Adoption of children in Islam can adjust to the habits (‘urf) of the community as long as it does... more Adoption of children in Islam can adjust to the habits (‘urf) of the community as long as it does not conflict with the principles of syara’. Likewise family life in Indonesian society still implements the habit of breastfeeding children (radhā ‘) to others. One of the Ijtihad ‘A’isyah believes that a child who is close to reaching baligh can become a maḥram with a mother who is breastfeeding him. This opinion must be understood by the principle of ihtiyāṭ (caution). Observing the authority of the Religious Court in determining the status of adopted children who adhere to the principle that between adopted children and adoptive parents is not a muhrim so they must maintain genitalia. Therefore ijtihad ‘A’isyah is an opportunity to be enforced by emphasizing the age limit of adopted children who are allowed to breastfeed, so that adopted children have the status of maḥram
As a book containing miracles, in literature, the miracles of the Quran have been proven by ʻĀʼis... more As a book containing miracles, in literature, the miracles of the Quran have been proven by ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼ through her theory i‘jāz lughawī. She showed the importance of the correct method of interpretation of the Qurʼan from aspects of tarāduf (synonym). However, despite following the rule of "there is no word that has the same meaning (tarāduf) in the Quran" as commonly known in the theory of iʻjāz al-qur’ān (the inimitability of the Qurʼān), her thoughts on tarāduf and its implications for the istinbāṭ (inference) of Islamic law are still unclear. Hence, this article discusses the relation and influence of ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼs thoughts related to verses of laws. By studying the book of al-I’jāz al-Bayānī lil Qur`ān wa Masā’il Ibn al-Azraq and other relevance sources, this article concludes that ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼs thoughts related to verses of laws are still abstract and difficult to be applied, hence it does not give a significant influence on the streng...
Abstrak: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep milku al-yamīn dalam al-Qur’ān, apak... more Abstrak: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep milku al-yamīn dalam al-Qur’ān, apakah maknanya sebuah alternatif penyaluran seksual ataukah ini berupa gambaran tradisi yang terjadi di kalangan masyarakat Arab sebelum Islam. Penelitian yang dilakukan Muḥammad Syaḥrūr menunjukkan keabsahaan hubungan seks di luar nikah dengan memahami makna milku al-yamīn di era kontemporer ini adalah kontrak yang dilakukan antara laki dan perempuan untuk melakukan hubungan seksual. Dengan hasil penelitiannya tersebut memunculkan pro kontra dan problematik di tengah masyarakat Indonesia. Sebagai kesimpulannya, untuk menjembatani serta mendalami makna milku al-yamīn dalam kajian tafsir tematik, maka makna milku al-yamīn itu adalah budak perempuan yang didapat lewat peperangan, tidak termasuk maknanya cara-cara selainnya. Sedangkan kebolehan untuk bergaul dengan mereka itu bukan untuk pelampiasan hasrat seksual, akan tetapi secara historis sebagai upaya untuk mengangkat derajat budak setara...
Qiyâs in Islamic law has progressed considerably that made it seems not as simple as the first fo... more Qiyâs in Islamic law has progressed considerably that made it seems not as simple as the first form. It started from rustic concept of al-Syafi’i that identified only ‘illat (reason) that contained in text, it was progressed forward by al-Ghazali, al-Syarthibiy, and so forth. Every scholar in ushul fiqh had each learning processes, corrections, describing, improving, and reconstructing new formulas about qiyâs. If it is compared with same concept in positive law, there is a formula called Law Analogy. Basically, there are no different concept between law analogy and qiyâs. Yet, qiyâs has more detail explanation and complicated. Qiyâs has four steps in indentifying problem that analogy does not have. This paper maintained that concept of analogy in positive law is as simple as the first formula of qiyâs when it introduced as Islamic legal discovery method. Konsep qiyās dalam hukum Islam telah mengalami perkembangan panjang yang mengantarkan terwujudnya tampilan yang tidak sederhana l...
