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      Military HistoryPopular CultureRepublicanismUrban History
In this article, Dafney Blanca Dabach highlights how little is known about undocumented youth’s political socialization in formal school settings. Like all students, undocumented students are routinely placed into citizenship courses in... more
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      Social Studies EducationImmigrationCivic EducationUndocumented Immigration
The intergenerational transmission of political orientations has been the topic of considerable research over the past few decades, but much of the evidence remains limited to two-party systems. In this study, we use data from the first... more
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      Political SocializationYouth PoliticsPolitical Discussion
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      Political SociologyPolitical SciencePolitical Socialization
This book is part of a new series designed to provide a genuinely global basis to the theory and practice of adult education and learning worldwide.
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      Social ChangeAdult EducationEducational ResearchForeign Policy
De quelle manière les enfants appréhendent-ils les différences sociales qui constituent l’univers dans lequel ils grandissent ? Perçoivent-ils les disparités de revenus, les inégalités de statuts, les hiérarchies symboliques ou les... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodEarly Childhood EducationSocializationPolitical Socialization
After the establishment of interwar Czechoslovakia in 1918 it was evident that the political culture of population and the support of state by its citizens in Slovakia represented a serious problem. The role of the emerging political... more
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      Political Socialization20th CenturyParty IdentificationPoliticization
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      Early Childhood EducationPolitical SocializationSocialisationPresidential Politics
"This contribution focuses on the processes of introduction to student unions, militant socialization, and by extension to the resource that this type of capital can constitute for political professionalization. Biographical interviews... more
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      Collective ActionStudent EngagementPolitical SocializationYouth activism
This summarizing study examines how contemporary young people use news and news media and how is this news consumption related to the level of their civic engagement. While findings of many studies suggest that today’s youth are not... more
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      Political SocializationYouth Civic EngagementCitizenshipNews Media
Scholars of political socialization are paying increasing attention to how the Internet might help cure the civic disengagement of youth. This content analysis of a sample of 73 U.S.-based civic Web sites for youth introduces a framework... more
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      Information TechnologyPolitical ScienceContent AnalysisPolitical communication
Direct democracy, participatory democracy, direct democratic traditions, France, Switzerland, USA, institutional design, terminology, models, Eastern Europe, East-Central Europe, referendum, popular initiative, quorum, functions of... more
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      Political ParticipationParticipatory DesignPolitical SocializationDirect Democracy
This inquiry attempts to address the question: How has the Singapore city-state used its education system in integrating three important cornerstones of nation-building? Using selected data from the National Orientations of Singaporeans... more
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      National IdentityPolitical SocializationCitizenshipEducation Policies in Singapore
Broszura, poza podstawą, zawiera pozycję: "Komentarz do podstawy programowej przedmiotu wiedza o społeczeństwie na II etapie edukacyjnym" autorstwa mojego oraz Janusza Korzeniowskiego, Łukasza Zamęckiego, Barbary Freier-Pniok i Roberta... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationCivic EducationPolitical Socialization
Basé sur une étude de policières et de policiers suisses récemment entrés dans le métier, cet article montre d’abord que tous les individus interrogés n’adhèrent pas de la même manière au pessimisme social qui domine dans le monde... more
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      SocializationPoliceTrainingPolitical Socialization
Thèse en science politique, spécialisation sociologie politique comparée, sous la direction de Florence Haegel. Introduction présentée ici.
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      Gay And Lesbian StudiesPolitical SocializationSocialisationGender Socialisation
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      Art HistoryHistoriographyIdeologyPolitical Socialization
Différentes études, menées pour l'essentiel en Amérique du Nord, ont cherché à analyser l'impact de l'école, en particulier de son enseignement civique, sur le rapport des élèves au politique. En dépit des débats qui ont marqué ce champ... more
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      SocializationEducation for CitizenshipPolitical Socialization
Este artículo presenta el resultado de un análisis axiológico realizado en el espacio audiovisual de Guadalajara con la finalidad de conocer los significados simbólicos políticos de dos series televisivas infantiles: Dragon Ball Z y Los... more
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      ValuesPolitical SocializationValoresTelevision Programming
The author paints a complex portrait of the practice of teachingfor liberation. She reflects on her own role as a White middle-class woman and professor engaged with a diverse group of students developing an antiracist course. Grounded in... more
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      EducationInterpersonal CommunicationHigher EducationEmpowerment
El presente estudio busca conocer ¿cuál es la presencia de los principales agentes socializadores en materia política?, ¿cómo se desenvuelven y relacionan con los agentes socializadores?, ¿cuáles son las formas de participación que las... more
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      Political SocializationChildren's ParticipationDemocracy and Citizenship Education
Using quantitative and qualitative data, this contribution studies the effect of student experiences on the processes of political engagement. Studies involve different stages (entering university, reorientations, failures) that, because... more
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      Political SocializationActivismStudents
Maria Kamińska (1897–1983), born Maria Eiger, was a prominent activist of pre-war Communist Party of Poland, deputy member of its Central Committee. What made her exceptional amongst the party’s leadership and rank and file members, was... more
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      Self and IdentityRevolutionsCommunismBiography
i DEBATES roDeric ai camP: el reclutamiento PolÍtico en mÉXico METAPOLÍTICA núm. 83, octubre -diciembre de 2013
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      Mexican StudiesElites (Political Science)Political ElitesPolitical Socialization
En las democracias modernas existe una preocupación por la creciente falta de interés y participación de los ciudadanos en la actividad cívico-política, y en especial de la juventud. Asimismo, se tiende a pensar que los jóvenes son el... more
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      SociologyCommunicationEducationPolitical Participation
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      Social MovementsSocial PsychologyPolitical SocializationLife course
Ce texte analyse les qualités et les figures du citoyen légitime dans la sphère de l’école, en s’intéressant à la fois aux directives officielles et aux représentations et pratiques des acteurs scolaires. Les données de deux enquêtes... more
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      EducationPolitical ParticipationPolitical SocializationCitizenship
This paper will explore the role that the media has played in the political socialization of the youth.
