Papers by eko tavip maryanto
![Research paper thumbnail of Multicultural and fun campus strategy](
AMCA Journal of Education and Behavioral Change, Jun 5, 2023
With globalization and increasing global uncertainty, cultural diversity has become one of the ma... more With globalization and increasing global uncertainty, cultural diversity has become one of the main factors affecting life. The difficulty of recruiting students due to the campus' rigidity in adopting cultural diversity is a significant loss. The steps for campus reform in adopting multiculturalism need a strategy implemented by campus leaders to look forward. This paper aims to reveal the essential factors that must be implemented to get to the Multicultural Campus (CM). The method of writing this paper uses a qualitative approach supported by various conclusions from various multicultural research reports. In addition to supporting research reports, this paper is a qualitative study of implementing CM successfully at the Muhammadiyah Education University of Sorong. The result is a CM creation strategy scheme applying several essential factors: vision, commitment, strategy and implementation. CM implementation includes Multicultural Campus Culture Creation, Multicultural Study and Development Center, CM Regulations, and Multicultural Campus Facilities. In addition, there needs to be government support and multiethnic communities.
![Research paper thumbnail of Material performance in an effort to reduce the UHI (urban heat island) phenomenon at Deo Airport, Sorong City](
Astonjadro, Apr 26, 2023
is a Class I Airport in the city of Sorong which is experiencing quite rapid development. This fa... more is a Class I Airport in the city of Sorong which is experiencing quite rapid development. This fairly rapid development has made airport managers think of ways to be able to provide maximum service to airport users. One of these services is to reduce the occurrence of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon in the airport area by placing several types of materials around the airport. Several types of heat-absorbing materials are natural or synthetic materials that are used to withstand high temperatures. Nature provides a choice of materials that can be applied in this effort. Raw materials contained in nature will later be processed or used directly as an effort to reduce heat. The city of Sorong is a city that has problems with the occurrence of the UHI phenomenon because recently it has experienced an increase in population. To reduce the heat generated, various materials are used to be applied. These materials include Cast concrete, Asphalt, Soil, and Paving Materials. In this study, the material performance in reducing heat is determined for the four materials. The measuring instrument used is a measuring instrument commonly used to measure temperature. Measurements were made from morning to night. The results obtained are that cast concrete material has better performance compared to other types of materials when applied as a heat-absorbing material in buildings. Meanwhile, paving material is a good material if applied as a road material. With the average temperature produced for each material morning=25.2 0 C, afternoon=26.2 0 C, afternoon=26.6 0 C, and night 25.9 0 C and morning=32.7 0 C, afternoon=33.9 0 C, afternoon=29.0 0 C, and night 28.8 0 C.
![Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Natural Composites Matoa Tree Wood as the Base Material for Eco-Friendly House Piles using Ansys](
Material Science Research India
Composite materials, in simple terms, are materials that have a multi-phase system composed of re... more Composite materials, in simple terms, are materials that have a multi-phase system composed of reinforcing materials and matrix materials. Composite materials are divided into two types, namely synthetic composite materials and natural composite materials. Wood is a natural composite material consisting of a reinforcement and a matrix. The wood of the matoa tree (Pometia vinnata) is known for its good mechanical strength. The comparison of compressive mechanical strength in this study was conducted on matoa wood and ironwood tree wood (eusideroxylon zwageri). This was performed as supporting data in the discussion of natural composite materials of matoa tree wood as the foundation for environmentally friendly house piles. FEM (Finite Element Method) is a numerical method that analyzes the compressive strength of retaining walls. In this study, the 2D analysis used to determine the compressive strength of the natural composite material of Matoa tree wood. In this study, Matoa wood an...
![Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Struktur Gedung the Plaza Sorong](
Jurnal Teknik Sipil : Rancang Bangun, 2017
Indonesia merupakan Negara yang terletak diatas lempengan tektonik, sehingga menjadi rawan gempa,... more Indonesia merupakan Negara yang terletak diatas lempengan tektonik, sehingga menjadi rawan gempa, utamanya pada daerah sorong, sehingga untuk mengurangi resiko bencana yang ditimbulkan oleh gempa diperlukan konstruksi yang tahan terhadap gempa. Gedung The Plaza Sorong adalah gedung tertinggi di Papua maupun Papua Barat yang telah dibangun di Kota Sorong. Gedung ini berlokasi di jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani samping kanan Hasrat Abadi Kota Sorong. Desain struktur yang difungsikan sebagai plaza yang menyediakan tempat belanja, rumah sakit dan hotel dalam satu gedung sehingga diharapkan akan mampu melayani kebutuhan domestic, pelayanan kesehatan dan hunian masyarakat di Kota Sorong maupun diluar Sorong. Dalam tugas akhir ini struktur gedung The Plaza Sorong didesain berdasarkan SRPMK atau Struktur Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus. Pedoman utama dalam perencanaan ini dipakai SNI beton 03-2847-2002 dan SNI Gempa terbaru 03-1726-2012. Adapun pemodelan yang dibuat dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantu...
