Shiv Talwar
Dr Shiv Talwar, a Books for Peace 2020 award winning author of a book entitled The Common Ground Vol 1: A Unified Basis for Existence, a retired professor of civil engineering in Canada, is the founding president of Spiritual Heritage Education Network Inc (SHEN,, est. Sept 2,000).
SHEN is dedicated to research and developing education to cultivate lived feelings of unity in diversity. It is a solutions oriented response to the experience of interreligious genocide in 1947 at the partition of India. Shiv wants to prevent a repetition of this experience anywhere in the world. The following is an account of his approach to envision the future of education.
Religious bigotry, like its racial counterpart, is largely unconscious. While acknowledging that there is a significant explicit bigotry, Dr Jennifer Eberhardt of Stanford, a leading expert on unconscious bias concludes that the naturally high speed of human life or stress is the cause of implicit bias underlying the explicit; and an effective countermeasure is to slow down to move our thinking from the primitive, reactive parts of the brain to more reflective ones.
Monastic contemplators used conscious regulation of breath as a strategy of moving their thinking to the reflective parts of the brain. Natural breath is autonomic with a high frequency symptomatic of the natural speed of life, we can consciously slow it down. Doing so reduces mental distractions calming the reactive mind. Sustaining reflective calm with conscious breathing, we move to a state of undistracted focus on contemplative inquiry seeing things which we otherwise miss. This is typical of all research and learning.
When we breathe deep, not only do we think deep and up regulate our cognition, but we also upregulate the states of our physical and mental health. A national study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that 60% to 80% of primary care doctors’ visits may have a stress-related component. Thus, creating a culture of conscious deep breathing at all levels in our educational systems can transform our society with holistic health and harmony eliminating bigotry as it enhances our state of physical and mental health, incisive perception and research potential.
To be effective, conscious regulation of breath, must be a part of a wider program of change. For that reason, Shiv envisions education of the future to develop from its existing state to include the following:
1. Practice of conscious regulation of breath to train attention and cognition supported by an understanding of the science underlying its effectiveness in upregulating human consciousness and its benefits in health, wellness, learning, research and development,
2. Contemplative inquiry and learning of various levels of realities ranging from the obvious immediate to the infinitely subtle ultimate, and
3. Subtle and profound findings of our eminent contemplatives.
The primary source of the findings of our contemplative inquiry in the subtle ultimate domain is our scriptural literature. Organized religion presented it as belief; science admitting only critical reasoning and validation with replicable empirical experiments had little use for belief systems. Thus, humanity got deprived of profound truths painstakingly discovered by our prophets, sages, seers and philosophers in their contemplative searches. Einstein’s energy-mass equivalence, quantum physics and general theory of relativity changed all that. Science became a bridge of reason to access profound scriptural wisdom historically dismissed till then by modern seekers.
Our research shows that there is invaluable, scientific and transformational wisdom in human scriptures, the use of which can help us resolve many intractable problems humanity faces today. Our ancient prophets, sages and seers were serious researchers, not speculators as commonly portrayed by our elite. Thys used inner resources for their investigations whereas external resources dominate in our modern methods. Just like there we are realities missed by modern epistemologies, there were facts missed by the ancient epistemologies as well.
Our research and development for the future of education uses a multidisciplinary systems approach integrating knowledge of five broad categories: (1) Human scripture, (2) Natural sciences, (3) Life sciences, (4) social sciences and (5) humanities.
There are many reasons for the proposed interdisciplinary lens for mining the scriptural wisdom: (1) it is a filter to separate doctrine and dogma from wisdom, (2) it enhances the intelligibility of ancient scriptural narratives for modern scientific understanding, (3) it enhances our ability to communicate the scriptural wisdom, and (4) by showing the impeccable science of the ancient contemplative and transformational epistemologies, it enhances the fruitfulness of modern epistemologies and pedagogies.
