Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi solusi agar pelaksanaan modifikasi kamar operasi bertek... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi solusi agar pelaksanaan modifikasi kamar operasi bertekanan negatif dapat memiliki hasil yang optimal dan memenuhi standar K3, RSUD Dr Soetomo Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah diagram fishbone, USG, dan analisis SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan maka langkah-langkah solusi yang dilakukan dimulai dengan membuat denah ruangan tata udara ruang negatif pressure, membuat perincian biaya pekerjaan instalasi, dan menyusun schedule pelaksanaan istalasi yang meliputi tahap pekerjaan persiapan, tahap pekerjaan pengadaan unit, tahap pekerjaan instalasi ducting, pekerjaan pengkabelan, dan tahap test commissioning.
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang semakin pesat satu dekade ini mencakup berba... more Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang semakin pesat satu dekade ini mencakup berbagai sektor termasuk bidang kesehatan. RSUD Kota Madiun membuat inovasi baru di tahun 2021 dengan mengimplementasikan sistem informasi untuk registrasi pasien rawat jalan sebagai perkembangan sekaligus solusi untuk berbagai keterbatasan yang ada sejak pandemi covid-19. Sistem registrasi pasien online di RSUD Kota Madiun telah berjalan selama hampir satu tahun dengan mencatatkan lebih dari tujuh ribu pasien yang telah menggunakannya. Untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Behavioral Intention pasien rawat jalan RSUD Kota Madiun terhadap sistem registrasi online berdasarkan model UTAUT (Universal Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology). Kuesioner berdasarkan UTAUT diberikan pada 164 responden yang merupakan pasien rawat jalan RSUD Kota Madiun. Analisis data penelitian dilakukan dengan metode Partial Least Square menggunakan Smart PLS 3.0. Pengaruh konstruk model UTAUT terha...
Tujuan dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Faktor – faktor yang menyebabkan m... more Tujuan dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Faktor – faktor yang menyebabkan masih adanya stunting dan strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi kejadian stunting di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Dolo. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah Metode USG (Urgency, Seriousness, Growth) merupakan satu diantara metode untuk menentukan prioritas. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari kegiatan residensi dengan Topik “Strategi dalam upaya pencegahan stunting diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Dolo adalah Melakukan koordinasi dengan Puskesmas, Pemerintah desa, bidan desa, kader posyandu dan masyarakat setempat terkait pencegahan stunting, Memberikan penyuluhan dan edukasi tentang pencegahan, bahaya dan penanggulangan stunting secara langsung dan melalui media pamflet, Mengikuti kegiatan Posyandu dan melakukan pemantauan status gizi terhadap anak 0-59 bulan dan Evaluasi dari strategi yang telah dibuat adalah dengan melakukan koordinasi dengan Kepala Puskesmas, Pem...
Background: Early of initiation breastfeeding (EIB) can reduce the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) an... more Background: Early of initiation breastfeeding (EIB) can reduce the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). The COVID-19 pandemic reduced early initiation of breastfeeding activities. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, access to essential services such as breastfeeding counseling in hospitals has been disrupted. Purpose: The purpose of this study is that researchers want to examine the implementation of the EIB by health workers in the maternity room of "Aisyiyah Ponorogo" General Hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The research used was qualitative with a case study design. The social situation in this study was delivery support health workers in the Maternity Room and Perinatology Room with informants consisting of five implementing midwives and six implementing nurses. The data collection process was carried out until the data collected experienced data saturation. Data validity was tested using source triangulation, namely patients ...
Background: Hospitals as institutions providing health services must keep abreast of technologica... more Background: Hospitals as institutions providing health services must keep abreast of technological developments, so as to be able to compete in a healthy manner with other hospitals to create the best service quality for customers. The purpose of the study was to determine the evaluation of linen management at Madiun hospital city in 2020.Methods: Observational research design using descriptive qualitative method. The selection of informants through primary data and secondary data. The number of main informants is 4 people and triangulation informants are 3 people. This research uses interview, documentation and triangulation techniques. Collecting data using in-depth interviews, observation and documentation studies. The research was conducted at the Madiun hospital city in March-April 2021. The data analysis techniques used data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing.Results: The results of research that has been carried out at the Madiun hospital city regarding eval...
