Clustering is an adaptive procedure in which objects are clustered or grouped together, based on ... more Clustering is an adaptive procedure in which objects are clustered or grouped together, based on the principle of maximizing the intra-class similarity and minimizing the inter-class similarity. Various clustering algorithms have been developed which results to a good performance on datasets for cluster formation. This paper analyze the three major clustering algorithms: K-Means, Farthest First and Hierarchical clustering algorithm and compare the performance of these three major clustering algorithms on the aspect of correctly class wise cluster building ability of algorithm. The results are tested on three datasets namely Wine, Haberman and Iris dataset using WEKA interface and compute the correctly cluster building instances in proportion with incorrectly formed cluster. A performance percentage has been calculated to analyze the algorithms on dataset taking Principal Component Analysis as another parameter of comparison.
Elliptic curve cryptography [ECC] is a public-key cryptosystem like RSA. In wireless networks and... more Elliptic curve cryptography [ECC] is a public-key cryptosystem like RSA. In wireless networks and mobile devices such as cell phone, PDA and smart card, security of wireless networks and mobile devices are prime concern. Elliptic curve can be applied to cryptography [5]. The principle attraction of ECC is that it appears to offer equal security for a far smaller key size, thereby reducing processor overhead. Applications that uses Discrete logarithm problem-based Diffie Hellman has more processing load as the key size has increased over recent years. However, the processing load is especially critical in a networks which have a relatively less bandwidth, slower CPU speed, limited battery power. Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange protocol is based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem(ECDLP). This paper presents the implementation of the ECDLP-based Diffie-Hellman protocol for communication over insecure channel.
Bluetooth technology is used primarily to establish wireless personal area networks. Exponential ... more Bluetooth technology is used primarily to establish wireless personal area networks. Exponential growth of the volume of Bluetooth-enabled devices indicates that it has become a popular way of wireless interconnections for exchanging information. However, man in the middle attacks against unsecured Bluetooth implementations can provide attackers with unauthorized access to sensitive information. It is a challenging task  for researchers to provide a complete secure Bluetooth device. However, extensive contributions have been achieved. A comprehensive literature review of worldwide contributions from 1999 to 2014 has been carried out to analyze the Bluetooth attacks in real scenario and to identify the security feature of Secure Simple Pairing protocol in of Bluetooth v4.0+ low energy device.  It has been found that the SSP introduced Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems  in Bluetooth which are more secure than the previous mathematical technique based on discrete logarithm problem. The com...
Problem statement: Data clustering has been applied in numerous fields such as machine learning, ... more Problem statement: Data clustering has been applied in numerous fields such as machine learning, data mining, wireless sensor network and pattern recognition. One of the most famous clustering approaches is K-means which effectively has been used in many clustering problems, but this algorithm has some drawback such as local optimal convergence and sensitivity to preliminary points. Approach: Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is one of the swarm intelligence algorithms, which is applied in determining the optimal cluster centers. In this study, a cooperative algorithm based on PSO and k-means is presented. Result: The proposed algorithm utilizes both global search ability of PSO and local search ability of k-means. The proposed algorithm and also PSO, PSO with Contraction Factor (CF-PSO), k-means algorithms and KPSO hybrid algorithm have been used for clustering six datasets and their efficiencies are compared with each other. Conclusion: Experimental results show that the...
Clustering is a powerful technique for large scale topic discovery from text. It involves two pha... more Clustering is a powerful technique for large scale topic discovery from text. It involves two phases: first, feature extraction maps each document or record to a point in a high dimensional space, then clustering algorithms automatically group the points into a hierarchy of clusters. Hence to improve the efficiency & accuracy of mining task on high dimensional data the data must be pre-processed by an efficient dimensionality reduction method. Recently cluster analysis is popularly used data analysis method in number of areas. K-Means is one of the well known partitioning based clustering technique that attempts to find a user specified number of clusters represented by their centroids. In this paper, a certain k-means algorithm for clustering the data sets is used and the algorithm outputs k disjoint clusters each with a concept vector that is the centroid of the cluster normalized to have unit Euclidean norm. Also in this paper, we deal with the analysis of different sets of k-val...