SHEN is dedicated to research and developing education to cultivate lived feelings of unity in diversity. It is a solutions oriented response to the experience of interreligious genocide in 1947 at the partition of India. Shiv wants to prevent a repetition of this experience anywhere in the world. The following is an account of his approach to envision the future of education.
Religious bigotry, like its racial counterpart, is largely unconscious. While acknowledging that there is a significant explicit bigotry, Dr Jennifer Eberhardt of Stanford, a leading expert on unconscious bias concludes that the naturally high speed of human life or stress is the cause of implicit bias underlying the explicit; and an effective countermeasure is to slow down to move our thinking from the primitive, reactive parts of the brain to more reflective ones.
Monastic contemplators used conscious regulation of breath as a strategy of moving their thinking to the reflective parts of the brain. Natural breath is autonomic with a high frequency symptomatic of the natural speed of life, we can consciously slow it down. Doing so reduces mental distractions calming the reactive mind. Sustaining reflective calm with conscious breathing, we move to a state of undistracted focus on contemplative inquiry seeing things which we otherwise miss. This is typical of all research and learning.
When we breathe deep, not only do we think deep and up regulate our cognition, but we also upregulate the states of our physical and mental health. A national study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that 60% to 80% of primary care doctors’ visits may have a stress-related component. Thus, creating a culture of conscious deep breathing at all levels in our educational systems can transform our society with holistic health and harmony eliminating bigotry as it enhances our state of physical and mental health, incisive perception and research potential.
To be effective, conscious regulation of breath, must be a part of a wider program of change. For that reason, Shiv envisions education of the future to develop from its existing state to include the following:
1. Practice of conscious regulation of breath to train attention and cognition supported by an understanding of the science underlying its effectiveness in upregulating human consciousness and its benefits in health, wellness, learning, research and development,
2. Contemplative inquiry and learning of various levels of realities ranging from the obvious immediate to the infinitely subtle ultimate, and
3. Subtle and profound findings of our eminent contemplatives.
The primary source of the findings of our contemplative inquiry in the subtle ultimate domain is our scriptural literature. Organized religion presented it as belief; science admitting only critical reasoning and validation with replicable empirical experiments had little use for belief systems. Thus, humanity got deprived of profound truths painstakingly discovered by our prophets, sages, seers and philosophers in their contemplative searches. Einstein’s energy-mass equivalence, quantum physics and general theory of relativity changed all that. Science became a bridge of reason to access profound scriptural wisdom historically dismissed till then by modern seekers.
Our research shows that there is invaluable, scientific and transformational wisdom in human scriptures, the use of which can help us resolve many intractable problems humanity faces today. Our ancient prophets, sages and seers were serious researchers, not speculators as commonly portrayed by our elite. Thys used inner resources for their investigations whereas external resources dominate in our modern methods. Just like there we are realities missed by modern epistemologies, there were facts missed by the ancient epistemologies as well.
Our research and development for the future of education uses a multidisciplinary systems approach integrating knowledge of five broad categories: (1) Human scripture, (2) Natural sciences, (3) Life sciences, (4) social sciences and (5) humanities.
There are many reasons for the proposed interdisciplinary lens for mining the scriptural wisdom: (1) it is a filter to separate doctrine and dogma from wisdom, (2) it enhances the intelligibility of ancient scriptural narratives for modern scientific understanding, (3) it enhances our ability to communicate the scriptural wisdom, and (4) by showing the impeccable science of the ancient contemplative and transformational epistemologies, it enhances the fruitfulness of modern epistemologies and pedagogies.
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Videos by Shiv Talwar
This video is of participant discussion on the closing day.
This video is of the presentations on the closing day.
This video is of participant discussion on the third day.
This video is of participant discussion on the second day.
This video is of the presentations on the third day.
This video is of the presentation on the second day.
Papers by Shiv Talwar
This video is of participant discussion on the closing day.
This video is of the presentations on the closing day.
This video is of participant discussion on the third day.