Background: With the times, Convention Radiography (RK) was replaced by Digital Radiography (RD) ... more Background: With the times, Convention Radiography (RK) was replaced by Digital Radiography (RD) because film printing is more efficient, archiving can be done digitally, reducing the risk of losing film due to file backups, and is more environmentally friendly because it does not require chemicals. The purpose of the study was to analyze the perceived ease of use influence on the radiographer's confidence from the digital radiography tool so that word of mouth was achieved to other radiographers at the Covid-19 Referral Hospital.Methods: Design observational research with a cross-sectional approach. The population of all radiographers from 180 Covid 19 referral hospitals has used Digital Radiography. A sample of 170 respondents with cluster random sampling technique. The variables in the study were perceived ease of use, quality of service, user confidence and word of mounth. Research instruments use questionnaire sheets. The analysis used is bivariate analysis and path analysi...
Patient evaluation of health services is based on patient experience. The patient experience aspe... more Patient evaluation of health services is based on patient experience. The patient experience aspect can be interpreted as a treatment or action from a health worker who is currently or has been undergoing, felt and borne by someone who uses health services. The purpose of this study is to analyze influence response time and service quality of health workers on outpatient satisfaction at the Talango Health Center, Sumenep Regency. The design of this research is an observational quantitative research with a cross sectional approach with the focus of the research being directed at analyzing influence response time and service quality of health workers on outpatient satisfaction at the Talango Health Center, Sumenep Regency. The total population is 191 respondents and a sample of 117 respondents is taken by using Simple Random Sampling technique. In the study, it was found that most of the respondents had a fast response time category as many as 98 respondents (83.76%). Most of the resp...
Background: One way to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus to health workers is to adhere to... more Background: One way to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus to health workers is to adhere to the use of personal protective equipment. Increased compliance by health workers will increase awareness of the dangers of Covid-19 infection. Methods: Use a cross-sectional approach to design and conduct a descriptive analysis of the research. The population of all health workers at the Usada Buana Inpatient Main Clinic Surabaya, with a sample of 102, was determined by a proportional random sampling technique. Structural Model Analysis (SEM-PLS) with significance T Value > 1.64, with steps: designing a measurement model (outer model), designing a structural model (inner model), constructing a path diagram, converting a path diagram to a system of equations, estimating path coefficient, loading, and weight, evaluating the goodness of fit, and hypothesis testing. Results: The results showed that 48% of the excessive or low intentions of health workers in the use of COVID-19 PPE can very well be explained by attitudes (X1), subjective norms (X2), and perceptions of behavioral control (X3). In the meantime, 65.1% of the excessive or low adherence to COVID-19 PPE in medical examiners can be defined with the aid of the version used in this study (the model idea of deliberate conduct), and other variables outside this study version explain the rest (34.1%). Conclusion: Attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral controls can affect compliance with PPE use through intention mediation. Further studies are also endorsed to behavior research on the layout of instructional interventions based totally on the Theory of planned conduct in enhancing medical experts' compliance with adherence to PPE.
Latar belakang: Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS) merupakan sarana pendukung yang sa... more Latar belakang: Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS) merupakan sarana pendukung yang sangat penting bahkan telah menjadi kebutuhan mutlak bagi rumah sakit. Berkembangya teknologi informasi dan komunikasi membuat peran SIMRS menjadi semakin tinggi dalam pelayanan rumah sakit. Pendaftaran online menjadi bagian dari SIMRS yang dapat secara langsung dirasakan manfaatnya oleh pasien karena secara langsung berinteraksi dengan pasien atau keluarga pasien. RSUD SLG Kediri telah memiliki SIMRS yang beroperasi sampai saat ini untuk menunjang pelayanannya. Pendaftaran online di RSUD SLG telah diluncurkan melalui aplikasi android namun hingga sekarang penggunaannya masih sangat minim sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi. Metode: Melakukan studi lapangan melalui penelusuran dokumen terkait SIMRS, wawancara dengan stakeholder, dan pengamatan secara langsung di lapangan. Brainstorming dan focus group discussion dilakukan untuk identifikasi masalah melalui diagram fishbone, menentukan priori...