Revealing and also criticizing Amina Wadud's interpretation of feminist hermeneutics in the conte... more Revealing and also criticizing Amina Wadud's interpretation of feminist hermeneutics in the context of women's leadership in the public field of modern era is the aim of this article. To understanding God's messages contained in His words is certainly not easy and requires a special method that is popularly referred to as takwil and tafsir. On the other hand, the dynamics of human culture development are constantly evolving and almost unstoppable which will indirectly also affect the interpretation of the Qur'an. Many various methods of interpretation were introduced by scholars to explore their contents from classical methods to modern methods. Among the emerging modern methods is the hermeneutics feminism which was pioneered by Amina Wadud. According to him the classical interpretation model is no longer relevant to the modern context, especially in terms of addressing gender. Nearly the results of the classical interpretation are gender deviations and take side to male. Therefore, the interpretation of the Qur'an is expectedly just, and then the interpretation model should be adjusted to the modern context rather than looking at the past, especially with regard to the position of women. This paper will highlight this event using a socio-historical approach and content analysis. In addition, references related to the patterns of Islam integrity and culture will be used with a comparative pattern. The conclusion of this research is that Wadud based his interpretation method on the language, justice, and equality aspects. According to him,a woman can be a leader both in the domestic and public today. Wadud set his opinion based on the textual meaning consideration of the verse without considering the hadith explanation.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep milku al-yamīn dalam al-Qur'ān, apakah maknanya... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep milku al-yamīn dalam al-Qur'ān, apakah maknanya sebuah alternatif penyaluran seksual ataukah ini berupa gambaran tradisi yang terjadi di kalangan masyarakat Arab sebelum Islam. Penelitian yang dilakukan Muḥammad Syaḥrūr menunjukkan keabsahaan hubungan seks di luar nikah dengan memahami makna milku al-yamīn di era kontemporer ini adalah kontrak yang dilakukan antara laki dan perempuan untuk melakukan hubungan seksual. Dengan hasil penelitiannya tersebut memunculkan pro kontra dan problematik di tengah masyarakat Indonesia. Sehubungan dengan menjembatani serta mendalami makna milku al-yamīn dalam kajian tafsir tematik. Sebagai kesimpulannya makna milku al-yamīn itu adalah budak perempuan yang didapat lewat peperangan, tidak termasuk maknanya cara-cara selainnya. Sedangkan kebolehan untuk bergaul dengan mereka itu bukan untuk pelampiasan hasrat seksual, akan tetapi secara historis sebagai upaya untuk mengangkat derajat budak setara dengan merdeka. Konsep ini dapat dinilai sebagai jalan lain untuk menangkal diskriminasi terhadap tuduhan berbuat zina.
Renewal of Islamic thought could not be done, if the hesitant and stiff attitude of thinking stil... more Renewal of Islamic thought could not be done, if the hesitant and stiff attitude of thinking still exist on the scholars and Muslims. In contrast, progressive and dynamic attitude is very important, but caution remains a necessity. Moreover, reformation efforts demanded the authorities to be open minded in creating new law and freely performing istinbath and istidlāl in representing the substantive meaning of syara'. Studies on the progressive dimension of Islam is now starting to promoted flarely with two basic consciousness: 1) as a positive response to the world pressures that seen Islam as a religion that always slow respond to the pace of the times so that there are very strong boundary between the Islamic world and the western world. 2) as a strategy to fight extreme thoughts which always blamed on Islam with the empowerment of progressive elements in the Muslim community and bridge the gap between the Islamic world and the western world. These two things become the urgenc...
The development of a hajj fund that is so great has the potential to be used in supporting the im... more The development of a hajj fund that is so great has the potential to be used in supporting the implementation of a better quality Hajj through effective, efficient, transparent, accountable, and in accordance with the provisions of legislation. The strategy that has been taken by the Ministry of Religion to optimize the management of the Hajj fund so that its benefits can be used to improve the quality of Hajj implementation is by developing these funds through investment. But in fact, the dynamics that occur are in the BPIH deposit. When the funds are managed which constitute funds deposited by prospective pilgrims to the government (Ministry of Religion or BPKH) to finance the implementation of their pilgrimage, problems arise regarding the appropriate contract formulation to be used, whether wakalah contract, mudlarabah (profit sharing), or altogether no longer need a contract, because the government acts as a statutory power for prospective pilgrims, as consideration of the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK).
