Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Cher"s
Il significato di "Cher" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa It's giving Cher?
It means that it reminds them/is similar to Cher
가수 셰어 같은 느낌
가수 셰어 같은 느낌
Traduzionde di "Cher"
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? Cher curieux
A direct translation would be something like “dear all interested parties” but it would sound quite unnatural (unusually formal for a flyer)
Probably the most appropriate expression would be “calling all”
So whatever your group is, for example if it was a film group, you could say
“Calling all lovers of film!”
Or if it was a group for people who speak English you could say
“Calling all English speakers”
We use it specifically if you are trying to recruit people for a group, job or activity of some kind.
If you just want to address all people who might be interested, we would probably just start with a question.
“Interested in learning a foreign language? Join our language group”
“Do you love cinema and film? Why not come along to our meeting on Saturday”
Probably the most appropriate expression would be “calling all”
So whatever your group is, for example if it was a film group, you could say
“Calling all lovers of film!”
Or if it was a group for people who speak English you could say
“Calling all English speakers”
We use it specifically if you are trying to recruit people for a group, job or activity of some kind.
If you just want to address all people who might be interested, we would probably just start with a question.
“Interested in learning a foreign language? Join our language group”
“Do you love cinema and film? Why not come along to our meeting on Saturday”
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? Cher James, j’étais en vacances pendant 3 semaines mais maintenant, je dois retourner au collège. Je vais te raconter ce que j’ai vécu.
Dear James, I was on holidays for 3 weeks, but now I must return to College. I am going to tell you what I experienced/I will tell you what I experienced [the second is more idiomatic]
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Cher
Cher is basically share audibly.
Significati ed usi per simili parole o frasi
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