Introduction: The various management development interventions that have been implemented seem to... more Introduction: The various management development interventions that have been implemented seem to have not identified the characteristics of the role model, perceived control, and understanding of the Management Development Program (MDP) itself. The MDP effectiveness evaluation model also seems to have not received much attention. Analyze the influence of the characteristics of the Management Development Program, i.e., role models, feelings of control, and understanding that result in organizational commitment, utility, and participatory Behavior. Methods: The research population was 130 employees of NUH Jombang. Samples were taken using a simple random sampling technique of 100 employees from various work units. Statistical analysis used is path analysis to determine the direct and indirect effect on organizational commitment, utility, and participation behavior. Results: The higher MDP characteristics that consist of role model, perceived control, and understanding will be followe...
Wounds are damage to tissue structures and normal anatomical functions as a result of pathologica... more Wounds are damage to tissue structures and normal anatomical functions as a result of pathological processes originating from internal and external that hit certain organs. Wounds can be classified based on anatomical structure, properties, the healing process, and length of healing. The literature review aims to find out the modern application of the wound care-related wound healing process. Literature review through several stages, namely making questions, identification, eligibility, selection of article inclusion, and screening. The Selection Process is listed in the framework of the review literature and obtained the results of article 7 articles. The data showed different results adjusted to the system and the conditions of where the research was conducted. The results of the reviewed article focus on explaining the patient's comfort level and more significant healing process. Modern wound care application has been proven to provide comfort to patients in carrying out the ...
The number of ventilators in Indonesia is considered insufficient, encouraging a number of privat... more The number of ventilators in Indonesia is considered insufficient, encouraging a number of private institutions and educational institutions to create many ventilator innovations, but there are still many ventilator prototypes that have not passed the BPFK testing. This study aims to identify the factors that cause the prototype has not passed BPFK testing and determine strategies that can be applied by BPFK Surabaya and socialize them. The method used to analyze the problem and its solution is fishbone diagram, USG, and SWOT analysis, while in evaluating the understanding of the participants in the socialization, pretest and posttest were used which were analyzed using paired t-test. The results showed that the main factor causing the problem was that the specification guidelines used were still general in nature and had not fully paid attention to the patient safety aspect, so the aggressive strategy developed was to create new specification guidelines. The results of the evaluation data analysis using the t-test showed that the value of Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a significant increase in knowledge after the socialization of the new specification guidelines.
Journal of Community Engagement in Health, Sep 25, 2018
Keluarga memiliki peran yang begitu penting bagi lansia yang menderita hipertensi khususnya dalam... more Keluarga memiliki peran yang begitu penting bagi lansia yang menderita hipertensi khususnya dalam pemberian diet. Peran tersebut antara lain membimbing dan memecahkan masalah sehingga pemberian diet pada lansia dengan hipertensi dapat dikelola dengan baik oleh keluarga. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia. Faktor-faktornya adalah pengetahuan, sikap, umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, ketersediaan fasilitas kesehatan, dan tenaga kesehatan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 30 responden. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa (a) ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia ; (b) ada hubungan antara sikap dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia ; (c) ada hubungan antara umur dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia; (d) tidak ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia; (e) tidak ada hubungan antara pendidikan dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia; (f) tidak ada hubungan antara ketersediaan fasilitas kesehatan dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia; (g) tidak ada hubungan antara tenaga kesehatan dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia. Keluarga perlu menyadari tentang pentingnya perannya dalam menjaga atau memantau nutrisi yang diberikan pada lansia dengan hipertensi. Keluarga dan penderita hipertensi harus bekerja sama agar penderita hipertensi patuh menjalani diet rendah garam agar tekanan darah penderita hipertensi dapat terkontrol dengan baik. Pada penelitian ini bahwa tingkat Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan terhadap Pengetahuan Lansia di Posyandu Lansia Kelurahan Manisrenggo sebelum kita melakukan penyuluhan pada lansia dari 23 responden memiliki kategori cukup atau 43% dari 23 responden yaitu 10 responden. Namun, setelah kita melakukan penyuluhan tentang pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan lansia mengalami kenaikan dari 43% kategori cukup menjadi 52% memiliki kategori baik yaitu 12 orang.