As a book containing miracles, in literature, the miracles of the Quran have been proven by ʻĀʼis... more As a book containing miracles, in literature, the miracles of the Quran have been proven by ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼ through her theory i'jāz lughawī. She showed the importance of the correct method of interpretation of the Qurʼan from aspects of tarāduf (synonym). However, despite following the rule of "there is no word that has the same meaning (tarāduf) in the Quran" as commonly known in the theory of iʻjāz al-qur'ān (the inimitability of the Qurʼān), her thoughts on tarāduf and their implications for the istinbāṭ (inference) of Islamic law are still unclear. Hence, this article discusses the relation and influence of ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼs thoughts related to verses of laws. By studying the book of al-I'jāz al-Bayānī lil Qur`ān wa Masā'il Ibn al-Azraq and other relevance sources, this article concludes that ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼs thoughts related to verses of law are still abstract and difficult to be applied, hence it does not give a significant influence on the strengthening of Islamic legal propositions. Abstrak: Al-Qur'ān sebagai kitab yang mengandung kemukjizatan, dari segi sastra, telah dibuktikan oleh ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭi' melalui teori i'jāz lughawī-nya. Ia menunjukkan betapa pentingnya metode tafsir yang benar dari aspek tarāduf (sinonim). Meskipun ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼ masih mengikuti kaidah "tidak ada lafaz tarāduf dalam al-Qurʼān", sebuah kaidah yang sudah dikenal dalam pemba-hasan iʻjāz al-qurʼān, namun pemikirannya tentang lafaz tarāduf dan implikasinya terhadap istinbāṭ hukum Islam, masih rumit. Dengan demikian, tulisan ini mendiskusikan hubungan dan pengaruh lafaẓ tarāduf (sinomim) menurut ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭi' dengan ayat-ayat hukum. Dengan mengkaji kitab al-I'jāz al-Bayānī lil Qurʼān wa Masāʼil Ibn al-Azraq dan karya-karya lain yang relevan, tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa gagasan ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼ tentang lafaz tarādūf jika dihubungkan dengan ayat-ayat hukum masih rumit dan sulit diaplikasikan sehingga tidak memberi pengaruh cukup besar terhadap penguatan dalil hukum Islam.
Adoption of children in Islam can adjust to the habits (‘urf) of the community as long as it does... more Adoption of children in Islam can adjust to the habits (‘urf) of the community as long as it does not conflict with the principles of syara’. Likewise family life in Indonesian society still implements the habit of breastfeeding children (radhā ‘) to others. One of the Ijtihad ‘A’isyah believes that a child who is close to reaching baligh can become a maḥram with a mother who is breastfeeding him. This opinion must be understood by the principle of ihtiyāṭ (caution). Observing the authority of the Religious Court in determining the status of adopted children who adhere to the principle that between adopted children and adoptive parents is not a muhrim so they must maintain genitalia. Therefore ijtihad ‘A’isyah is an opportunity to be enforced by emphasizing the age limit of adopted children who are allowed to breastfeed, so that adopted children have the status of maḥram
As a book containing miracles, in literature, the miracles of the Quran have been proven by ʻĀʼis... more As a book containing miracles, in literature, the miracles of the Quran have been proven by ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼ through her theory i‘jāz lughawī. She showed the importance of the correct method of interpretation of the Qurʼan from aspects of tarāduf (synonym). However, despite following the rule of "there is no word that has the same meaning (tarāduf) in the Quran" as commonly known in the theory of iʻjāz al-qur’ān (the inimitability of the Qurʼān), her thoughts on tarāduf and its implications for the istinbāṭ (inference) of Islamic law are still unclear. Hence, this article discusses the relation and influence of ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼs thoughts related to verses of laws. By studying the book of al-I’jāz al-Bayānī lil Qur`ān wa Masā’il Ibn al-Azraq and other relevance sources, this article concludes that ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼs thoughts related to verses of laws are still abstract and difficult to be applied, hence it does not give a significant influence on the streng...