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      Media StudiesPolitical SocializationYouth
Özet Toplumsallaşma, biyolojik bir varlık olarak dünyaya gelen insanın, içinde bulunduğu toplumun değer ve normlarını içselleştirerek toplumsal bir varlık olan bireye dönüştüğü sürece işaret eden sosyolojik bir kavramdır. Toplumsallaşma... more
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      SocializationTurkeyPolitical SocializationSurvey Research
In the literature on citizenship education, frequent references are made to Dewey. However, educationalists do not always interpret him correctly. To provide some counterbalance, I explain Dewey's views on education and democracy. I base... more
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      American HistoryPolitical PhilosophyEthicsHistory of Ethics
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      SocializationPolitical SocializationSocial StudiesEducational Sociology
En el marco del proyecto de investigación Narrativa Testimonial, Políticas de la Memoria y Subjetividad en América Latina, el presente artículo lleva a cabo algunas reflexiones sobre un corpus documental basado en textos escritos por... more
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      Political SocializationTestimonial LiteratureSubjetividad PoliticaViolencia Política
Książka ta opowiada o polskich komunistach i komunistkach: o ich doświadczeniach, poglądach, postawach i emocjach. Autor śledzi losy ponad dwustuosobowej grupy działaczy i działaczek od ich dzieciństwa, przez wieloletnią formację w... more
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      Historical SociologyPolish HistoryHabitusPolitical Socialization
It is just a rough sketch of my PhD dissertation thesis. This is not the entire thesis; just an introduction to it. Here my entire focus is over the socio-political concept of Sri Aurobindo in Colonial India.
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      Social Movements (Political Science)Political SocializationSocial and Political PhilosophySocial and Political Thought
Sosiallaşma üçün aşağıdakı amillər mütləqdir:
1. Mühit-cəmiyyət
2. İnsanın buna psixoloji hazırlığı (nəticədə uğurlu və uğursuz sosiallaşmaya səbəb olur)
3. Və sosiallaşmaya olan ehtiyacı
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      PoliticsSocializationPolitical SocializationSociety
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      Political BehaviorStudent EngagementPolitical SocializationYouth activism
Schule wird neben der Vermittlung von Wissen und Kompetenzen auch die Aufgabe der Demokratieerziehung übertragen. Ob das soziale Klima sowie die Ermöglichung von Partizipation in der Schule einen Einfluss auf die allgemeine Bereitschaft... more
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      Youth StudiesParticipationPolitical SocializationMultilevel modelling
Αντικείμενο του συλλογικού αυτού τόμου αποτελεί η μέσω της εκπαίδευσης διαμόρφωση του δημοκρατικού και ευαίσθητου στο σεβασμό των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων πολίτη. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό: - Συζητούνται βασικά σημεία της πολιτικής κοινωνικοποίησης... more
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      EducationSociology of EducationHuman RightsPolitical Socialization
Özet Toplumsal-siyasal çevre ile birey arasında yaşam boyu süren doğrudan veya dolaylı etkileşim sonucunda, bireyin siyasal sistemle ilgili görüş, davranış, tutum ve değerlerinin gelişmesine siyasal toplumsallaşma denmektedir. Kişi, bu... more
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    • Political Socialization
The main issue discussed is on the role of education system in the process of nation building as a means in uniting different community ethnics which later on, hoped to shape the future ethnic relation of this country. It is generally... more
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      Ethnic StudiesEducationSoutheast Asian StudiesHigher Education
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      Eastern European StudiesEducationDemocratic EducationTeacher Education
The university campus has often been seen as an important site for the politicization of young people. Recent explanations for this have focused attention upon the role of the student union as a means to enable a 'critical mass' of... more
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      HabitusPolitical SocializationStudent PoliticsSocial Media, Internet, Democracy and Politics
Abstract: The paper retraces the historical trajectory, through a local genealogy informed by a political economy approach, of the gradual sedimentation of the cultural practice of qāt chewing into a state-qāt-society nexus as the... more
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      RegionalismPolitical SocializationYemenArjun Appadurai
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      Political SociologyPolitical Socialization
Traditionally, studies on student movements in various countries acknowledge the leading role taken by elite universities in the social sciences . Funded by the central government and dispending classes in English, Jawaharlal Nehru... more
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      Political SociologyYouth StudiesEthnographyMixed Methods
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      International RelationsSocial IdentityPolitical ScienceIdentity (Culture)
Poza podstawą dla obu poziomów nauczania broszura zawiera pozycję mojego autorstwa "Komentarz do podstawy programowej przedmiotu wiedza o społeczeństwie. Liceum i technikum"
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      EducationTeacher EducationCivic EducationPolitical Socialization
Este artículo analiza las entradas en política de las elites del Ministerio del Interior en Argentina, y los aprendizajes provistos por aquellos procesos múltiples de politización. Apoyado en entrevistas en profundidad, material de... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical SocializationSocialización Politica
Fall 2001. Lewis University, Romeoville, Illinois
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      SocializationPolitical SocializationThomas LuckmannPlato's Protagoras