Papers by Wan Mohamad Asyraf Wan Afthanorhan

Economics, May 1, 2024
Each states play pivotal roles in contributing to the economic performance of the nation. They ha... more Each states play pivotal roles in contributing to the economic performance of the nation. They have their own unique economic strengths, resources, and industries that contribute to the overall economic development. Terengganu, an east coast state in Malaysia has historically faced economic challenges, marked by a lag in development compared to other regions. The fundamental problem addressed is the potential correlation between educational attainment and the region's economic growth, aiming to understand how advancements in education might serve as a catalyst for economic progress. The objective of this research is to empirically analyze the impact of educational achievement on the economic development in Terengganu. Utilizing secondary data sourced from the Department of Statistics Malaysia and Economy Planning Unit Terengganu spanning from 2006 to 2022, Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model has been employed to estimate and understand the relationship between educational attainment and economic development. The findings suggested that educational achievement plays positive impact in heightening the economic development within the region. Education contributes to the development of human capital, fostering a skilled and knowledgeable populace capable of engaging in diverse economic activities. This, in turn, attracts investments and facilitates the emergence of industries and sectors that rely on a knowledgeable and skilled labour force. This study would provide valuable insights for policymakers and academicians to formulate targeted policies and initiatives, ultimately enhancing the economic development of the states, thus contribute to a prosperous Malaysia.
Sustainability, 2020
This study examines the effect of financial literacy, saving attitudes, social influence, and goa... more This study examines the effect of financial literacy, saving attitudes, social influence, and goal clarity on the retirement planning construct. In addition, it investigates how the public demographic profile moderates these relationships. The questionnaire approach was utilized to collect data by adopting and customizing the measurement scale from previous studies. A systematic random sampling approach was employed on 323 prospective respondents. The outcomes of this study illustrate that all relationships are significantly and positively associated with retirement planning using structural equation modeling (SEM). Furthermore, all moderator variables (gender, age, status, income, and education) moderated the relationships. The government should construct a holistic retirement planning model that is based on demographic characteristics.

Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014
Now-a-days evacuated tubes solar water heaters are increasingly use in South India because of goo... more Now-a-days evacuated tubes solar water heaters are increasingly use in South India because of good thermal efficiency and high water temperature could be achievable as compared to flat plate solar collectors. Low manufacturing and maintenance cost also attract people to go for evacuated tube solar water heaters. This paper reports experimental results of two types of evacuated tube solar water heaters. To evaluate the performance of evacuated tube solar water heater, single-phase forced system and two-phase closed forced systems were considered. In two-phase closed system sunflower oil was used as working fluid to heat water. Throughout the study two-phase closed system shows better performance compared to single-phase open collector system and their efficiency almost 10 to 12% higher. But, because of high initial cost of two-phase system, the pay back periods of both collector systems is almost same. In two phased closed system higher temperature of water could be achieved, which i...

Belitung Nursing Journal
Background: Employees’ work experience significantly impacts their cognition and workplace action... more Background: Employees’ work experience significantly impacts their cognition and workplace actions. Anger and negative affectivity are two personality traits that have been linked to workplace deviant behavior conduct. Objective: This study aimed to empirically analyze the deviant workplace behavior and its antecedents among Malaysian nurses in public hospitals. Methods: A cross-sectional design was employed in this study. The survey questionnaires were distributed proportionately to staff nurses in six government hospitals in 2020, with a total of 387 nurses selected using a simple random sampling. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used for data analysis. Results: Trait anger triggered deviant workplace behavior in Malaysian nurses, thus supporting the argument that the personality trait could increase deviant behavior (β = 0.245, p = 0.000). At the same time, there was no evidence that negative affectivity could influence deviant behavior in the work...

The International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Dec 29, 2019
This research intended to develop a reliable instrument to measure Work Intentions (WI) through E... more This research intended to develop a reliable instrument to measure Work Intentions (WI) through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), particularly in the context of the Jordan Telecommunication Sector (JTS). This study examined EFA as it differs from other studies in terms of cultural and social status. More importantly, many previous studies have examined turnover, retention, performance, productivity, and job satisfaction. However, a few researchers focused on the projected five work intentions (WI), which include the intent to Perform, Stay, endorse, be an organizational citizen, and use Discretionary Effort. Therefore, this study investigated work intention (WI), which includes 15 items applied to measure five intentions in-among different cultures and industries and consequently presented a reliable instrument. The researcher implemented the cross-sectional study design and collected data randomly from 100 participants working in three leading telecommunication companies in Jordan, using a structured survey. This study also concluded the reliable instrument containing fifteen (15) items and producing five (5) components, i.e., intent to perform (3 items), stay (3 items), endorse (3 items), be an organizational citizen (3 items), and use discretionary effort (3 items). The researcher applied the Cronbach Alpha test to check the internal reliability of the current WI instrument and found reliable.

Analysis of Moment of Structures (AMOS) is one of the prominent software developed for Covariance... more Analysis of Moment of Structures (AMOS) is one of the prominent software developed for Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling (CBSEM). AMOS is popular since it is more flexible than other statistical packages. Historically, this software was developed by Jim Arbuckle in 1995 and is widely employed by academicians since then. This software has become even more popular after distributor IBM distributes itworldwide with SPSS where Amos is one of its applications. Consequently, higher education institutions subscribing SPSS have AMOS automatically; and they areadopting the CBSEM technique. Although an enormous number of journal articles are being published using CBSEM, a number of instructional materials for researchersto follow are still limited especially in addressing the Higher Order Constructs (HOC). This paper intends to address this knowledge gap and help researchers to understand properly how to address HOC in their work. The paper outlines properguides for application an...

In several years, structural equation modeling or popularly known as SEM is the first generation ... more In several years, structural equation modeling or popularly known as SEM is the first generation path modeling widely used by researchers and practitioners nowadays to analyze the interrelationship among variables in a model. Some of the researchers classify SEM as the covariance-based SEM (CB-SEM). However, this method have been argued since its application should achieved the criterion before conducting the measurement and structural model. Thus, partial least square SEM (PLS-SEM) has been established to solve this problems. This paper aims to examine which one of the structural equation modeling is appropriate to use for confirmatory factor analysis by using SMARTPLS and AMOS. In this instance, the data of volunteerism program is chosen as a research subject to prove this issue. The author revealed that PLS-SEM path modeling using SMARTPLS is appropriate to carry on the confirmatory factor analysis which is more reliable and valid.

Moderated mediation has been proven to be one of the useful techniques in providing powerful anal... more Moderated mediation has been proven to be one of the useful techniques in providing powerful analysis in many research areas such as social science, statistics, marketing, health science and others. By using secondary data obtained from Trends In Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), moderated mediation analysis is used to determine the significance difference of direct effect and total effect including indirect effect of exogenous latent constructs toward endogenous latent construct through mediator latent construct between moderator; male and female samples. From the Moderation Analysis, it is found that there is no significant difference between male and female samples in the direct effect of all exogenous latent constructs toward endogenous latent construct. The same result obtained in Moderated Mediation Analysis where there is no significant difference between male and female samples in the total effect including indirect effect from all exogenous latent constructs toward end...

This study aimed to evaluate the factors used for develop a best model of multimediating effect o... more This study aimed to evaluate the factors used for develop a best model of multimediating effect on motivation among youth in higher education institution towards volunteerism program. The data be collected through questionnaires distributed at four higher education institution. This questionnaire is constructed based on five dimension which is motivation, benefits, goverment support, barrier and challenges. The data were distributed by using stratified sampling technique and involving 453 respodents . In this case, the data were analyzed through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) by using Analysis Moment of Structural (AMOS) 18.0 in order to examine the influence of exogenous and endogenous variables. As a result showed that the goverment support is significant and direct influences on motivation, benefits, challenges and barrier. Moreover, the benefits and barrier is significant and direct influence on motivation while the challenges is insignificant influence on motivation. In ge...
This study aimed to evaluate the factor used to validate the best model of five latent constructs... more This study aimed to evaluate the factor used to validate the best model of five latent constructs by using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on variables of volunteerism program. The data be collected through questionnaires distributed at four higher education institution. This questionnaire is constructed based on five dimension which is motivation, benefits, government support, barrier and challenges. The data were distributed by using stratified sampling technique and involving 453 respondents . In this case, the data were analyzed through four model which is model specification, model evaluation, model modification verification and model estimation by using Analysis Moment of Structural (AMOS) 18.0 in order to improve the the validity of each latent construct.. As a result showed that the reliability and validity of all latent construct is achieved.

In recent years, partial least square structural equation modeling has been enjoyed popularly sin... more In recent years, partial least square structural equation modeling has been enjoyed popularly since the various package for partial least square established. Besides, this method can be known as the the next second generation modeling or soft modeling that can be a great helpful among the researchers and practitioners to accomplish their objective research. In this paper also intend to modeling the second higher order construct (Hierachical Component) as the advance in partial least structural equation modeling (PLSSEM) using smartpls which is the newest package. In this application of this method, we can create a higher order construct, in particular, the reseracher should empahsize for many aspect in order to ensure this model is more relevance and significant. Thus, the application using reflective-formative should be carry out in order to obtain the best model. In some instance, the author present the guideline to conduct this analysis with a real example so that the researchers...

In tackling with a big dataset, a new and better approach is crucial to be used for. As in this p... more In tackling with a big dataset, a new and better approach is crucial to be used for. As in this paper, to develop an algorithm modelling for Boosted Regression Trees (BRT), author are decided to use the programming R statistical data analysis tool. The data used in this research, is a one-hour time range of data collected from 2009 up to 2012 for an environment station located at coastal-environment area somewhere in northern of Malaysia. Thus, step by step flowchart from the beginning till the objective been achieve, were provided, and created. Sensitive testing of model been carried out with the three main parameters. Only the number of trees (nt) is to be determine by using the method of estimating the optimal number of iterations; an independent test set (test), out-of-bag estimation (OOB), and five-fold CV. While the learning rate (lr) and interaction depth (tc) been fixed at 0.001 and 5 respectively. Results indicated that the BRT analysis algorithm best modelled with the best...

Recently, Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) has become pervasive among ... more Recently, Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) has become pervasive among the scholar in variety of areas to examine or predict selected variables in order to achieve the goals that have been set based on the issues faced by researchers. Thus, vary of method has been performed to ascertain the researchers attain the necessity of their survey in more holistic. The main objective of this empirical works to provide a step by step approach to anyone whom interested to perform a multi-group analysis (moderating effect). In particular, the author practice the parametric approach that has been proposed by previous research using two different methods of equal and unequal variances. For this instances, five variables selected which are Benefit, Barrier, Government, Challenge and Motivation introduced to practice of these both approach. All of these variables have been tested with the existence of moderating effect (gender variable) to identify whether of particular mo...

International Journal of Mathematical Research, 2014
The Important-Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA) is widely used in analytical technique that yiel... more The Important-Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA) is widely used in analytical technique that yields prescription for the management of customer satisfaction. IPA is a two-dimensional grid based on importance and performance of customer satisfaction. Yet, this paper intend to use the volunteers as a research subject to identify to what extent the strength of the relationship between exogenous and endogenous variable that can be derived. As pedagogical theoretical and past empirical studies, attribute level of performance and importance is relevance and significant. These finding reveals the capabilities of IPA towards a volunteerism program. Using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling with SmartPLS 2.0, the asymmetric relationship importance and performance is provided. Futhermore, it shown that benefits factor is a major importance and performance for establishing Motivation.

In This research, the researcher intended to develop a reliable instrument in order to measure Go... more In This research, the researcher intended to develop a reliable instrument in order to measure Goal Setting (GS) through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), particularly in the context of the Jordan Telecommunication Sector (JTS). This study examined EFA as it differs from other studies in terms of cultural and social status. More importantly, many previous studies examined Goal Setting. However, a few researchers focused on the projected considerable attributes of (GS). This study examined Goal Setting components to measure (GS) and presented a reliable instrument. This research implemented the cross-sectional study design, and randomly collected data from 100 participants working in three leading telecommunication companies in Jordan, that exclusively provide mobile telephone and internet services using a structured survey. This study concluded a reliable instrument with ten (10) items representing goal setting. It also calculated the internal reliability value (Cronbach Alpha valu...

Asian Journal of Economic Modelling, 2014
Electrical consumption is increasing rapidly in Malaysia due to the sustenance of a modern econom... more Electrical consumption is increasing rapidly in Malaysia due to the sustenance of a modern economy way of living. Recently, the Vice Chancellor of University Technology MARA, Tan Sri Dato’ Professor Ir Dr Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar has shown a great deal of concern regarding the high electrical energy consumption in UiTM’s main campus in Shah Alam. This study seeks to evaluate the factors that contribute to high electrical energy consumption in the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences (FSKM), UiTM using the Six Sigma methodology and to compare electrical energy consumptions before and after the EC (Energy Conservation) initiative campaign. Many companies worldwide continue to achieve improvements in business performance using the Six Sigma approach. The electrical consumption from January 2011 until December 2013 was analyzed using five stages of Six Sigma which is Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC). The total electrical consumption for 2011 was 1, 648, 791 kw...

Journal of Applied Engineering Science, 2019
Employee in small manufacturing enterprise (SMEs) industry suffer high rates of industrial accide... more Employee in small manufacturing enterprise (SMEs) industry suffer high rates of industrial accident than large company as refl ected eight times more fatal accidents and 50 % of injuries more likely to occur. With the rising importance of the SMEs, ensuring high levels of safety in SMEs remains a signifi cant issue. This study was undertaken to explore the factors infl uencing the behaviour-based safety performance in the small medium enterprise. A comprehensive review of the safety literature enabled the invention of the constructs, and items that supported a conceptual behavior-based safety performance evaluation framework. A conceptual framework was adopted based on integration Theory Planned Behavior and Social Exchange Theory. Thus, this study proposed four constructs of behavior-based safety performance evaluation, namely, work ownership and Islamic work ethics, safety climate, and behavior-based safety performance. The best practice of behavior-based safety performance evaluation conceptual framework is proposed for implementation by the SMEs Entrepreneur and practitioner to proactively monitor and manage SMEs safety in the future. The framework will be tested empirically using data collected from SMEs companies in Malaysia. This conceptual framework is one of the alternatives to effectively evaluate safety performance in SMEs, particularly in the Malaysian context.

I. INTRODUCTION Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is the one of the prominent method to fulfill ... more I. INTRODUCTION Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is the one of the prominent method to fulfill the requirement of the necessary for most of the researchers nowadays. This method is performed to overcome the limitation of the previous method whereby are old version that initially are false assumption. According to (Afthanorhan, 2013) this application is the integrating of regression analysis and exploratory factor analysis to ascertain scholar provide surveys in a factual assumption. For an example, some of the scholars often use the computation of mean for each variable to analyze their empirical research and of course totally violate the assumption in which the mean of error should be zero. In the nature of social science, the type of mediation effect is able to let the scholars identify the strength of each mediator variables and competent to capture an attention of scholars to implement particular method for their empirical study. In other words, type of mediator has become enjoyed for some researchers nowadays since this skill probable to expand the contribution of the research paper to present a good knowledge to the readers from a variety of fields and countries across the whole region. The founder namely Cohen (1998) allegation the strength of mediator variable is relies on correlation of coefficient or square multiple correlation (R 2) in the model developed. A square multiple correlation is exist once this variable has been exerted by other variables whereby independent or exogenous variables. In particular, the result provided in mediator variable comes upon the independent variable has a causal effect on the particular variables. In the accordance of Daniel Soper (2010), square multiple correlations (R 2) higher than 0.80 consider high total variation. In addition, there are three types concerning on testing mediated effect beginning by Aronian (1944) followed of Goodman (1960) and has been improve by Sobel test (1982). All of these types use the z-score or z-test to indicate the significant level for their theory. Apparently, the researchers currently interest to perform their mediated effect on the Sobel test that has been supposed a best and precise according to discover of decline error associated with product distribution problem. In furthers, this work paper practice of the volunteerism subject to execute the testing mediating effect using Sobel test whereby comprise of five variables including of three mediator variables. The three mediators variables is emanating from the discovery of previous empirical research wherein these particular variables is conformity to take account the double explanation in such events. Unambiguously, three mediators variable presume Benefits, Challenges and Barrier. Dingle (2001) ordains the Governments is better informed about the people who volunteer, it is likely to become more aware of how policy legislation it introduces can affect, both directly and indirectly , people giving of their time. Of this report prove to justify Benefits factor should be treat as a mediator variable due competency to elucidate two vital roles in one time event. Moreover, the same author which expertise on this area of Dingle (2001) also describe three factors that challenges volunteering which can be indirectly among people to involve the volunteerism program and eventually this particular variable should be implement for the required research. In the accordance of Marlene Wilson (1976) and Eva Schindler-Rainman (1987) explores the barrier is the early Abstract: Nowadays, most of the researchers prefer to perform their research using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Further, this application has been extended to enhance the powerful and momentous of the empirical study in order to let the scholars build probe in deeper. Previously, the introduction to mediator variable in statistical analysis already ensure the scholars to provide their research to enlighten concerning on selected variables besides to create a new phenomenon for researchers. However, most of them are rare to take into account on the type of mediator effect once complete the final stage of analysis. In reality, this application manages to determine the strength of mediator variable in analysis by following step by step approach suggested. Hence, this paper intends to illuminate the conditions of type mediator effect whereby Barrier, Benefit, and Challenges factors as well as steps to perform it on Sobel test prevail. The findings suggest Benefits factor to be a partially mediator effect whereas Barrier and Challenges factors to be nonmediation effect.
Papers by Wan Mohamad Asyraf Wan Afthanorhan