Papers by anelise fonseca
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira
Hospice & Palliative Medicine International Journal
This brief communication aims to present a discussion on spirituality in health, in Brazil, from ... more This brief communication aims to present a discussion on spirituality in health, in Brazil, from a focus group. Spirituality is a little explored topic in the health area; however, its importance grows exponentially. The need to insert this theme is relevant to improve care practice and even more so that it can better manage your emotions, seek self-awareness and, consequently, reduce burn out. It was a focus group formed by a multidisciplinary health team that, over the course of a year, discussed the theme based on the manual of spiritual care of the Spanish Society of Palliative Care. Among the results achieved, the importance of inserting the theme as an opportunity for professional growth, with consequent improvement in assistance and even more, personal due to the help in the search for the meaning of one's life, stands out. Among the conclusions, promoting a study group on spirituality in health makes it possible to develop a more systematic care approach, focusing on the...
Espiritualidade em gerontologia: reflexões sobre o cuidado de si e do outro
The Integrated Care is an alternative to the current health care, focusing on acute diseases and ... more The Integrated Care is an alternative to the current health care, focusing on acute diseases and can contribute to improving the quality of life for seniors with coordination done by nurses. This study verifies that this care improves the quality of life of elderly assessed by measurement of quality of life and use of health services. The selection shows a trend of improvement in quality of life and reducing the use of health services. There is a need to standardize the terms conceptual, detail the practices and assists to reduce the gaps in the methodology of the studies so there is comparability between programs. Descriptors: Case management. Health planning. Delivery of health care. Elderly. Quality-of-life.
Integrated care is an alternative model, which can contribute to improving the quality of life, e... more Integrated care is an alternative model, which can contribute to improving the quality of life, especially of elderly patients with chronic diseases. This doctoral thesis, divided into two parts, discusses the roots of this model and points, in a systematic review, as the model is practiced at present and the most widely used performance indicators. The second part demonstrates the results of an integrated care model practiced in the city of Rio de Janeiro and discusses the barriers to expansion of the model in the private health insurance system in Brazil. Among the benefits of the model, the thesis points out the reduction in the number of hospitalizations. This is an indicator that should be measured as indirectly demonstrates an improvement in the health status of elderly patients with chronic diseases. We also found that for the expansion of the model, there is a need to break certain barriers such as the lack of standardization of the name, the methodological shortcomings of e...
Population aging is a reality all over the world, requiring a change in the way care is perceived... more Population aging is a reality all over the world, requiring a change in the way care is perceived and resources are divided for different age groups. In Brazil, current indicators and projections place the country among those with the highest number of elderly people. By contrast, there is a shortage of action plans and interand multi-disciplinary teams, as well as public policies and professionals, focusing on the elderly, in part as a consequence of an accelerated aging process in developing countries. Within this context, the SEQUOIA Institute (IS) was created to attend to this process by monitoring the overall health of patients. The institute’s routine work includes clinical actions, team meetings, socialization projects and lectures. The IS features a 10% yearly growth in medical assistance, a 20% rise in psychological treatments, and a 50% increase in lecture attendance.
Geriatrics, gerontology and aging, 2013
Revista Bioética, 2021
Resumo O objetivo do artigo é conhecer a abordagem de equipes de emergência à assistência de paci... more Resumo O objetivo do artigo é conhecer a abordagem de equipes de emergência à assistência de pacientes com doença crônica avançada, na perspectiva dos cuidados paliativos. O texto traz resultados de revisão integrativa que buscou artigos em cinco bases de dados, utilizando os descritores “serviços médicos de emergência”, “equipe de assistência ao paciente”, “atitude do pessoal de saúde” e “cuidados paliativos”. Inicialmente, foram identificadas 12.290 publicações, reduzidas, após análise, a uma amostra final de 26 artigos. Entre as principais medidas mencionadas na literatura para levar os cuidados paliativos à emergência, estão: plano de cuidados individualizado e flexível; gestão de redes; acesso à equipe de cuidados paliativos; comunicação empática; identificação dos pacientes elegíveis; e controle de sintomas. Conclui-se que as equipes de emergência precisam reconhecer a importância dos cuidados paliativos nesse serviço, redirecionando o cuidado concentrado em “salvar vidas” par...