Health facilities, in collaboration with BPJS Kesehatan, must organize health care efforts that a... more Health facilities, in collaboration with BPJS Kesehatan, must organize health care efforts that are promotive, preventative, curative and rehabilitative. BPJS Kesehatan must collaborate with health facilities to implement a service quality control system and payment system for the efficiency and effectiveness of health insurance. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the performance of Puskesmas services in Jombang Regency, and to evaluate patient contact numbers, the ratio of non-specialist outpatient referrals and the ratio of Prolanis participants at health center services in Jombang Regency. This was qualitative research with a case study design. There were nine informants, including the Head of BLUD Puskesmas. Puskesmas contact numbers in Jombang Regency did not reach the target (150 permil). The outpatient referral ratio of non-specialist cases reached the target (less than 1%). The ratio of regular Prolanis participants visiting FKTP reached the target (≥ 50%), but in ...
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium Tuberculosis where a third of the... more Tuberculosis is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium Tuberculosis where a third of the world's population is estimated to have been infected by the disease and has become the center of world attention with many control efforts that have been carried out, incidents that have attracted the attention of health workers in the form of death , although the death rate has decreased, new TB cases continue to increase this is caused by the lack of education and undisciplined behavior by tuberculosis sufferers. The purpose of this study is knowledge and behavior of taking medication before health education, knowledge and behavior of taking medication after health education and analyzing the effect of health education on the application of the Health Belief Model theory on knowledge and behavior of taking medication in tuberculosis patients in the working area of the Batang-Batang Health Center. This research is a quantitative pre-experimental approach with a cross sectional s...
In an effort to improve the health status of the Indonesian people, the quality of hospital servi... more In an effort to improve the health status of the Indonesian people, the quality of hospital services must always be improved through easy access to health facilities. One way is to use an online-based registration service system. This literature review aims to examine some of the problems that occur in online-based registration services. The method used is by conducting a review of various journals on international and online-based registration services in Indonesia, in the 2010-2019 period. Searching for journals using ResearchGate and Google Scholar, the journals that are looking for are journals in the health sector, after several screenings and reviews that match the theme, 22 journals are obtained. The use of an online-based registration service system can reduce the length of patient queues when registering before getting service from a doctor. Several hospitals in Indonesia have used online-based registration services, but there are still many obstacles. This obstacle can occ...
Lately there has been attention to work dissatisfaction and declining quality. Most people find i... more Lately there has been attention to work dissatisfaction and declining quality. Most people find it difficult to motivate themselves, therefore it is not surprising that motivating others is a difficult and complicated task. Motivation indicates the process of movement, including the encouraging situation that arises within the individual, the behavior caused by the situation and the purpose or end of the movement or action. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of nurse characteristics with work motivation in Wamena Hospital inpatient room. This type of research is quantitative with an observational approach. The population is the entire nursing plant in Wamena Hospital with 186 people. Large samples were taken as many as 64 respondents. Sampling techniques used in this study is a simple random sampling technique. Based on the results of the study it is known that there is a meaningful relationship between age, working period and position with work motivation. Wh...
Increase in the human population and the state of the economy more advanced, giving impact public... more Increase in the human population and the state of the economy more advanced, giving impact public awareness of health increase. Increasing visitors in the hospital, so the hospital have to increase the facilities to existing and improve the quality of services given. These are aiming that the patients will be served rapidly and well. Purpose of this research is to analyze increasing trend the number of patient visits in terms of marketing mix done Hospital HVA Toeloengredjo, Pare. This research using design descriptive research by analysis time series using moving average with a model ARIMA. Observational research methodology, with the subject is the medical record and marketing officer, as well as its object is the data on thenumber of patient visits new and old patient. The results of testing model got that model ARIMA (1,1,0) is a model that can be used to do a forecast or estimate of. The prediction of visitors keeps increasing, where predictions the number of visits all patient...
Consumers have relationship and sensorial experience with products / services that tend to use th... more Consumers have relationship and sensorial experience with products / services that tend to use the product / service repeatedly. relationship and sensorial experience that consumers have for products / services can prevent switching intention. The research objective was to determine the effect of relationship and sensorial experience on switching intention on inpatient services at RSIA Puri. This study used a cross sectional quantitative method. The population in this study were all inpatient service consumers who were being treated at RSIA Puri. The total sample size of 78 respondents was determined using purposive sampling technique with inclusion and exclusion criteria. The independent variable is relationship and sensorial experience, the dependent variable is the switching intention behavior of inpatient service consumers at RSIA Puri. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression. The results of the study simultaneously relationship and sensorial experience have a significa...
