Stream piracy substantially affected the geomorphic evolution of the Missouri River watershed and... more Stream piracy substantially affected the geomorphic evolution of the Missouri River watershed and drainages within, including the Little Missouri, Cheyenne, Belle Fourche, Bad, and White Rivers. The ancestral Cheyenne River eroded headward in an annular pattern around the eastern and southern Black Hills and pirated the headwaters of the ancestral Bad and White Rivers after~660 ka. The headwaters of the ancestral Little Missouri River were pirated by the ancestral Belle Fourche River, a tributary to the Cheyenne River that currently drains much of the northern Black Hills. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating techniques were used to estimate the timing of this piracy event at~22-21 ka. The geomorphic evolution of the Cheyenne and Belle Fourche Rivers is also expressed by regionally recognized strath terraces that include (from oldest to youngest) the Sturgis, Bear Butte, and Farmingdale terraces. Radiocarbon and OSL dates from fluvial deposits on these terraces indicate incision to the level of the Bear Butte terrace by~63 ka, incision to the level of the Farmingdale terrace at~40 ka, and incision to the level of the modern channel after~12-9 ka. Similar dates of terrace incision have been reported for the Laramie and Wind River Ranges. Hypothesized causes of incision are the onset of colder climate during the middle Wisconsinan and the transition to the full-glacial climate of the late-Wisconsinan/Pinedale glaciation. Incision during the Holocene of the lower Cheyenne River is as much as~80 m and is 3 to 4 times the magnitude of incision at~63 ka and~40 ka. The magnitude of incision during the Holocene might be due to a combined effect of three geomorphic processes acting in concert: glacial isostatic rebound in lower reaches (~40 m), a change from glacial to interglacial climate, and adjustments to increased watershed area resulting from piracy of the ancestral headwaters of the Little Missouri River.
Stream piracy substantially affected the geomorphic evolution of the Missouri River watershed and... more Stream piracy substantially affected the geomorphic evolution of the Missouri River watershed and drainages within, including the Little Missouri, Cheyenne, Belle Fourche, Bad, and White Rivers. The ancestral Cheyenne River eroded headward in an annular pattern around the eastern and southern Black Hills and pirated the headwaters of the ancestral Bad and White Rivers after~660 ka. The headwaters of the ancestral Little Missouri River were pirated by the ancestral Belle Fourche River, a tributary to the Cheyenne River that currently drains much of the northern Black Hills. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating techniques were used to estimate the timing of this piracy event at~22-21 ka. The geomorphic evolution of the Cheyenne and Belle Fourche Rivers is also expressed by regionally recognized strath terraces that include (from oldest to youngest) the Sturgis, Bear Butte, and Farmingdale terraces. Radiocarbon and OSL dates from fluvial deposits on these terraces indicate incision to the level of the Bear Butte terrace by~63 ka, incision to the level of the Farmingdale terrace at~40 ka, and incision to the level of the modern channel after~12-9 ka. Similar dates of terrace incision have been reported for the Laramie and Wind River Ranges. Hypothesized causes of incision are the onset of colder climate during the middle Wisconsinan and the transition to the full-glacial climate of the late-Wisconsinan/Pinedale glaciation. Incision during the Holocene of the lower Cheyenne River is as much as~80 m and is 3 to 4 times the magnitude of incision at~63 ka and~40 ka. The magnitude of incision during the Holocene might be due to a combined effect of three geomorphic processes acting in concert: glacial isostatic rebound in lower reaches (~40 m), a change from glacial to interglacial climate, and adjustments to increased watershed area resulting from piracy of the ancestral headwaters of the Little Missouri River.
The zero-inflated negative binomial regression model (ZINB) is often employed in diverse fields s... more The zero-inflated negative binomial regression model (ZINB) is often employed in diverse fields such as dentistry, health care utilization, highway safety, and medicine, to examine relationships between exposures of interest and overdispersed count outcomes exhibiting many zeros. The regression coefficients of ZINB have latent class interpretations for a susceptible subpopulation at risk for the disease/condition under study with counts generated from a negative binomial distribution and for a non-susceptible subpopulation that provides only zero counts. The ZINB parameters, however, are not well-suited for estimating overall exposure effects, specifically, in quantifying the effect of an explanatory variable in the overall mixture population. In this paper, a marginalized zero-inflated negative binomial regression (MZINB) model for independent responses is proposed to model the population marginal mean count directly, providing straightforward inference for overall exposure effects based on maximum likelihood estimation. Through simulation studies, the performance of MZINB with respect to test size is compared to marginalized zero-inflated Poisson, Poisson, and negative binomial regression. The MZINB model is applied to data from a randomized clinical trial of three toothpaste formulations to prevent incident dental caries in a large population of Scottish schoolchildren.
