Smoking in Germany

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Cigarette smoker

Under federal law the manufacture, importation, distribution and advertisement of tobacco is regulated whilst the 16 federal states of Germany each have their own smokefree laws for public places,[1] which range from relatively weak bans to full smoking bans in all licensed premises, childcare facilities, schools and governmental institutions. As of December 2014, nearly 40% of the German population live in a state with a strict smoking ban including all restaurants, pubs, cafés and discos; other states are expected to introduce similar strict laws in the future.

According to a 2013 micro-census survey, 24.5% of the German population aged 15+ are smokers (29 percent of men, 20 percent of women).[2] Among the 18- to 25-year-old age group, 35.2% are smokers.[3]


Current cigarette smoking among adults

Smoking rate among adults by age and gender

According to the microcensus 2009 one in four (25.7%) of total population aged 15 and over is a smoker. The rate of ex-smokers is 19.7%. The average age at which smokers begin is 17.8 years of age (in the age group of 15- to 20-year-olds the average age is 15.4 years)

Percentage of smokers by age and gender[4]
Age Male Female
15–20 19.9% 15.0%
20–25 39.9% 32.8%
25–30 44.3% 32.2%
30–35 42.5% 28.3%
35–40 39.0% 27.9%
40–45 38.3% 30.3%
45–50 38.9% 31.1%
50–55 36.7% 28.3%
55–60 30.7% 22.2%
60–65 24.9% 16.8%
65–70 17.0% 11.0%
70–75 12.5% 6.7%
over 75 8.0% 3.6%

Cigarettes annual consumption per capita

In 2010, an average of 229 million cigarettes were smoked every day. This corresponds to 1,021 cigarettes consumed per capita.

Smoking behaviour by age and gender - as of 2006[5]
Smoking behaviour Women, 18 to 29 Women, 30 to 44 Women, 45 to 64 Women, 65 and older Women, total Men, 18 to 29 Men, 30 to 44 Men, 45 to 64 Men, 65 and older Men, total
Daily smokers 33.6% 29.3% 22.0% 5.1% 21.9 % 39.3% 36.0% 26.1% 11.8% 29.2 %
Occasional smokers 11.0% 7.4% 5.3% 2.4% 6.1 % 14.4% 8.3% 6.9% 3.8% 8.1 %
Ex-smokers 14.6% 24.1% 25.5% 21.2% 22.3 % 14.7% 23.9% 38.2% 52.1% 31.8 %
Never smoked 40.8% 39.2% 47.2% 71.3% 49.7 % 31.5% 31.8% 28.8% 32.4% 30.9 %

Cigarette consumption per day

Amount of smoked cigarettes per day.

Source: SOEP, 2006[6]
Cigarettes Percentage
00–4 7%
05–9 14%
10–14 22%
15–19 18%
20–24 24%
25–29 5%
30–34 5%
35–39 1%
40 and more 4%

Tobacco consumption from 1991 until 2013

Cigarette consumption per year from 1991 until 2013

Average amount of cigarettes smoked daily, by year.

Source: Federal Statistical Office of Germany[7]
Year Cigarettes
in Million
01991 401
01992 359
1993 351
1994 367
1995 370
1996 373
1997 377
1998 379
1999 398
2000 382
2001 390
2002 398
2003 363
2004 306
2005 262
2006 256
2007 251
2008 241
2009 237
2010 229
2011 240
2012 225
2013 220

Political measures against smoking

Misleading labels

Since 2003 it is illegal to label a tobacco product as "light", "mild", "low-tar” or any other misleading form of advertisement which could cause the impression that the product causes less damage than other tobacco products.[8][9]

Advertisement of tobacco in front of a shop

All radio and television advertisement was banned in 1975.[10] This regulation was extended by the "Rundfunkstaatsvertrag" on August 1, 1999, banning any kind of sponsoring of television and radio shows. In 2002 the "Protection of Young Persons Act" banned the advertising of tobacco products in cinemas before 6 p.m.[11] On January 1, 2007, the European Tobacco advertisement directive came into effect, banning the advertising of tobacco products on the internet, in newspapers and magazines. The regulation also banned sponsorship of any event which is broadcast internationally.[12] Germany is the only EU member state, that is still allowing billboard and cinema advertisements for tobacco products.[13]

Warning labels

Since October 1, 2003 all member states of the European Union and Switzerland have had to require cigarette and tobacco manufacturers to print a clearly legible warning notice on the front of every packet. In Germany the European standard was introduced by the "Tobacco Product Regulation" which became effective as of November 20, 2002.[14] The "general warning labels" have to cover at least 30% of the entire packet whilst supplementary information have to cover at least 40%.