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi solusi agar pelaksanaan modifikasi kamar operasi bertek... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi solusi agar pelaksanaan modifikasi kamar operasi bertekanan negatif dapat memiliki hasil yang optimal dan memenuhi standar K3, RSUD Dr Soetomo Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah diagram fishbone, USG, dan analisis SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan maka langkah-langkah solusi yang dilakukan dimulai dengan membuat denah ruangan tata udara ruang negatif pressure, membuat perincian biaya pekerjaan instalasi, dan menyusun schedule pelaksanaan istalasi yang meliputi tahap pekerjaan persiapan, tahap pekerjaan pengadaan unit, tahap pekerjaan instalasi ducting, pekerjaan pengkabelan, dan tahap test commissioning.
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang semakin pesat satu dekade ini mencakup berba... more Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang semakin pesat satu dekade ini mencakup berbagai sektor termasuk bidang kesehatan. RSUD Kota Madiun membuat inovasi baru di tahun 2021 dengan mengimplementasikan sistem informasi untuk registrasi pasien rawat jalan sebagai perkembangan sekaligus solusi untuk berbagai keterbatasan yang ada sejak pandemi covid-19. Sistem registrasi pasien online di RSUD Kota Madiun telah berjalan selama hampir satu tahun dengan mencatatkan lebih dari tujuh ribu pasien yang telah menggunakannya. Untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Behavioral Intention pasien rawat jalan RSUD Kota Madiun terhadap sistem registrasi online berdasarkan model UTAUT (Universal Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology). Kuesioner berdasarkan UTAUT diberikan pada 164 responden yang merupakan pasien rawat jalan RSUD Kota Madiun. Analisis data penelitian dilakukan dengan metode Partial Least Square menggunakan Smart PLS 3.0. Pengaruh konstruk model UTAUT terha...
Tujuan dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Faktor – faktor yang menyebabkan m... more Tujuan dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Faktor – faktor yang menyebabkan masih adanya stunting dan strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi kejadian stunting di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Dolo. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah Metode USG (Urgency, Seriousness, Growth) merupakan satu diantara metode untuk menentukan prioritas. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari kegiatan residensi dengan Topik “Strategi dalam upaya pencegahan stunting diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Dolo adalah Melakukan koordinasi dengan Puskesmas, Pemerintah desa, bidan desa, kader posyandu dan masyarakat setempat terkait pencegahan stunting, Memberikan penyuluhan dan edukasi tentang pencegahan, bahaya dan penanggulangan stunting secara langsung dan melalui media pamflet, Mengikuti kegiatan Posyandu dan melakukan pemantauan status gizi terhadap anak 0-59 bulan dan Evaluasi dari strategi yang telah dibuat adalah dengan melakukan koordinasi dengan Kepala Puskesmas, Pem...
Background: Early of initiation breastfeeding (EIB) can reduce the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) an... more Background: Early of initiation breastfeeding (EIB) can reduce the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). The COVID-19 pandemic reduced early initiation of breastfeeding activities. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, access to essential services such as breastfeeding counseling in hospitals has been disrupted. Purpose: The purpose of this study is that researchers want to examine the implementation of the EIB by health workers in the maternity room of "Aisyiyah Ponorogo" General Hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The research used was qualitative with a case study design. The social situation in this study was delivery support health workers in the Maternity Room and Perinatology Room with informants consisting of five implementing midwives and six implementing nurses. The data collection process was carried out until the data collected experienced data saturation. Data validity was tested using source triangulation, namely patients ...
Background: Hospitals as institutions providing health services must keep abreast of technologica... more Background: Hospitals as institutions providing health services must keep abreast of technological developments, so as to be able to compete in a healthy manner with other hospitals to create the best service quality for customers. The purpose of the study was to determine the evaluation of linen management at Madiun hospital city in 2020.Methods: Observational research design using descriptive qualitative method. The selection of informants through primary data and secondary data. The number of main informants is 4 people and triangulation informants are 3 people. This research uses interview, documentation and triangulation techniques. Collecting data using in-depth interviews, observation and documentation studies. The research was conducted at the Madiun hospital city in March-April 2021. The data analysis techniques used data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing.Results: The results of research that has been carried out at the Madiun hospital city regarding eval...
