various activities such as the creation of guidelines for the use of birth control for Muslims, socialization of programs to remote villages, trainings on the use of birth control equipment, and the opening of Family Planning clinics.
Al-Fikru : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sains, 2021
Indonesia, with its characteristic diversity, has many races, cultures, languages, traditions tha... more Indonesia, with its characteristic diversity, has many races, cultures, languages, traditions that are spread all over the islands in Indonesia. has various kinds of diversity with noble values that are still maintained to this day. However, it is undeniable that in the era of modernization and globalization itself, the younger generation who should be the inheritors of the culture, tradition, language, that is in their area are slowly being left behind. Therefore, it is very important to instill local values or traditions, traditional culture, regional languages in students, so that they do not lose their identity as Indonesian people which are rich in diversity. In the Probolinggo area itself, there are many local traditions that are not widely known by students, but there are also traditions that are already known but they do not know the origin, meaning or philosophy of the existing traditions. One of the traditions that almost all students know, especially in the Kraksaan sub-d...
Papers by Shinta fauziyah