![Research paper thumbnail of Performa Material Dalam Menyerap Panas DI Rusun Politeknik Kelautan Dan Perikanan Sorong](
Archipelago Engineering, Oct 17, 2022
Material peredam panas merupakan material alami atau sintetis yang diaplikasikan untuk menahan te... more Material peredam panas merupakan material alami atau sintetis yang diaplikasikan untuk menahan temperatur tinggi. Di alam, banyak terkandung material peredam panas misalkan tanah, bebatuan mineral, dan lain sebagainya. Raw material tersebut, nantinya akan diolah atau dimanfaatkan langsung untuk diaplikasikan sebagai material peredam panas. Kota sorong merupakan sebuah kota yang memiliki kondisi paling kritis dan telah menjadi tantangan penting bagi banyak kota dalam permasalahan pulau panas perkotaan. Kondisi tersebut memacu timbulnya sebuah fenomena Urban Heat Island (UHI). Dalam upaya untuk mengurangi panas yang ditimbulkan, digunakan berbagai macam material untuk diaplikasikan di beberapa hal. Material tersebut diantaranya Material Beton Cor, Material Aspal, Material Tanah. Dalam penelitian ini, performa material dalam mengurangi panas ditentukan untuk ketiga material tersebut. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah alat ukur yang umum digunakan untuk mengukur temperatur. Pengukuran dilakukan mulai dari pagi sampai malam. Hasil yang didapatkan bahwa material beton cor memiliki performa lebih baik dibanding dengan material jenis lain jika diaplikasikan sebagai atap dalam mengurangi panas. Sedangkan material aspal merupakan material yang baik jika diaplikasikan sebagai material jalan. Dengan temperatur rata-rata yang dihasilkan masing-masing material pagi = 32.5 0 , siang = 60.2 0 , sore = 34.7 0 , dan malam = 31.0 0 dan pagi = 30.0 0 , siang = 33.4 0 , sore = 29.4 0 , dan malam = 28.5 0 .
![Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Performance of Natural Composite Materials Reinforced with Sago Sheath Fibers as an Alternative Material in Overcoming the Effect of Urban Heat Islands on Buildings](
Local knowledge of a region is an asset that encourages the identification of a region. Hence, th... more Local knowledge of a region is an asset that encourages the identification of a region. Hence, the specificity, uniqueness, and character that animates a particular city can distinguish it significantly from other cities. Sago tree fronds are widely applied to buildings as an alternative material for making tiles for roofs and other parts of buildings. The sago palm has long been used for making roofs and walls, especially in traditional houses. Few previous studies have used sago fronds as a manufacturing material for traditional houses. However, based on data in the field, many traditional houses still use sago fronds as a roof and wall framing material. This is also an effort to overcome the urban heat island phenomenon (UHI) in buildings. The UHI phenomenon is a phenomenon of urban development that highly affects environmental quality conditions and causes microclimate changes where air temperature conditions in urban areas are higher than the surrounding air temperatures. Sago ...
![Research paper thumbnail of E-Comerce Mobile Sebagai Sarana Membangun Jaringan Wirausaha Untuk Pemasaran Produk DI Kabupaten Sorong](
Kegiatan pengebdian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi permaslahan yang di alami oleh masyarakat terka... more Kegiatan pengebdian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi permaslahan yang di alami oleh masyarakat terkait dengan para wirausahawan pemula dalam mengembangkan bisnisnya melalui teknologi informasi yang berbentuk e-comerce mobile. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Sorong yang diikuti oleh seluruh penerima bantuan dana dari Kemenkom dan dan UKM, masyarakat yang belum produktif, komoditas, dan masyarakat yang tidak produktif yang ada di kabupaten sorong. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan yaitu Pendidikan, Pelatihan, Penyebarluasan, dan Pendampingan. Kegiatan ini pun mendapatkan respon baik, baik dari peserta dan Pihak dinas Koperasi dan Usaha kecil menengah. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan yang didapat setelah mengikuti pelatihan tersebut yaitu peserta pelatihan mempunya sebuah toko kecil di smarphonnya (e-commerce) serta peserta mempunya bekal dan tau cara memeasarkan produk produknya melalui digital smartphone.
![Research paper thumbnail of Performa Material Dalam Upaya Mengurangi Panas Kota Sorong di Rusun Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong](
Heat-absorbing material is a natural or synthetic material applied to withstand high temperatures... more Heat-absorbing material is a natural or synthetic material applied to withstand high temperatures. In civil applications, to get comfort in carrying out daily activities, heat-absorbing materials are widely chosen because of their ability of these materials. In nature, there are many heat-absorbing materials such as soil, mineral rocks, and others. The raw material is processed or used directly applied as a heat-absorbing material. Sorong city is that city has the most critical condition and has become challenging for many cities in the problem of the urban heat island. This condition spurred the emergence of an Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon. In an attempt at the heat generated, various materials used to apply in several ways. These materials include Cast Concrete Materials, Asphalt Materials, and Soil Materials. In this study, the performance of the materials was determined. The measuring instrument used is a measuring instrument commonly used to measure temperature. Measureme...