Energy Consumption in Wireless sensor networks is one of the main challenges for researchers. Man... more Energy Consumption in Wireless sensor networks is one of the main challenges for researchers. Many researchers have been done for extending the overall network lifetime by minimizing the power consumption of sensor nodes. Most of the work is done over the MAC layer of network in which different kinds of MAC protocol used by sensor networks.. End users typically desire to deploy hundreds to thousands of sensor nodes randomly Producing simple, small, and inexpensive devices also limits the energy resources available for sensor node operation. Replacing or renewing energy resources after deployment becomes infeasible or too costly in most cases, so the protocols and applications must make judicious use of the finite energy resources. As medium access control (MAC) has a significant effect on the energy consumption, energy efficiency is one of the fundamental research themes in the design of MAC protocols for WSNs. In this paper, we described an energy efficiency of IEEE 802.11 protocol...
A B ST R A C T The improvement of current Question Answering (QA) systems relies on finding ways ... more A B ST R A C T The improvement of current Question Answering (QA) systems relies on finding ways to support the traditional statistic approach to QA with logic reasoning. In this presentation we show one way of supporting an Interactive Question answering system with logic reasoning. The most likely answer to a question by searching a predicate format of topic-arranged question patterns and responses. Answer Finder is a framework for the development of question-answering systems. Answer Finder is currently being used to test the applicability of graph representations for the detection and extraction of answers. In this paper we briefly describe Answer Finder and introduce our method to learn graph patterns that link questions with their corresponding answers in arbitrary sentences. The method is based on the translation of the logical forms of questions and answer sentences into graphs, and the application of operations based on graph overlaps and the construction of paths within gr...
Cryptography is the art and science of concealing the messages to introduce secrecy in informatio... more Cryptography is the art and science of concealing the messages to introduce secrecy in information security This paper focuses on scalable and secure message encryption, message storage and recovery from cloud based storage system. Here we are using advanced Identity Based Secured Cryptographic System for message encryption in which we are using RSA algorithm for key generation, Diffie Hellmann algorithm for Key exchange, Elliptic curve cryptography for encryption and decryption process. For storage in cloud one have to pay charges, so we are using Huffman coding for compression and decompression procedure which makes the size of message less. The scheme prevents replay attacks and privacy preserving access control for securing data in clouds. We are representing the response time of storage through a graph; we also calculate total costs for storage.
Mapping of information using pattern classifiers has become more popular now days, even though wi... more Mapping of information using pattern classifiers has become more popular now days, even though without a obvious agreement on what classifiers need to be utilized or even just how benefits must be screened. This paper states that by comparative analyses how information maps in multiple class situation which provides the information concerned on neural representation. Speech signal generated from wireless devices may have noise. Noise must be separated from signal. In order to separate noise from speech signal Linear and quadratic discriminant analysis can be used. Logistic regression can be also be used in order to get accurate signal on receiver end since it will calculate the probability.
International journal of emerging trends in science and technology, 2014
An image watermarking is process of embed an image with some parameter (secondary parameter) know... more An image watermarking is process of embed an image with some parameter (secondary parameter) known as watermark image but without any degradation or deterioration in image quality to offer copyright protection. Copyright protection means protection from illegal copying for one’s intellectual property. Here the method of nested digital image watermarking is used. Nesting of image watermarking means when a watermark is embedded into the other watermark. The Randomized Least Significant Bit (RLSB) hiding algorithm is used for the process embedding because it has the lesser complexity and also it is more robust to variations with the type of image. And the blowfish cryptographic algorithm is used for encryption. Here encryption done into watermark image before embedding with the cover image. Here the concept of encrypt the watermark image before embedded with the main image just to increase the level of security of the watermarked image. Keywords: Image Watermarking, RLSB, Blowfish Algo...
Proxy signature is a digital signature Form which allows an entity, called as original signer, to... more Proxy signature is a digital signature Form which allows an entity, called as original signer, to delegate its signing right to another entity called as proxy signer introduced in 1996 by Mambo et al. It is used in various applications such as mobile agent, e-vote, wireless e-commerce, distributed shared object system etc. From inception several ID based proxy signature schemes have been discussed. The current paper focuses on a comparative study and analysis of various identity based public key cryptosystem. This survey is a structured guide to support the current status of different ID based schemes that is based on their efficiency in terms of communication overhead and security.