Hospice and Palliative Medicine International Journal, 2017
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa, 2018
O cuidado integrado é um modelo cujo diferencial é a presença de uma coordenação de ações assistê... more O cuidado integrado é um modelo cujo diferencial é a presença de uma coordenação de ações assistências realizadas de forma contínua. Seu objetivo é melhorar a qualidade de vida de uma população, principalmente de idosos e de portadores de doenças crônicas. Há muita discussão a respeito dos resultados desse modelo em função das diferentes práticas encontradas. Este artigo se propõe a demonstrar os resultados de um modelo de cuidado integrado, através de uma coorte retrospectiva, pertencente a uma operadora de saúde da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Neste artigo, os indicadores de desempenho utilizados foram o número de idas a emergência e o número de internações. Foi verificado uma redução em ambos indicadores, contudo há a necessidade de melhorias na metodologia de avaliação para o alcance de resultados mais robustos.
Field Actions Science Reports the Journal of Field Actions, Sep 1, 2011
Un service privé multidisciplinaire pour les soins des personnes du troisième âge Instituto SEQUO... more Un service privé multidisciplinaire pour les soins des personnes du troisième âge Instituto SEQUOIA : Un servicio privado y multidisciplinario de atención a las personas de la tercera edad
Enfermagem Revista, 2014
The Integrated Care is an alternative to the current health care, focusing on acute diseases and ... more The Integrated Care is an alternative to the current health care, focusing on acute diseases and can contribute to improving the quality of life for seniors with coordination done by nurses. This study verifies that this care improves the quality of life of elderly assessed by measurement of quality of life and use of health services. The selection shows a trend of improvement in quality of life and reducing the use of health services. There is a need to standardize the terms conceptual, detail the practices and assists to reduce the gaps in the methodology of the studies so there is comparability between programs. Descriptors: Case management. Health planning. Delivery of health care. Elderly. Quality-of-life.
Scientia Medica, Dec 29, 2010
Objetivos: este artigo discute o papel da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva na perspectiva dos idosos ... more Objetivos: este artigo discute o papel da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva na perspectiva dos idosos portadores de doenças crônicas em fase avançada, considerando que o local pode ser uma das alternativas de alocação desses enfermos e, nesses casos, os cuidados paliativos representam valiosas ferramentas de trabalho. Fonte de dados: foram revisados artigos dos últimos 10 anos no portal PubMed, utilizando os descritores Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, Cuidados Paliativos, Critical Care Unit e Palliative Care. Síntese dos dados: a interseção entre cuidados paliativos e a Unidade de Terapia Intensiva deve ser entendida no contexto das mudanças no padrão das doenças e na longevidade dos portadores das doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis. Os cuidados paliativos são intervenções clínicas direcionadas aos pacientes portadores de enfermidades cuja progressão provoca sinais e sintomas desconfortantes, inclusive com elementos associados à instabilidade clínica. As práticas da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva têm como premissa o restabelecimento da fisiologia, e para atingir seu objetivo aplicam recursos farmacológicos, próteses e dispositivos artificiais. A necessidade de utilizar as medidas paliativas na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva foi vislumbrada a partir de informações sobre a elevada prevalência de dor e de outros sintomas de sofrimento e angústia, seja para o paciente, seja para sua família ou para a equipe que o assiste. Conclusões: é preciso reforçar aos profissionais da saúde que os cuidados paliativos não são incompatíveis com a Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Ao contrário, sua relevância evidencia-se na maneira com que as suas ações auxiliam no direcionamento do conforto.