Abstrak: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep milku al-yamīn dalam al-Qur’ān, apak... more Abstrak: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep milku al-yamīn dalam al-Qur’ān, apakah maknanya sebuah alternatif penyaluran seksual ataukah ini berupa gambaran tradisi yang terjadi di kalangan masyarakat Arab sebelum Islam. Penelitian yang dilakukan Muḥammad Syaḥrūr menunjukkan keabsahaan hubungan seks di luar nikah dengan memahami makna milku al-yamīn di era kontemporer ini adalah kontrak yang dilakukan antara laki dan perempuan untuk melakukan hubungan seksual. Dengan hasil penelitiannya tersebut memunculkan pro kontra dan problematik di tengah masyarakat Indonesia. Sebagai kesimpulannya, untuk menjembatani serta mendalami makna milku al-yamīn dalam kajian tafsir tematik, maka makna milku al-yamīn itu adalah budak perempuan yang didapat lewat peperangan, tidak termasuk maknanya cara-cara selainnya. Sedangkan kebolehan untuk bergaul dengan mereka itu bukan untuk pelampiasan hasrat seksual, akan tetapi secara historis sebagai upaya untuk mengangkat derajat budak setara...
Qiyâs in Islamic law has progressed considerably that made it seems not as simple as the first fo... more Qiyâs in Islamic law has progressed considerably that made it seems not as simple as the first form. It started from rustic concept of al-Syafi’i that identified only ‘illat (reason) that contained in text, it was progressed forward by al-Ghazali, al-Syarthibiy, and so forth. Every scholar in ushul fiqh had each learning processes, corrections, describing, improving, and reconstructing new formulas about qiyâs. If it is compared with same concept in positive law, there is a formula called Law Analogy. Basically, there are no different concept between law analogy and qiyâs. Yet, qiyâs has more detail explanation and complicated. Qiyâs has four steps in indentifying problem that analogy does not have. This paper maintained that concept of analogy in positive law is as simple as the first formula of qiyâs when it introduced as Islamic legal discovery method. Konsep qiyās dalam hukum Islam telah mengalami perkembangan panjang yang mengantarkan terwujudnya tampilan yang tidak sederhana l...
Revealing and also criticizing Amina Wadud's interpretation of feminist hermeneutics in the conte... more Revealing and also criticizing Amina Wadud's interpretation of feminist hermeneutics in the context of women's leadership in the public field of modern era is the aim of this article. To understanding God's messages contained in His words is certainly not easy and requires a special method that is popularly referred to as takwil and tafsir. On the other hand, the dynamics of human culture development are constantly evolving and almost unstoppable which will indirectly also affect the interpretation of the Qur'an. Many various methods of interpretation were introduced by scholars to explore their contents from classical methods to modern methods. Among the emerging modern methods is the hermeneutics feminism which was pioneered by Amina Wadud. According to him the classical interpretation model is no longer relevant to the modern context, especially in terms of addressing gender. Nearly the results of the classical interpretation are gender deviations and take side to male. Therefore, the interpretation of the Qur'an is expectedly just, and then the interpretation model should be adjusted to the modern context rather than looking at the past, especially with regard to the position of women. This paper will highlight this event using a socio-historical approach and content analysis. In addition, references related to the patterns of Islam integrity and culture will be used with a comparative pattern. The conclusion of this research is that Wadud based his interpretation method on the language, justice, and equality aspects. According to him,a woman can be a leader both in the domestic and public today. Wadud set his opinion based on the textual meaning consideration of the verse without considering the hadith explanation.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep milku al-yamīn dalam al-Qur'ān, apakah maknanya... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep milku al-yamīn dalam al-Qur'ān, apakah maknanya sebuah alternatif penyaluran seksual ataukah ini berupa gambaran tradisi yang terjadi di kalangan masyarakat Arab sebelum Islam. Penelitian yang dilakukan Muḥammad Syaḥrūr menunjukkan keabsahaan hubungan seks di luar nikah dengan memahami makna milku al-yamīn di era kontemporer ini adalah kontrak yang dilakukan antara laki dan perempuan untuk melakukan hubungan seksual. Dengan hasil penelitiannya tersebut memunculkan pro kontra dan problematik di tengah masyarakat Indonesia. Sehubungan dengan menjembatani serta mendalami makna milku al-yamīn dalam kajian tafsir tematik. Sebagai kesimpulannya makna milku al-yamīn itu adalah budak perempuan yang didapat lewat peperangan, tidak termasuk maknanya cara-cara selainnya. Sedangkan kebolehan untuk bergaul dengan mereka itu bukan untuk pelampiasan hasrat seksual, akan tetapi secara historis sebagai upaya untuk mengangkat derajat budak setara dengan merdeka. Konsep ini dapat dinilai sebagai jalan lain untuk menangkal diskriminasi terhadap tuduhan berbuat zina.