2017 International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS), 2017
Cryptography is the technique of masking the message by means of any encryption method so that in... more Cryptography is the technique of masking the message by means of any encryption method so that intended entity can decrypt the contents. Cryptanalysis is the art of retrieving plain text from cipher text with no prior information about technique or key used for encrypting the message. An intruder can attack in many ways to access the communication channel like impersonating, non-repudiation, denial of services, modification of data, threatening confidentiality and breaking availability of services. Thus, the security of any cryptographic schemes lies on the strength of particular hard problem like the integer factorization problem, the discrete logarithm problem in the multiplicative subgroup and on an elliptic curve. Nonetheless, with increased speed and memory of computers and stronger cryptanalytic algorithms, the two problems discrete logarithm problem in the multiplicative subgroup and the integer factorization problem, earlier considered to be strong and hard can be cracked in sub exponential time. Elliptic curve DLP has advantages over the other two: it generates shorter keys and is still an exponentially hard problem for classical and traditional computers. The circumstances will change if stronger attacks are discovered or fast computers are invented. Hence, researchers are predicting, quantum computers could solve Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem in polynomial time. Researchers are working in the area to identify hard problems for quantum computers. Thus, the focus of the papers is on various available classical and quantum cryptographic schemes and its hardness with respect to classical and quantum computers respectively.
Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2017
Secure Simple Pairing protocol of Bluetooth introduced in Bluetooth version 2.1 + EDR has securit... more Secure Simple Pairing protocol of Bluetooth introduced in Bluetooth version 2.1 + EDR has security issues. Shared secret key using Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman algorithm generated in public key exchange phase, is subsequently used for authentication of devices and for computing Link key. The stability of Elliptic-Curve-Diffie-Hellman is based on the determination of order and structure of a finite Abelian group and computation of Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm (ECDLP) in a cyclic group. An algorithm for a quantum computers exists, that can figure out the inverse of Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm in polynomial time. Therefore, it demands a safe and sound cryptosystem for quantum computers. A revision to boost the security of pairing and authentication process in the Secure Simple Pairing (SSP) protocol of Bluetooth intended for classical and quantum computers is proposed called as Classiquantum Resistance Secure Simple Pairing protocol. On simulating the proposed protocol, it is studied that the proposed protocol is superior over SSP, as far as security performance by enhancement of key strength and by wrapping link key with two R-LWE secret key, is concerned.
Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, 2018
Secure Simple Pairing, a Bluetooth-pairing protocol, suffers from passive off-line and active onl... more Secure Simple Pairing, a Bluetooth-pairing protocol, suffers from passive off-line and active onlineguessing attack. These assaults are a direct result of the shortcomings in Bluetooth specification. Bluetooth technology uses the principles of device inquiry and inquiry scan. Scanning devices listen in on known frequencies for devices that are actively inquiring. If two Bluetooth devices know absolutely nothing about each other, one must run an inquiry to try to discover the other. One device sends out the inquiry request, and any device listening for such a request will respond with its address, and possibly its name, Input/Output capability and other information. Before connection, each device knows the address, their name, their capability, Quality-of-Service, etc. During pairing, Man-In-The-Middle attacker may capture all the information of connecting devices and impersonate them. This paper introduces the security augmentation in Bluetooth pairing by postponing exchange of Input-Output capability and other information like Quality-of-Service until it is essentially required and by casing the link key with a pair of Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman keys. Consequently, this leads to increased pairing time. Yet, we overlooked the increased pairing time, as the proposed Bluetooth-pairing protocol improves security by strengthening the link key.
Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2019
Bluetooth version 5.0 introduced flexibility in SSP pairing protocol. It introduced P-192 ellipti... more Bluetooth version 5.0 introduced flexibility in SSP pairing protocol. It introduced P-192 elliptic curve for devices that support all versions before 4.0 and P-256 elliptic curve for devices that support 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, and 5.0 versions. Despite enhanced security level, there is a possibility of capturing the Input-Output capability and public keys during the initial phase of pairing and thus impersonating them. This paper introduces enhanced Bluetooth Secure Simple Pairing protocol by augmenting two new security levels. The protocol commits for public keys and IO capability. This ensures that the information reaches to the legitimate pairing devices. Thereby attempts to reduce Man-In-The-Middle attack in the initial phase and strengthen the link/session key.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2017
With the increase in industrial production and human activities, the concentration of atmospheric... more With the increase in industrial production and human activities, the concentration of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) is substantially increased; due to which fog and haze occur more frequently. Limited visibility is caused by suspended particles in the air, such as fog and haze are a major problem for many applications of computer vision. The captured scenes by such computer vision systems suffer from poor visibility, low contrast, dimmed brightness, low luminance and distorted color. The detection of objects within the scene is more difficult. Therefore visibility improvement, contrast and features enhancement of images and videos captured in bad weather are also called as dehazing, is an inevitable task.
2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2016
Secure Simple Pairing (SSP), a characteristic of the Bluetooth Core Version 2.1 specification was... more Secure Simple Pairing (SSP), a characteristic of the Bluetooth Core Version 2.1 specification was build to address two foremost concerns amongst the Bluetooth user community: security and simplicity of the pairing process. It utilizes Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellmen (ECDH) protocol for generating keys for the first time in Bluetooth pairing. It provides the security properties known session key security, forward security, resistance to key-compromise impersonation attack and to unknown key-share attack, key control. This paper presents the simulation and security analysis of Bluetooth pairing protocol for numeric comparison using ECDH in NS2. The protocol also employs SAGEMATH for cryptographic functions.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015
Since the invention of public-key cryptography, numerous public-key cryptographic systems have be... more Since the invention of public-key cryptography, numerous public-key cryptographic systems have been proposed. Each of these systems relies on a difficult mathematical problem for its security. Today, three types of systems, classified according to the mathematical problem on which they are based, are generally considered both secure and efficient. The systems are:the integer factorization systems (of which RSA is the best known example), the discrete logarithm systems (such as the U.S. Government's DSA), the elliptic curve discrete logarithm systems (also known as elliptic curve cryptosystems).
Clustering is an adaptive procedure in which objects are clustered or grouped together, based on ... more Clustering is an adaptive procedure in which objects are clustered or grouped together, based on the principle of maximizing the intra-class similarity and minimizing the inter-class similarity. Various clustering algorithms have been developed which results to a good performance on datasets for cluster formation. This paper analyze the three major clustering algorithms: K-Means, Farthest First and Hierarchical clustering algorithm and compare the performance of these three major clustering algorithms on the aspect of correctly class wise cluster building ability of algorithm. The results are tested on three datasets namely Wine, Haberman and Iris dataset using WEKA interface and compute the correctly cluster building instances in proportion with incorrectly formed cluster. A performance percentage has been calculated to analyze the algorithms on dataset taking Principal Component Analysis as another parameter of comparison.
Elliptic curve cryptography [ECC] is a public-key cryptosystem like RSA. In wireless networks and... more Elliptic curve cryptography [ECC] is a public-key cryptosystem like RSA. In wireless networks and mobile devices such as cell phone, PDA and smart card, security of wireless networks and mobile devices are prime concern. Elliptic curve can be applied to cryptography [5]. The principle attraction of ECC is that it appears to offer equal security for a far smaller key size, thereby reducing processor overhead. Applications that uses Discrete logarithm problem-based Diffie Hellman has more processing load as the key size has increased over recent years. However, the processing load is especially critical in a networks which have a relatively less bandwidth, slower CPU speed, limited battery power. Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange protocol is based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem(ECDLP). This paper presents the implementation of the ECDLP-based Diffie-Hellman protocol for communication over insecure channel.
Bluetooth technology is used primarily to establish wireless personal area networks. Exponential ... more Bluetooth technology is used primarily to establish wireless personal area networks. Exponential growth of the volume of Bluetooth-enabled devices indicates that it has become a popular way of wireless interconnections for exchanging information. However, man in the middle attacks against unsecured Bluetooth implementations can provide attackers with unauthorized access to sensitive information. It is a challenging task  for researchers to provide a complete secure Bluetooth device. However, extensive contributions have been achieved. A comprehensive literature review of worldwide contributions from 1999 to 2014 has been carried out to analyze the Bluetooth attacks in real scenario and to identify the security feature of Secure Simple Pairing protocol in of Bluetooth v4.0+ low energy device.  It has been found that the SSP introduced Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems  in Bluetooth which are more secure than the previous mathematical technique based on discrete logarithm problem. The com...
