Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh induksi formalin terhadap mutasi pada ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh induksi formalin terhadap mutasi pada gen PARP-1 ekson 23. Penelitian ini menggunakan hewan coba mencit ( Mus musculus ) Balb-c jantan berumur 3 bulan, berat 20-30 g, yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol tanpa paparan formalin (KB), kelompok formalin dosis 2 mg/kg BB (F2), dan kelompok formalin dosis 25 mg/kg BB (F25). Sediaan formalin dalam bentuk cairan diberikan secara peroral menggunakan sonde selama 60 hari. DNA diisolasi dari organ testis dilakukan amplifikasi menggunakan primer forward (5’-GTTGTTTGTGGTT TGTCCTA-3’) dan reverse (5’-TTTTTAGCTCAAAATAAATGCTTAA-3’). Hasil sekuensing menunjukkan tidak ada perubahan basa nukleotida (mutasi) gen PARP-1 ekson 23 pada testis mencit ( Mus musculus ) Balb-c setelah induksi formalin.
Jamu is well known as traditional herbal medicine that has been used by Indonesian for centuries ... more Jamu is well known as traditional herbal medicine that has been used by Indonesian for centuries ago. Local people usually consume jamu for maintaining health and therapy diseases because it is cheaper and has less side effects. Scientific approach needs to be done to study the characteristic of the herbals. This research aims to characterize Indonesian herbal medicine based on microstructure using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The samples for this research are rosela flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa), ginger (Zingiber officinale), lime fruit (Citrus aurantifolia), and celebes pepper (Piper crocatum). The infusion method preparation was carried out. The mixture was processed further by a freeze-drying method to obtain a powder form. SEM was utilized to capture the herbal powder image. Size of distribution and surface roughness were analysed by ImageJ and Origin Pro 8 on SEM images. The size measurement result showed that infused Rosella has the biggest grain (53.5 µm), followed by ...
Free radicals are constantly produced by either cell metabolism or from external sources. At high... more Free radicals are constantly produced by either cell metabolism or from external sources. At high concentration, they induced a tissue damage called oxidative stress. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata L.) and noni leaf (Morinda citrifolia L.) are medicinal plants with potency as antioxidants. This study aimed to evaluate the capacity of Lactobacillus plantarum BP102 in elevating the antioxidant activity of soursop and noni leaves. Dried-powder and methanol extract of soursop and noni leaves were diluted with sterile distilled water 3 g/30 mL and 0.3 g/30 mL, respectively, inoculated with 1% (v/v) of L. plantarum BP102 inoculum. The antioxidant activity was carried out using the 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. The antioxidant activity increased in dried-powder and methanol extract of soursop and noni leaves with different activity levels after being fermented using L. plantarum BP102 based on IC50. The increasing antioxidant activity in dried-powder of soursop leaves IC50 6....
Glycated human serum albumin (gHSA) undergoes conformational changes of proteins caused by free r... more Glycated human serum albumin (gHSA) undergoes conformational changes of proteins caused by free radicals. The glycation process results in a reduced ability of albumin as an endogenous scavenger in diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) patients. Astaxanthin (ASX) has been shown to prevent gHSA from experiencing unfolding events and improve protein stability of gHSA and HSA through molecular dynamics. In this study, astaxanthin is complexed with transition metal ions such as copper (Cu 2þ) and zinc (Zn 2þ) in two modes (M) and (2M). Complexing astaxanthin with Cu 2þ and Zn 2þ is expected to increase astaxanthin's ability as an endogenous scavenger than in native form. This research aims to characterize the antiradical property of ASX, ASX-Cu 2þ and ASX-2Cu 2þ , ASX-Zn 2þ , and ASX-2Zn 2þ with density functional theory (DFT) and to compare the capability to prevent conformational changes on glycated albumin through molecular dynamics simulation. DFT as implemented in Gaussian 09W, was used for all calculations. Analysis of data using GaussView 6.0. LANL2D2Z basis set and B3LYP density functional used for frequency analysis and optimization. The AutoDock Vina implemented in PyRx 0.8 is used to and receptor-ligand interactions analysis with the DS 2016 Client. YASARA for molecular dynamic simulation with 15,000 ps as running time. DFT analyzes such as energy gaps, HOMO, and LUMO patterns and electronic properties have shown that ASX-metal ions complex is better than ASX in native state as antioxidants. These results are also supported by the molecular dynamics simulation (RMSD backbone, RMSDr, RMSFr, and movie visualization), where the addition of ASX-metal ions complex on gHSA are better than ASX as a single compound in preventing gHSA from possible unfolding and maintaining protein molecule stability. also proven to bind various kinds of metal ions such as Cu 2þ , Fe 2þ , Mn 2þ , Mn 3þ , and Fe 3þ with active residues such as Cys34 [6]. The redox status of the thiol group in the protein is a crucial indicator of oxidative stress so that the measurement of Cys-34 redox in human albumin serum can determine organ damage. From the results of ESI-TOFMS, it was found that the highest form of oxidation is found in Cys-34. Oxidative stress results in modifications of residues Lys195, Lys190, Arg218, Trp211, and Arg222 that function as ligand bindings for site one and Arg410 as
Background: Atherogenesiswas initiated by cholesterol deposits on foam cell in sub intimae of blo... more Background: Atherogenesiswas initiated by cholesterol deposits on foam cell in sub intimae of blood vessel stress oxidation. Atherogenesis in non-hypercolesterolemiausually undergoes an increased level of Lp-PLA2. It, therefore, needs to evaluate the role of Lp-PLA2in the foam cell formation. Aims: To explain the role of Lp-PLA2 in the foam cell forming, to correlate the level of Lp-PLA2 ,MDA, F2-Isp in aorta with foam cell number (FCs) as well as to correlate the level of Lp-PLA2 , MDA, F2-Isp contents in serum with their contents in aorta and the correlation with FCs. Methods. 30 rats aged 2 months, with their weight averaging from 150-200g, were divided into the control group and the treatment one where the latter was fed hyperlidemia for 2,8 and 12 weeks. The measurement level of LDL-C, MDA, F2-isp and Lp-PLA2in serum was performedas well as aorta and FCs. Data was analysed using anova, t-Test, path analysis and correlation. Results: Research result indicated that: (1) The level...