Warning label on a carton of cigarettes
The front side
and the back side
of a package of cigarettes.
The packaging of any tobacco product must contain at least one of the following "general warning labels"
ist tödlich
Smoking is lethal
Rauchen kann
tödlich sein
Smoking can be lethal
Rauchen fügt Ihnen
und den Menschen
in Ihrer Umgebung
erheblichen Schaden zu
Smoking severely harms
you and the people
around you
and an additional warning label has to be attached from the following list:
  • Raucher sterben früher – Smokers die younger.
  • Rauchen führt zur Verstopfung der Arterien und verursacht Herzinfarkte und Schlaganfälle. – Smoking leads to clogging of the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes.
  • Rauchen verursacht tödlichen Lungenkrebs. – Smoking causes fatal lung cancer.
  • Rauchen in der Schwangerschaft schadet Ihrem Kind – Smoking while pregnant harms your child.
  • Schützen Sie Kinder – lassen Sie sie nicht Ihren Tabakrauch einatmen! – Protect children – don't let them breathe your tobacco smoke!
  • Ihr Arzt oder Apotheker kann Ihnen dabei helfen, das Rauchen aufzugeben. – Your doctor or pharmacist can help you to give up smoking.
  • Rauchen macht sehr schnell abhängig: Fangen Sie gar nicht erst an! – Smoking is very quickly addictive: Don't start in the first place!
  • Wer das Rauchen aufgibt, verringert das Risiko tödlicher Herz- und Lungenerkrankungen – Giving up smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases.
  • Rauchen kann zu einem langsamen und schmerzhaften Tod führen – Smoking can lead to a slow and painful death.
  • Rauchen kann zu Durchblutungsstörungen führen und verursacht Impotenz – Smoking can lead to blood circulation disorders and causes impotence.
  • Rauchen lässt Ihre Haut altern – Smoking ages your skin.
  • Rauchen kann die Spermatozoen schädigen und schränkt die Fruchtbarkeit ein – Smoking can damage sperm and reduces your fertility.
  • Rauch enthält Benzol, Nitrosamine, Formaldehyd und Blausäure – Smoke contains benzene, nitrosamine, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide.

Tobacco taxation

2003: 3,20 Euros for 19 cigarettes
2014: 5,00 Euros for 20 cigarettes

In Germany the amount of tobacco as well as the value of the product is used to calculate the tax (§ 3 TabakStG). In order to calculate the tobacco tax for each package in addition to the quantity of item(s) (in cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos) or in grams (smoking tobacco) the retail selling price is required. The information is printed on the "Steuerbanderole" (tax strip) of each tobacco package in full Euro and cent values.

The tobacco tax rate is as of 2015 for each cigarette 9.82 cents and 21.69 percent of the retail price, which makes a minimum sum of 19.636 cents per cigarette minus the sales tax of the retail selling price.

Example calculation for a package containing 19 cigarettes with a retail price of 5,00 Euro:
19 * 0,0982 Euro + 5,00 Euro * 21,69% = 1,8658 Euro + 1,0845 Euro = 2,95 Euro.

After tobacco tax was increased in 2002 and 2003 to finance anti-terrorist measures three raises followed in 2004 and 2005 to provide financial support for the health insurance and finally in 2010 another five tobacco tax increases were decided:

  • May 1, 2011
  • January 1, 2012
  • January 1, 2013
  • January 1, 2014 and the latest one in
  • January 1, 2015.

Sale restrictions


Juveniles smoking and trading cigarettes is 1948

Under Germany's "Protection of Young Persons Act" it is unlawful to sell or supply any tobacco product to anyone who is under eighteen years of age. It is also illegal to permit minors to smoke in any public place. Although it is not a crime for minors to purchase, attempt to purchase or consume tobacco products it is unlawful for any retailer or other responsible person to sell, supply or tolerate the consumption of tobacco by a person underage. If a minor is found smoking in public, the police have a duty to seize the tobacco products.

