Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Mtb"s
Altre domande riguardo "Mtb"
I've changed my MTB's wheels to a bit expensive oens for a next race in the next week.
Crank brother's blue wheels look good. sembra naturale?
Crank brother's blue wheels look good. sembra naturale?
× I've changed my MTB's wheels to a bit expensive oens for a next race in the next week.
✓ I've changed my MTB wheels for slightly more expensive ones for a race next week.
× Crank brother's blue wheels look good.
✓ Crank Brother's blue wheels look good.
✓ I've changed my MTB wheels for slightly more expensive ones for a race next week.
× Crank brother's blue wheels look good.
✓ Crank Brother's blue wheels look good.
I found that my MTB had a flat tyre this morning.
I rode it on trails yesterday.
If I had had it in the mountain, it would have been a bothersome.
I was lucky. sembra naturale?
I rode it on trails yesterday.
If I had had it in the mountain, it would have been a bothersome.
I was lucky. sembra naturale?
× I found that my MTB had a flat tyre this morning.
✓ I found that my MTB had a flat TIRE this morning. (AMERICAN SPELLING)
× If I had had it in the mountain, it would have been a bothersome.
✓ If I had had it ON the mountain, it would have been A REAL PROBLEM .
BOTHERSOME is not wrong... just "a real problem" or "a big problem" or "a much bigger problem" is just simpler to say.
✓ I found that my MTB had a flat TIRE this morning. (AMERICAN SPELLING)
× If I had had it in the mountain, it would have been a bothersome.
✓ If I had had it ON the mountain, it would have been A REAL PROBLEM .
BOTHERSOME is not wrong... just "a real problem" or "a big problem" or "a much bigger problem" is just simpler to say.
I've wanted to buy a new MTB. I have a hard tail MTB, but I still want to get a full suspension bike. Canyon's bike is really affordable, but I have already had too many bikes. They occupy much space in my house. sembra naturale?
Thanks for your explanation!
I use a MTB to go aound my city.
If I installed a front basket and stand, it would become more convenient. sembra naturale?
If I installed a front basket and stand, it would become more convenient. sembra naturale?
I use an MTB to get around my city.
If I installed a front basket and a stand, it would become more convenient.
(“Go around” means you’re only driving around, not going from place to place to get things done. You say “get around” to mean that. The rest of your sentences are okay.)
If I installed a front basket and a stand, it would become more convenient.
(“Go around” means you’re only driving around, not going from place to place to get things done. You say “get around” to mean that. The rest of your sentences are okay.)
I used to ride a MTB every weekend and take part in some races, but I don’t ride these years. sembra naturale?
Thanks for your help!
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