Jamu is a traditional medicine based on the wisdom of the local community can be used as an alter... more Jamu is a traditional medicine based on the wisdom of the local community can be used as an alternative to the treatment of several symptoms of the disease, one of which is pain, fever. The purpose of the research is to know the type and use of medicinal plants, the content of active compounds as well as prospective traditional herbal medicine for the community. Direct interview method with purposive sampling technique. In this study, 22 types of medicinal plants were found in bangselok villages. Processing medicinal plants as traditional herbal medicine using traditional methods include, boiled, pounded, embalmed. Family Zingiberaceae is a plant that is often used as a traditional jamu material by the bangselok community. Family Zingiberaceae contains active compounds, including flavonoids, tannins, saponins and steroids that can relieve several diseases including fever and pain, in addition to the family plant, Zingiberaceae found around the house and easy to cultivate. Traditiona...
Penurunan jumlah folikel ovarium secara drastis karena peningkatan kadar hormon FSH adalah kondis... more Penurunan jumlah folikel ovarium secara drastis karena peningkatan kadar hormon FSH adalah kondisi umum pada wanita premenopause. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui potensi serbuk rimpang kunyit dalam menghambat laju penurunan jumlah folikel ovarium pada tikus putih premenopause. Hewan uji adalah 30 ekor tikus putih betina, galur Wistar, usia 12 bulan, bobot 200-250 g. Hewan uji dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif (P0), diberi perlakuan akuades 4 ml/hari; kelompok kontrol positif (P1), diberi perlakukan serbuk kurkumin 6,75 mg/kg BB; kelompok perlakuan 1 (P2), diberi perlakukan serbuk kunyit 100 mg/kg BB; kelompok perlakuan 2 (P3), diberi perlakukan serbuk kunyit 200 mg/kg BB; kelompok perlakuan 3 (P4), diberi perlakukan serbuk kunyit 400 mg/kg BB; dan kelompok perlakuan 4 (P5), diberi perlakukan serbuk kunyit 800 mg/kg BB. Perlakuan per oral setiap hari selama 27 hari. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap, data jumlah folikel ovarium dianalisis menggunak...
Tanaman kunyit secara tradisional sudah sejak lama banyak digunakan sebagai tanaman obat. Negara ... more Tanaman kunyit secara tradisional sudah sejak lama banyak digunakan sebagai tanaman obat. Negara India dan China menggunakan tanaman kunyit untuk mengobati penyakit empedu, selesma, batuk, diabetes, rematik, sinusitis, penyakit kulit, infeksi parasit, inflamasi, dan biliary disorders. Potensi tanaman kunyit sebagai tanaman obat menimbulkan ide untuk melakukan penelitian yang bertujuan mengetahui kandungan senyawa pada serbuk rimpang kunyit yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis kandungan senyawa pada serbuk rimpang kunyit (turmeric powder) menggunakan metode LC-MS dan dilanjutkan dengan menganalisis senyawa yang terkandung pada serbuk rimpang kunyit yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan dengan metode in silico. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 49 senyawa aktif yang ditemukan pada serbuk rimpang kunyit, kurkumin adalah senyawa dengan konsentrasi paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan senyawa yang lain yaitu sebesar 7,798%. Sedangkan senyawa ...
Hypercholesterolemia is one of the leading causes of endothelial dysfunction. Hypercholesterolemi... more Hypercholesterolemia is one of the leading causes of endothelial dysfunction. Hypercholesterolemia can result in oxidative stress that exceeds antioxidant defenses. One of the antioxidants is snail shell chitosan. The research aimed to analyze the study of in silico chitosan snail shell as an antioxidant through inhibition of nrf2-keap1 in hypercholesterolemia. This research method is the 3D structure of Keap1 and Nrf2 (ID: 5CGJ) proteins. Canonical chitosan smiles (C 56 H 103 N 9 O 39) (ID: 71853) were modelled with Corina software to obtain 3D structures. Chitosan was analyzed by Lipinski test. Molecular docking was analyzed by interacting chitosan, Nrf2 and Keap1 with HEX 8.0 software and visualized by discovery studio version 4.1. Data analysis was used descriptively. The results of the study of chitosan with Keap1 and Nrf2 had 43 amino acid residues (GLU444,
MATERIAL AND METHODS Animal care Five weeks old male BALB/c mice were maintained in a pathogen-fr... more MATERIAL AND METHODS Animal care Five weeks old male BALB/c mice were maintained in a pathogen-free chamber for acclimation. Experimental mice were divided into ABSTRACT Introduction: Accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the body commonly lead to degenerative disease such as cancer. This study aims to investigate the potential of Morinda citrifolia to maintain the immune system against toxic exposure. Material and Methods: This study used Five weeks old male Balb/C mice as animal model. The 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) was administrated for six weeks following with 3 days cigarette smoke (CS) exposure then treated with noni juice (M. citrifolia) for two weeks. Experimental animals were divided into six groups. Normal control (N); DMBA+CS; Cisplatin; D1; D2; and D3. Profil of CD4 + TNFα + , CD11b + IL6 + , CD11b + IFNγ + , CD4 + CD25 + IL10 + , NK + IL6 + cells was analyzed by flow cytometry and data was analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Post Hoc Tukey HSD test with a significance of p-values < 0.05. Results: This study show that DMBA+CS induction increasing level of CD11b + IL6 + , CD4 + CD25 + IL-10 + and NK + IL-6 + meanwhile decreasing CD4 + TNFα + significantly (P<0.5) than Normal group. Noni juice in dose 90 mg/Kg BW decrease cytokine pro-inflammation (IL-6 and IFNγ) both in macrophage and NK cell profile significantly (P<0.05). Noni juice in 30 mg/Kg BW could improve the activation CD4 + TNFα + significantly (P<0.05). Noni juice also has efficacy to control T regulator activation to prevent tumor escape. Conclusion: These results suggest that noni juice has anti-cancer potencies by maintain homeostasis of immune system and could be immune herbal supplement.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
This research aims to computationally characterize HSA 4K2C protein and describe as well as its a... more This research aims to computationally characterize HSA 4K2C protein and describe as well as its ability to bind transition metal ions. Data mining is performed to obtain HSA 4K2C from PDB and transition metal ions such as Cu2+ (ID: 27099), Fe2+ (ID: 27284), Mn2+ (ID: 27854), Mn3+ (ID: 105130) and Fe3+ (ID: 29936) from PubChem. The analysis consists of ProtParam, Motif Search, CFSSP, DLP-SVM, and docking. Docking used PyRx Autodock Vina. Analysis of receptor-ligand interactions used DS 2016. The results of the ProtParam analysis provide some information on HAS 4K2C, which is it has 585 amino acids with an isoelectric point (pI) of 5.67, an index of protein instability of 38.85, then total amino acids (aa) residues of negatively charged (Asp + Glu) are 98 while the positively charged ones (Arg + Lys) are 83. Motive Search shows that there are three HSA motifs namely motif 1 (aa. 551-575), motif 2 (aa. 353-377), and motif 3 (aa. 61-185). CFSP shows α -helix structure is the dominant st...