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Protection of Young Persons Act - Section 10 Smoking in public, tobacco products
(1) Tobacco products may not be sold to children or adolescents nor may the latter be permitted/allowed to smoke in restaurants, shops or other public places.
(2) Tobacco products may not be made available from vending machines unless the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The vending machine is installed at a location where it is not accessible to children or adolescents.
  2. The vending machine is fitted with mechanical means of ensuring or is permanently guarded to ensure that children and adolescents cannot buy tobacco products from them.

Prior to September 1, 2007 the minimum age for purchasing and smoking tobacco products had been 16 years of age. Until January 1, 2009 all tobacco vending machines had to be removed or refitted to ensure that minors can not purchase tobacco products from those machines. Today, all vending machines require some form of identification before dispensing tobacco, usually an Electronic cash bank card, German identity card or European driving licence, to verify that the buyer is at least 18 years of age.

Sale of loose cigarettes

It is unlawful to sell any tobacco product in a package containing less than 19 cigarettes or 30 grammes of loose fine-cut tobacco. To ensure this is the case, retailers may not destroy a tax strip on tobacco packaging. The law provides an exception cigarillos and cigars under certain conditions.[15]

Retail price maintenance

Selling tobacco products for more or less than the retail sale price set by the manufacturer and printed on the tax strip is unlawful. The only exception is when providing free samples to a customer for advertising purpose.[16][17]

Gaming and gambling

Tobacco products may not be used as a prize in any form of commercial gaming or gambling.[18]

Tie-on sales

Adding or supplying anything else than the tobacco product to a package of cigarettes, cigars or cigarillos except for change is unlawful.[19]

Federal smoking ban

The "Federal non-smoking act"[20] has introduced a smoking ban for the following public places and facilities:

  1. in federal institutions and the constitutional bodies of the federal government,
  2. in public transportation,
  3. in passenger stations of public railways.

The law does not apply to any residential or accommodation facility given to residents for personal use. And for separated smoking facilities if the conditions apply which are set by the federal government.