Background: With the times, Convention Radiography (RK) was replaced by Digital Radiography (RD) ... more Background: With the times, Convention Radiography (RK) was replaced by Digital Radiography (RD) because film printing is more efficient, archiving can be done digitally, reducing the risk of losing film due to file backups, and is more environmentally friendly because it does not require chemicals. The purpose of the study was to analyze the perceived ease of use influence on the radiographer's confidence from the digital radiography tool so that word of mouth was achieved to other radiographers at the Covid-19 Referral Hospital.Methods: Design observational research with a cross-sectional approach. The population of all radiographers from 180 Covid 19 referral hospitals has used Digital Radiography. A sample of 170 respondents with cluster random sampling technique. The variables in the study were perceived ease of use, quality of service, user confidence and word of mounth. Research instruments use questionnaire sheets. The analysis used is bivariate analysis and path analysi...
Patient evaluation of health services is based on patient experience. The patient experience aspe... more Patient evaluation of health services is based on patient experience. The patient experience aspect can be interpreted as a treatment or action from a health worker who is currently or has been undergoing, felt and borne by someone who uses health services. The purpose of this study is to analyze influence response time and service quality of health workers on outpatient satisfaction at the Talango Health Center, Sumenep Regency. The design of this research is an observational quantitative research with a cross sectional approach with the focus of the research being directed at analyzing influence response time and service quality of health workers on outpatient satisfaction at the Talango Health Center, Sumenep Regency. The total population is 191 respondents and a sample of 117 respondents is taken by using Simple Random Sampling technique. In the study, it was found that most of the respondents had a fast response time category as many as 98 respondents (83.76%). Most of the resp...
Background: One way to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus to health workers is to adhere to... more Background: One way to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus to health workers is to adhere to the use of personal protective equipment. Increased compliance by health workers will increase awareness of the dangers of Covid-19 infection. Methods: Use a cross-sectional approach to design and conduct a descriptive analysis of the research. The population of all health workers at the Usada Buana Inpatient Main Clinic Surabaya, with a sample of 102, was determined by a proportional random sampling technique. Structural Model Analysis (SEM-PLS) with significance T Value > 1.64, with steps: designing a measurement model (outer model), designing a structural model (inner model), constructing a path diagram, converting a path diagram to a system of equations, estimating path coefficient, loading, and weight, evaluating the goodness of fit, and hypothesis testing. Results: The results showed that 48% of the excessive or low intentions of health workers in the use of COVID-19 PPE can very well be explained by attitudes (X1), subjective norms (X2), and perceptions of behavioral control (X3). In the meantime, 65.1% of the excessive or low adherence to COVID-19 PPE in medical examiners can be defined with the aid of the version used in this study (the model idea of deliberate conduct), and other variables outside this study version explain the rest (34.1%). Conclusion: Attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral controls can affect compliance with PPE use through intention mediation. Further studies are also endorsed to behavior research on the layout of instructional interventions based totally on the Theory of planned conduct in enhancing medical experts' compliance with adherence to PPE.
Latar belakang: Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS) merupakan sarana pendukung yang sa... more Latar belakang: Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS) merupakan sarana pendukung yang sangat penting bahkan telah menjadi kebutuhan mutlak bagi rumah sakit. Berkembangya teknologi informasi dan komunikasi membuat peran SIMRS menjadi semakin tinggi dalam pelayanan rumah sakit. Pendaftaran online menjadi bagian dari SIMRS yang dapat secara langsung dirasakan manfaatnya oleh pasien karena secara langsung berinteraksi dengan pasien atau keluarga pasien. RSUD SLG Kediri telah memiliki SIMRS yang beroperasi sampai saat ini untuk menunjang pelayanannya. Pendaftaran online di RSUD SLG telah diluncurkan melalui aplikasi android namun hingga sekarang penggunaannya masih sangat minim sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi. Metode: Melakukan studi lapangan melalui penelusuran dokumen terkait SIMRS, wawancara dengan stakeholder, dan pengamatan secara langsung di lapangan. Brainstorming dan focus group discussion dilakukan untuk identifikasi masalah melalui diagram fishbone, menentukan priori...