This video is of participant discussion on the second day.
This video is of the presentations on the third day.
This video is of the presentation on the second day.
the perspectives of various wisdom traditions and also from the psychological perspective as implied in the structural model of the human mind due to Sigmund
Freud. The article shows that the Freudian model is a subsystem of that of the bigger picture of the wisdom traditions.
They might teach about prejudice – but have never taught unity or oneness of humankind
Discussions about the environment are common –
but explaining that all life is connected by “life energy” is not.
In short, students are given the rational, but not the deep understanding of it!
Wholeness or “Holistic Education” would help connect science (Biology, Botany, Physics) and Metaphysics together in
a more balanced and complete system.
Not only teaching fact-based information, but also teaching techniques and skills to improve mental and physical health
naturally, and to also teach the lessons that ancient and aboriginal people knew about the connection to the world around us.
Yes, we are Diverse! But we are also Unified in our basic desires for peace and harmony.
Science has also proven that we are also unified by the “energy” that is the basis for all things.
We believe that teaching these concepts will increase the desire to reach out to all life with love and kindness…Because we are
Our Proposal is Simple.
We would like to work with educators to come up with a balanced and complete program to help teachers add a new more
positive dimension into our classroom.
We will help create curriculum (sample attached) and we will help train the teachers in these life changing mediums.
Help us bring YOUR schools, into the 21st century and beyond. Let us help you to put our young people on a pathway to successfully
change not only their health and happiness, but the peace of the world around them.
They might teach about prejudice – but have never taught unity or oneness of humankind
Discussions about the environment are common –
but explaining that all life is connected by “life energy” is not.
In short, students are given the rational, but not the deep understanding of it!
Wholeness or “Holistic Education” would help connect science (Biology, Botany, Physics) and Metaphysics together in
a more balanced and complete system.
Not only teaching fact-based information, but also teaching techniques and skills to improve mental and physical health
naturally, and to also teach the lessons that ancient and aboriginal people knew about the connection to the world around us.
Yes, we are Diverse! But we are also Unified in our basic desires for peace and harmony.
Science has also proven that we are also unified by the “energy” that is the basis for all things.
We believe that teaching these concepts will increase the desire to reach out to all life with love and kindness…Because we are
Our Proposal is Simple.
We would like to work with educators to come up with a balanced and complete program to help teachers add a new more
positive dimension into our classroom.
We will help create curriculum and we will help train the teachers in these life changing mediums. (sample concepts included)
Help us bring YOUR schools, into the 21st century and beyond. Let us help you to put our young people on a pathway to successfully
change not only their health and happiness, but the peace of the world around them.
Modern medicine, however, effectively rejects the underlying hypothesis.
Being a practitioner of deep breathing, from personal experience the author is certain of its effectiveness in health, wellness and development of executive function. The underlying thought is that breath is life, therefore its quality must be a determinant of human health, wellness executive control.
Unable to find credible references to deep breathing in books on modern physiology, the author decided to confront the problem himself by making some replicable measurements, primarily on himself, of oxygen uptake while breathing deep. The study indicates that oxygen uptake during deep breathing at a frequency of 8 to 3 breaths per minute increases by 100 to 200% respectively over its value at 15 breaths per minute considered average for autonomic breathing. Such an increase in oxygen uptake is a reason compelling enough to disseminate the results to health professionals for further study.
They might teach about prejudice – but have never taught unity or oneness of humankind
Discussions about the environment are common –
but explaining that all life is connected by “life energy” is not.
In short, students are given the rational, but not the deep understanding of it!
Wholeness or “Holistic Education” would help connect science (Biology, Botany, Physics) and Metaphysics together in
a more balanced and complete system.
Not only teaching fact-based information, but also teaching techniques and skills to improve mental and physical health
naturally, and to also teach the lessons that ancient and aboriginal people knew about the connection to the world around us.
Yes, we are Diverse! But we are also Unified in our basic desires for peace and harmony.