Smoking ban by state

Bundesland Government agency, departments and other institutions of the state and municipalities Prisons Hospitals and nursing homes Day care centers for children Schools Gymnasiums, swimming pools etc. Cultural institutions Discothèques Restaurants and bars Public Transportation Note
 Baden-Württemberg Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen1 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen2 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen3 Rauchverbot4 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen5 6 6 / Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen (applies to cinemas only)7 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen8 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen9 Rauchverbot The Non smoking protection law does not apply to: cultural institutions and sports facilities (except as part of a school). It also has lots of exceptions for restaurants, nightclubs, schools and governmental agencies and departments of the state and municipalities.
 Bavaria Rauchverbot10 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen11 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen11 Rauchverbot10 Rauchverbot10 Rauchverbot10 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen12 Rauchverbot10 Rauchverbot10 Rauchverbot10 In designated areas of police departments and public prosecutions office, smoking may be permitted where interrogations are conducted and the interrogated person is a smoker and has the permission of the director or head of department.
 Berlin Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen14 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen14 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen15 Rauchverbot13 Rauchverbot13 Rauchverbot13 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen16 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen17 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen17 Rauchverbot13
 Brandenburg Rauchverbot21 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen19 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen20 Rauchverbot21 Rauchverbot21 Rauchverbot21 Rauchverbot21 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen22 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen22 Rauchverbot21
 Bremen Rauchverbot23 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen24 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen25 Rauchverbot23 Rauchverbot23 Rauchverbot23 Rauchverbot23 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen26 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen26 Rauchverbot23
 Hamburg Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen27 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen28 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen29 Rauchverbot30 Rauchverbot30 Rauchverbot30 Rauchverbot30 Rauchverbot30 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen31 Rauchverbot30
 Hesse Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen32 33 Rauchverbot36 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen35 34 Rauchverbot36 Rauchverbot36 Rauchverbot36 Rauchverbot36 Rauchverbot36 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen37 Rauchverbot36 Buildings of the Hessischer Rundfunk have a special status: inside the building separated smoking rooms can be established.
 Lower Saxony Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen42 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen43 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen44 42 Rauchverbot45 Schools:
Rauchverbot45 Institution of higher education:
Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen42
Rauchverbot45 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen42 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen42 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen42 Rauchverbot In accordance with § 4 NiRSG a municipality can ban smoking on public playgrounds.
 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen38 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen39 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen40 Rauchverbot41 Schools:
Rauchverbot41 Institution of higher education:
Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen38
Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen38 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen38 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen38 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen38 Rauchverbot In accordance with § 2 (1) NichtRSchutzG M-V, every building can establish separated smoking areas. This does not apply to schools (except institutions of higher education), as well as daycare facilities for children.
 North Rhine-Westphalia Rauchverbot46 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen47 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen48 Rauchverbot46 Rauchverbot46 Rauchverbot46 Rauchverbot46 Rauchverbot46 Rauchverbot46 Rauchverbot46 North Rhine-Westphalia has one of the strictest smoking bans nationwide.
 Rhineland-Palatinate Rauchverbot49 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen50 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen51 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen52 Rauchverbot49 Rauchverbot49 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen53 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen54 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen54 Rauchverbot49
 Saarland Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen55 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen56 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen56 Rauchverbot57 Rauchverbot57 Rauchverbot57 Rauchverbot57 Rauchverbot57 Rauchverbot57 Rauchverbot57
 Saxony Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen58 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen58 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen58 Rauchverbot59 Rauchverbot59 Rauchverbot59 Rauchverbot59 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen60 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen60 Rauchverbot59
 Saxony-Anhalt Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen63 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen62 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen62 63 Rauchverbot61 Schools:
Institution of higher education:
Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen 63
Rauchverbot61 Rauchverbot61 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen63 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen63 Rauchverbot61
 Schleswig-Holstein Rauchverbot64 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen65 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen65 Rauchverbot64 Rauchverbot64 Rauchverbot64 Rauchverbot64 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen66 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen66 Rauchverbot64
 Thuringia Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen69 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen68 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen68 Rauchverbot67 Rauchverbot67 Rauchverbot67 Rauchverbot67 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen69 Rauchverbot mit Ausnahmen69 Rauchverbot67

Exceptions and notes for Baden-Württemberg:

1 Exceptions may be issued for special events. A gerneral exception does exists for enclosed rooms.[21]
2 Smoking is allowed in detention premises, which are inhabited exclusively by smokers. In enclosed rooms or at special events further exemptions may be issued.[21]
3 Exceptions apply to patients in: palliative care, psychiatric treatment, by a court-ordered placement in a closed facility, or to achieve the therapeutic goal (addiction treatment). Smoking in enclosed areas of care facilities may be permitted if it is used or occupied exclusively by smokers or with the permission of the residents.[22]
4 Absolutely no smoking.[23]
5 Except apartments which are located wholly or partially on the school ground. Furthermore, the teacher's conference can allow smoking for adult students from class 11, or the corresponding classes of vocational schools as well as for teachers working there, at designated smoking areas with permission of the school committee and after consulting the parents' and student council.[24]
6 Is not covered by the state's smoking ban. Restrictions may apply if it is a part of a school or other educational establishment.
7 Since smoking is banned in all public establishments where food or drinks are administered for consumption on premises, smoking is prohibited in theaters and cinemas. This was confirmed on request from the government of Tübingen and the relevant ministry.
8 Exceptions for discothèques are made, if the smoking room is completetly separated and does not have a dance floor. Furthermore, minors under the age of 18 years may never be present on premises and the smoking area has to be clearly recognisable by a legible notice.[25]
9 Exceptions for restaurants and bars exist for completely separate rooms, if these areas are marked clearly recognizable as smoking rooms. Furthermore, smoking is permitted in bars and pubs: which are smaller than 75 square meters, the relevant premises only has one room which is used to serve the customers (Einraumgaststätten), and no food or just "cold" prepared food is sold for consumption on premises, and minors under the age of 18 are not permitted to enter and if the premises is clearly recognisable as a smokers pub.[25]

Exceptions and notes for Bavaria:

10 Absolutely no smoking.[26]
11 Exceptions apply to patients in: palliative care and psychiatric hospitals where smoking can be permitted at every station in a side room. In addition, the director of a correctional facility may permit smoking in common areas.[26]
12 Smoking is permitted if it is a part of an artistic performance.[26]

Exceptions and notes for Berlin:

13 Absolutely no smoking.[27]
14 Exceptions apply for designated areas of correctional facilities, at deportation custody in prison cells of prisoners, other specially designated rooms in specially designated waiting areas in court buildings and in specially designated waiting areas and at interrogation in police stations.[27]
15 Exceptions apply for: designated rooms of psychiatric hospitals or rehabilitation centers, as well as areas in health facilities. Especially in psychiatry and palliative care for patients with permission of the chief physician allowing smoking for therapeutic reasons. Furthermore, exceptions apply for designated areas of stationary institutions or care centers for disabled people.[27]
16 Smoking is permitted if it is a part of an artistic performance.[27]
17 Exceptions apply to:
  • Hookah bars which are clearly designated as smoking establishments. Minors under the age of 18 are not permitted on premises.
  • Private "clubs" (Vereinsgaststätten) which are run as smoking bars. Minors under the age of 18 are not permitted on premises.
  • Bars, restaurants, clubs and discothèques which have a separated smoking area. Minors under the age of 18 are not permitted on premises.[27]

Exceptions and notes for Brandenburg:

18 Exceptions apply for holding cells of police departments with explicit permission by the chief the department.[28]
19 Excepted from the smoking ban are: prison cells of correctional facilities and of deportation custody, with permission of the chief of the administration.[28]
20 Excluded from the smoking ban are forensic commitment in patient rooms and in the areas where the management of the facility allows smoking, as well as in specially designated areas in health facilities, especially in psychiatry and palliative care for patients with permission by the treating physician for therapeutic reasons and in the rooms of homes or child care facilities pursuant to § 34 of the Eighth book of the Social Code, which are left to the residents for private use; in institutions beyond in specially designated areas where the home management allows smoking for residents and their families.[28]
21 Absolutely no smoking.[28]
22 Exceptions apply to:
  • Restaurants, bars and clubs can allow smoking in a separated and ventilated smoking room. Minors under the age of 18 are not permitted inside these smoking rooms.
  • Premises permitting smoking if they are smaller than 75 square meters, and none or just "cold" prepared food is sold for consumption on premises. Minors under the age of 18 are not permitted on premises.
  • Discothèques can allow smoking in separated smoking room with no dancing floor. Minors under the age of 18 are not permitted on premises.[28]

Exceptions and notes for Bremen:

23 Absolutely no smoking.[29]
24 Excluded from the smoking ban are prisoner cells (only for solitary cells). Further smoking can be permitted in enclosed smoking rooms if permission is given by the chief of department.[29]
25 Excluded from the smoking ban are: rooms used by patients of palliative care or patients in psychiatric treatment or reside in a closed ward of a hospital because of a court-ordered placement. Furthermore, exceptions can be given to single patients to reach therapy goal. In individual cases, the attending physician will decide.[29]
26 In restaurants, bars and clubs separated smoking rooms can be established. In discothèques the separated room may not be connected to the dancing floor.[29]

Exceptions and notes for Hamburg:

27 Excpetions apply to rooms of police custody if permission is given by the chief of department in every individual case.[30]
28 Excluded are rooms used for habitation, and if permission is given by every resident. Furthermore, a permission has to be obtained by the chief of the establishment.[30]
29 Excluded are patients of mandatory conceptual or therapeutic reasons.[30]
30 Absolutely no smoking.[30]
31 Exceptions apply to:
  • Restaurants, bars, clubs and discothèques with a separated and ventilated smoking room. Minors under the age of 18 are not permitted inside these smoking rooms.
  • If a bar or club is smaller than 75 square meters and does not serve or sell table meals or prepared food for consumption on premises and if this premises has a liquor license (§ 3 Gaststättengesetzes). Minors under the age of 18 are not permitted on premises.[30]

Exceptions and notes for Hesse:

32 Exceptioned are completely separated smoking rooms, if there existence does not violate non smokers.[31]
33 Exceptions apply for holding cells of police departments with explicit permission by the chief the department.[31]
34 Excluded are rooms used by residents for their own personal use.[31]
35 Exceptioned are patients of a hospitals or other health care facilities, if smoking is a part of a medical treatment.[31]
36 Absolutely no smoking.[32]
37 The smoking ban does not apply to:
  • completely separated smoking rooms of restaurants, bars, clubs and discothèques.
  • any premises smaller than 75 square meters with only one rooms offering service to their costumers, if none or just "cold" prepared food ist sold for consumption on premises.
  • a private event is carried out in a premises and only invited guests are allowed to enter.
  • party tents, which are only temporary and maximum 21 days in a row at the same location.
  • casinos (as defined in the Hessischen Spielbankgesetz from 15. November 2007 (GVBl. I S. 753)), smoking ban lifted by court ruling on Sept. 27. 2012 (GVBl. S. 290).[31]

Exceptions and notes for Lower Saxony:

42 Exccluded are completely separated smoking rooms, which are marked as smoking rooms.[33]
43 The smoking ban does not apply to detention and interrogation rooms of correctional facilities and the police.[33]
44 The smoking ban does not apply to:
  • patient rooms of facilities if the individual was sent there by a court order.
  • rooms of facilities for palliative care which are used by residents for personal use.
  • any hospital or health care facility if smoking is part of a therapy goal, and permission is given by the chief medical officer.
  • if the individual is not permitted to leave the facility.[33]
45 Absolutely no smoking.[33]

Exceptions and notes for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern:

38 It is possible to introduce separated smoking rooms.[34]
39 Excluded are prison cells of correctional facilities, or patient rooms of residents of a mental hospital.[34]
40 Excluded are rooms used for own use by residents of a hospital or care facility if permission is given by attending physician.[34]
41 Absolutely no smoking. (§ 45 Sec. 1 of the 8. Social lawbook)

Exceptions and notes for North Rhine-Westphalia:

46 Absolutely no smoking.[35]
47 Excluded from the smoking ban are prisoner cells of correctional institutes, as long as all detainees are smokers.[35]
48 Smoking rooms are permitted in inpatient nursing facilities, institutes for diabled people. The smoking ban does not apply to patients in palliative or psychiatric treatment (as well as for patients sent to a health facility by court order). Further exceptions can be made for individual cases to reach the therapy goal.[35]

Exceptions and notes for Rhineland-Palatinate:

49 Absolutely no smoking.[36]
50 Excluded from the ban are holding cells of correctional facilities if all residents give their permission, further separated smoking rooms can be established.[36]
51 In all hospitals, prevention and rehabilitation facilities, homes for the elderly, care home and inpatient treatment facilities smoking is strictly prohibited. The smoking ban generally does not apply to premises which is for personal use only. Exceptions apply to:
  • patients which were sent to a psychiatric treatment by court order.
  • patients which are treated in palliative care.
  • patients where a smoking ban would be contrary to the therapy goal.
  • patients which are placed into a hospital (in quarantine) by force in line with the Infection Protection Act (Infektionsschutzgesetz).
  • residents of elderly people homes, care homes and inpatient treatment facilities, if a separated smoking room is provided by the establishment.[36]
52 Smoking is strictly prohibited in premises of public youth services, day care centers or other facilities for young people (Facilities acc. Of the Eighth Book of the Social Code). In individual cases the head of the facilitie may permit smoking.[36]
53 Smoking is permitted if it is a part of an artistic performance.[36]
54 For restaurants, bars and clubs following rules apply:
  • if the establishment only has one dining area, and the size of the area is smaller than 75 m², and none or only cold prepared meals are served for consumption on premises, and the premises has a clearly legible notice at the entrance, the establishment may be run as a smoking bar.
  • if the establishment has one or more separated rooms, smoking can be permitted there. Additionally discothèques and dancing clubs have to separate the smoking room from the dancing floor.
  • if an event is taking place in a festival tent, which stays at the same position for a period of maximum 21 days in a row the operator may permit smoking.[36]

Exceptions and notes for Saarland:

55 Smoking is permitted in separated and clearly highlighted smoker facilities.[37]
56 The smoking ban does not apply
  • in the for personal use ceded detention premises and rooms of patients of forensic commitment as well as designated smoking areas.
  • in homes, hospices and other palliative care facilities in rooms, which are for personal use only as well as separate premises of such a facility which is only used for this purpose.
  • this excludes conference, working and social facilities. This regulation also applies to facilities for retirement pensions, disabled people, social psychiatry and for establishments for professional employment, training and skills development of adults, for women's shelters as well as stationary and open services for homeless people. Sentence 1 shall not apply to such facilities within the meaning of § 2 Section 1, which also fall under § 2 Section 1 Nr. 2 and 4, letters a) to d).[37]
57 Absolutely no smoking.[37]

Exceptions and notes for Saxony:

58 Separated smoking rooms are permitted in:
  • hospitals as well as prevention and rehabilitation facilities where the physician allows the patient on an individual basis consumption of tobacco because the smoking ban is a risk for therapeutic goals or if the patient can not leave the building.
  • facilities of palliative care.
  • forensic commitment, as long as the chief of department permits it.
  • homes within the meaning of "home law" and institutions for the disabled, in which the management of the facility allows it.
  • correctional facilities and juvenile correctional facilities.
  • designated premises of the police and the prosecutors, under the condition that interrogations are carried out and the interrogated person is a smoker, and permission is given by the chief of department; The regulation applies in designated areas of courts for questioning by the investigating judge.[38]
59 Absolutely no smoking.[38]
60 Exceptions apply to:
  • separated rooms of licensed premises which are denoted as a smoking rooms and only accessible for adults over the age of eighteen.
  • one-room bars with less than 75 m², which is denoted as a smoking premises and only accessible for adults over the age of eighteen.
  • in licensed premises if the establishment is rented for a private event.
  • in separated rooms which are denoted as a smoking room of a gambling premises.
  • one-room gambling premises with less than 75 m².[38]

Exceptions and notes for Saxony-Anhalt:

61 Absolutely no smoking.[39]
62 The smoking ban does not apply to:
  • in facilities and rooms which are for personal use only.
  • in a hospital or rehabilitation facility affiliated apartments or rooms of dormitories, which are for personal use only.
  • in rooms of stationary facilities within the meaning of "living and participation law", which are for personal use only.
  • in correctional facilities.
  • in forensic commitment facilities.[39]
63 Smoking rooms can be permitted:
  • in hotels, licensed premises, shopping malls and other facilities or rooms which offer comparable services.
  • in owner-operated restaurants, which consist of only one dining area including the bar area is less than 75 square meters big, and only cold prepared food is sold, and minors aren't permitted, smoking can be permitted.
  • in discothèques where minors aren't permitted to enter smoking rooms are permitted if does not have a direct connection to the dance floor.
  • in public authorities and departments operated by the state or city.
  • in stationary facilities.
  • in higher educational facilities.
  • in stationäre Einrichtungen im Sinne des Wohn- und Teilhabegesetzes.[39]

Exceptions and notes for Schleswig-Holstein:

64 Absolutely no smoking.[40]
65 The smoking ban does not apply to:
  • rooms which are for personal use only.
  • for hospitals as well as prevention and rehabilitation facilities and homes, the management of the facility in a particular case may grant exemptions from the smoking ban because of a medical or therapeutic reasons.
  • In tents for traditional and receptions, which are only temporarily, operated more than 21 consecutive days per calendar year at a site.[40]
66 Exceptions apply to:
  • licensed premises with enclosed separated rooms where smoking can be permitted. Minors may not enter such smoking rooms.
  • licensed premises with separated event rooms where smoking can be permitted.
  • in owner-operated restaurants, which consist of only one dining area including the bar area is less than 75 square meters big, and only cold prepared food is sold, and minors aren't permitted, smoking can be permitted.[40]

Exceptions and notes for Thuringia:

67 Absolutely no smoking.[41]
68 The smoking ban does not apply to:
  • gambling premises.
  • rooms which are for personal use only.
  • if the management of the facility gives his/her permission to smoke.[41]
69 Exceptions apply to:
  • authorities, agencies and other bodies governed by federal and local authorities and restaurants - where structurally separated smoking rooms can be permitted.[41]

See also


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