![Research paper thumbnail of Kuat Tarik Baja Tulangan Polos (Studi Kasus: Pt. Ghody Bimantara Mandiri)](
Journal Teknik Mesin, Elektro, Informatika, Kelautan dan Sains
PT. Ghody Bimantara Mandiri adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pekerjaan secara umum, mula... more PT. Ghody Bimantara Mandiri adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pekerjaan secara umum, mulai dari perencanaan sampai kepada pelaksanaan dan bergerak di semua pekerjaan proyek konstruksi, baik bangunan gedung maupun bangunan sipil. Dalam sebuah pengerjaan pekerjaan sipil, baja tulangan banyak diaplikasikan terutama baja tulangan polos. Dalam salah satu pekerjaan, terdapat sebuah permasalahan yang membuat besi beton polos tersebut harus diujikan ulang guna mengetahui kualitas besi beton yang digunakan. Peneliti bertujuan untuk membantu menganalisis kualitas besi beton polos yang digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk mengerjakan salah satu proyek pembangunan sebuah tempat pengolahan limbah. Dalam penelitian ini, sampel yang digunakan diambil dari sampel baja tulangan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan proyek pembangunan WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) PT. Etika Dairies Indonesia, pembangunan pasar modern, dan renovasi rumah. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian sifat mekanis yaitu pengujian te...
![Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Mechanical Properties of Natural Composites Matoa Tree Wood as the Foundation for Environmentally Friendly House Piles](
Composite materials, in simple terms, are materials that have a multi-phase system composed of re... more Composite materials, in simple terms, are materials that have a multi-phase system composed of reinforcing materials and matrix materials. Composite materials are divided into two types, namely synthetic composite materials and natural composite materials. Wood is a natural composite material consisting of a reinforcement and a matrix. The wood of the matoa tree (Pometia vinnata) is known for its good mechanical strength. The comparison of compressive mechanical strength in this study was conducted on matoa wood and ironwood tree wood (eusideroxylon zwageri). This was performed as supporting data in the discussion of natural composite materials of matoa tree wood as the foundation for environmentally friendly house piles. The results obtained were matoa wood and ironwood, respectively A1 = 6.07e^(-07) MPa, A2 = 1.11e^(-06) MPa, and A3 = 2.09e^(-06) MPa and B1 = 1.17e ^(-06) MPa, B2 = 2.13e^(-06) MPa, and B3 = 4.02e^(-06) MPa. These results indicated that the resistance to mechanical...
![Research paper thumbnail of Strength Analysis of Soil Retaining Wall Using Numerical Method of Manokwari Landfill](
Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2021
The city growth and development with all the dynamics are currently going on quite rapidly demand... more The city growth and development with all the dynamics are currently going on quite rapidly demand, the provision of facilities and city infrastructure is getting better and more adequate. Urban infrastructure development, especially those related to waste management, is an urgent need in the context of efforts to prevent environmental pollutions. Several factors need to be considered to building infrastructure, one of which is the security factor. The safety factor is a major factor in the construction of the retaining wall. The purpose of this study is to investigate mechanical effects of soil retaining wall in the three types of designs of the landfills by 2D finite element analysis. The results could provide a reference for building to withstand the active lateral compressive forces of soil and water. The contribution of this study is sufficient for providing a functional strength of retaining walls. FEM (Finite Element Method) is a numerical method that is often used in analysin...
![Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Pemanfaatan “Scientifik Calculator” dalam mendukung pembelajaran Science, Technology, Enginering, and Mathematics (STEM) bagi Guru Matematika SMA/SMK Se-Kota dan Kabupaten Sorong Papua Barat](
Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan pemahaman guru dalam menyelesaikan m... more Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan pemahaman guru dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematika dengan menggunakan Scientific Calculator Casio FX-991 EX Claswizz di SMA/SMK se-kota dan se-kabupaten Sorong dalam mendukung pembelajaran Science, Technlogy, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) dan implimentasi dalam pembelajaran matematika di Sekolah menengah atas dan kejuruan, meningkatkan kemampuan guru SMA/SMK dalam membuat Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik (LKPD) berbasis STEM dalam pembelajaran matematika dan meningkatkan keterampilan guru SMA/SMK dalam mengimplimentasikan pembelajaran berbasis STEM berdasarkan kurikulum yang berlaku saat ini serta mampu menggunakan kalkulator dalam menyelesaikan berbagai perhitungan sehingga dapat membantu peserta didik dalam pembelajaran matematika. Metode Kegiatan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini akan dilaksanakan di Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong. Kegiatan memilki tiga tahap yaitu tahap persaipan, tahap pelaksanaan da...
Papers by eko tavip maryanto