Introduction: The various management development interventions that have been implemented seem to... more Introduction: The various management development interventions that have been implemented seem to have not identified the characteristics of the role model, perceived control, and understanding of the Management Development Program (MDP) itself. The MDP effectiveness evaluation model also seems to have not received much attention. Analyze the influence of the characteristics of the Management Development Program, i.e., role models, feelings of control, and understanding that result in organizational commitment, utility, and participatory Behavior. Methods: The research population was 130 employees of NUH Jombang. Samples were taken using a simple random sampling technique of 100 employees from various work units. Statistical analysis used is path analysis to determine the direct and indirect effect on organizational commitment, utility, and participation behavior. Results: The higher MDP characteristics that consist of role model, perceived control, and understanding will be followe...
Wounds are damage to tissue structures and normal anatomical functions as a result of pathologica... more Wounds are damage to tissue structures and normal anatomical functions as a result of pathological processes originating from internal and external that hit certain organs. Wounds can be classified based on anatomical structure, properties, the healing process, and length of healing. The literature review aims to find out the modern application of the wound care-related wound healing process. Literature review through several stages, namely making questions, identification, eligibility, selection of article inclusion, and screening. The Selection Process is listed in the framework of the review literature and obtained the results of article 7 articles. The data showed different results adjusted to the system and the conditions of where the research was conducted. The results of the reviewed article focus on explaining the patient's comfort level and more significant healing process. Modern wound care application has been proven to provide comfort to patients in carrying out the ...
The number of ventilators in Indonesia is considered insufficient, encouraging a number of privat... more The number of ventilators in Indonesia is considered insufficient, encouraging a number of private institutions and educational institutions to create many ventilator innovations, but there are still many ventilator prototypes that have not passed the BPFK testing. This study aims to identify the factors that cause the prototype has not passed BPFK testing and determine strategies that can be applied by BPFK Surabaya and socialize them. The method used to analyze the problem and its solution is fishbone diagram, USG, and SWOT analysis, while in evaluating the understanding of the participants in the socialization, pretest and posttest were used which were analyzed using paired t-test. The results showed that the main factor causing the problem was that the specification guidelines used were still general in nature and had not fully paid attention to the patient safety aspect, so the aggressive strategy developed was to create new specification guidelines. The results of the evaluation data analysis using the t-test showed that the value of Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a significant increase in knowledge after the socialization of the new specification guidelines.
Journal of Community Engagement in Health, Sep 25, 2018
Keluarga memiliki peran yang begitu penting bagi lansia yang menderita hipertensi khususnya dalam... more Keluarga memiliki peran yang begitu penting bagi lansia yang menderita hipertensi khususnya dalam pemberian diet. Peran tersebut antara lain membimbing dan memecahkan masalah sehingga pemberian diet pada lansia dengan hipertensi dapat dikelola dengan baik oleh keluarga. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia. Faktor-faktornya adalah pengetahuan, sikap, umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, ketersediaan fasilitas kesehatan, dan tenaga kesehatan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 30 responden. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa (a) ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia ; (b) ada hubungan antara sikap dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia ; (c) ada hubungan antara umur dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia; (d) tidak ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia; (e) tidak ada hubungan antara pendidikan dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia; (f) tidak ada hubungan antara ketersediaan fasilitas kesehatan dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia; (g) tidak ada hubungan antara tenaga kesehatan dengan perilaku keluarga dalam pemberian diet hipertensi pada lansia. Keluarga perlu menyadari tentang pentingnya perannya dalam menjaga atau memantau nutrisi yang diberikan pada lansia dengan hipertensi. Keluarga dan penderita hipertensi harus bekerja sama agar penderita hipertensi patuh menjalani diet rendah garam agar tekanan darah penderita hipertensi dapat terkontrol dengan baik. Pada penelitian ini bahwa tingkat Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan terhadap Pengetahuan Lansia di Posyandu Lansia Kelurahan Manisrenggo sebelum kita melakukan penyuluhan pada lansia dari 23 responden memiliki kategori cukup atau 43% dari 23 responden yaitu 10 responden. Namun, setelah kita melakukan penyuluhan tentang pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan lansia mengalami kenaikan dari 43% kategori cukup menjadi 52% memiliki kategori baik yaitu 12 orang.
