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Chemistry in society

Acid rain - Air pollution - Amphetamine - Anabolic steroids - Asbestos - Aspartame - Aspirin - CFCs - Cholesterol - Cocaine - Carbohydrates - Carbon dioxide - Chemical warfare - Ecstasy - Enzymes - Estrogen - Fat - Fatty acid - Free radicals - Gasoline - Heroin - Insulin - LSD - Morphine - Nuclear fuel - Nuclear fusion - Paracetamol - Penicillin - Plastic - Radioactive waste - Ozone - Smog - Soil contamination - Sugar - Tamiflu - Testosterone - Viagra - Vitamins


American Chemical Society - biochemistry - chemistry - computer-assisted drug design - computational chemistry - dependent variable - environmental chemistry - experiment - geochemistry - hypothesis - independent variable - inorganic chemistry - law - matter - medicinal chemistry - organic chemistry - pharmacology - pharmacognosy - physical chemistry - scientific notation - theory - toxicology - variable


absolute error - absolute temperature - absolute zero - accuracy - ampere - Angstrom - atto- - base unit - calibration - Celsius - centi- - cgs - conversion factor - coulomb - density - derived unit - dyne - femto- - gram - gross error - hydrometer - kelvin - kilo- - limit of quantitation - mass - measurement - mega- - meter - micro- - milli- - mistake[disambiguation needed] - nano- - pico- - power - precision - random error - relative error - relative standard deviation - second - significant figure - SI - specific gravity - specific volume - standard deviation - systematic error - trueness - units of measurement - weight


absorption - adsorbent - adsorption - aeration - aerosol - alkali metal - alkaline earth - alkaline earth metal - allotrope - alloy - amalgam - analysis - atom - boiling - boiling point - chemical change - chemical element - chemical property - chromatography - colloid - column chromatography - compound - concentration - condensation - congener - crystallization - density - dialysis - diffusion - dilution - distillate - distillation - ductile - electrolysis - electrorefining - element symbol - emulsion - evaporation - evaporate - extensive property - extraction - foam - fractional distillation - gas - gel - group[disambiguation needed] - heterogeneous mixture - high performance liquid chromatography - homogeneous mixture - intensive property - ion exchange - kinetic energy - lanthanide - law of conservation of mass - law of definite proportions - law of multiple proportions - liquid - malleable - mass - matter - metal - molecule - nonparticulate - nonmetal - nonpolar - nonpolar molecule - particulate - periodic table - period - phase - phase boundary - physical change - physical property - plasma - polymorph - potential energy - precipitate - Precipitation (chemistry) - pure substance - qualitative analysis[disambiguation needed] - quantitative analysis - sedimentation - semipermeable membrane - sol - solid - soluble - soluble salt - solution - solvent - solvent extraction - sorption - state of matter - stationary phase - stoichiometry - Stripping (chemistry) - sublimation - thin layer chromatography - transition metal - zone refining

Consumer chemistry

abrasive - acidulant - activated charcoal - antichlor - antioxidant - antiozonant - antipyretic - aqua regia - bleach - caffeine - carbonate hardness - dry cell - EDTA - emollient - glutamate receptors - glutamate - glyceride - humectant - mixed glyceride - MSG - natural gas - permanent hardness - propellant - saturated fat - soap - temporary hardness - unsaturated fat - vinyl - vitamin - water gas - water hardness - water softener - water softening - zeolite - zincography

Atoms, elements, and ions

allobar - allotrope - alpha particle - alpha ray - anion - anode - atomic mass unit - atomic nucleus - atomic number - atomic theory - atomic weight - atom - beta particle - Brownian motion - calutron - cathode ray - cathode - cation - chemical change - chemical element - compound - deuterium - electric charge - electron - element symbol - group[disambiguation needed] - heavy water - ion - isotope - isotopic abundance - isotopic mass - IUPAC - law of conservation of mass - law of definite proportions - law of multiple proportions - mass number - mass spectrometer - mass spectrometry - mass spectrum - metal - natural abundance - neutral particle - neutron - nonmetal - nuclear binding energy - nucleon - nuclide symbol - nuclide - periodic table - period - polymorph - proton - radioactivity - stoichiometry - x-ray spectrum

Molecules and compounds

acetate - acetic acid - acid - addition compound - alkaline earth - alkane - ammonia - ammonium ion - anhydrous - anion - base - binary compound - Brønsted-Lowry acid-base theory - cation - chemical bond - chemical element - covalent bond - covalent compound - cupric - cuprous - diatomic molecule - efflorescent- empirical formula - ferric - ferrous - formula weight - formula unit - halide - hydrate - hydrazine - hydrocarbon - hydronium ion - hydroxide - hygroscopic - hygroscopicity - inorganic compound - ionic bond - ionic compound - IUPAC - law of conservation of mass - law of definite proportions - law of multiple proportions - molecular formula - molecular model - molecular weight - nomenclature - octane - organic - polyatomic ion - polyatomic molecule - propane - proton donor - stoichiometry - structural formula - sugar - superoxide - thio- - water of crystallization