Porang (Amorphophalus oncophyllus Hook) merupakan tanaman penghasil umbi yang saat ini sedang dig... more Porang (Amorphophalus oncophyllus Hook) merupakan tanaman penghasil umbi yang saat ini sedang digalakkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ekspor dari Jawa Timur dan sebagai bahan baku beberapa industri di dalam negeri. Prospek Porang sebagai makanan kesehatan cukup menarik, namun masih diperlukan beberapa kajian mengingat umbi porang berpotensi menimbulkan alergi pada sebagian orang. Penyebab alergi Porang diduga berasal dari kandungan kristal kalsium oksalat pada umbi porang yang menimbulkan rasa gatal atau panas di dalam mulut. Namun alergi pada makanan biasanya berupa protein yang tidak mengalami perubahan selama proses pencernaan. Diketahui terdapat empat tipe kristal kalsium oksalat yaitu druse, rafida, prisma dan pasir. Berbagai protein berperan dalam pembentukan kristal kalsium oksalat (protein matriks) yang meliputi Asp-rich acidic proteins dan Serrich,yang mempunyai kemampuan yang sangat kuat untuk mengikat kalsium. Dari hal tersebut substansi alergen pada umbi porang adalah protein matriks pada kristal bukan kristal kalsium oksalat. Alergen pada makanan biasanya berupa protein yang tidak mengalami perubahan selama proses pencernaan dan pengolahan makanan. Pada penelitian awal Uji Alergenitas ini, telah dilakukan uji alergenitas pada berbagai varian porang mentah (var. Sumber Baru-Jember ; var. Klangon, Saradan-Madiun dan var. Sumber Bendo, Saradan-Madiun) dengan ELISA IgE dari serum tikus putih (Rattus sp) yang sebelumnya mendapatkan pencekokan tepung umbi porang mentah. Hasil analisis SDS-PAGE menunjukkan bahwa Porang Mentah maupun Porang Olahan memiliki profil pita protein yang relatif sama (18 dan 15 kDa). Pita protein dari kelompok Porang Mentah terlihat lebih tebal bila dibandingkan pita pada kelompok Porang Olahan. Ketebalan pita protein (berat molekul 15 kDa) pada kelompok Porang turun sekitar 25 sampai 50 % apabila Porang tersebut diolah dengan pengukusan (steamed). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengolahan Porang dengan pengukusan efektif untuk mengurangi potensi alergenitas untuk konsumsi porang. Hasil Uji Alergenitas dengan ELISA Ig-E ini menunjukkan bahwa potensi alergenitas umbi porang secara berturut-turut adalah Porang var. Sumber Baru (Jember) > Porang var. Klangon-Saradan (Madiun) > Porang var. Sumber Bendo-Saradan (Madiun).
Background. Atherogenesiswas initiated by cholesterol deposits on foam cell in sub intimae of blo... more Background. Atherogenesiswas initiated by cholesterol deposits on foam cell in sub intimae of blood vessel stress oxidation. Atherogenesis in nonhypercolesterolemiausually undergoes an increased level of Lp-PLA 2. It, therefore, needs to evaluate the role of Lp-PLA 2 in the foam cell formation. Aims. To explain the role of Lp-PLA 2 in the foam cell forming, to correlate the level of Lp-PLA 2 , MDA, F 2 -Isp in aorta with foam cell number (FCs) as well as to correlate the level of Lp-PLA 2 , MDA, F 2 -Isp contents in serum with their contents in aorta and the correlation with FCs. Methods. 30 rats aged 2 months, with their weight averaging from 150-200g, were divided into the control group and the treatment one where the latter was fed hyperlidemia for 2,8 and 12 weeks. The measurement level of LDL-C, MDA, F2-isp and Lp-PLA 2 in serum was performedas well as aorta and FCs. Data was analysed using anova, t-Test, path analysis and correlation. Results. Research result indicated that: (1) The level of MDA (a) , F 2 -Isp (s) and Lp-PLA 2(s) positively correlated with FCs, Lp-PLA (s) having the highest correlation value. (2) Lp-PLA 2(a) ,MDA (s) and F 2 -Isp (s,a) did not correlate with FCs. (3) There was a positive correlation between Lp-PLA 2 with MDA and F 2 -Isp in both serum and aorta. Conclusion. The enzyme of Lp-PLA2 acts as an activator in forming the foam cell with stimulated stress oxidation.
The carcinogenic compounds such as DMBA known for having the ability to promote the DNA damage th... more The carcinogenic compounds such as DMBA known for having the ability to promote the DNA damage that affects the growth regulator genes. Therefore, uncontrolled cell growth will occur and change the immune system. Elephantopus scaber extract is considered as an alternative way of handling breast cancer since it capable to affect the work of the immune system. Hence, this study aims to determine the effect of E. scaber extract on quantitative changes of CD4 + , CD8 + T cells and proinflammatory cytokines CD4 + IFN-γ + and CD4 + TNF-α + after induction of DMBA and estrogen. In vivo experiments were carried out by using 5-6 weeks old of female mice BALB/c strain. The extract of E. scaber leaf powder was obtained from Material Medica Batu, Malang. The experimental animals were divided into five groups such as negative control group (K-), positive control group (K+), mice treated with E. scaber extract for a week (group 1), mice treated with E. scaber extract for 2 weeks (group 2), and mice treated with E. scaber extract for 3 weeks (group 3). Induction of DMBA and estrogen was conducted by injection of DMBA (7.12 dimetylbenz (α) anthracene) 0.56 mg.kgBW-1 and estradiol hormone 0.0504 mg.kgBW-1. Mice were treated with E. scaber extract with a dose of 50 mg.kgBW-1. Lymphocytes were isolated from spleen and observed the CD4 + , CD8 + T cells and proinflammatory cytokines CD4 + IFN-γ + and CD4 + TNF-α + T cells through flow cytometry analysis. One-way ANOVA (p <0.05) and SPSS were used to analyze this data. The results showed that the induction of DMBA and estradiol hormone affected mice fur loss. It also decreased the immune system by lowering the number of CD4 and CD8 T cells. However, E. scaber extracts increased the number of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α. Furthermore, the DMBA and estradiol induction also promoted the number of CD4 + IFN-γ + in the first week, but decreased the number of CD4 + IFN-γ + at weeks 2 and 3, then increase the number of CD4 + IFN-γ +. So, the treatment of E. scaber extracts demonstrated the ability to restore the homeostasis of the immune system in the first and second weeks.
