Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Gloria"s
Il significato di "Gloria" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa Describe what most likely happen to Gloria
(what doe this sentence mean? do i have to describe what will happen to Gloria or already happened?)?
(what doe this sentence mean? do i have to describe what will happen to Gloria or already happened?)?
What will probably happen. Like if her alarm doesn’t go off she will most likely be late.
Che cosa significa Gloria?
Its a name
Traduzionde di "Gloria"
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? About grammar.Here we should use present perfect:
-I reckon Gloria has been held up in trafic
But why "held up"?We've just used "has been",so what for do we need 2 word in V3?
- I reckon Gloria has been hold up in trafic (this one is incorrect but why)
-I reckon Gloria has been held up in trafic
But why "held up"?We've just used "has been",so what for do we need 2 word in V3?
- I reckon Gloria has been hold up in trafic (this one is incorrect but why)
passive voice
present perfect passive
I have seen я видел
I have been seen меня увидели
present perfect passive
I have seen я видел
I have been seen меня увидели
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Gloria a Deus / Aleluia
Glory to god
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Gloria
Check the question to view the answer
Altre domande riguardo "Gloria"
I started going out Gloria. After dating for 6 months, I broke up with her. But strictly speaking.....
We need to have time to think about our relationship. For a long time, we don't see each other because we are both so busy.
I hope to reunite. sembra naturale?
We need to have time to think about our relationship. For a long time, we don't see each other because we are both so busy.
I hope to reunite. sembra naturale?
× I started going out Gloria.
✓ I started going out with Gloria.
× But strictly speaking
✓ But I feel that we need to spend some time to think about our relationship.
× We need to have time to think about our relationship.
× For a long time, we don't see each other because we are both so busy.
✓ We didn't get to see each other for a long period of time because we are both so busy.
× I hope to reunite.
✓ I hope to patch up with her.
"strictly speaking" may not be appropriate here, unless you're saying something like: We dated for 6 months but strictly speaking it was only 3 months because I was overseas.
✓ I started going out with Gloria.
× But strictly speaking
✓ But I feel that we need to spend some time to think about our relationship.
× We need to have time to think about our relationship.
× For a long time, we don't see each other because we are both so busy.
✓ We didn't get to see each other for a long period of time because we are both so busy.
× I hope to reunite.
✓ I hope to patch up with her.
"strictly speaking" may not be appropriate here, unless you're saying something like: We dated for 6 months but strictly speaking it was only 3 months because I was overseas.
When Gloria says something silly, we innocently laugh behind her back.
What does “innocently” mean in this sentence? We pretend there is nothing happen, but behind her back we laugh at her?
What does “innocently” mean in this sentence? We pretend there is nothing happen, but behind her back we laugh at her?
They are laughing about what she said and laughing behind her back but not in a mean way. They have no bad intentions and are not trying to mock or make fun of Gloria
Gloria passed away on April 12th 2012 sembra naturale?
We do use the term died. Sometimes we say lost her battle with/succumbed to (cancer, addiction, etc.). Some people say called to heaven, or called home.
We do use the term died. Sometimes we say lost her battle with/succumbed to (cancer, addiction, etc.). Some people say called to heaven, or called home.
Gloria has no money left because she _______ it all on clothes.
a) spent
b) paid
c) checked
d) threw
Note: explain your answ if you can.
a) spent
b) paid
c) checked
d) threw
Note: explain your answ if you can.
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