Papers by anna-maria mayer

Although research has overwhelmingly demonstrated the negative consequences of perceived racial-e... more Although research has overwhelmingly demonstrated the negative consequences of perceived racial-ethnic discrimination on children’s and youth’s well-being and academic outcomes, context- and perpetrator-specific discrimination experiences are rarely disaggregated. Racial-ethnic discrimination in the school environment is common, and the perpetrators are often teachers who may treat racial-ethnic minority students unfairly. This work used a three-level multilevel approach to meta-analytically synthesize existing evidence with the aim of 1) documenting the links between perceived teacher-based racial-ethnic discrimination (TBRED) and students’ psychological, behavioral, physical well-being, substance use, grade point average and school motivation, and 2) examining whether these associations differ by sample and study characteristics. Based on 68 studies and 259 effect size estimates, we found that perceived TBRED is linked to lower well-being (r = -0.15, 95% [-0.18, -0.12]), higher su...

In a 2AFC-Experiment, participants are usually asked to respond as fast and as accurate as possib... more In a 2AFC-Experiment, participants are usually asked to respond as fast and as accurate as possible. This instruction results in a conflict of strategies: If a participant responds accurately, the velocity of the response decreases. If a participant responds fast, wrong reactions are made more frequently. Wrong reactions are often excluded from the analysis f.e. of average reaction times (= reduced-sample estimator). From a statistical point of view, a wrong reaction results in a censoring problem, which could be resolved with the Kaplan-Meier method or an adapted version of the Aalen-Johansen estimator. Wrong reactions are sometimes caused by guessing trials. If guessing trials are subtracted from the data, theoretically, the "true" performance should be estimated even more accurately. The Kaplan-Meier method, the Aalen-Johansen estimator and a combination of both with the Kill-the-Twin procedure should lead to more accurate, hence more reliable estimations of median reac...

Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2022
BACKGROUND Dementia in people with intellectual disability (ID) is frequent but hard to recognise... more BACKGROUND Dementia in people with intellectual disability (ID) is frequent but hard to recognise. Evidence-based recommendations for suitable instruments are lacking. AIMS The present study set out to evaluate informant-based dementia assessment instruments and to provide evidence-based recommendations for instruments most suitable in clinical practice and research. METHOD AND PROCEDURES A systematic review was conducted across ten international electronic databases. The COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) guidelines, including a risk of bias assessment, was applied to extract information and to evaluate measurement properties and the quality of available evidence. OUTCOMES AND RESULTS In total, 42 studies evaluating 18 informant-based assessment instruments were analysed. For screening purposes, we recommend the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in Down Syndrome Scale (BPSD-DS), the Cognitive Scale for Down Syndrome (CS-DS), and the Dementia Screening Questionnaire for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (DSQIID). For a more thorough dementia assessment, we recommend the Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorders of Older People with Down's Syndrome and Others with Intellectual Disabilities (CAMDEX-DS). CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Our study informs clinicians and researchers about adequate, well-evaluated dementia assessment instruments for people with ID, and highlights the need for high quality studies, especially regarding content validity.
Although it is often rightly pointed out that transitional justice (TJ) practices historically em... more Although it is often rightly pointed out that transitional justice (TJ) practices historically emerged in the global South, the academic discourses on what ‚real' justice constitutes remain highly occupied and determined by white scholars from the global north. These scholars strongly tend to frame justice on a narrow understanding of violence which reduces a violent ‚past' to physical acts of a clearly defined space and time. Especially the western philosophical tradition of liberal humanism posits that all human beings are equal and therefore share the same basic human rights (essentialism). Thus ignoring the complex entanglements of different structures of oppression (class, race, gender) ABOUT WARUM BRETTERBLOG?
Although it is often rightly pointed out that transitional justice (TJ) practices historically em... more Although it is often rightly pointed out that transitional justice (TJ) practices historically emerged in the global South, the academic discourses on what ‚real' justice constitutes remain highly occupied and determined by white scholars from the global north. These scholars strongly tend to frame justice on a narrow understanding of violence which reduces a violent ‚past' to physical acts of a clearly defined space and time. Especially the western philosophical tradition of liberal humanism posits that all human beings are equal and therefore share the same basic human rights (essentialism). Thus ignoring the complex entanglements of different structures of oppression (class, race, gender) ABOUT WARUM BRETTERBLOG?

Personality and Individual Differences, 2020
Health-promoting and health-endangering humor styles as measured with the Humor Styles Questionna... more Health-promoting and health-endangering humor styles as measured with the Humor Styles Questionnaire have been repeatedly associated with personality traits. Yet, a comprehensive meta-analysis of all currently available studies on this topic as well as an exploration of the highly heterogeneous effect sizes found in this literature is still missing. We provide an updated overview of the literature, synthesize its results in a random effects model meta-analysis, and explore possible moderators. An extensive literature search identified 24 studies from 13 countries (N = 11,791). Health-promoting humor styles were positively correlated with extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness, and negatively correlated with neuroticism. Health-endangering humor styles were positively associated with neuroticism and negatively associated with agreeableness and conscientiousness. Between-study heterogeneity ranged from I 2 = 41% to 96% and could be only partially explained by moderator variables. The effects appear robust with respect to individual studies, publication bias, and measurement error, and appear mostly generalizable across sexes, sample composition, and continent. Further research is required to examine these associations in less developed countries, possible moderators for the high amount of effect size heterogeneity, and the development of these associations across the lifespan.

Feminist Media Studies, 2019
Within "Western" controversies, the headscarf is stylised as a symbol of "oppression" and "backwa... more Within "Western" controversies, the headscarf is stylised as a symbol of "oppression" and "backwardness" while "unveiling" is simultaneously associated with "self-determination" and "modernity". As object of a critical discourse analysis, this dichotomisation was also found in Austrian women's magazines; "the veiled" Muslim woman was constructed as "traditional" and appeared mostly as an "object" of speech. "The unveiled" woman, however, was more frequently featured directly in interviews, typically thematising "modern"-i.e., "Western" assimilated-lifestyles and ways of dressing. Strikingly however, by drawing on Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's concept of subalternity, we conclude that also the more "visible" or "hearable" discourse position-even if it seems to provide Muslim women with agency at first glance-similarly colludes in a further silencing of Muslim women.
Papers by anna-maria mayer