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 2019
Objectives: Albumin in diabetes mellitus undergoes conformational changes that affect the ability... more Objectives: Albumin in diabetes mellitus undergoes conformational changes that affect the ability as an endogenous scavenger. Treatment with astaxanthin (ASX) expected to improve the function of albumin in case of diabetes mellitus. The objectives of this study are to compare the capability of ASX and metformin to prevent conformational changes on glycated albumin. Methods: Data mining is performed to obtain human serum albumin (HSA) (4K2C), glucose (79025), ASX (5281224), and metformin (4091). Data preparation used PyRx and Discovery Studio 2016 Client. PyRx is utilized for docking and analysis of receptor-ligand interactions with LigPlus and Discovery Studio 2016 Client. YASARA is used for molecular dynamics simulations with a running time of 15.000 ps. Results: A description of the glycated-HSA (gHSA) conformational changes that are bound to metformin has been successfully carried out. Changes that occur were unfolding and release of bonds in gHSA. Unfolding on gHSA includes the ...
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb and Tamarindus indica L. have been used for a long time by Indonesia lo... more Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb and Tamarindus indica L. have been used for a long time by Indonesia local societies as tuberculosis therapy. This study explores the active compounds of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb and Tamarindus indica L that important for suppressing the survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and predicts the pharmacokinetics and toxicity of the compounds. stringApp of Cytoscape 3.6.0 was used for screening the compounds targeting mycobacteria proteins, then computational tools like SwissADME ( and admetSAR ( were applied for estimating absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) of active compounds. The result has been shown that there were some active compounds could target proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. According to the profiling result, these compounds had a various characteristic in gastrointestinal absorption, could pass the blood-brain barrier, and had drug-like prope...
Carcinogen compounds are the compounds that cause DNA damage and trigger cancer. TNF-α and TGF-β ... more Carcinogen compounds are the compounds that cause DNA damage and trigger cancer. TNF-α and TGF-β are cytokines produced by immune cells and serve to maintain body homeostasis. Elephantopus scaber is a plant that prevents the cancer progression, and improve the body's immune system, so this study was conducted to determine the effect of E. scaber extract on TNF-α and TGF-β after the administration of carcinogen compounds. The study was conducted by administering the carcinogen compound DMBA with a dosage of 0.56 mg kg-1 BW and estradiol with a dose of 0.0504 mg kg-1 BW which was given alternately for 8 weeks to the Mus musculus test animals. The study was conducted in 3 groups: K-(the normal group of mice), K + (a carcinogen-induced group of mice), and P (a group of carcinogen-induced mice and E. scaber extract). The treatment was done in 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks. Immune cells were isolated from splenocytes and performed immunostaining for flow cytometry analysis. The computed relative amount is TNF-α produced by macrophages CD11b and TGF-β produced by Treg CD4CD25. The relative number of cells was analyzed by two-way ANOVA and advanced Tukey test with 95% confidence level (α = 0.05). The results showed no significant differences in the number of cytokines TNF-α and TGF-β in both the carcinogen-induced mice group and the mice group was given the extract of Elephantopus scaber for 1 week, 2 weeks and 3 weeks.
Obesity is a metabolic disorder characterized by the central distribution of abdominal fat, hyper... more Obesity is a metabolic disorder characterized by the central distribution of abdominal fat, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. A high-fat diet can lead to overnutrition and directly trigger inflammation in adipose tissue. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are essential negative regulators of inflammation. Soybean (Glycine max L.) has a variety of beneficial health. It contains isoflavones, particularly daidzein and genistein which can be transformed using microbial and physical stimuli to enhance bioactivity. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of elicited soybean extract (ESE) on Treg activity in high fat-fructose (HFFD) mice. Twenty-eight female Balb/C mice were divided into seven groups: normal diet (ND) only, ND + ESE 104 mg/kg BW, HFFD only, HFFD + Simvastatin 2.8 mg/kg, HFFD + ESE 78 mg/kg BW, HFFD + ESE 104 mg/kg BW, and HFFD + ESE 130 mg/kg BW. The high fat-fructose diet was given over a period of 20 weeks, and ESE was administered orally per day after 20 weeks for four weeks. At week 24, the animals were sacrificed and the spleen was collected. Tregs were labeled as CD4 + CD25 + CD62L + and the relative Treg number was measured using flow cytometry. The HFFD treatment significantly decreased Treg number (p < 0.05) compared to a normal diet. The ESE treatment in HFFD mice could improve Treg numbers compared to HFFD mice. Our results suggest that ESE has potential to be used as a supplement to suppress chronic inflammation via increased Treg number.
Mutations of human insulin and insulin receptor family can lead autosomal dominant syndrome on di... more Mutations of human insulin and insulin receptor family can lead autosomal dominant syndrome on diabetes, fasting hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistant. The aim of this research was to identify mutation types of hINSR gene exon 22 which mutation hot spot region. To analyze hINSR gene exon 22 of DM patient and control, we isolated DNA from their blood. DNA was then amplified by PCR using a set of primer for exon 22. PCR product was sequenced by Sequencer and nucleotide sequence analyzed by BLAST analysis. According to Gene Bank database, hINSR gene has two variant with Gene ID 3643, at chromosome 19p13.3-p13.2, and has 22 exons with mRNA 4200bp. The result of research showed that the mutation types of hINS gene exon 22 of DM patients are point mutation, single base deletion and substitution. We found mutation of single deletion at Met1295-Cys1295 and Glut1300Gly1300, also point mutation are at Met1296-Ser1296 and Trp1299-Ala1299 and Met1389 Iso1389. Because these two deletion are ...