Reactions in solution

analyte - anode - aqueous - balanced equation - Brönsted acid - Brönsted base - catalyst - cation - chemical change - chemical equation - combination reaction - combustion - complete ionic equation - compound - decomposition - single displacement - double displacement - electrolyte - endpoint - equivalence point - formation[disambiguation needed] - indicator[disambiguation needed] - insoluble - ionic dissociation - ionic equation - limiting reactant - molecular equation - net ionic equation - neutral solution - neutralization reaction - nonelectrolyte - percent yield - polar molecule - precipitate - Precipitation (chemistry) - product - reactant - rearrangement reaction - redox reaction - saturated solution - solubility - spectator ion - standard solution - stoichiometry - strong acid - strong base - strong electrolyte - supersaturated solution - synthesis - theoretical yield - titrant - titration curve - titration - weak acid - weak base - weak electrolyte - Yield (chemistry)


wikt:aliquot - alkalinity - Avogadro - Avogadro number - empirical formula - experimental yield - formula weight - formula unit - limiting reactant - mass percentage - molar - molarity - molecular formula - molecular weight - mole - percent yield - theoretical yield - volume percentage - yield


absolute zero - atmosphere - Avogadro - Avogadro number - Avogadro's law - bar - barometer - Boltzmann constant - Boyle's law - Charles' law - Dalton's law - diffusion - diffusion rate - effusion - gas - ideal gas - ideal gas law constant - law of combining volumes - manometer - molar volume - momentum - Pascal (unit) - pressure - SATP - standard molar volume - standard pressure - STP - torr - van der Waals equation - xenon

Energy & chemical change

adiabat - adiabatic - average bond enthalpy - Boltzmann constant - Boltzmann equation - bond energy - bond enthalpy - calorie - calorimeter - calorimetry - empirical temperature - endothermic - energy - enthalpy - enthalpy of atomization - enthalpy of combustion - enthalpy of fusion - enthalpy of hydration - enthalpy of reaction - enthalpy of sublimation - enthalpy of vaporization - entropy - exothermic - first law - formation - free energy - Gibbs free energy - Gibbs free energy of formation - heat capacity - heat - Helmholtz free energy - Hess's law - indicator diagram - internal energy - isobar - isobaric - isochore - isochoric - isotherm - isothermal - joule - kinetic energy - latent heat - molar heat capacity - perfect crystal - potential energy - second law - specific heat - spontaneous - standard entropy of reaction - standard enthalpy change - standard enthalpy of formation - standard enthalpy of reaction - standard molar entropy - standard state - standard pressure - state function - temperature - thermal energy - thermochemical equation - thermochemistry - thermodynamic equilibrium - thermodynamics - thermometry - water gas - work

Quantum theory

amplitude - constructive interference - destructive interference - diffraction - electromagnetic radiation - frequency - gamma rays - Hertz - infrared radiation - interference - microwave - momentum - node - phase - photoelectric effect - photoelectron - photon - Planck's constant - quantum - quantum mechanics - quantum number - ultraviolet light - uncertainty principle - visible light - wavefunction - wavelength - wave - x-ray - x-ray diffraction pattern - x-ray spectrum - x-ray tube - zero point energy

Electrons in atoms

absorption spectrum - angular momentum quantum number - atomic orbital - aufbau principle - Balmer series - band spectrum - basis function - basis set - Bohr atom - continuous spectrum - core electron - degenerate - diamagnetism - effective nuclear charge - electron configuration - emission spectrum - excited state - f orbital - ground state - Hund's rule - isoelectronic - line spectrum - magnetic quantum number - noble gas core - orbital - paramagnetism - Pauli principle - penetration - principal quantum number - pseudocore - shell - shielding - spectrophotometry - spectroscopy - spectrum - spin - electron pair - subshell - unpaired electron - valence electron - valence shell

The periodic table

actinide - alkali metal - alkaline earth - alkaline earth metal - amphoteric - atomic radius - block - congener - first ionization energy - group - halogen - ionic radius - ionization energy - lanthanide contraction - lanthanide - main group elements - metal - nonmetal - periodic law - periodic table - periodic trend - period - second ionization energy - transition metal

