Papers by Vassilios Manimanis
Размотрили смо Анаксименова схватања о формирању Земље и звезда, која се заснивају на акумулацији... more Размотрили смо Анаксименова схватања о формирању Земље и звезда, која се заснивају на акумулацији и "разређивању" првобитне супстанце, и дискутујемо неке сличне карактеристике са данашњом научном теоријом формирања звезда, посебно философово мишљење о ватреној природи звезда, које одражава теорије о производњи енергије у њиховој унутрашњости.
We examine Anaximenes account on the formation of Earth and stars, which is based
on the accumulations and "thinning" of the primal substance, and discuss some similar
characteristics with the scientific theory of star formation, while the philosopher's
reference to the fiery nature of stars reflects the theories of energy production in their
We report the results of the second large campaign of photometric observations for the small-ampl... more We report the results of the second large campaign of photometric observations for the small-amplitude delta Scuti star GSC 4778-00324, detected in the course of a multi-site campaign aiming at monitoring V1162 Ori. We confirm the presence of the same two frequencies as found in the first analysis based on the 2000-2001 data.
The views of the ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosophers from Ionia opened new paths for the stud... more The views of the ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosophers from Ionia opened new paths for the study of nature using human logic. Starting from the worship of the Earth as a goddess, they proceeded to examine its position in the Cosmos (Universe), proposing a spherical shape for our planet. They pioneered the unifying approach for the physical world, assuming one element as the basis for everything in the Universe (this was water for Thales, air for Anaximenes, infinity for Anaximander, fire for Heraclitus). The genesis and the decay of worlds succeed one another eternally. Anaximenes believed, like Anaximander, that our world was not the only one that existed. Heraclitus believed that, of the vast richness of the natural creation with its unpredictable changes, nothing remains stable and motionless. There is not constancy, but only an eternal flow, a perpetual motion. This is exactly what we accept today in quantum physics; the apparent stability and immobility is an illusion of our limited senses. According to Heraclitus, matter is constantly transformed. All the natural philosophers of Ionia distanced God the Creator from nature and history, keeping always a respect for the beliefs of their fellow people; most probably they, too, kept a form of God in an area of their minds, in his spiritual and moral dimension.
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
Резиме. Да би размотрили утицај небеске митологије и прецесије Земљине осе ротације на уметност, ... more Резиме. Да би размотрили утицај небеске митологије и прецесије Земљине осе ротације на уметност, разматрамо овде могућу везу између античких статуа грчких богова и сазвежђа, односно такозваних астрономских ера. Наиме да ли Мосхофорос (носач телета) у музеју на Акропољу у Атини има везе са ером Бика, у току које је сазвежђе тога имена (Taurus) садржало тачку пролећне равнодневице ( ), или можда статуа Криофорос (носач овна) из Аполоновог храма у Куриу (Кипар) означава еру Овна (Aries). На крају, да ли Ихтхис (риба) у катакомбама и на поду катедрале у Калимносу означава не само Исуса Христа, него такође и еру Риба (Pisces)?
Papers by Vassilios Manimanis
We examine Anaximenes account on the formation of Earth and stars, which is based
on the accumulations and "thinning" of the primal substance, and discuss some similar
characteristics with the scientific theory of star formation, while the philosopher's
reference to the fiery nature of stars reflects the theories of energy production in their
We examine Anaximenes account on the formation of Earth and stars, which is based
on the accumulations and "thinning" of the primal substance, and discuss some similar
characteristics with the scientific theory of star formation, while the philosopher's
reference to the fiery nature of stars reflects the theories of energy production in their