Propolis is resin with complex chemical composition that collected by honeybees from various plan... more Propolis is resin with complex chemical composition that collected by honeybees from various plants. It has been known that propolis has several biological properties, such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activities. The aim of this study is to evaluate the propolis's cytotoxic and antiproliferative activity in vitro on hela cell line. These cells were incubated with different concentrations of propolis (5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 µg/ml) for different time periods (6, 24, dan 48 hours), and the number of viable and died cells were analyzed by trypan blue dye exclution and were counted using hemocytometer. The result of this study showed that the IC50 of local propolis against HeLa cell line is 27,725 µg/ml. It can be concluded that local propolis extract exhibited a cytotoxic and antiproliferatif effect in vitro against HeLa cell line, in a dose-and time dependent.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh induksi formalin terhadap mutasi pada ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh induksi formalin terhadap mutasi pada gen PARP-1 ekson 23. Penelitian ini menggunakan hewan coba mencit ( Mus musculus ) Balb-c jantan berumur 3 bulan, berat 20-30 g, yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol tanpa paparan formalin (KB), kelompok formalin dosis 2 mg/kg BB (F2), dan kelompok formalin dosis 25 mg/kg BB (F25). Sediaan formalin dalam bentuk cairan diberikan secara peroral menggunakan sonde selama 60 hari. DNA diisolasi dari organ testis dilakukan amplifikasi menggunakan primer forward (5’-GTTGTTTGTGGTT TGTCCTA-3’) dan reverse (5’-TTTTTAGCTCAAAATAAATGCTTAA-3’). Hasil sekuensing menunjukkan tidak ada perubahan basa nukleotida (mutasi) gen PARP-1 ekson 23 pada testis mencit ( Mus musculus ) Balb-c setelah induksi formalin.
Jamu is well known as traditional herbal medicine that has been used by Indonesian for centuries ... more Jamu is well known as traditional herbal medicine that has been used by Indonesian for centuries ago. Local people usually consume jamu for maintaining health and therapy diseases because it is cheaper and has less side effects. Scientific approach needs to be done to study the characteristic of the herbals. This research aims to characterize Indonesian herbal medicine based on microstructure using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The samples for this research are rosela flower (Hibiscus sabdariffa), ginger (Zingiber officinale), lime fruit (Citrus aurantifolia), and celebes pepper (Piper crocatum). The infusion method preparation was carried out. The mixture was processed further by a freeze-drying method to obtain a powder form. SEM was utilized to capture the herbal powder image. Size of distribution and surface roughness were analysed by ImageJ and Origin Pro 8 on SEM images. The size measurement result showed that infused Rosella has the biggest grain (53.5 µm), followed by ...
Free radicals are constantly produced by either cell metabolism or from external sources. At high... more Free radicals are constantly produced by either cell metabolism or from external sources. At high concentration, they induced a tissue damage called oxidative stress. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata L.) and noni leaf (Morinda citrifolia L.) are medicinal plants with potency as antioxidants. This study aimed to evaluate the capacity of Lactobacillus plantarum BP102 in elevating the antioxidant activity of soursop and noni leaves. Dried-powder and methanol extract of soursop and noni leaves were diluted with sterile distilled water 3 g/30 mL and 0.3 g/30 mL, respectively, inoculated with 1% (v/v) of L. plantarum BP102 inoculum. The antioxidant activity was carried out using the 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. The antioxidant activity increased in dried-powder and methanol extract of soursop and noni leaves with different activity levels after being fermented using L. plantarum BP102 based on IC50. The increasing antioxidant activity in dried-powder of soursop leaves IC50 6....
Glycated human serum albumin (gHSA) undergoes conformational changes of proteins caused by free r... more Glycated human serum albumin (gHSA) undergoes conformational changes of proteins caused by free radicals. The glycation process results in a reduced ability of albumin as an endogenous scavenger in diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) patients. Astaxanthin (ASX) has been shown to prevent gHSA from experiencing unfolding events and improve protein stability of gHSA and HSA through molecular dynamics. In this study, astaxanthin is complexed with transition metal ions such as copper (Cu 2þ) and zinc (Zn 2þ) in two modes (M) and (2M). Complexing astaxanthin with Cu 2þ and Zn 2þ is expected to increase astaxanthin's ability as an endogenous scavenger than in native form. This research aims to characterize the antiradical property of ASX, ASX-Cu 2þ and ASX-2Cu 2þ , ASX-Zn 2þ , and ASX-2Zn 2þ with density functional theory (DFT) and to compare the capability to prevent conformational changes on glycated albumin through molecular dynamics simulation. DFT as implemented in Gaussian 09W, was used for all calculations. Analysis of data using GaussView 6.0. LANL2D2Z basis set and B3LYP density functional used for frequency analysis and optimization. The AutoDock Vina implemented in PyRx 0.8 is used to and receptor-ligand interactions analysis with the DS 2016 Client. YASARA for molecular dynamic simulation with 15,000 ps as running time. DFT analyzes such as energy gaps, HOMO, and LUMO patterns and electronic properties have shown that ASX-metal ions complex is better than ASX in native state as antioxidants. These results are also supported by the molecular dynamics simulation (RMSD backbone, RMSDr, RMSFr, and movie visualization), where the addition of ASX-metal ions complex on gHSA are better than ASX as a single compound in preventing gHSA from possible unfolding and maintaining protein molecule stability. also proven to bind various kinds of metal ions such as Cu 2þ , Fe 2þ , Mn 2þ , Mn 3þ , and Fe 3þ with active residues such as Cys34 [6]. The redox status of the thiol group in the protein is a crucial indicator of oxidative stress so that the measurement of Cys-34 redox in human albumin serum can determine organ damage. From the results of ESI-TOFMS, it was found that the highest form of oxidation is found in Cys-34. Oxidative stress results in modifications of residues Lys195, Lys190, Arg218, Trp211, and Arg222 that function as ligand bindings for site one and Arg410 as
Background: Atherogenesiswas initiated by cholesterol deposits on foam cell in sub intimae of blo... more Background: Atherogenesiswas initiated by cholesterol deposits on foam cell in sub intimae of blood vessel stress oxidation. Atherogenesis in non-hypercolesterolemiausually undergoes an increased level of Lp-PLA2. It, therefore, needs to evaluate the role of Lp-PLA2in the foam cell formation. Aims: To explain the role of Lp-PLA2 in the foam cell forming, to correlate the level of Lp-PLA2 ,MDA, F2-Isp in aorta with foam cell number (FCs) as well as to correlate the level of Lp-PLA2 , MDA, F2-Isp contents in serum with their contents in aorta and the correlation with FCs. Methods. 30 rats aged 2 months, with their weight averaging from 150-200g, were divided into the control group and the treatment one where the latter was fed hyperlidemia for 2,8 and 12 weeks. The measurement level of LDL-C, MDA, F2-isp and Lp-PLA2in serum was performedas well as aorta and FCs. Data was analysed using anova, t-Test, path analysis and correlation. Results: Research result indicated that: (1) The level...