Chemical bonding

alkane - antibonding orbital - average bond enthalpy - axial bond - bond energy - bond enthalpy - bond length - bond order - chemical bond - covalent bond - electric dipole - electric dipole moment - electronegativity - enthalpy of atomization - free radical - geometric isomer - hydrogen bond - incomplete octet - inductive effect - inert pair - infrared spectroscopy - ionic bond - ionic compound - Lewis structure - lone pair - metallic bond - molecular geometry - molecular orbital - multiple bond - octet rule - pi bond - polar bond - polar molecule - resonance - resonance effect - sigma bond - triple bond - valence - valence bond - valence electron - valence shell


allomer - amorphous - crystal - crystalline solid - enthalpy of sublimation - freezing point - lattice - network covalent solid - perfect crystal - solid - unit cell - van der Waals force - van der Waals radius - x-ray crystallography


adhesion - Antoine equation - boiling - boiling point - Clausius-Clapeyron equation - cohesion - critical point - critical molar volume - critical pressure - critical temperature - dipole-dipole interaction - dynamic equilibrium - enthalpy of fusion - enthalpy of vaporization - flash point - miscibility - intermolecular force - liquid - London force - meniscus - miscible - Newtonian fluid - non-Newtonian fluid - nucleation - partial miscibility - Pascal's law - phase - phase diagram - poise - specific gravity - supercritical fluid - supercooling - surface tension - surfactant - thixotropic fluid - van der Waals force - van der Waals radius - viscosity - wetting - partial miscibility


activity - aeration - aerosol - aliquot - aqueous - azeotrope - boiling - boiling point - boiling point elevation - colligative property - colloid - dilution - ebulliometry - emulsion - enthalpy of hydration - Equivalent (chemistry) - eutectic mixture - foam - fractional distillation - freezing point depression - gel - Henry's Law - hydrophilic - hydrophobic - hypertonic - hypotonic - ideal solution - mass percentage - molality - molar - molarity - mole fraction - normality - osmometry - osmosis - osmotic pressure - parts per million - Raoult's law - reverse osmosis - saturated solution - semipermeable membrane - sol - solubility - solubilizing group - solute - solution - solvent - sorption - specific gravity - standard solution - supersaturated solution - Tyndall effect - unsaturated compound - vapor pressure lowering - volume percentage

Acids and bases

acetic - acid - acid-base indicator - acid dissociation constant - alkaline - amphiprotic solvent - amphoteric - aprotic solvent - aqua regia - autoprotolysis - base hydrolysis constant - Brönsted acid - Brönsted base - buffer - hydronium ion - ionic dissociation - Kw - litmus - litmus paper - neutral solution - neutralization reaction - nitric acid - pH - phenolphthalein - proton donor - strong acid - strong base - weak acid - weak base

Redox reactions

agar - anode - anodize - autoxidation - battery acid - cathode - cation - corrosion - coulomb - disproportionation - dry cell - electrochemical cell - electrolytic cell - electrolysis - ferroin - kilogram - oxidation - oxidizing agent - oxidation number - potential difference - redox indicator - redox reaction - redox titration - reducing agent - reduction[disambiguation needed] - salt bridge - volt - voltage - voltaic cell - voltaic pile - voltammeter

Reaction rates

activated complex - activation energy - Arrhenius equation - catalyst - collision frequency - collision theory - elementary reaction - enzyme - first order reaction[disambiguation needed] - half life - integrated rate law - intermediate - order - rate constant - rate law - reaction mechanism - reaction rate - second order reaction - unimolecular reaction - zero order reaction

Environmental chemistry

activated charcoal - carbonate hardness - cyanide process - dissolved oxygen - domoic acid - environmental chemistry - excitotoxin - free radical - glutamate receptors - molecular sieve - neurotransmitter - permanent hardness - temporary hardness - teratogen - water hardness - water softener - water softening

Organic chemistry

acid anhydride - acid halide - -al - alcohol - aldehyde - aliphatic - alkane - alkene - alkoxide - alkyl - alkyne - allo- - allyl - amide - amine - amino acid - ammine - arene - aromatic ring - aromatic compound - aryl - azo - carbonyl - carboxylic acid - carotene - chelate - chiral - chiral center - conformers - coordination number - crystal field splitting energy - crystal field theory - D- - dextrorotatory - diazonium salt - diazotization - dichloromethane - EDTA - ester - fatty acid - free radical - functional group - glycerol - heterocyclic - high spin complex - homolog - hydrocarbon - inductive effect - inorganic chemistry - inorganic compound - ketone - L- - levorotatory - ligand - low spin complex - methyl - mixed glyceride - molecular sieve - monodentate - octane - optical activity - organic - organic chemistry - paraffin - phenol - phenyl - polydentate - polymer - propane - racemic - resonance effect - strong ligand - superoxide - tautomer - thin layer chromatography - triglyceride - unsaturated compound - water gas - wax - weak ligand - -yl - zwitterion

Inorganic chemistry

ammine - chelate - coordination number - crystal field splitting energy - crystal field theory - EDTA - high spin complex - inorganic chemistry - inorganic compound - ligand - low spin complex - monodentate - polydentate - strong ligand - superoxide - water gas - weak ligand


acetate - copolymer - ebulliometry - monomer - osmometry - polymer - polymerization - polymerize - thermoplastic - thermosetting - vinyl

Laboratory practices

auto-ignition temperature - autoxidation - Bunsen burner - flash point - MSDS - pyrophoric

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