The COVID-19 vaccination program was introduced in India on 16 January 2021. The Government-issue... more The COVID-19 vaccination program was introduced in India on 16 January 2021. The Government-issued fact sheet was the only source of information regarding Adverse Events Following Immunizations (AEFIs) for these vaccines. Aims and Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the AEFI reported following COVISHIELD vaccination in an urban health center. Materials and Methods: The spontaneous reporting method was used for data collection for 3 months. A data collection form was designed to collect the data from the study population who reported adverse events. Collected data were analyzed and categorized by severity and seriousness. The causality assessment was done using the World Health Organization's causality assessment algorithm. Results: A total of 3,486 doses of COVISHIELD vaccine were administered at the study site during the study period. In all, 306 AEFIs were reported from 190 subjects with an incidence rate of 5.45%. The majority of the subjects with AEFIs belonged to the age group of 18-45 years. Out of the total 306 AEFIs, 287 AEFIs were expected as per the fact sheets. Most of the AEFIs (59.47% [n=182]) were observed at the system organ class of "General disorders and administration site conditions." After the causality assessment, out of 433 AEFIs to COVISHIELD vaccine, 94.22% (n=287) of events were categorized to have "consistent causal association with immunization." All of them recovered from their adverse events without any sequelae. Conclusion: Most common AEFI after COVISHIELD vaccination was found to be general disorders and administration site conditions. No severe AEFI reported.
Background: Seroprevalence of COVID-19 antibody production in a person can be dependent on many p... more Background: Seroprevalence of COVID-19 antibody production in a person can be dependent on many physiological and demographic aspects such as previous infection, age, sex, body mass index, and also status of vaccination. It is of immense value to know about demographic aspect of COVID-19 antibody production so as to know about vulnerable population and suggest preventive measures. Aims and Objectives: The present study was aimed to determine effect of demographic variables COVID-19 antibody production in population of urban area. Materials and Methods: In this study, a total of 2454 subjects were screened for COVID-19 neutralizing antibody by ELISA technique. Subjects more than 18-year-old were selected for the study. We used cluster sampling method for data collection. A pre-structured questionnaire was administered after informed consent and 5 mL venous blood was collected in plain bulb for testing. Results: The prevalence of neutralizing antibody was found to be 93.9%. Female had...
Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology, 2018
Background: Under nutrition is a worldwide public health problem affecting the well-being of mill... more Background: Under nutrition is a worldwide public health problem affecting the well-being of millions of pregnant women in the developing world. Only limited research has been conducted on the prevalence and determinants of maternal nutritional status in Ethiopia. Particularly, data on the nutritional status of pregnant women are lacking. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and determinants of undernutrition among pregnant women attending antenatal care at the University of Gondar Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia. Methods: An institution based cross-sectional study was conducted in January and February 2016. Randomly selected 409 pregnant women were included in the study. Nutritional status was estimated using mid-upper-arm circumference. Data on potential determinants of undernutrition were gathered using a structured questionnaire. The blood sample was collected to analyze hemoglobin. The stool sample was collected to identify intestinal parasitic infections. Statistical analysis was done using logistic regression. P-value < 0.05 at 95% confidence interval was considered as statistically significant. Results: The prevalence of undernutrition among pregnant women was 16.2% (95% CI: 12.4-20.1%). Using a logistic regression model, factors significantly associated with the undernutrition were living in rural areas (AOR = 2.26), low educational status [no formal education (AOR = 2.91), primary education (AOR = 2.69)], history of too many births (AOR = 2.55), anemia (AOR = 2.01), and intestinal parasitic infection (AOR = 2.73). Conclusion: The study findings provide evidence for the public health significance of under nutrition among pregnant women in the study area. The problem must be combated through rural livelihood promotion, socioeconomic empowerment of women, sustained nutrition education and expansion of family-planning services in the area.
Background: A cross-sectional study was carried out in urban area. The primary outcome of the stu... more Background: A cross-sectional study was carried out in urban area. The primary outcome of the study was the proportion of breakthrough infection in vaccinated subjects, which was defined as any COVID-19 infection occurring ≥30 days after receiving both the doses of either of the vaccine(s). Aims and Objectives: The aims of this study were to determine prevalence of COVID-19 breakthrough infection among COVID 19 vaccinated patients, (1) to study demographic factors affecting breakthrough infection and (2) to compare the proportion of breakthrough infection among Covishield and Covaxin recipients. Materials and Methods: The subjects were selected by systematic random sample method from available vaccination record. A questionnaire was administered in local language containing demographic information and COVID-related information. Nasopharyngeal swab was taken by trained Interns with all necessary precautions, RT-PCR swab was labeled and sent to PCR laboratory in cold chain for testing...
Introduction: Remdesivir demonstrated clinical benefit in a placebo-controlled trial in patients ... more Introduction: Remdesivir demonstrated clinical benefit in a placebo-controlled trial in patients with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), but its effect in patients with moderate disease is unknown. We tried to determine the efficacy of 5 or 10 days of remdesivir treatment compared with standard care on clinical status on day 11 after initiation of treatment. Methodology: A retrospective case control study from existing data where we enrolled hospitalized patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. . We made two groups of patients. Those who received intravenous remdesivir for either 5 days or 10 days were enrolled as cases. All patients received 200 mg of remdesivir on day 1 and 100 mg once daily on subsequent days. Those who did not received remdesivir as treatment were enrolled as controls. Controls were matched with cases in terms of age, sex and clinical staging at the time of admission. Outcome measures like recovery, death, average time of hospitalization was analys...
Background: As far as the awareness of people regarding donation of vital organs is concerned it ... more Background: As far as the awareness of people regarding donation of vital organs is concerned it is very low. Donating organs is a great deed as donating life to other. But the lack of awareness among the people and lack of enriching efforts have made the situation even worse. This study intends to assess the awareness about Organ Donation among youth population.Materials and methods: A Longitudinal (Interventional) study, conducted among students of nine colleges of Arts, Science & Commerce streams in a metropolitan city were selected using random sampling.Results: About 124 (59%) participants were unaware the organs that are donated when the donor in ALIVE and 87 (41.42%) replied as they know. Even those who said they knew about which organs to be donated did not have correct understanding. Only 27 (12.85%) enumerated correct names of certain organs which can be donated while donor is alive. The number increased to 65 (30.95%) in post test after session taken after two months.Conc...
Background: Approximately 11-18% of adults aged 60 and over suffers from a mental disorder. Accor... more Background: Approximately 11-18% of adults aged 60 and over suffers from a mental disorder. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report, patients over 55 years with depression have a four times higher death rate than those without depression. Early recognition, diagnosis, and initiation of treatment for depression in older people present opportunities for improving their quality of life, preventing suffering or premature death and maintaining optimal levels of function and independence.This study aims to find out association of various risk factors with depression among elderly people.Methods: Across-sectional study was done in rural households in the field practice area of a tertiary health care hospital. A total of 240 elderly persons were interviewed using pretested and predesigned questionnaire from GDS-30. Data was analysed using percentages and χ2-test. Results: The prevalence of depression in elderly persons was 26.6%; among these, 18% were mildly depressed and 8....
Background: Organ Donation has been one of the greatest advances of modern science that has resul... more Background: Organ Donation has been one of the greatest advances of modern science that has resulted in many patients getting a renewed lease of life. Organs can be donated by a living person, after natural death & much more organs can be donated after brain Stem Death is “Cadaver Transplant” or “Deceased Donor Transplant”. It is believed that youths are the leading decision makers in families. So identifying their concerns regarding organ donation, creating awareness in them and changing their beliefs may increase number of consents for organ donation in long run. Materials and methods: A prospective interventional study was done among 206 students of nine degree colleges (arts, science and commerce streams) using random sampling during the study duration of 18 months. Results: 102 (48.57%) participants were willing to donate their organs after their BSD while after the session in post test the number increased significantly to 163 (77.61%). And when this increase was compared with...
Background: The present study was conducted to study the socioeconomic and the demographic profil... more Background: The present study was conducted to study the socioeconomic and the demographic profile of children reporting with adverse events following immunization (AEFI) along with the determinants associated with AEFIs, based on investigation of each case and to assess the proportion of programmatic errors linked with AEFI cases. Materials and Methods: Record-based cross–sectional study conducted among sample of 118 cases of AEFI were reported. The case reports of all AEFI cases were procured and analyzed to identify factors associated with reported AEFI. The questionnaires related with preliminary investigation reports (PIRs) including forensic evidence of death cases were analyzed. Percentage analysis of data was done by proportions, measures of central tendencies, and Chi-square test. Results: Most of the cases reported were between 0 and 3 months of age constituting 39%. AEFI was seen more in male child than female. more than half of cases of AEFI were recorded following immun...
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research [IJCMR], Aug 1, 2019
Introduction: Water borne and communicable diseases: Gastrointestinal disorders, particularly dys... more Introduction: Water borne and communicable diseases: Gastrointestinal disorders, particularly dysentery, diarrhoea and parasitic infections are very common among tribal regions of Maharashtra, leading to marked morbidity and malnutrition. The present study was a epidemiological surveillance in the vicinity of Sardar Sarovar Health Projects and its impact of health and morbidity status of the population. Material and methods: It was a cross sectional, analytical study. The study was conducted in Nandurbar district Maharashtra. The affected villages by Narmada Sarovar water kept under active surveillance during study period by the health staff and selected local leaders from villages. Results: There were total 872 cases of malnutrition reported within two year. Out of this 85% were from >1 yrs of age group and 15% were from below one year of age group. Out of 872 cases of malnutrition 44% were Male and 56% were females. Majority of malnutrition Cases were from >1 yrs of age group as compared to the below one years of age group, this data is subjected to statistical analysis the difference is found statistically not significant. Conclusions: Strengthening of the existing health services and existing infrastructure in the affected and rehabilitated area and active involvement of local leaders with some incentives (Pada worker, ASHA). NGOs and CBOs in diseases surveillance system.
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health
Background: Diarrhoeal diseases represent a major health problem in developing countries. Conserv... more Background: Diarrhoeal diseases represent a major health problem in developing countries. Conservative estimates place the global death toll from diarrhoeal diseases at about two million deaths per year (1.7 - 2.5 million deaths), ranking third among all cases of infectious disease death worldwide. The prime purpose of an outbreak investigation is to control the outbreak, limit its spread to other areas and assess how preventive strategies could be further strengthened to reduce or eliminate the risk of such outbreak in future.Methods: It was a descriptive cross sectional study of epidemic occurred in Khetiya village, Dist Barwani (MP), population of 67,500 during 17 October 2016 to 17 November 2016. All the cases reported within last one week around the market place village in Khetiya, presenting with symptoms and signs of AGE (as per standard case definition of IDSP) and willing to participate in the investigation.Results: Males were 56.96%, & female cases were 43.03%. Majority of...
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health
Background: Malnutrition is widespread in rural, tribal and urban slum areas and it is a signific... more Background: Malnutrition is widespread in rural, tribal and urban slum areas and it is a significant public health problem described as a silent killer, silent emergency, and invisible enemy affecting those who cannot express their voice and have to depend upon others for their advocacy. Numerous studies showed that education of parent’s, especially maternal education emerges as a key element of an overall strategy to address malnutrition. The best global indicator of children’s wellbeing is growth. Assessment of anthropometry is the single measurement that best defines the nutritional and health status of children, and provides an indirect measurement of the quality of life of the entire population.Methods: Community based cross-sectional study was carried out in an urban slum area of Mumbai city, Maharashtra. Total 300 children of 0-5 years of age were enrolled in the study. A list of all the children below five years of age belonging to study area was taken from the health post s...
The COVID-19 vaccination program was introduced in India on 16 January 2021. The Government-issue... more The COVID-19 vaccination program was introduced in India on 16 January 2021. The Government-issued fact sheet was the only source of information regarding Adverse Events Following Immunizations (AEFIs) for these vaccines. Aims and Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the AEFI reported following COVISHIELD vaccination in an urban health center. Materials and Methods: The spontaneous reporting method was used for data collection for 3 months. A data collection form was designed to collect the data from the study population who reported adverse events. Collected data were analyzed and categorized by severity and seriousness. The causality assessment was done using the World Health Organization's causality assessment algorithm. Results: A total of 3,486 doses of COVISHIELD vaccine were administered at the study site during the study period. In all, 306 AEFIs were reported from 190 subjects with an incidence rate of 5.45%. The majority of the subjects with AEFIs belonged to the age group of 18-45 years. Out of the total 306 AEFIs, 287 AEFIs were expected as per the fact sheets. Most of the AEFIs (59.47% [n=182]) were observed at the system organ class of "General disorders and administration site conditions." After the causality assessment, out of 433 AEFIs to COVISHIELD vaccine, 94.22% (n=287) of events were categorized to have "consistent causal association with immunization." All of them recovered from their adverse events without any sequelae. Conclusion: Most common AEFI after COVISHIELD vaccination was found to be general disorders and administration site conditions. No severe AEFI reported.
Background: Seroprevalence of COVID-19 antibody production in a person can be dependent on many p... more Background: Seroprevalence of COVID-19 antibody production in a person can be dependent on many physiological and demographic aspects such as previous infection, age, sex, body mass index, and also status of vaccination. It is of immense value to know about demographic aspect of COVID-19 antibody production so as to know about vulnerable population and suggest preventive measures. Aims and Objectives: The present study was aimed to determine effect of demographic variables COVID-19 antibody production in population of urban area. Materials and Methods: In this study, a total of 2454 subjects were screened for COVID-19 neutralizing antibody by ELISA technique. Subjects more than 18-year-old were selected for the study. We used cluster sampling method for data collection. A pre-structured questionnaire was administered after informed consent and 5 mL venous blood was collected in plain bulb for testing. Results: The prevalence of neutralizing antibody was found to be 93.9%. Female had...
Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology, 2018
Background: Under nutrition is a worldwide public health problem affecting the well-being of mill... more Background: Under nutrition is a worldwide public health problem affecting the well-being of millions of pregnant women in the developing world. Only limited research has been conducted on the prevalence and determinants of maternal nutritional status in Ethiopia. Particularly, data on the nutritional status of pregnant women are lacking. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and determinants of undernutrition among pregnant women attending antenatal care at the University of Gondar Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia. Methods: An institution based cross-sectional study was conducted in January and February 2016. Randomly selected 409 pregnant women were included in the study. Nutritional status was estimated using mid-upper-arm circumference. Data on potential determinants of undernutrition were gathered using a structured questionnaire. The blood sample was collected to analyze hemoglobin. The stool sample was collected to identify intestinal parasitic infections. Statistical analysis was done using logistic regression. P-value < 0.05 at 95% confidence interval was considered as statistically significant. Results: The prevalence of undernutrition among pregnant women was 16.2% (95% CI: 12.4-20.1%). Using a logistic regression model, factors significantly associated with the undernutrition were living in rural areas (AOR = 2.26), low educational status [no formal education (AOR = 2.91), primary education (AOR = 2.69)], history of too many births (AOR = 2.55), anemia (AOR = 2.01), and intestinal parasitic infection (AOR = 2.73). Conclusion: The study findings provide evidence for the public health significance of under nutrition among pregnant women in the study area. The problem must be combated through rural livelihood promotion, socioeconomic empowerment of women, sustained nutrition education and expansion of family-planning services in the area.
Background: A cross-sectional study was carried out in urban area. The primary outcome of the stu... more Background: A cross-sectional study was carried out in urban area. The primary outcome of the study was the proportion of breakthrough infection in vaccinated subjects, which was defined as any COVID-19 infection occurring ≥30 days after receiving both the doses of either of the vaccine(s). Aims and Objectives: The aims of this study were to determine prevalence of COVID-19 breakthrough infection among COVID 19 vaccinated patients, (1) to study demographic factors affecting breakthrough infection and (2) to compare the proportion of breakthrough infection among Covishield and Covaxin recipients. Materials and Methods: The subjects were selected by systematic random sample method from available vaccination record. A questionnaire was administered in local language containing demographic information and COVID-related information. Nasopharyngeal swab was taken by trained Interns with all necessary precautions, RT-PCR swab was labeled and sent to PCR laboratory in cold chain for testing...
Introduction: Remdesivir demonstrated clinical benefit in a placebo-controlled trial in patients ... more Introduction: Remdesivir demonstrated clinical benefit in a placebo-controlled trial in patients with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), but its effect in patients with moderate disease is unknown. We tried to determine the efficacy of 5 or 10 days of remdesivir treatment compared with standard care on clinical status on day 11 after initiation of treatment. Methodology: A retrospective case control study from existing data where we enrolled hospitalized patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. . We made two groups of patients. Those who received intravenous remdesivir for either 5 days or 10 days were enrolled as cases. All patients received 200 mg of remdesivir on day 1 and 100 mg once daily on subsequent days. Those who did not received remdesivir as treatment were enrolled as controls. Controls were matched with cases in terms of age, sex and clinical staging at the time of admission. Outcome measures like recovery, death, average time of hospitalization was analys...
Background: As far as the awareness of people regarding donation of vital organs is concerned it ... more Background: As far as the awareness of people regarding donation of vital organs is concerned it is very low. Donating organs is a great deed as donating life to other. But the lack of awareness among the people and lack of enriching efforts have made the situation even worse. This study intends to assess the awareness about Organ Donation among youth population.Materials and methods: A Longitudinal (Interventional) study, conducted among students of nine colleges of Arts, Science & Commerce streams in a metropolitan city were selected using random sampling.Results: About 124 (59%) participants were unaware the organs that are donated when the donor in ALIVE and 87 (41.42%) replied as they know. Even those who said they knew about which organs to be donated did not have correct understanding. Only 27 (12.85%) enumerated correct names of certain organs which can be donated while donor is alive. The number increased to 65 (30.95%) in post test after session taken after two months.Conc...
Background: Approximately 11-18% of adults aged 60 and over suffers from a mental disorder. Accor... more Background: Approximately 11-18% of adults aged 60 and over suffers from a mental disorder. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report, patients over 55 years with depression have a four times higher death rate than those without depression. Early recognition, diagnosis, and initiation of treatment for depression in older people present opportunities for improving their quality of life, preventing suffering or premature death and maintaining optimal levels of function and independence.This study aims to find out association of various risk factors with depression among elderly people.Methods: Across-sectional study was done in rural households in the field practice area of a tertiary health care hospital. A total of 240 elderly persons were interviewed using pretested and predesigned questionnaire from GDS-30. Data was analysed using percentages and χ2-test. Results: The prevalence of depression in elderly persons was 26.6%; among these, 18% were mildly depressed and 8....
Background: Organ Donation has been one of the greatest advances of modern science that has resul... more Background: Organ Donation has been one of the greatest advances of modern science that has resulted in many patients getting a renewed lease of life. Organs can be donated by a living person, after natural death & much more organs can be donated after brain Stem Death is “Cadaver Transplant” or “Deceased Donor Transplant”. It is believed that youths are the leading decision makers in families. So identifying their concerns regarding organ donation, creating awareness in them and changing their beliefs may increase number of consents for organ donation in long run. Materials and methods: A prospective interventional study was done among 206 students of nine degree colleges (arts, science and commerce streams) using random sampling during the study duration of 18 months. Results: 102 (48.57%) participants were willing to donate their organs after their BSD while after the session in post test the number increased significantly to 163 (77.61%). And when this increase was compared with...
Background: The present study was conducted to study the socioeconomic and the demographic profil... more Background: The present study was conducted to study the socioeconomic and the demographic profile of children reporting with adverse events following immunization (AEFI) along with the determinants associated with AEFIs, based on investigation of each case and to assess the proportion of programmatic errors linked with AEFI cases. Materials and Methods: Record-based cross–sectional study conducted among sample of 118 cases of AEFI were reported. The case reports of all AEFI cases were procured and analyzed to identify factors associated with reported AEFI. The questionnaires related with preliminary investigation reports (PIRs) including forensic evidence of death cases were analyzed. Percentage analysis of data was done by proportions, measures of central tendencies, and Chi-square test. Results: Most of the cases reported were between 0 and 3 months of age constituting 39%. AEFI was seen more in male child than female. more than half of cases of AEFI were recorded following immun...
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research [IJCMR], Aug 1, 2019
Introduction: Water borne and communicable diseases: Gastrointestinal disorders, particularly dys... more Introduction: Water borne and communicable diseases: Gastrointestinal disorders, particularly dysentery, diarrhoea and parasitic infections are very common among tribal regions of Maharashtra, leading to marked morbidity and malnutrition. The present study was a epidemiological surveillance in the vicinity of Sardar Sarovar Health Projects and its impact of health and morbidity status of the population. Material and methods: It was a cross sectional, analytical study. The study was conducted in Nandurbar district Maharashtra. The affected villages by Narmada Sarovar water kept under active surveillance during study period by the health staff and selected local leaders from villages. Results: There were total 872 cases of malnutrition reported within two year. Out of this 85% were from >1 yrs of age group and 15% were from below one year of age group. Out of 872 cases of malnutrition 44% were Male and 56% were females. Majority of malnutrition Cases were from >1 yrs of age group as compared to the below one years of age group, this data is subjected to statistical analysis the difference is found statistically not significant. Conclusions: Strengthening of the existing health services and existing infrastructure in the affected and rehabilitated area and active involvement of local leaders with some incentives (Pada worker, ASHA). NGOs and CBOs in diseases surveillance system.
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health
Background: Diarrhoeal diseases represent a major health problem in developing countries. Conserv... more Background: Diarrhoeal diseases represent a major health problem in developing countries. Conservative estimates place the global death toll from diarrhoeal diseases at about two million deaths per year (1.7 - 2.5 million deaths), ranking third among all cases of infectious disease death worldwide. The prime purpose of an outbreak investigation is to control the outbreak, limit its spread to other areas and assess how preventive strategies could be further strengthened to reduce or eliminate the risk of such outbreak in future.Methods: It was a descriptive cross sectional study of epidemic occurred in Khetiya village, Dist Barwani (MP), population of 67,500 during 17 October 2016 to 17 November 2016. All the cases reported within last one week around the market place village in Khetiya, presenting with symptoms and signs of AGE (as per standard case definition of IDSP) and willing to participate in the investigation.Results: Males were 56.96%, & female cases were 43.03%. Majority of...
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health
Background: Malnutrition is widespread in rural, tribal and urban slum areas and it is a signific... more Background: Malnutrition is widespread in rural, tribal and urban slum areas and it is a significant public health problem described as a silent killer, silent emergency, and invisible enemy affecting those who cannot express their voice and have to depend upon others for their advocacy. Numerous studies showed that education of parent’s, especially maternal education emerges as a key element of an overall strategy to address malnutrition. The best global indicator of children’s wellbeing is growth. Assessment of anthropometry is the single measurement that best defines the nutritional and health status of children, and provides an indirect measurement of the quality of life of the entire population.Methods: Community based cross-sectional study was carried out in an urban slum area of Mumbai city, Maharashtra. Total 300 children of 0-5 years of age were enrolled in the study. A list of all the children below five years of age belonging to study area was taken from the health post s...
Papers by sushant chavan