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Memorie di un pazzo
Memorie di un pazzo
Memorie di un pazzo
E-book59 pagine

Memorie di un pazzo

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“Avevo da prima inteso di scrivere un romanzo intimo, dove lo scetticismo fosse spinto sino ai confini estremi della disperazione; ma a poco a poco, nel comporre, l’impressione personale filtrò di sotto la favola…”

Memorie di un pazzo è l’unico romanzo apertamente autobiografico di Flaubert. Scritto nel 1838, all’età di soli diciassette anni, il libro è permeato di quel romanticismo che tanto caratterizza la prima parte della produzione letteraria di questo scrittore. Tema centrale è il primo contatto con l’universo femminile, la nascita dell’amore non corrisposto per Elisa Schlesinger, Maria, un sentimento che segnerà tutta la vita e la produzione flaubertiana. Nel racconto ritroviamo il giovane Gustave alle prese con la vita del collegio, tra le difficoltà e l’orgoglio di sentirsi diverso perché sognatore, i primi incerti contatti con il mondo femminile, fino all’incontro con Maria. Il romanzo si presenta sotto forma di diario intimo e, leggendolo attentamente, si possono rintracciare i nuclei generatori dei suoi grandi romanzi Madame Bovary e L’educazione sentimentale.

In questo breve sunto della sua giovinezza, la realtà si trasforma in un viaggio personale tra fantasie e pensieri su quella possibile storia d’amore nata tra i colori ed i profumi della Normandia, alla quale Flaubert mai saprà rinunciare.

Gustave Flaubert, (Rouen 1821- Croisset 1880) di famiglia borghese, è considerato il padre del realismo. Le sue opere sono animate da un’aspra critica verso il mondo e da uno spiccato pessimismo romantico.
Data di uscita11 gen 2016
Memorie di un pazzo

Gustave Flaubert

Gustave Flaubert (French: December 12, 1821 May 8, 1880) was an influential French writer widely considered one of the greatest novelists in Western literature. He is known especially for his first published novel, Madame Bovary (1857), for his Correspondence, and for his scrupulous devotion to his style and aesthetics. The celebrated short story writer Maupassant was a protégé of Flaubert.Early life and education:Flaubert was born on December 12, 1821, in Rouen, in the Seine-Maritime department of Upper Normandy, in northern France. He was the second son of Anne Justine Caroline (née Fleuriot; 17931872) and Achille-Cléophas Flaubert (17841846), a surgeon. He began writing at an early age, as early as eight according to some sources.He was educated at the Lycée Pierre Corneille in Rouen, and did not leave until 1840, when he went to Paris to study law. In Paris, he was an indifferent student and found the city distasteful. He made a few acquaintances, including Victor Hugo. Toward the end of 1840, he traveled in the Pyrenees and Corsica. In 1846, after an attack of epilepsy, he left Paris and abandoned the study of law.Writing career:His first finished work was November, a novella, which was completed in 1842.In September 1849, Flaubert completed the first version of a novel, The Temptation of Saint Anthony. He read the novel aloud to Louis Bouilhet and Maxime Du Camp over the course of four days, not allowing them to interrupt or give any opinions. At the end of the reading, his friends told him to throw the manuscript in the fire, suggesting instead that he focus on day-to-day life rather than fantastic subjects.In 1850, after returning from Egypt, Flaubert began work on Madame Bovary. The novel, which took five years to write, was serialized in the Revue de Paris in 1856. The government brought an action against the publisher and author on the charge of immorality, which was heard during the following year, but both were acquitted. When Madame Bovary appeared in book form, it met with a warm reception. In 1858, Flaubert traveled to Carthage to gather material for his next novel, Salammbô. The novel was completed in 1862 after four years of work. Drawing on his youth, Flaubert next wrote L'Éducation sentimentale (Sentimental Education), an effort that took seven years. This was his last complete novel, published in the year 1869.He wrote an unsuccessful drama, Le Candidat, and published a reworked version of Temptation of Saint Anthony.

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