Science has also proven that we are also unified by the “energy” that is the basis for all things.
We believe that teaching these concepts will increase the desire to reach out to all life with love and kindness…Because we are
Our Proposal is Simple.
We would like to work with educators to come up with a balanced and complete program to help teachers add a new more
positive dimension into our classroom.
We will help create curriculum (sample outline included) and we will help train the teachers in these life changing mediums.
Help us bring schools, into the 21st century and beyond. Let us help you to put our young people on a pathway to successfully
change not only their health and happiness, but the peace of the world around them.
The Universe, all matter, the world and all livings things are part of an immense and undiscernible Truth.
Educationalsystemsthatarenowinplacetrytodefineandeducate withEASYand rationalanswers.Taking the easy way out continues to fail to transform people into a “wholeness” mindset that would unify the world.
Education should be transformative and empowering. Our Scientists, sages, seers, prophets, and philosophers have revealed the truth of an ultimate reality that underlies and unifies the diversity in the universe.
But most people have never been taught this concept. Of those who are aware, only a small percentage have absorbed it, and developed a personal experience to live their lives with the understanding of unity in diversity.
We believe that the time has now come for our houses of learning to take the lead in making us aware of the unseen Truth “as it is” and to teach systems of contemplative seeking and finding to form, re-form, and transform our being.
That is the purpose of this proposal.
They might teach about prejudice – but have never taught unity or oneness of humankind
Discussions about the environment are common –
but explaining that all life is connected by “life energy” is not.
In short, students are given the rational, but not the deep understanding of it!
Wholeness or “Holistic Education” would help connect science (Biology, Botany, Physics) and Metaphysics together in
a more balanced and complete system.
Not only teaching fact-based information, but also teaching techniques and skills to improve mental and physical health
naturally, and to also teach the lessons that ancient and aboriginal people knew about the connection to the world around us.
Yes, we are Diverse! But we are also Unified in our basic desires for peace and harmony.
Science has also proven that we are also unified by the “energy” that is the basis for all things.
We believe that teaching these concepts will increase the desire to reach out to all life with love and kindness…Because we are
Our Proposal is Simple.
We would like to work with educators to come up with a balanced and complete program to help teachers add a new more
positive dimension into our classroom.
We will help create curriculum (sample outline included) and we will help train the teachers in these life changing mediums.
Help us bring schools, into the 21st century and beyond. Let us help you to put our young people on a pathway to successfully
change not only their health and happiness, but the peace of the world around them.
They might teach about prejudice – but have never taught unity or oneness of humankind
Discussions about the environment are common –
but explaining that all life is connected by “life energy” is not.
In short, students are given the rational, but not the deep understanding of it!
Wholeness or “Holistic Education” would help connect science (Biology, Botany, Physics) and Metaphysics together in
a more balanced and complete system.
Not only teaching fact-based information, but also teaching techniques and skills to improve mental and physical health
naturally, and to also teach the lessons that ancient and aboriginal people knew about the connection to the world around us.
Yes, we are Diverse! But we are also Unified in our basic desires for peace and harmony.
Science has also proven that we are also unified by the “energy” that is the basis for all things.
We believe that teaching these concepts will increase the desire to reach out to all life with love and kindness…Because we are
Our Proposal is Simple.
We would like to work with educators to come up with a balanced and complete program to help teachers add a new more
positive dimension into our classroom.
We will help create curriculum and we will help train the teachers in these life changing mediums.
Help us bring schools, into the 21st century and beyond. Let us help you to put our young people on a pathway to successfully
change not only their health and happiness, but the peace of the world around them.
This proposal is based upon more than twenty years of our research in major scriptures of humanity. We find that the spiritual wisdom of all major religions of the world agree on the unity underlying existence. The core finding of modern science is no different from that of the core wisdom of spirituality. According to both, there is one invisible essence underlying the entirety of existence.
Robyn Lebron posted her overview of this proposal at: