Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Bowl"s
Il significato di "Bowl" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa "Bowl food is awful. It's like something out of Oliver," said English interior designer Nicky Haslam earlier this week, when he found out the royal wedding plans - although it is not known if he was attending.?
①「Oliver」は「Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens」ですよ。
In Oliver Twist, they had soup in a bowl and Oliver asked for more. This is a famous scene from English literature.
(He was in a "work-house" for poor orphans, and not fed much, so he was hungry.)
However, Nicky Haslam has a strange idea. What 's wrong with eating from a bowl? Every house has bowls and we all eat from bowls in Chinese or Japanese restaurants! 🍚🍜🥣
② そうですね。Nobody knew if he was going.
③ I hadn't heard of him before now. 🙀🧐
In Oliver Twist, they had soup in a bowl and Oliver asked for more. This is a famous scene from English literature.
(He was in a "work-house" for poor orphans, and not fed much, so he was hungry.)
However, Nicky Haslam has a strange idea. What 's wrong with eating from a bowl? Every house has bowls and we all eat from bowls in Chinese or Japanese restaurants! 🍚🍜🥣
② そうですね。Nobody knew if he was going.
③ I hadn't heard of him before now. 🙀🧐
Che cosa significa Bowl?
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Che cosa significa Bowl?
Tigela 🍜🍚🍵
Significa também a parte do cachimbo se encheu pra fumar maconha
Ou significa este jugo: 🎳
Significa também a parte do cachimbo se encheu pra fumar maconha
Ou significa este jugo: 🎳
Parole simili a "Bowl" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra Bowl e Plate ?
This is a Bowl 🍚 this is a plate 🍽
Traduzionde di "Bowl"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Bowl
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Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Bowl
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Altre domande riguardo "Bowl"
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia Bowl, ball.
Bowl —> the vowel O is pronounced like it’s name
Ball —> the vowel a is pronounced like “ah”
Ball —> the vowel a is pronounced like “ah”
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia Bowl,ball.
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Bowl sembra naturale?
Same vowel sound but pretend there's no W.
Significati ed usi per simili parole o frasi
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