Front cover. High Alcove along downstream reach of Rapid Creek, with views of a flood deposit tha... more Front cover. High Alcove along downstream reach of Rapid Creek, with views of a flood deposit that recorded the largest known flood within any of the study reaches. This flood occurred about 440 years ago and had a flow of 128,000 cubic feet per second. Inside front cover. Site of four alcoves for paleoflood investigations along downstream reach of Boxelder Creek where numerous large flows as much as 61,000 cubic feet per second were recorded by flood deposits. The flow of Boxelder Creek on this date was about 500 cubic feet per second. Insets show pit B of Snow Shovel Alcove about 50 feet to left of Kitty's Corner Alcove.
Microbial identification using effluents backflushed from exhausted urban and rural tank resins a... more Microbial identification using effluents backflushed from exhausted urban and rural tank resins and cleaned resins containing the sulfonated copolymer of styrene and divinylbenzene (SDB) were completed, along with microbial assessment of the concentrated stock salt brine. Forty-four different bacterial and fungal genera were identified. Extensive biochemical and animal virulence tests completed on one of the six bacterial salt brine isolates indicated a pathogenic staphylococcal strain. The retention of Staphylococcus aureus, a Flavobacterium sp, and Escherichia coli B bacteriophage was demonstrated both by using the nonexhausted sodium-regenerated resin and by using the same resin exchanged with different mono-, di-, and trivalent cations. Effluent counts completed after bacterial seepage through the resins indicated the Pb4---exchanged resin removed 55% of the bacteria; Na+, Fe++, and Al++ removed 31 to 36% and Ca++ and Cu++ removed about 10 to 15%. Seventy per cent or more of the bacteriophage was removed by Fe++, Cu++, and Al+++, whereas the Ca++ and Na+ cations removed 25 to 31 %. Over a 77-day period, non-
... Plant and Invertebrate Database ( databases_21ap... more ... Plant and Invertebrate Database ( databases_21april2009.xls) Format: American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), Microsoft Office Excel 97–2003 Worksheet, Windows XP Professional operating system Figures ...
One hundred ninety-two subjects completed a clinical trial to determine the effects of seven dent... more One hundred ninety-two subjects completed a clinical trial to determine the effects of seven dentifrice formulations on calculus inhibition. The double-blind study involved a ten-day control phase and a ten-day experimental phase. For the control phase, subjects were evaluated for calculus present, received a prophylaxis and had pre-weighed mylar strips attached to the lingual surfaces of the mandibular incisors to harvest mineral deposits. Subjects were then assigned the placebo dentifrice for unsupervised twice-daily use and were required to report once a day for a supervised mouthrinse using a 1:3 dilution of the dentrifice. The experimental phase was identical except that subjects were allocated the experimental dentifices using a stratified random assignment based on age, gender and the initial presence of calculus. Simple linear regression analyses of the dry and ash log weights obtained from the strips were performed. The results showed no statistically significant difference...
Anthropomorphic climate change presents a challenge to Wind Cave National Park (WICA) natural res... more Anthropomorphic climate change presents a challenge to Wind Cave National Park (WICA) natural resource management because it is characterized by large uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of park and National Park Service (NPS) staff. This report (1) documents the process, results, and management implications of a 2009 scenario planning exercise for incorporating climate change into natural resource management planning at WICA; (2) presents the results of a follow-up study that quantitatively simulated responses of WICA’s hydrological and ecological systems to specific climate projections; (3) places these climate projections and the general climate scenarios used in the scenario planning exercise in the broader context of available climate projections; and (4) compares the natural resource management implications derived from the two approaches. Results of the quantitative simulations suggest that, even in a future with precipitation higher than historically, streamf...
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 2007
... John F. Stamm*, Shawn M. Chartrand*, Stacey Porter*, Dipankar Sen** ... Cross hatched area is... more ... John F. Stamm*, Shawn M. Chartrand*, Stacey Porter*, Dipankar Sen** ... Cross hatched area is McClellan Ranch, light green pattern (solid) downstream of McClellan Ranch is Blackberry Farms Golf Course. Arrows show locations of trenches. ...