Revista Brasileira de terapia intensiva, 2012
The use of interventionist medical technology in terminal elderly patients must be associated wit... more The use of interventionist medical technology in terminal elderly patients must be associated with palliative care as a measure of clinical support in intensive care units. Palliative care is an important component of end-of-life care, and the assistance provided by the healthcare team should be guided by decisions made by patients and their family members. Prolongation of life not accompanied by therapies aimed at relieving symptoms, such as pain and dyspnea, contributes to patient and family member stress suffering. The aim of the present study was to survey advances made in the application of palliative care in intensive care units. Medline and Bireme were used to perform a systematic literature review of intensive care units-based palliative care for elderly patients. A total of 29 articles describing palliative care in intensive care units were analyzed according to the variables "satisfaction of relatives when they participate in the discussions on palliative care" a...
Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva, 2012
Objective: The use of interventionist medical technology in terminal elderly patients must be ass... more Objective: The use of interventionist medical technology in terminal elderly patients must be associated with palliative care as a measure of clinical support in intensive care units. Palliative care is an important component of end-of-life care, and the assistance provided by the healthcare team should be guided by decisions made by patients and their family members. Prolongation of life not accompanied by therapies aimed at relieving symptoms, such as pain and dyspnea, contributes to patient and family member stress suffering. The aim of the present study was to survey advances made in the application of palliative care in intensive care units. Methods: Medline and Bireme were used to perform a systematic literature review of intensive care units-based palliative care for elderly patients. Results: A total of 29 articles describing palliative care in intensive care units were analyzed according to the variables "satisfaction of relatives when they participate in the discussions on palliative care" and "difficulties to implement such type of care due to lack of technical skills of the health caregivers." Conclusion: Palliative care for elderly patients in intensive care units must be more thoroughly investigated to improve the relationships and communication among patients, their relatives, and the healthcare team. As greater numbers of elderly patients are admitted to intensive care units, the skills of health caregivers must improve to meet the challenges posed by the end-of-life care.
Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica, 2013
Os cuidados paliativos formam um conjunto de intervenções aplicadas em doenças quando não há pers... more Os cuidados paliativos formam um conjunto de intervenções aplicadas em doenças quando não há perspectiva de cura e exigem um conhecimento do médico que ultrapassa o controle de sinais e sintomas. O desenvolvimento desta área do cuidado no Brasil tornou-se evidente nos últimos dez anos e culminou com o reconhecimento da especialidade médica em 2011. Falar sobre morte na graduação implica abordar o treinamento em habilidades como comunicação, trabalho em equipe e suporte à família, além do controle de sinais e sintomas, para que se possa oferecer cuidados ao final de vida com qualidade e minimizar o sofrimento de quem enfrenta a fase de terminalidade da doença. A inclusão dos cuidados paliativos na graduação do ensino médico é uma opção a ser discutida nos currículos atuais para que se possa estimular a capacidade técnica especializada nesta área do saber e difundir as técnicas de cuidado para qualquer especialidade médica.
Coelho da O cuidado integrado no sistema de saúde suplementar no Brasil: um modelo de atenção à s... more Coelho da O cuidado integrado no sistema de saúde suplementar no Brasil: um modelo de atenção à saúde para o idoso portador de doenças crônicas. / Anelise Coelho da Fonseca. --2015. 156 f. : tab.
Field Actions Science Reports the Journal of Field Actions, Sep 1, 2011
Population aging is a reality all over the world, requiring a change in the way care is perceived... more Population aging is a reality all over the world, requiring a change in the way care is perceived and resources are divided for different age groups. In Brazil, current indicators and projections place the country among those with the highest number of elderly people. By contrast, there is a shortage of action plans and inter-and multidisciplinary teams, as well as public policies and professionals, focusing on the elderly, in part as a consequence of an accelerated aging process in developing countries. Within this context, the SEQUOIA Institute (IS) was created to attend to this process by monitoring the overall health of patients. The institute's routine work includes clinical actions, team meetings, socialization projects and lectures. The IS features a 10% yearly growth in medical assistance, a 20% rise in psychological treatments, and a 50% increase in lecture attendance.
Papers by anelise fonseca