Health facilities, in collaboration with BPJS Kesehatan, must organize health care efforts that a... more Health facilities, in collaboration with BPJS Kesehatan, must organize health care efforts that are promotive, preventative, curative and rehabilitative. BPJS Kesehatan must collaborate with health facilities to implement a service quality control system and payment system for the efficiency and effectiveness of health insurance. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the performance of Puskesmas services in Jombang Regency, and to evaluate patient contact numbers, the ratio of non-specialist outpatient referrals and the ratio of Prolanis participants at health center services in Jombang Regency. This was qualitative research with a case study design. There were nine informants, including the Head of BLUD Puskesmas. Puskesmas contact numbers in Jombang Regency did not reach the target (150 permil). The outpatient referral ratio of non-specialist cases reached the target (less than 1%). The ratio of regular Prolanis participants visiting FKTP reached the target (≥ 50%), but in ...
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium Tuberculosis where a third of the... more Tuberculosis is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium Tuberculosis where a third of the world's population is estimated to have been infected by the disease and has become the center of world attention with many control efforts that have been carried out, incidents that have attracted the attention of health workers in the form of death , although the death rate has decreased, new TB cases continue to increase this is caused by the lack of education and undisciplined behavior by tuberculosis sufferers. The purpose of this study is knowledge and behavior of taking medication before health education, knowledge and behavior of taking medication after health education and analyzing the effect of health education on the application of the Health Belief Model theory on knowledge and behavior of taking medication in tuberculosis patients in the working area of the Batang-Batang Health Center. This research is a quantitative pre-experimental approach with a cross sectional s...
In an effort to improve the health status of the Indonesian people, the quality of hospital servi... more In an effort to improve the health status of the Indonesian people, the quality of hospital services must always be improved through easy access to health facilities. One way is to use an online-based registration service system. This literature review aims to examine some of the problems that occur in online-based registration services. The method used is by conducting a review of various journals on international and online-based registration services in Indonesia, in the 2010-2019 period. Searching for journals using ResearchGate and Google Scholar, the journals that are looking for are journals in the health sector, after several screenings and reviews that match the theme, 22 journals are obtained. The use of an online-based registration service system can reduce the length of patient queues when registering before getting service from a doctor. Several hospitals in Indonesia have used online-based registration services, but there are still many obstacles. This obstacle can occ...
Lately there has been attention to work dissatisfaction and declining quality. Most people find i... more Lately there has been attention to work dissatisfaction and declining quality. Most people find it difficult to motivate themselves, therefore it is not surprising that motivating others is a difficult and complicated task. Motivation indicates the process of movement, including the encouraging situation that arises within the individual, the behavior caused by the situation and the purpose or end of the movement or action. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of nurse characteristics with work motivation in Wamena Hospital inpatient room. This type of research is quantitative with an observational approach. The population is the entire nursing plant in Wamena Hospital with 186 people. Large samples were taken as many as 64 respondents. Sampling techniques used in this study is a simple random sampling technique. Based on the results of the study it is known that there is a meaningful relationship between age, working period and position with work motivation. Wh...
Increase in the human population and the state of the economy more advanced, giving impact public... more Increase in the human population and the state of the economy more advanced, giving impact public awareness of health increase. Increasing visitors in the hospital, so the hospital have to increase the facilities to existing and improve the quality of services given. These are aiming that the patients will be served rapidly and well. Purpose of this research is to analyze increasing trend the number of patient visits in terms of marketing mix done Hospital HVA Toeloengredjo, Pare. This research using design descriptive research by analysis time series using moving average with a model ARIMA. Observational research methodology, with the subject is the medical record and marketing officer, as well as its object is the data on thenumber of patient visits new and old patient. The results of testing model got that model ARIMA (1,1,0) is a model that can be used to do a forecast or estimate of. The prediction of visitors keeps increasing, where predictions the number of visits all patient...
Consumers have relationship and sensorial experience with products / services that tend to use th... more Consumers have relationship and sensorial experience with products / services that tend to use the product / service repeatedly. relationship and sensorial experience that consumers have for products / services can prevent switching intention. The research objective was to determine the effect of relationship and sensorial experience on switching intention on inpatient services at RSIA Puri. This study used a cross sectional quantitative method. The population in this study were all inpatient service consumers who were being treated at RSIA Puri. The total sample size of 78 respondents was determined using purposive sampling technique with inclusion and exclusion criteria. The independent variable is relationship and sensorial experience, the dependent variable is the switching intention behavior of inpatient service consumers at RSIA Puri. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression. The results of the study simultaneously relationship and sensorial experience have a significa...
Papers by Ratna Wardani