Ufuk Özbek
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Papers by Ufuk Özbek
radially symmetrical and isopolar. Their shape is oblate-spheroidal with the polar axes 21.6–34.56 μm and the equatorial axes 23.04–33.6 μm. The pollens are trizonocolporate. The outline is elliptic in equatorial view and triangular in polar view; amb intersemiangular. Exine sculpturing is
echinate. Inter-spinal region exhibits perforate and microreticulate–perforate ornamentations. Numerical analysis revealed that dimensions of the pollen grains and surface ornamentation are the most reliable characters for delimiting the taxa within the genus.
radially symmetrical and isopolar. Their shape is oblate-spheroidal with the polar axes 21.6–34.56 μm and the equatorial axes 23.04–33.6 μm. The pollens are trizonocolporate. The outline is elliptic in equatorial view and triangular in polar view; amb intersemiangular. Exine sculpturing is
echinate. Inter-spinal region exhibits perforate and microreticulate–perforate ornamentations. Numerical analysis revealed that dimensions of the pollen grains and surface ornamentation are the most reliable characters for delimiting the taxa within the genus.