Papers by aghnia faradits
![Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kritis Atas “Al-Tafsīr Al-Bayāni LI Al-Qur’Ān Al-Karīm“Karya ‘Āisyah ‘Abdurrahmān Bintu Syāti’ (W. 1998 M.)](
At-Tahfidz: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Aisyah Abdurrahman or better known as Bintu Syati 'is a very famous female mufassirah in her ... more Aisyah Abdurrahman or better known as Bintu Syati 'is a very famous female mufassirah in her era. The existence of Amin al-Khulli's style of thought - who is also Bintu Syathi's teacher and husband - made Aisyah Bintu Syathi's preference in explaining or using methods in her interpretation. The book that is in the hands of this author is Bintu Syati's monumental work in the field of interpretation "Al-Tafsīr Al-Bayāni Li Al-Qur'ān Al-Karīm" which is very concerned with enthusiasts of al-Qur'an studies. This book consists of two volumes, each of which includes 7 chapters, consisting of the letters al-Dhuha, al-Insyirah, al-Zalzalah, al-A'diyat, al-Nazi'at, al-Balad, and al-Takatsur. While the second volume consists of the letters al-Alaq, al-Qalam, al-Ashr, al-Lail, al-Fajr, al-Humazah and al-Ma'un. Thus this commentary only contains 14 short suras, taken from juz 'Ammah, chapter 30 of the Qur'an.After studying further, the st...
![Research paper thumbnail of Poligami Dalam Tradisi Tafsir Dan Relevansinya Terhadap Bangsa Indonesia](
At-Tahfidz: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Poligami yang hingga saat ini masih hangat dbahas, apalagi sekarang para ‘pelaku’ banyak mendir... more Poligami yang hingga saat ini masih hangat dbahas, apalagi sekarang para ‘pelaku’ banyak mendirikan lembaga khusus seolah menandakan bahwa poligami dianjurkan bahkan mendekati wajib, Sebenarnya beberapa tahun pasca wafatnya Nabi Muhammad, para mufassir sudah menafsirkan ayat poligami (an-Nisa’:3) untuk kemudian dicari asbab annuzul, tasir hinngga hikmah yang di dapat. Salah satu Mufassir yang turut menafsirkan ayat ini adalah Muhammad Abduh dalam karya tafsirnya al-Manar. Muhammad Abduh berkata: “Siapa yang merenungkan dua ayat tersebut (QS. Al-Nisâ’ [4]: 3 & 129), maka ia akan tahu bahwa ruang kebolehan berpoligami dalam Islam adalah ruang sempit. Seakan-akan ia merupakan suatu darurat yang hanya bisa dibolehkan bagi yang membutuhkannya dengan syarat yang bersangkutan diyakini bisa menegakkan keadilan dan tidak mungkin melakukan kezaliman. Ia juga menuturkan bahwa ruang kebolehan berpoligami itu adalah ruang sempit. Selain itu Perundang-Undangan Republik Indonesia sebenarnya su...
![Research paper thumbnail of Pendekatan Tafsiriyah Jalalainiyah Abdul Ra’uf Singkel Dalam Turjuman al-Mustafid](
The book of Turjuman al-Mustafid is considered as the first commentary written in full 30 Juz in ... more The book of Turjuman al-Mustafid is considered as the first commentary written in full 30 Juz in Malay. Researchers who have con- ducted the study gave different opinions about the source of writing this book. This paper is an attempt to further trace the originality of the book Turjuman al-Mustafid and determine the position of Abdul Ra’uf Singkel and Baba Daud al-Rumi in writing. The research step that the writer did consisted of two parts. First, comparing the testimo- ny of David al-Rumi in the colophon of the book with systematic and verse interpretation methods. Secondly, studying the position of women in the book Turjuman al-Mustafid by comparative methods using the commentary book al-Baidhawi and al-Jalalain suspected of being the source of this commentary. The result is, the writer concludes that the book Turjuman al-Mustafid is the adaptation work (explanation of the commentary) Abdul Ra’uf from the book of Tafsir al-Jalalain, while ot- her parts of the Faidah and Qisshah ...
Jurnal AT TAHFIZH, Dec 27, 2020
Jurnal AT TAHFIZH, Jul 7, 2021
Presentation given at the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Statesboro, GA
Papers by aghnia faradits