Renewal of Islamic thought could not be done, if the hesitant and stiff attitude of thinking stil... more Renewal of Islamic thought could not be done, if the hesitant and stiff attitude of thinking still exist on the scholars and Muslims. In contrast, progressive and dynamic attitude is very important, but caution remains a necessity. Moreover, reformation efforts demanded the authorities to be open minded in creating new law and freely performing istinbath and istidlāl in representing the substantive meaning of syara'. Studies on the progressive dimension of Islam is now starting to promoted flarely with two basic consciousness: 1) as a positive response to the world pressures that seen Islam as a religion that always slow respond to the pace of the times so that there are very strong boundary between the Islamic world and the western world. 2) as a strategy to fight extreme thoughts which always blamed on Islam with the empowerment of progressive elements in the Muslim community and bridge the gap between the Islamic world and the western world. These two things become the urgenc...
The development of a hajj fund that is so great has the potential to be used in supporting the im... more The development of a hajj fund that is so great has the potential to be used in supporting the implementation of a better quality Hajj through effective, efficient, transparent, accountable, and in accordance with the provisions of legislation. The strategy that has been taken by the Ministry of Religion to optimize the management of the Hajj fund so that its benefits can be used to improve the quality of Hajj implementation is by developing these funds through investment. But in fact, the dynamics that occur are in the BPIH deposit. When the funds are managed which constitute funds deposited by prospective pilgrims to the government (Ministry of Religion or BPKH) to finance the implementation of their pilgrimage, problems arise regarding the appropriate contract formulation to be used, whether wakalah contract, mudlarabah (profit sharing), or altogether no longer need a contract, because the government acts as a statutory power for prospective pilgrims, as consideration of the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK).
As a book containing miracles, in literature, the miracles of the Quran have been proven by ʻĀʼis... more As a book containing miracles, in literature, the miracles of the Quran have been proven by ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼ through her theory i'jāz lughawī. She showed the importance of the correct method of interpretation of the Qurʼan from aspects of tarāduf (synonym). However, despite following the rule of "there is no word that has the same meaning (tarāduf) in the Quran" as commonly known in the theory of iʻjāz al-qur'ān (the inimitability of the Qurʼān), her thoughts on tarāduf and their implications for the istinbāṭ (inference) of Islamic law are still unclear. Hence, this article discusses the relation and influence of ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼs thoughts related to verses of laws. By studying the book of al-I'jāz al-Bayānī lil Qur`ān wa Masā'il Ibn al-Azraq and other relevance sources, this article concludes that ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼs thoughts related to verses of law are still abstract and difficult to be applied, hence it does not give a significant influence on the strengthening of Islamic legal propositions. Abstrak: Al-Qur'ān sebagai kitab yang mengandung kemukjizatan, dari segi sastra, telah dibuktikan oleh ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭi' melalui teori i'jāz lughawī-nya. Ia menunjukkan betapa pentingnya metode tafsir yang benar dari aspek tarāduf (sinonim). Meskipun ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼ masih mengikuti kaidah "tidak ada lafaz tarāduf dalam al-Qurʼān", sebuah kaidah yang sudah dikenal dalam pemba-hasan iʻjāz al-qurʼān, namun pemikirannya tentang lafaz tarāduf dan implikasinya terhadap istinbāṭ hukum Islam, masih rumit. Dengan demikian, tulisan ini mendiskusikan hubungan dan pengaruh lafaẓ tarāduf (sinomim) menurut ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭi' dengan ayat-ayat hukum. Dengan mengkaji kitab al-I'jāz al-Bayānī lil Qurʼān wa Masāʼil Ibn al-Azraq dan karya-karya lain yang relevan, tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa gagasan ʻĀʼisha Bint al-Shāṭiʼ tentang lafaz tarādūf jika dihubungkan dengan ayat-ayat hukum masih rumit dan sulit diaplikasikan sehingga tidak memberi pengaruh cukup besar terhadap penguatan dalil hukum Islam.
Papers by Maizul Imran