Problem statement: Data clustering has been applied in numerous fields such as machine learning, ... more Problem statement: Data clustering has been applied in numerous fields such as machine learning, data mining, wireless sensor network and pattern recognition. One of the most famous clustering approaches is K-means which effectively has been used in many clustering problems, but this algorithm has some drawback such as local optimal convergence and sensitivity to preliminary points. Approach: Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is one of the swarm intelligence algorithms, which is applied in determining the optimal cluster centers. In this study, a cooperative algorithm based on PSO and k-means is presented. Result: The proposed algorithm utilizes both global search ability of PSO and local search ability of k-means. The proposed algorithm and also PSO, PSO with Contraction Factor (CF-PSO), k-means algorithms and KPSO hybrid algorithm have been used for clustering six datasets and their efficiencies are compared with each other. Conclusion: Experimental results show that the...
Clustering is a powerful technique for large scale topic discovery from text. It involves two pha... more Clustering is a powerful technique for large scale topic discovery from text. It involves two phases: first, feature extraction maps each document or record to a point in a high dimensional space, then clustering algorithms automatically group the points into a hierarchy of clusters. Hence to improve the efficiency & accuracy of mining task on high dimensional data the data must be pre-processed by an efficient dimensionality reduction method. Recently cluster analysis is popularly used data analysis method in number of areas. K-Means is one of the well known partitioning based clustering technique that attempts to find a user specified number of clusters represented by their centroids. In this paper, a certain k-means algorithm for clustering the data sets is used and the algorithm outputs k disjoint clusters each with a concept vector that is the centroid of the cluster normalized to have unit Euclidean norm. Also in this paper, we deal with the analysis of different sets of k-val...
Energy Consumption in Wireless sensor networks is one of the main challenges for researchers. Man... more Energy Consumption in Wireless sensor networks is one of the main challenges for researchers. Many researchers have been done for extending the overall network lifetime by minimizing the power consumption of sensor nodes. Most of the work is done over the MAC layer of network in which different kinds of MAC protocol used by sensor networks.. End users typically desire to deploy hundreds to thousands of sensor nodes randomly Producing simple, small, and inexpensive devices also limits the energy resources available for sensor node operation. Replacing or renewing energy resources after deployment becomes infeasible or too costly in most cases, so the protocols and applications must make judicious use of the finite energy resources. As medium access control (MAC) has a significant effect on the energy consumption, energy efficiency is one of the fundamental research themes in the design of MAC protocols for WSNs. In this paper, we described an energy efficiency of IEEE 802.11 protocol...
A B ST R A C T The improvement of current Question Answering (QA) systems relies on finding ways ... more A B ST R A C T The improvement of current Question Answering (QA) systems relies on finding ways to support the traditional statistic approach to QA with logic reasoning. In this presentation we show one way of supporting an Interactive Question answering system with logic reasoning. The most likely answer to a question by searching a predicate format of topic-arranged question patterns and responses. Answer Finder is a framework for the development of question-answering systems. Answer Finder is currently being used to test the applicability of graph representations for the detection and extraction of answers. In this paper we briefly describe Answer Finder and introduce our method to learn graph patterns that link questions with their corresponding answers in arbitrary sentences. The method is based on the translation of the logical forms of questions and answer sentences into graphs, and the application of operations based on graph overlaps and the construction of paths within gr...
Cryptography is the art and science of concealing the messages to introduce secrecy in informatio... more Cryptography is the art and science of concealing the messages to introduce secrecy in information security This paper focuses on scalable and secure message encryption, message storage and recovery from cloud based storage system. Here we are using advanced Identity Based Secured Cryptographic System for message encryption in which we are using RSA algorithm for key generation, Diffie Hellmann algorithm for Key exchange, Elliptic curve cryptography for encryption and decryption process. For storage in cloud one have to pay charges, so we are using Huffman coding for compression and decompression procedure which makes the size of message less. The scheme prevents replay attacks and privacy preserving access control for securing data in clouds. We are representing the response time of storage through a graph; we also calculate total costs for storage.
Mapping of information using pattern classifiers has become more popular now days, even though wi... more Mapping of information using pattern classifiers has become more popular now days, even though without a obvious agreement on what classifiers need to be utilized or even just how benefits must be screened. This paper states that by comparative analyses how information maps in multiple class situation which provides the information concerned on neural representation. Speech signal generated from wireless devices may have noise. Noise must be separated from signal. In order to separate noise from speech signal Linear and quadratic discriminant analysis can be used. Logistic regression can be also be used in order to get accurate signal on receiver end since it will calculate the probability.
International journal of emerging trends in science and technology, 2014
An image watermarking is process of embed an image with some parameter (secondary parameter) know... more An image watermarking is process of embed an image with some parameter (secondary parameter) known as watermark image but without any degradation or deterioration in image quality to offer copyright protection. Copyright protection means protection from illegal copying for one’s intellectual property. Here the method of nested digital image watermarking is used. Nesting of image watermarking means when a watermark is embedded into the other watermark. The Randomized Least Significant Bit (RLSB) hiding algorithm is used for the process embedding because it has the lesser complexity and also it is more robust to variations with the type of image. And the blowfish cryptographic algorithm is used for encryption. Here encryption done into watermark image before embedding with the cover image. Here the concept of encrypt the watermark image before embedded with the main image just to increase the level of security of the watermarked image. Keywords: Image Watermarking, RLSB, Blowfish Algo...
Proxy signature is a digital signature Form which allows an entity, called as original signer, to... more Proxy signature is a digital signature Form which allows an entity, called as original signer, to delegate its signing right to another entity called as proxy signer introduced in 1996 by Mambo et al. It is used in various applications such as mobile agent, e-vote, wireless e-commerce, distributed shared object system etc. From inception several ID based proxy signature schemes have been discussed. The current paper focuses on a comparative study and analysis of various identity based public key cryptosystem. This survey is a structured guide to support the current status of different ID based schemes that is based on their efficiency in terms of communication overhead and security.
2017 International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS), 2017
Cryptography is the technique of masking the message by means of any encryption method so that in... more Cryptography is the technique of masking the message by means of any encryption method so that intended entity can decrypt the contents. Cryptanalysis is the art of retrieving plain text from cipher text with no prior information about technique or key used for encrypting the message. An intruder can attack in many ways to access the communication channel like impersonating, non-repudiation, denial of services, modification of data, threatening confidentiality and breaking availability of services. Thus, the security of any cryptographic schemes lies on the strength of particular hard problem like the integer factorization problem, the discrete logarithm problem in the multiplicative subgroup and on an elliptic curve. Nonetheless, with increased speed and memory of computers and stronger cryptanalytic algorithms, the two problems discrete logarithm problem in the multiplicative subgroup and the integer factorization problem, earlier considered to be strong and hard can be cracked in sub exponential time. Elliptic curve DLP has advantages over the other two: it generates shorter keys and is still an exponentially hard problem for classical and traditional computers. The circumstances will change if stronger attacks are discovered or fast computers are invented. Hence, researchers are predicting, quantum computers could solve Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem in polynomial time. Researchers are working in the area to identify hard problems for quantum computers. Thus, the focus of the papers is on various available classical and quantum cryptographic schemes and its hardness with respect to classical and quantum computers respectively.
Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2017
Secure Simple Pairing protocol of Bluetooth introduced in Bluetooth version 2.1 + EDR has securit... more Secure Simple Pairing protocol of Bluetooth introduced in Bluetooth version 2.1 + EDR has security issues. Shared secret key using Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman algorithm generated in public key exchange phase, is subsequently used for authentication of devices and for computing Link key. The stability of Elliptic-Curve-Diffie-Hellman is based on the determination of order and structure of a finite Abelian group and computation of Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm (ECDLP) in a cyclic group. An algorithm for a quantum computers exists, that can figure out the inverse of Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm in polynomial time. Therefore, it demands a safe and sound cryptosystem for quantum computers. A revision to boost the security of pairing and authentication process in the Secure Simple Pairing (SSP) protocol of Bluetooth intended for classical and quantum computers is proposed called as Classiquantum Resistance Secure Simple Pairing protocol. On simulating the proposed protocol, it is studied that the proposed protocol is superior over SSP, as far as security performance by enhancement of key strength and by wrapping link key with two R-LWE secret key, is concerned.
Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, 2018
Secure Simple Pairing, a Bluetooth-pairing protocol, suffers from passive off-line and active onl... more Secure Simple Pairing, a Bluetooth-pairing protocol, suffers from passive off-line and active onlineguessing attack. These assaults are a direct result of the shortcomings in Bluetooth specification. Bluetooth technology uses the principles of device inquiry and inquiry scan. Scanning devices listen in on known frequencies for devices that are actively inquiring. If two Bluetooth devices know absolutely nothing about each other, one must run an inquiry to try to discover the other. One device sends out the inquiry request, and any device listening for such a request will respond with its address, and possibly its name, Input/Output capability and other information. Before connection, each device knows the address, their name, their capability, Quality-of-Service, etc. During pairing, Man-In-The-Middle attacker may capture all the information of connecting devices and impersonate them. This paper introduces the security augmentation in Bluetooth pairing by postponing exchange of Input-Output capability and other information like Quality-of-Service until it is essentially required and by casing the link key with a pair of Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman keys. Consequently, this leads to increased pairing time. Yet, we overlooked the increased pairing time, as the proposed Bluetooth-pairing protocol improves security by strengthening the link key.
Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2019
Bluetooth version 5.0 introduced flexibility in SSP pairing protocol. It introduced P-192 ellipti... more Bluetooth version 5.0 introduced flexibility in SSP pairing protocol. It introduced P-192 elliptic curve for devices that support all versions before 4.0 and P-256 elliptic curve for devices that support 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, and 5.0 versions. Despite enhanced security level, there is a possibility of capturing the Input-Output capability and public keys during the initial phase of pairing and thus impersonating them. This paper introduces enhanced Bluetooth Secure Simple Pairing protocol by augmenting two new security levels. The protocol commits for public keys and IO capability. This ensures that the information reaches to the legitimate pairing devices. Thereby attempts to reduce Man-In-The-Middle attack in the initial phase and strengthen the link/session key.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2017
With the increase in industrial production and human activities, the concentration of atmospheric... more With the increase in industrial production and human activities, the concentration of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) is substantially increased; due to which fog and haze occur more frequently. Limited visibility is caused by suspended particles in the air, such as fog and haze are a major problem for many applications of computer vision. The captured scenes by such computer vision systems suffer from poor visibility, low contrast, dimmed brightness, low luminance and distorted color. The detection of objects within the scene is more difficult. Therefore visibility improvement, contrast and features enhancement of images and videos captured in bad weather are also called as dehazing, is an inevitable task.
2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2016
Secure Simple Pairing (SSP), a characteristic of the Bluetooth Core Version 2.1 specification was... more Secure Simple Pairing (SSP), a characteristic of the Bluetooth Core Version 2.1 specification was build to address two foremost concerns amongst the Bluetooth user community: security and simplicity of the pairing process. It utilizes Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellmen (ECDH) protocol for generating keys for the first time in Bluetooth pairing. It provides the security properties known session key security, forward security, resistance to key-compromise impersonation attack and to unknown key-share attack, key control. This paper presents the simulation and security analysis of Bluetooth pairing protocol for numeric comparison using ECDH in NS2. The protocol also employs SAGEMATH for cryptographic functions.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015
Since the invention of public-key cryptography, numerous public-key cryptographic systems have be... more Since the invention of public-key cryptography, numerous public-key cryptographic systems have been proposed. Each of these systems relies on a difficult mathematical problem for its security. Today, three types of systems, classified according to the mathematical problem on which they are based, are generally considered both secure and efficient. The systems are:the integer factorization systems (of which RSA is the best known example), the discrete logarithm systems (such as the U.S. Government's DSA), the elliptic curve discrete logarithm systems (also known as elliptic curve cryptosystems).
Papers by samta gajbhiye