Jamu is a traditional medicine based on the wisdom of the local community can be used as an alter... more Jamu is a traditional medicine based on the wisdom of the local community can be used as an alternative to the treatment of several symptoms of the disease, one of which is pain, fever. The purpose of the research is to know the type and use of medicinal plants, the content of active compounds as well as prospective traditional herbal medicine for the community. Direct interview method with purposive sampling technique. In this study, 22 types of medicinal plants were found in bangselok villages. Processing medicinal plants as traditional herbal medicine using traditional methods include, boiled, pounded, embalmed. Family Zingiberaceae is a plant that is often used as a traditional jamu material by the bangselok community. Family Zingiberaceae contains active compounds, including flavonoids, tannins, saponins and steroids that can relieve several diseases including fever and pain, in addition to the family plant, Zingiberaceae found around the house and easy to cultivate. Traditiona...
Penurunan jumlah folikel ovarium secara drastis karena peningkatan kadar hormon FSH adalah kondis... more Penurunan jumlah folikel ovarium secara drastis karena peningkatan kadar hormon FSH adalah kondisi umum pada wanita premenopause. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui potensi serbuk rimpang kunyit dalam menghambat laju penurunan jumlah folikel ovarium pada tikus putih premenopause. Hewan uji adalah 30 ekor tikus putih betina, galur Wistar, usia 12 bulan, bobot 200-250 g. Hewan uji dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif (P0), diberi perlakuan akuades 4 ml/hari; kelompok kontrol positif (P1), diberi perlakukan serbuk kurkumin 6,75 mg/kg BB; kelompok perlakuan 1 (P2), diberi perlakukan serbuk kunyit 100 mg/kg BB; kelompok perlakuan 2 (P3), diberi perlakukan serbuk kunyit 200 mg/kg BB; kelompok perlakuan 3 (P4), diberi perlakukan serbuk kunyit 400 mg/kg BB; dan kelompok perlakuan 4 (P5), diberi perlakukan serbuk kunyit 800 mg/kg BB. Perlakuan per oral setiap hari selama 27 hari. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap, data jumlah folikel ovarium dianalisis menggunak...
Tanaman kunyit secara tradisional sudah sejak lama banyak digunakan sebagai tanaman obat. Negara ... more Tanaman kunyit secara tradisional sudah sejak lama banyak digunakan sebagai tanaman obat. Negara India dan China menggunakan tanaman kunyit untuk mengobati penyakit empedu, selesma, batuk, diabetes, rematik, sinusitis, penyakit kulit, infeksi parasit, inflamasi, dan biliary disorders. Potensi tanaman kunyit sebagai tanaman obat menimbulkan ide untuk melakukan penelitian yang bertujuan mengetahui kandungan senyawa pada serbuk rimpang kunyit yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis kandungan senyawa pada serbuk rimpang kunyit (turmeric powder) menggunakan metode LC-MS dan dilanjutkan dengan menganalisis senyawa yang terkandung pada serbuk rimpang kunyit yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan dengan metode in silico. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 49 senyawa aktif yang ditemukan pada serbuk rimpang kunyit, kurkumin adalah senyawa dengan konsentrasi paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan senyawa yang lain yaitu sebesar 7,798%. Sedangkan senyawa ...
Hypercholesterolemia is one of the leading causes of endothelial dysfunction. Hypercholesterolemi... more Hypercholesterolemia is one of the leading causes of endothelial dysfunction. Hypercholesterolemia can result in oxidative stress that exceeds antioxidant defenses. One of the antioxidants is snail shell chitosan. The research aimed to analyze the study of in silico chitosan snail shell as an antioxidant through inhibition of nrf2-keap1 in hypercholesterolemia. This research method is the 3D structure of Keap1 and Nrf2 (ID: 5CGJ) proteins. Canonical chitosan smiles (C 56 H 103 N 9 O 39) (ID: 71853) were modelled with Corina software to obtain 3D structures. Chitosan was analyzed by Lipinski test. Molecular docking was analyzed by interacting chitosan, Nrf2 and Keap1 with HEX 8.0 software and visualized by discovery studio version 4.1. Data analysis was used descriptively. The results of the study of chitosan with Keap1 and Nrf2 had 43 amino acid residues (GLU444,
MATERIAL AND METHODS Animal care Five weeks old male BALB/c mice were maintained in a pathogen-fr... more MATERIAL AND METHODS Animal care Five weeks old male BALB/c mice were maintained in a pathogen-free chamber for acclimation. Experimental mice were divided into ABSTRACT Introduction: Accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the body commonly lead to degenerative disease such as cancer. This study aims to investigate the potential of Morinda citrifolia to maintain the immune system against toxic exposure. Material and Methods: This study used Five weeks old male Balb/C mice as animal model. The 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) was administrated for six weeks following with 3 days cigarette smoke (CS) exposure then treated with noni juice (M. citrifolia) for two weeks. Experimental animals were divided into six groups. Normal control (N); DMBA+CS; Cisplatin; D1; D2; and D3. Profil of CD4 + TNFα + , CD11b + IL6 + , CD11b + IFNγ + , CD4 + CD25 + IL10 + , NK + IL6 + cells was analyzed by flow cytometry and data was analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Post Hoc Tukey HSD test with a significance of p-values < 0.05. Results: This study show that DMBA+CS induction increasing level of CD11b + IL6 + , CD4 + CD25 + IL-10 + and NK + IL-6 + meanwhile decreasing CD4 + TNFα + significantly (P<0.5) than Normal group. Noni juice in dose 90 mg/Kg BW decrease cytokine pro-inflammation (IL-6 and IFNγ) both in macrophage and NK cell profile significantly (P<0.05). Noni juice in 30 mg/Kg BW could improve the activation CD4 + TNFα + significantly (P<0.05). Noni juice also has efficacy to control T regulator activation to prevent tumor escape. Conclusion: These results suggest that noni juice has anti-cancer potencies by maintain homeostasis of immune system and could be immune herbal supplement.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
This research aims to computationally characterize HSA 4K2C protein and describe as well as its a... more This research aims to computationally characterize HSA 4K2C protein and describe as well as its ability to bind transition metal ions. Data mining is performed to obtain HSA 4K2C from PDB and transition metal ions such as Cu2+ (ID: 27099), Fe2+ (ID: 27284), Mn2+ (ID: 27854), Mn3+ (ID: 105130) and Fe3+ (ID: 29936) from PubChem. The analysis consists of ProtParam, Motif Search, CFSSP, DLP-SVM, and docking. Docking used PyRx Autodock Vina. Analysis of receptor-ligand interactions used DS 2016. The results of the ProtParam analysis provide some information on HAS 4K2C, which is it has 585 amino acids with an isoelectric point (pI) of 5.67, an index of protein instability of 38.85, then total amino acids (aa) residues of negatively charged (Asp + Glu) are 98 while the positively charged ones (Arg + Lys) are 83. Motive Search shows that there are three HSA motifs namely motif 1 (aa. 551-575), motif 2 (aa. 353-377), and motif 3 (aa. 61-185). CFSP shows α -helix structure is the dominant st...
Porang (Amorphophalus oncophyllus Hook) merupakan tanaman penghasil umbi yang saat ini sedang dig... more Porang (Amorphophalus oncophyllus Hook) merupakan tanaman penghasil umbi yang saat ini sedang digalakkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ekspor dari Jawa Timur dan sebagai bahan baku beberapa industri di dalam negeri. Prospek Porang sebagai makanan kesehatan cukup menarik, namun masih diperlukan beberapa kajian mengingat umbi porang berpotensi menimbulkan alergi pada sebagian orang. Penyebab alergi Porang diduga berasal dari kandungan kristal kalsium oksalat pada umbi porang yang menimbulkan rasa gatal atau panas di dalam mulut. Namun alergi pada makanan biasanya berupa protein yang tidak mengalami perubahan selama proses pencernaan. Diketahui terdapat empat tipe kristal kalsium oksalat yaitu druse, rafida, prisma dan pasir. Berbagai protein berperan dalam pembentukan kristal kalsium oksalat (protein matriks) yang meliputi Asp-rich acidic proteins dan Serrich,yang mempunyai kemampuan yang sangat kuat untuk mengikat kalsium. Dari hal tersebut substansi alergen pada umbi porang adalah protein matriks pada kristal bukan kristal kalsium oksalat. Alergen pada makanan biasanya berupa protein yang tidak mengalami perubahan selama proses pencernaan dan pengolahan makanan. Pada penelitian awal Uji Alergenitas ini, telah dilakukan uji alergenitas pada berbagai varian porang mentah (var. Sumber Baru-Jember ; var. Klangon, Saradan-Madiun dan var. Sumber Bendo, Saradan-Madiun) dengan ELISA IgE dari serum tikus putih (Rattus sp) yang sebelumnya mendapatkan pencekokan tepung umbi porang mentah. Hasil analisis SDS-PAGE menunjukkan bahwa Porang Mentah maupun Porang Olahan memiliki profil pita protein yang relatif sama (18 dan 15 kDa). Pita protein dari kelompok Porang Mentah terlihat lebih tebal bila dibandingkan pita pada kelompok Porang Olahan. Ketebalan pita protein (berat molekul 15 kDa) pada kelompok Porang turun sekitar 25 sampai 50 % apabila Porang tersebut diolah dengan pengukusan (steamed). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengolahan Porang dengan pengukusan efektif untuk mengurangi potensi alergenitas untuk konsumsi porang. Hasil Uji Alergenitas dengan ELISA Ig-E ini menunjukkan bahwa potensi alergenitas umbi porang secara berturut-turut adalah Porang var. Sumber Baru (Jember) > Porang var. Klangon-Saradan (Madiun) > Porang var. Sumber Bendo-Saradan (Madiun).
Background. Atherogenesiswas initiated by cholesterol deposits on foam cell in sub intimae of blo... more Background. Atherogenesiswas initiated by cholesterol deposits on foam cell in sub intimae of blood vessel stress oxidation. Atherogenesis in nonhypercolesterolemiausually undergoes an increased level of Lp-PLA 2. It, therefore, needs to evaluate the role of Lp-PLA 2 in the foam cell formation. Aims. To explain the role of Lp-PLA 2 in the foam cell forming, to correlate the level of Lp-PLA 2 , MDA, F 2 -Isp in aorta with foam cell number (FCs) as well as to correlate the level of Lp-PLA 2 , MDA, F 2 -Isp contents in serum with their contents in aorta and the correlation with FCs. Methods. 30 rats aged 2 months, with their weight averaging from 150-200g, were divided into the control group and the treatment one where the latter was fed hyperlidemia for 2,8 and 12 weeks. The measurement level of LDL-C, MDA, F2-isp and Lp-PLA 2 in serum was performedas well as aorta and FCs. Data was analysed using anova, t-Test, path analysis and correlation. Results. Research result indicated that: (1) The level of MDA (a) , F 2 -Isp (s) and Lp-PLA 2(s) positively correlated with FCs, Lp-PLA (s) having the highest correlation value. (2) Lp-PLA 2(a) ,MDA (s) and F 2 -Isp (s,a) did not correlate with FCs. (3) There was a positive correlation between Lp-PLA 2 with MDA and F 2 -Isp in both serum and aorta. Conclusion. The enzyme of Lp-PLA2 acts as an activator in forming the foam cell with stimulated stress oxidation.
The carcinogenic compounds such as DMBA known for having the ability to promote the DNA damage th... more The carcinogenic compounds such as DMBA known for having the ability to promote the DNA damage that affects the growth regulator genes. Therefore, uncontrolled cell growth will occur and change the immune system. Elephantopus scaber extract is considered as an alternative way of handling breast cancer since it capable to affect the work of the immune system. Hence, this study aims to determine the effect of E. scaber extract on quantitative changes of CD4 + , CD8 + T cells and proinflammatory cytokines CD4 + IFN-γ + and CD4 + TNF-α + after induction of DMBA and estrogen. In vivo experiments were carried out by using 5-6 weeks old of female mice BALB/c strain. The extract of E. scaber leaf powder was obtained from Material Medica Batu, Malang. The experimental animals were divided into five groups such as negative control group (K-), positive control group (K+), mice treated with E. scaber extract for a week (group 1), mice treated with E. scaber extract for 2 weeks (group 2), and mice treated with E. scaber extract for 3 weeks (group 3). Induction of DMBA and estrogen was conducted by injection of DMBA (7.12 dimetylbenz (α) anthracene) 0.56 mg.kgBW-1 and estradiol hormone 0.0504 mg.kgBW-1. Mice were treated with E. scaber extract with a dose of 50 mg.kgBW-1. Lymphocytes were isolated from spleen and observed the CD4 + , CD8 + T cells and proinflammatory cytokines CD4 + IFN-γ + and CD4 + TNF-α + T cells through flow cytometry analysis. One-way ANOVA (p <0.05) and SPSS were used to analyze this data. The results showed that the induction of DMBA and estradiol hormone affected mice fur loss. It also decreased the immune system by lowering the number of CD4 and CD8 T cells. However, E. scaber extracts increased the number of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α. Furthermore, the DMBA and estradiol induction also promoted the number of CD4 + IFN-γ + in the first week, but decreased the number of CD4 + IFN-γ + at weeks 2 and 3, then increase the number of CD4 + IFN-γ +. So, the treatment of E. scaber extracts demonstrated the ability to restore the homeostasis of the immune system in the first and second weeks.