Stream piracy substantially affected the geomorphic evolution of the Missouri River watershed and... more Stream piracy substantially affected the geomorphic evolution of the Missouri River watershed and drainages within, including the Little Missouri, Cheyenne, Belle Fourche, Bad, and White Rivers. The ancestral Cheyenne River eroded headward in an annular pattern around the eastern and southern Black Hills and pirated the headwaters of the ancestral Bad and White Rivers after~660 ka. The headwaters of the ancestral Little Missouri River were pirated by the ancestral Belle Fourche River, a tributary to the Cheyenne River that currently drains much of the northern Black Hills. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating techniques were used to estimate the timing of this piracy event at~22-21 ka. The geomorphic evolution of the Cheyenne and Belle Fourche Rivers is also expressed by regionally recognized strath terraces that include (from oldest to youngest) the Sturgis, Bear Butte, and Farmingdale terraces. Radiocarbon and OSL dates from fluvial deposits on these terraces indicate incision to the level of the Bear Butte terrace by~63 ka, incision to the level of the Farmingdale terrace at~40 ka, and incision to the level of the modern channel after~12-9 ka. Similar dates of terrace incision have been reported for the Laramie and Wind River Ranges. Hypothesized causes of incision are the onset of colder climate during the middle Wisconsinan and the transition to the full-glacial climate of the late-Wisconsinan/Pinedale glaciation. Incision during the Holocene of the lower Cheyenne River is as much as~80 m and is 3 to 4 times the magnitude of incision at~63 ka and~40 ka. The magnitude of incision during the Holocene might be due to a combined effect of three geomorphic processes acting in concert: glacial isostatic rebound in lower reaches (~40 m), a change from glacial to interglacial climate, and adjustments to increased watershed area resulting from piracy of the ancestral headwaters of the Little Missouri River.
Stream piracy substantially affected the geomorphic evolution of the Missouri River watershed and... more Stream piracy substantially affected the geomorphic evolution of the Missouri River watershed and drainages within, including the Little Missouri, Cheyenne, Belle Fourche, Bad, and White Rivers. The ancestral Cheyenne River eroded headward in an annular pattern around the eastern and southern Black Hills and pirated the headwaters of the ancestral Bad and White Rivers after~660 ka. The headwaters of the ancestral Little Missouri River were pirated by the ancestral Belle Fourche River, a tributary to the Cheyenne River that currently drains much of the northern Black Hills. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating techniques were used to estimate the timing of this piracy event at~22-21 ka. The geomorphic evolution of the Cheyenne and Belle Fourche Rivers is also expressed by regionally recognized strath terraces that include (from oldest to youngest) the Sturgis, Bear Butte, and Farmingdale terraces. Radiocarbon and OSL dates from fluvial deposits on these terraces indicate incision to the level of the Bear Butte terrace by~63 ka, incision to the level of the Farmingdale terrace at~40 ka, and incision to the level of the modern channel after~12-9 ka. Similar dates of terrace incision have been reported for the Laramie and Wind River Ranges. Hypothesized causes of incision are the onset of colder climate during the middle Wisconsinan and the transition to the full-glacial climate of the late-Wisconsinan/Pinedale glaciation. Incision during the Holocene of the lower Cheyenne River is as much as~80 m and is 3 to 4 times the magnitude of incision at~63 ka and~40 ka. The magnitude of incision during the Holocene might be due to a combined effect of three geomorphic processes acting in concert: glacial isostatic rebound in lower reaches (~40 m), a change from glacial to interglacial climate, and adjustments to increased watershed area resulting from piracy of the ancestral headwaters of the Little Missouri River.
The zero-inflated negative binomial regression model (ZINB) is often employed in diverse fields s... more The zero-inflated negative binomial regression model (ZINB) is often employed in diverse fields such as dentistry, health care utilization, highway safety, and medicine, to examine relationships between exposures of interest and overdispersed count outcomes exhibiting many zeros. The regression coefficients of ZINB have latent class interpretations for a susceptible subpopulation at risk for the disease/condition under study with counts generated from a negative binomial distribution and for a non-susceptible subpopulation that provides only zero counts. The ZINB parameters, however, are not well-suited for estimating overall exposure effects, specifically, in quantifying the effect of an explanatory variable in the overall mixture population. In this paper, a marginalized zero-inflated negative binomial regression (MZINB) model for independent responses is proposed to model the population marginal mean count directly, providing straightforward inference for overall exposure effects based on maximum likelihood estimation. Through simulation studies, the performance of MZINB with respect to test size is compared to marginalized zero-inflated Poisson, Poisson, and negative binomial regression. The MZINB model is applied to data from a randomized clinical trial of three toothpaste formulations to prevent incident dental caries in a large population of Scottish schoolchildren.
Front cover. High Alcove along downstream reach of Rapid Creek, with views of a flood deposit tha... more Front cover. High Alcove along downstream reach of Rapid Creek, with views of a flood deposit that recorded the largest known flood within any of the study reaches. This flood occurred about 440 years ago and had a flow of 128,000 cubic feet per second. Inside front cover. Site of four alcoves for paleoflood investigations along downstream reach of Boxelder Creek where numerous large flows as much as 61,000 cubic feet per second were recorded by flood deposits. The flow of Boxelder Creek on this date was about 500 cubic feet per second. Insets show pit B of Snow Shovel Alcove about 50 feet to left of Kitty's Corner Alcove.
Microbial identification using effluents backflushed from exhausted urban and rural tank resins a... more Microbial identification using effluents backflushed from exhausted urban and rural tank resins and cleaned resins containing the sulfonated copolymer of styrene and divinylbenzene (SDB) were completed, along with microbial assessment of the concentrated stock salt brine. Forty-four different bacterial and fungal genera were identified. Extensive biochemical and animal virulence tests completed on one of the six bacterial salt brine isolates indicated a pathogenic staphylococcal strain. The retention of Staphylococcus aureus, a Flavobacterium sp, and Escherichia coli B bacteriophage was demonstrated both by using the nonexhausted sodium-regenerated resin and by using the same resin exchanged with different mono-, di-, and trivalent cations. Effluent counts completed after bacterial seepage through the resins indicated the Pb4---exchanged resin removed 55% of the bacteria; Na+, Fe++, and Al++ removed 31 to 36% and Ca++ and Cu++ removed about 10 to 15%. Seventy per cent or more of the bacteriophage was removed by Fe++, Cu++, and Al+++, whereas the Ca++ and Na+ cations removed 25 to 31 %. Over a 77-day period, non-
... Plant and Invertebrate Database ( databases_21ap... more ... Plant and Invertebrate Database ( databases_21april2009.xls) Format: American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), Microsoft Office Excel 97–2003 Worksheet, Windows XP Professional operating system Figures ...
One hundred ninety-two subjects completed a clinical trial to determine the effects of seven dent... more One hundred ninety-two subjects completed a clinical trial to determine the effects of seven dentifrice formulations on calculus inhibition. The double-blind study involved a ten-day control phase and a ten-day experimental phase. For the control phase, subjects were evaluated for calculus present, received a prophylaxis and had pre-weighed mylar strips attached to the lingual surfaces of the mandibular incisors to harvest mineral deposits. Subjects were then assigned the placebo dentifrice for unsupervised twice-daily use and were required to report once a day for a supervised mouthrinse using a 1:3 dilution of the dentrifice. The experimental phase was identical except that subjects were allocated the experimental dentifices using a stratified random assignment based on age, gender and the initial presence of calculus. Simple linear regression analyses of the dry and ash log weights obtained from the strips were performed. The results showed no statistically significant difference...
Anthropomorphic climate change presents a challenge to Wind Cave National Park (WICA) natural res... more Anthropomorphic climate change presents a challenge to Wind Cave National Park (WICA) natural resource management because it is characterized by large uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of park and National Park Service (NPS) staff. This report (1) documents the process, results, and management implications of a 2009 scenario planning exercise for incorporating climate change into natural resource management planning at WICA; (2) presents the results of a follow-up study that quantitatively simulated responses of WICA’s hydrological and ecological systems to specific climate projections; (3) places these climate projections and the general climate scenarios used in the scenario planning exercise in the broader context of available climate projections; and (4) compares the natural resource management implications derived from the two approaches. Results of the quantitative simulations suggest that, even in a future with precipitation higher than historically, streamf...
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 2007
... John F. Stamm*, Shawn M. Chartrand*, Stacey Porter*, Dipankar Sen** ... Cross hatched area is... more ... John F. Stamm*, Shawn M. Chartrand*, Stacey Porter*, Dipankar Sen** ... Cross hatched area is McClellan Ranch, light green pattern (solid) downstream of McClellan Ranch is Blackberry Farms Golf Course. Arrows show locations of trenches. ...
Papers by John Stamm