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 2019
Objectives: Albumin in diabetes mellitus undergoes conformational changes that affect the ability... more Objectives: Albumin in diabetes mellitus undergoes conformational changes that affect the ability as an endogenous scavenger. Treatment with astaxanthin (ASX) expected to improve the function of albumin in case of diabetes mellitus. The objectives of this study are to compare the capability of ASX and metformin to prevent conformational changes on glycated albumin. Methods: Data mining is performed to obtain human serum albumin (HSA) (4K2C), glucose (79025), ASX (5281224), and metformin (4091). Data preparation used PyRx and Discovery Studio 2016 Client. PyRx is utilized for docking and analysis of receptor-ligand interactions with LigPlus and Discovery Studio 2016 Client. YASARA is used for molecular dynamics simulations with a running time of 15.000 ps. Results: A description of the glycated-HSA (gHSA) conformational changes that are bound to metformin has been successfully carried out. Changes that occur were unfolding and release of bonds in gHSA. Unfolding on gHSA includes the ...
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb and Tamarindus indica L. have been used for a long time by Indonesia lo... more Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb and Tamarindus indica L. have been used for a long time by Indonesia local societies as tuberculosis therapy. This study explores the active compounds of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb and Tamarindus indica L that important for suppressing the survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and predicts the pharmacokinetics and toxicity of the compounds. stringApp of Cytoscape 3.6.0 was used for screening the compounds targeting mycobacteria proteins, then computational tools like SwissADME ( and admetSAR ( were applied for estimating absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) of active compounds. The result has been shown that there were some active compounds could target proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. According to the profiling result, these compounds had a various characteristic in gastrointestinal absorption, could pass the blood-brain barrier, and had drug-like prope...
Carcinogen compounds are the compounds that cause DNA damage and trigger cancer. TNF-α and TGF-β ... more Carcinogen compounds are the compounds that cause DNA damage and trigger cancer. TNF-α and TGF-β are cytokines produced by immune cells and serve to maintain body homeostasis. Elephantopus scaber is a plant that prevents the cancer progression, and improve the body's immune system, so this study was conducted to determine the effect of E. scaber extract on TNF-α and TGF-β after the administration of carcinogen compounds. The study was conducted by administering the carcinogen compound DMBA with a dosage of 0.56 mg kg-1 BW and estradiol with a dose of 0.0504 mg kg-1 BW which was given alternately for 8 weeks to the Mus musculus test animals. The study was conducted in 3 groups: K-(the normal group of mice), K + (a carcinogen-induced group of mice), and P (a group of carcinogen-induced mice and E. scaber extract). The treatment was done in 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks. Immune cells were isolated from splenocytes and performed immunostaining for flow cytometry analysis. The computed relative amount is TNF-α produced by macrophages CD11b and TGF-β produced by Treg CD4CD25. The relative number of cells was analyzed by two-way ANOVA and advanced Tukey test with 95% confidence level (α = 0.05). The results showed no significant differences in the number of cytokines TNF-α and TGF-β in both the carcinogen-induced mice group and the mice group was given the extract of Elephantopus scaber for 1 week, 2 weeks and 3 weeks.
Obesity is a metabolic disorder characterized by the central distribution of abdominal fat, hyper... more Obesity is a metabolic disorder characterized by the central distribution of abdominal fat, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. A high-fat diet can lead to overnutrition and directly trigger inflammation in adipose tissue. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are essential negative regulators of inflammation. Soybean (Glycine max L.) has a variety of beneficial health. It contains isoflavones, particularly daidzein and genistein which can be transformed using microbial and physical stimuli to enhance bioactivity. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of elicited soybean extract (ESE) on Treg activity in high fat-fructose (HFFD) mice. Twenty-eight female Balb/C mice were divided into seven groups: normal diet (ND) only, ND + ESE 104 mg/kg BW, HFFD only, HFFD + Simvastatin 2.8 mg/kg, HFFD + ESE 78 mg/kg BW, HFFD + ESE 104 mg/kg BW, and HFFD + ESE 130 mg/kg BW. The high fat-fructose diet was given over a period of 20 weeks, and ESE was administered orally per day after 20 weeks for four weeks. At week 24, the animals were sacrificed and the spleen was collected. Tregs were labeled as CD4 + CD25 + CD62L + and the relative Treg number was measured using flow cytometry. The HFFD treatment significantly decreased Treg number (p < 0.05) compared to a normal diet. The ESE treatment in HFFD mice could improve Treg numbers compared to HFFD mice. Our results suggest that ESE has potential to be used as a supplement to suppress chronic inflammation via increased Treg number.
Mutations of human insulin and insulin receptor family can lead autosomal dominant syndrome on di... more Mutations of human insulin and insulin receptor family can lead autosomal dominant syndrome on diabetes, fasting hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistant. The aim of this research was to identify mutation types of hINSR gene exon 22 which mutation hot spot region. To analyze hINSR gene exon 22 of DM patient and control, we isolated DNA from their blood. DNA was then amplified by PCR using a set of primer for exon 22. PCR product was sequenced by Sequencer and nucleotide sequence analyzed by BLAST analysis. According to Gene Bank database, hINSR gene has two variant with Gene ID 3643, at chromosome 19p13.3-p13.2, and has 22 exons with mRNA 4200bp. The result of research showed that the mutation types of hINS gene exon 22 of DM patients are point mutation, single base deletion and substitution. We found mutation of single deletion at Met1295-Cys1295 and Glut1300Gly1300, also point mutation are at Met1296-Ser1296 and Trp1299-Ala1299 and Met1389 Iso1389. Because these two deletion are ...
Propolis is resin with complex chemical composition that collected by honeybees from various plan... more Propolis is resin with complex chemical composition that collected by honeybees from various plants. It has been known that propolis has several biological properties, such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activities. The aim of this study is to evaluate the propolis's cytotoxic and antiproliferative activity in vitro on hela cell line. These cells were incubated with different concentrations of propolis (5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 µg/ml) for different time periods (6, 24, dan 48 hours), and the number of viable and died cells were analyzed by trypan blue dye exclution and were counted using hemocytometer. The result of this study showed that the IC50 of local propolis against HeLa cell line is 27,725 µg/ml. It can be concluded that local propolis extract exhibited a cytotoxic and antiproliferatif effect in vitro against HeLa cell line, in a dose-and time dependent.
Papers by Sri Widyarti